DMPQ- Poor representation of women in elected bodies is a major hurdle in Women empowerment. Do you agree with the statement.

India stood 149th in a 2019 list of 193 countries ranked by the percentage of elected women representatives in their national parliaments. In more than six decades till 2014, as women’s share in India’s population remained at 48.5%, the share of women MPs increased eight percentage points to 12.6% between the first (1952) and the … Read more DMPQ- Poor representation of women in elected bodies is a major hurdle in Women empowerment. Do you agree with the statement.

DMPQ- Home rule movement played a pivotal role in the Indian Freedom struggle. Comment

Significance of the movement: It gave a new life to the passive state of freedom struggle after swadeshi movement. Its methodology of organising meetings, seminars, lantern lectures lead to the infusing of Nationalism among masses. It prepared masses for upcoming struggle under the leadership of Gandhi. Gave Organisational strength to the Congress. It forced government … Read more DMPQ- Home rule movement played a pivotal role in the Indian Freedom struggle. Comment

DMPQ- Why Assam and Bihar state are more prone to floods?

Apart from incessant rainfall during the monsoon, there are many contributory factors, natural and man-made. At the crux is the very nature of the river Brahmaputra —dynamic and unstable. Its 580,000 sq km basin spreads over four countries: China, India, Bangladesh and Bhutan, with diverse environments. The Brahmaputra features among the world’s top five rivers … Read more DMPQ- Why Assam and Bihar state are more prone to floods?

DMPQ- Compare and contrast Asokan Pillar and Achaemenian Pillar.

  Asokan pillar Achaemenian Pillar. Smooth surface of Pillar Persian pillars are fluted Monolithic Built of separate segments Free standing pillar Were part of some larger architectural scheme, composed of too many parts shape and ornamentation of the Maurya lotus is different Lotus shape and orientation are different and independent Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe … Read more DMPQ- Compare and contrast Asokan Pillar and Achaemenian Pillar.

DMPQ- Convalescent plasma therapy

Convalescent plasma (kon-vuh-LES-unt PLAZ-muh) therapy is an experimental treatment that some doctors are using for people with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). No drug has been proved to be safe and effective for treating COVID-19. People who’ve recovered from COVID-19 have antibodies — proteins the body uses to fight off infections — to the disease in … Read more DMPQ- Convalescent plasma therapy

DMPQ- PM National relief fund.

Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) was established entirely with public contributions and does not get any budgetary support. PMNRF accepts voluntary contributions Subscribe on YouTube from Individuals, Organizations, Trusts, Companies and Institutions etc. All contributions towards PMNRF are exempt from Income Tax under section 80(G). The resources of the PMNRF are utilized to render … Read more DMPQ- PM National relief fund.

DMPQ- What do you understand by the term Civil service neutrality?

Civil service neutrality means that civil servants must be non-partisan. They must serve whoever is the elected government of the day. They must be responsible and responsive to the government’s policies. They must obey the lawful political wishes of whomever is in power and serve governments of any party with the same degree of commitment. … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the term Civil service neutrality?

DMPQ- What do you understand by the doctrine of separation of power.

Separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) are kept separate. This is also known as the system of checks and balances, because each branch is given certain powers so as to check and balance the other branches. Each branch has separate powers, … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the doctrine of separation of power.

DMPQ- Vesara style of Architecture.

These style is also called as the Deccan style as most of the temples of this Temple architecture style are found in Deccan region. Characteristics: It is a hybridized style formed by combining features of both Dravida and Nagara Style of Temple architecture. This style had Spire shaped Shikhara inspired by Nagara style The Mandapa … Read more DMPQ- Vesara style of Architecture.

18-07.2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Manihari-Sahibganj bridge National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has issued the work order for the ambitious Manihari- Sahibganj four-lane bridge over the Ganga. While Manihari is in Katihar district, Sahibganj is in neighbouring Jharkhand. The total length of the bridge project is 21.185, including the bridge structure, which will be six km long. the … Read more 18-07.2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

16-07.2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

International World Youth Skills Day-15 July The United Nations, at its General Assembly in November 2014, declared 15 July as World Youth Skills Day. Prime Minister, on the occasion of World Youth Skills Day, exhorts Youth to Skill, Reskill and Upskill Skill India Mission has enhanced opportunities to access employment both locally and globally: PM … Read more 16-07.2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

DMPQ- Truman Doctrine

With the Truman Doctrine, President Harry S. Truman established that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces. The Truman Doctrine effectively reoriented U.S. foreign policy, away from its usual stance of withdrawal from regional conflicts not directly involving the United … Read more DMPQ- Truman Doctrine

DMPQ- Comment on the relevance of Non Aligned movement.

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a group of states which are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. As of 2012, the movement has 120 members. The organization was founded in Belgrade in 1961, and was largely conceived by India’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru; Indonesia’s first president, Sukarno; Egypt’s second president, … Read more DMPQ- Comment on the relevance of Non Aligned movement.

DMPQ- What is the objective behind the launch of National Career service?

