JPSC Prelims Notes for History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of India

Ancient Period :

(i) The Indus Valley Civilization : Origin, antiquity, extent, authorship and main features;

(iilOrigin of the Aryans

(iii) Antiquity and stratification of the Vedic literature; Society, economy and religion during Early (Rig-Vedic) period.

(iv) The Lichavi and their republican constitution.

(v) The Rise of the Magadhan empire

(vi)The Mauryas : Extent of empire, Kalinga War and its Impact; Asoka’s Dhamma, Foreign Policy, Development of Art & Architecture during the Mauryan period

(vii) The Kushanas : Kanishka : Extent of empire, His religious policy; Development of Art, Architecture and Letters during the Kushana period

(viii) The Guptas : Extent of empire; development of language and Literature, art St architecture during the Gupta period.

(Ix) Harsha-Vardhan : The last great Hindu ruler of Northern India; cultural achievements during his period.

(x) The Cholas: Maritime activities in Sourth-east Asian counturies. Chola administration, art & architecture.

(xi) Cultural Achievements of the Pallavas

Medieval Period

(xii) The Arab Invasion of India

(xiii)The Ghaznavid Invasion of India.

[xlv] The Delhi Sultanate : Market and Military Reforms of Allauddin Khilji;Utopian policies of Muhainmad-bln-Tughlaq.

(xv) The Mongol invasion of India,

(xvl)Religious Movements; a) Suflsm,(b)Bhakti Movemnnt

(xvii)Dawn of a New-Islamic culture : Indo-Islamlc architecture; Development of Urdu and Hindi languages.

(xviii) The Mughals ; First Battle of Panipatj Achievements of SherShah Suri, Consolidation of MuRhal empire; Establishment nf Jagirdari and Mansabdari systems under Akbar, Akbar’s Religious and Rajput policies, Aurangzeb’s Religious and Rajput policies, Mughal Architecture and Painting,Economic Condition during Mughal

(xix) The Rise of the Marathas : Achievements of Shlvajf,Northward expansion of the Marathas and their downfall


Modem Period:

(xx)Beginning of European settlements:Formation and growth of East India Company; Consolidation of British power in India : Battles of Plassey and Buxar; Control over Mysore; Subsidiary Alliance; Doctrine of Lapse; Doctrine of Escheat

(xxi) Resistance to Colonial Rule; Peasant; Tribal and Cultural Renaissance; Revolt of 1857

(xxil)Social Reforms Movements in Hindu Community : Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj, Ram Krishna Mission, Prarthann Samaj and Theosophical Society of India.

(xxiii)Social Reforms Movements in Muslim Community : Wahabi Movement & AliRarh Movement

(xxiv) Struggle for Raising Women’s status : Abolition of Sati System, Widow Marriage Act, Consent Bill,Stress on Female education,

(xxv) Land Revenue Administration under the British rule : Permanent Settlement; Ryotwarl & Mahalwari Systems,

(xxvi) Rise of Nationalism in India in the 19th century : Formation of Indian National Congress ; Moderates and Extremists; Swadeshi Movement , Home Rule League Movement; Khiiafat Movement ,

(xxvii) Mahatma Gandhi and Mass politics : Non-Co-oporation Movement   ,    Civil Disobedience Movement    ,                      Quit India Movement

(xxviii)The partition of India and its consequences

(xxix) India After Independence : Integration of Princely states in Indian Union; Linguistic Reorganization of States; Non-alligned policy under Nehru and Indira Gandhi, Libration of Bangladesh.

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