DMPQ- . Explain how Biotechnology can play significant role in the conservation of Bio diversity and environment.

At present, loss of specific species, groups of species (extinction) or decrease in number of particular organisms (endangerment) are taking place in different parts of the world at a rapid pace. These losses are often manifestations of degradation or destruction in the ecosystem or habitat. DNA Banks More plant conservationists are turning to DNA technologies … Read more DMPQ- . Explain how Biotechnology can play significant role in the conservation of Bio diversity and environment.

DMPQ- Explain the role of Bioremediation in environment friendly waste disposal process.

. Bioremediation is a branch of biotechnology that employs the use of living organisms, like microbes and bacteria, in the removal of contaminants, pollutants, and toxins from soil, water, and other environments. Bioremediation may be used to clean up contaminated groundwater or environmental problems, such as oil spills. Bioremediation relies on stimulating the growth of … Read more DMPQ- Explain the role of Bioremediation in environment friendly waste disposal process.

DMPQ- Briefly describe the DNA Fingerprinting. Discuss the important sectors where DNA fingerprinting is being applied.

DNA fingerprinting is a laboratory technique used to establish a link between biological evidence and a suspect in a criminal investigation. A DNA sample taken from a crime scene is compared with a DNA sample from a suspect. If the two DNA profiles are a match, then the evidence came from that suspect. Conversely, if … Read more DMPQ- Briefly describe the DNA Fingerprinting. Discuss the important sectors where DNA fingerprinting is being applied.

DMPQ- What is the purpose of DNA technology (Use and Application) regulation bill, 2018 ? Throw light on the salient features of the bill.

. The primary intended purpose of “The DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill, 2019” is for expanding the application of DNA-based forensic technologies to support and strengthen the justice delivery system of the country. The utility of DNA based technologies for solving crimes, and to identify missing persons, is well recognized across the world. … Read more DMPQ- What is the purpose of DNA technology (Use and Application) regulation bill, 2018 ? Throw light on the salient features of the bill.

DMPQ-. Discuss some of the important tools and technologies of biotechnology.

. Important tools which come under Biotechnology are as follows: Genetic engineering Genetic engineering is the process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism. Traditionally, humans have manipulated genomes indirectly by controlling breeding and selecting offspring with desired traits. Genetic engineering involves the direct manipulation of one or … Read more DMPQ-. Discuss some of the important tools and technologies of biotechnology.

DMPQ-How bio-diesel can solve India’s problems of energy and pollution.

A glaring and current problem is the pollution plaguing the entire north Indian plains. The short-term solution for this issue exists in the quick and scaled-out expansion of biofuel-powered public transport across the country. Imagine bringing down pollution levels by up to 90% in carbon emissions by public transport vehicles, eliminating stubble burning by farmers, … Read more DMPQ-How bio-diesel can solve India’s problems of energy and pollution.

DMPQ-Briefly discuss all three stages of India’s Nuclear power program.

. India’s three-stage nuclear power programme was formulated by Homi Bhabha in the 1950s to secure the country’s long term energy independence, through the use of uranium and thorium reserves found in the monazite sands of coastal regions of South India. The ultimate focus of the programme is on enabling the thorium reserves of India … Read more DMPQ-Briefly discuss all three stages of India’s Nuclear power program.

DMPQ-Discuss how space can solve world’s energy problems.

.  A new technological study reveals that by the year 2050, there will be need a for three times as much primary power and it will have to be three times as clean. There is no earthly technology now available, or capable of becoming available by the year 2050, that can solve the energy problem. … Read more DMPQ-Discuss how space can solve world’s energy problems.

DMPQ-. What is the concept of smart grid in power sector ? Why it is important for India?

. As of August 2019, India is the third-largest producer and fourth-largest consumer of electricity in the world with an installed capacity of about 350 GW. This power is generated from both traditional and renewable sources. The advent of newer models such as microgrids, the influx of renewables, and the revised target of having 227 … Read more DMPQ-. What is the concept of smart grid in power sector ? Why it is important for India?

DMPQ- . How does nuclear agriculture benefits different aspects of Agriculture?

. Here are just seven examples of how nuclear technology is improving agriculture: Improved soil and water balance Nuclear techniques are now used in many countries to help maintain healthy soil and water systems, which are paramount in ensuring food security for the growing global population. For instance, in Benin, a scheme involving 5 000 … Read more DMPQ- . How does nuclear agriculture benefits different aspects of Agriculture?

DMPQ- What are Radioisotopes? Point out their industrial applications.

. Radioisotopes are radioactive isotopes of an element. They can also be defined as atoms that contain an unstable combination of neutrons and protons, or excess energy in their nucleus. The unstable nucleus of a radioisotope can occur naturally, or as a result of artificially altering the atom. In some cases a nuclear reactor is … Read more DMPQ- What are Radioisotopes? Point out their industrial applications.

DMPQ- . Discuss the significance of India’s ‘Make in India’ Programme in defence sector. Also mention the challenges In Indigenous Defence Manufacturing.

The ‘Make in India’ programme is primarily being impelled by the imperative to reduce arms import bills and ‘optimise’ defence expenditure – India’s FY2019 defence budget of USD 71.1 billion was the highest in South Asia and the third-highest in the world, and for the past five years, it has been the world’s second largest … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the significance of India’s ‘Make in India’ Programme in defence sector. Also mention the challenges In Indigenous Defence Manufacturing.