????????National Career Service is a Five Year Mission Mode Project launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 20th July, 2015. The project is being implemented by the Directorate General of Employment, Ministry of Labour & Employment. National Career Service (NCS) is a one-stop solution that provides a wide array of employment and career related services … Read more DMPQ- What is the objective behind the launch of National Career service?

DMPQ- RT PCR method

Real time RT-PCR (reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction) is now one of the most accurate laboratory methods for detecting, tracking, and studying the coronavirus. RT-PCR is a nuclear-derived method for detecting the presence of specific genetic material from any pathogen, including a virus. In order for a virus like the coronavirus to be detected early in … Read more DMPQ- RT PCR method

DMPQ- Write a short note on Pabna revolt.

Pabna Peasant Uprising (1873-76) was a resistance movement by the peasants (“Ryots”) against the lords of the lands in Bengal (“zamindars”) in the Yusufshahi pargana (now the Sirajganj District, Bangladesh) in Pabna. The Pabna rebellion was different from most contemporary peasant rebellions. This movement began as the peasants organised an agrarian league in May 1873 … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Pabna revolt.

15-07.2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Jharkhand maps skill sets of 3.06 lakh migrants A survey of 4.56 lakh migrant workers of Jharkhand has revealed that 3.06 lakh are skilled, primarily in agriculture and animal husbandry. As many as 7.5 lakh migrants returned to Jharkhand after the coronavirus-induced lockdown was announced in March, and the state rural development department hopes … Read more 15-07.2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

14-07.2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Water Sharing with Bihar The Mohammadganj barrage is attached to North Koyal Water Reservoir, popularly called Mandal dam, located in Latehar district of Jharkhand. Here, the water is retained and Bihar gets a major share of the water in comparison to Jharkhand.   International Google announces $10 billion India Digitization Fund Google will invest … Read more 14-07.2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs


PARIVESH is a web based, role based workflow application which has been developed for online submission and monitoring of the proposals submitted by Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube the proponents for seeking Environment, Forest, Wildlife and CRZ Clearances from Central, State and district level authorities. It automates the entire tracking of proposals which … Read more DMPQ-PARIVESH

DMPQ-Differentiate between the reform and revivalist movement.

While the reformist movements strived to change the fundamental system and structures of the society through gradual changes within the Subscribe on YouTube existing institutions; revivalist movements tended to revive former customs or practices and thus take the society back to the glorious past. Reformist movement responded with the time and scientific temper of the … Read more DMPQ-Differentiate between the reform and revivalist movement.

DMPQ-Government has announced a new organisation IN-SPACe, a part of reforms. Discuss the impact of establishment of such organisation.

The new Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe), which is expected to be functional within six months, will assess the needs and demands of private players, including educational and research institutions, and, explore ways to accommodate these requirements in consultation with ISRO. Existing ISRO infrastructure, both ground- and space-based, scientific and technical resources, … Read more DMPQ-Government has announced a new organisation IN-SPACe, a part of reforms. Discuss the impact of establishment of such organisation.

DMPQ-Maha Navy Connect 2020.

An expedition, to promote the maritime heritage of India and spread awareness about Coastal Security amongst the coastal communities in Maharashtra, was launched by the Indian Navy on 05 January 2020 from the Naval Dockyard, Mumbai. The expedition extends from Arnala fort, Northernmost fort of Maharashtra to Sindhudurg fort, the southernmost fort of Maharashtra, covering … Read more DMPQ-Maha Navy Connect 2020.

DMPQ-Light Combat Aircraft.

India’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) together with its variants, is the smallest and lightest Multi-Role Supersonic Fighter Aircraft of its class. This single engine, Compound-Delta-Wing, Tailless Aircraft is designed and developed by ADA with HAL as the principal partner along with DRDO, CSIR, BEL, DGAQA, IAF & IN to meet diverse needs of the Indian … Read more DMPQ-Light Combat Aircraft.


VAJRA Faculty Scheme has been conceptualized to bring an international dimension to the R&D ecosystem of India by leveraging overseas scientists’ expertise to the Indian research framework.   The Objectives of the Scheme are: To tap the expertise of International Faculty / scientists/technologists including Non-resident Indians (NRI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) / Overseas … Read more DMPQ-VAJRA scheme

DMPQ-What are the functions of Central zoo authority?

The main objective of this authority is to complement and strengthen the national effort                in conservation of the rich biodiversity of the country, particularly the fauna as per the  national zoo policy,1998. The functions of Central zoo authority are as follows: Specify the minimum standards for housing, upkeep and veterinary care of the animal … Read more DMPQ-What are the functions of Central zoo authority?

DMPQ-The judiciary has been the nation’s moral conscience, speaking truth to political power, upholding the rights of citizens, mediating Centre-state conflicts, providing justice to the rich and poor alike. But still Judiciary is Craving for reforms. Comment

The judiciary must reform as the task of dispensing justice is growing bigger and bigger. The delay in justice delivery, non-accessibility of justice to poor are some of the issues which are being faced by citizens. There are following reforms that Judiciary must adhered to which are as follows: The concept and notion of hierarchy … Read more DMPQ-The judiciary has been the nation’s moral conscience, speaking truth to political power, upholding the rights of citizens, mediating Centre-state conflicts, providing justice to the rich and poor alike. But still Judiciary is Craving for reforms. Comment

DMPQ-Prime Minister Employment generation Programme.

The scheme is implemented by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) functioning as the nodal agency at the national level. At the state level, the scheme is implemented through State KVIC Directorates, State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs), District Industries Centres (DICs) and banks. In such cases KVIC routes government subsidy through designated banks … Read more DMPQ-Prime Minister Employment generation Programme.

DMPQ-What were the causes of intellectual awakening during mahajanpada era?

Causes of intellectual awakening: State formation and the rigidity of the Vedic religion constrained the liberty of thought and action. A revolt Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube against religious practice of following dogmas found its articulation in heterodox sects.   As the Vedic religion had not yet permeated into the society, people did … Read more DMPQ-What were the causes of intellectual awakening during mahajanpada era?

DMPQ- Write a short note on Infrastructure sector.

Infrastructure sector is a key driver for the Indian economy. The sector is highly responsible for propelling India’s overall development and enjoys intense focus from Government for initiating policies that would ensure time-bound creation of world class infrastructure in the country. Infrastructure sector includes power, bridges, dams, roads, and urban infrastructure development. India was ranked … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Infrastructure sector.

DMPQ-What is a heat wave and what might be the reasons for high frequency of heat waves?

India Meteorological Department (IMD) uses temperature data from surface observatories to track heat waves. IMD also uses various numerical weather prediction models to track and predict occurrence and intensity of Heat Waves. The following criteria are used for defining severity of Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube the heat wave: When normal Tmax is … Read more DMPQ-What is a heat wave and what might be the reasons for high frequency of heat waves?

DMPQ-Write a short note on National Biodiversity authority.

The National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) was established in 2003 by the Central Government to implement India’s Biological Diversity Act (2002). The NBA is a Statutory body and that performs facilitative, regulatory and advisory function for Government of India on issue of Conservation, sustainable use of biological resource and fair equitable sharing of benefits of use. … Read more DMPQ-Write a short note on National Biodiversity authority.

DMPQ-What was the status of society on the eve of Indian renaissance?

Society on the eve of Reform movements:   Depressing Social condition the condition of women was deplorable. The practice of sati came in for particular condemnation. The division of society according to birth resulting in the caste system was also criticized. The development of Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube the Western culture and ideology forced the traditional institutions to … Read more DMPQ-What was the status of society on the eve of Indian renaissance?

DMPQ- Saras Mk2

Saras Mk2 It is a light transport aircraft which is indigenously developed by National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) The 19-seater aircraft, developed with a target cost of ?50 crore, is at least 20-25% lower in cost than other aircraft in the similar Subscribe on YouTube category. pitching or the government’s UDAN (Ude Desh Join Our Telegram … Read more DMPQ- Saras Mk2

DMPQ- Operation Samundra setu.

Indian Navy has launched Operation “Samudra Setu” – meaning “Sea Bridge”, as a part of national effort to repatriate Indian citizens from overseas. Indian Naval Ships Jalashwa and Magar are presently enroute to the port of Malè, Republic of Maldives to commence evacuation operations from 08 May 2020 as part of Phase-1. The Government has … Read more DMPQ- Operation Samundra setu.


Zardozi embroidery is beautiful metal embroidery, which once used to embellish the attire of the Kings and the royals in India. It was also used to adorn walls of the royal tents, scabbards, wall hangings and the paraphernalia of regal elephants and horses. Zardozi embroidery work involves making elaborate designs, using gold and silver threads. … Read more DMPQ- ZARDOZI art

DMPQ- Short note on rental housing scheme.

Affordable rental housing scheme for urban poor including migrants was launched under the aegis of Pradhan mantri awas Yojana. Under this development, government-funded housing in urban areas/cities will be converted into Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs). This will be through the public-private partnership (PPP) model. Government housing complexes lying vacant will be converted so that … Read more DMPQ- Short note on rental housing scheme.

DMPQ- Write down the impact of COVId-19 on education sector?

The impact of Covid-19 on education sector are as follows: Closing down of schools, colleges, universities due to the pandemic. Postponement of graduation and degree exams. Focus on e learning and Tele classes. Inter country migration of student got hampered due to Pandemic as various countries has put barrier on flight movement due to lockdown. … Read more DMPQ- Write down the impact of COVId-19 on education sector?

DMPQ- What do you understand by the following term: a) Finger 4 and Finger 8 b) LAC

  Finger 4 and finger 8: The spurs of the mountain range on the northern bank of the Pangong Tso jut towards the lake like a palm, with the protrusions looking like fingers. They are demarcated on the maps as ‘Fingers’. Fingers’ in the region refers to the spurs which extend to the banks of … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the following term: a) Finger 4 and Finger 8 b) LAC

DMPQ- Privatisation of Indian Railways has its own merits and demerits. Comment

Positives:   Introduction of modern technology. The improvement in technology will also mean that coaches that now require maintenance after running 4,000 km will need maintenance after every 40,000 km, which translates to either once or twice a month. Reduction in journey time comparable to operation by Indian railways due to technology introduce by private … Read more DMPQ- Privatisation of Indian Railways has its own merits and demerits. Comment