DMPQ- What is MTCR (Missile technology control regime) ? What advantages India have after becoming it’s member ?

. Established in April 1987, the voluntary Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) aims to limit the spread of ballistic missiles and other unmanned delivery systems that could be used for chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks. The regime urges its 35 members, which include most of the world’s key missile manufacturers, to restrict their exports of … Read more DMPQ- What is MTCR (Missile technology control regime) ? What advantages India have after becoming it’s member ?

DMPQ- Briefly describe the Ayush systems of Healthcare.

Ayurveda ‘ Ayurveda’ literally means “Science of Life”. Ayurveda is evolved from the various Vedic hymns rooted in the fundamental philosophies about life, disease and health. The Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita developed around 2500 BC are the main treaties of Ayurveda fully available today. Yoga Yoga is essentially spiritual and it is an art … Read more DMPQ- Briefly describe the Ayush systems of Healthcare.

DMPQ- . Give a brief description of Indian ballistic missile defense system.

. India is at the learning stage for many of the complex technologies required to create a BMD system. DRDO’s record in producing weapon systems has not been encouraging as exemplified by the delayed induction of the LCA, the failure of the Arjun MBT and the virtual rejection of the INSAS rifle by the Indian … Read more DMPQ- . Give a brief description of Indian ballistic missile defense system.

DMPQ- . Explain Integrated guided missile development programme ( IGMDP). How it has played an important role in India’s defence

.  The Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) was an Indian Ministry of Defence programme for the research and development of the comprehensive range of missiles. The programme was managed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Ordnance Factories Board in partnership with other Indian government political organisations. The project started in 1982–83 … Read more DMPQ- . Explain Integrated guided missile development programme ( IGMDP). How it has played an important role in India’s defence

DMPQ- . Describe the different types of missile systems on the basis of their delivery.

Ballistic Missiles Ballistic missiles are powered by rockets initially but then follow an unpowered, parabolic, free-falling trajectory toward their targets. They are classified by the maximum distance that they can travel, which is a function of how powerful the missile’s engines (rockets) are and the weight of the missile’s payload, or warhead. Join Our Telegram … Read more DMPQ- . Describe the different types of missile systems on the basis of their delivery.

DMPQ- .How space technology is playing important role in India’s socio-economic development.

Space technology is not just about space exploration but it has huge role to play in socio-economic field. Socio-Economic development through application of space technology: Survey of various mineral and natural resources have been made possible through remote Join Our Telegram Channel sensing. Management of these resources, their development conservation and formulation of various policies … Read more DMPQ- .How space technology is playing important role in India’s socio-economic development.

DMPQ- . What are the future economic implications of moon missions.

Answer. Moon exploration has many possibilities: We could make use of lunar resources to facilitate scientific and economic activity in the vicinity of both Earth and Moon (so-called cis-lunar space) as well as future exploration deeper into the Solar System. We can consider the importation of lunar resources to the Earth’s surface where they would … Read more DMPQ- . What are the future economic implications of moon missions.

DMPQ- What is AVATAR (Aerobic vehicle for hypersonic aerospace transportation) ? Discuss it’s signicance in boosting India’s defence.

.  AVATAR is a single-stage reusable spaceplane capable of horizontal takeoff and landing, being developed by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization along with Indian Space Research Organization and other research institutions; it could be used for cheaper military and civilian satellite launches. According to the Designers, Hyperplane projects of the 1980’s – the X-30, … Read more DMPQ- What is AVATAR (Aerobic vehicle for hypersonic aerospace transportation) ? Discuss it’s signicance in boosting India’s defence.

DMPQ- Point out the important socio-economic applications of recently launched GSAT-30 satellite.

GSAT-30 is aimed at providing high-quality television, telecommunications and broadcasting services. The 3,357-kg GSAT-30 derives its heritage from ISRO’s earlier INSAT/GSAT satellite series, and is equipped with 12 C and 12 Ku band transponders. GSAT-30 will serve as replacement to the aging INSAT-4A spacecraft services with enhanced coverage. The satellite will provide Indian mainland and … Read more DMPQ- Point out the important socio-economic applications of recently launched GSAT-30 satellite.

DMPQ- Describe the different variants of PSLV (Polar satellite launch vehicle).

.  The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has proved itself to be a versatile vehicle for diverse missions and is now the workhorse of ISRO. It was the first launcher to gain operational status.  PSLV is meeting the national requirements as well as the launch requirements for international customers. The long string of consecutive successes … Read more DMPQ- Describe the different variants of PSLV (Polar satellite launch vehicle).

DMPQ- What is GPS (Global positioning system)? How is India’s IRNSS ( Indian regional navigational satellite system is different from GPS?

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system made up of at least 24 satellites. GPS works in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, with no subscription fees or setup Join Our Telegram Channel charges. The U.S. Department of Defense (USDOD) originally put the satellites into orbit for … Read more DMPQ- What is GPS (Global positioning system)? How is India’s IRNSS ( Indian regional navigational satellite system is different from GPS?

DMPQ- . Point out the differences between cryogenic engine and semi-cryogenic engine.

Rocket engine needs enormous amount of thrust to escape Earth’s gravitational pull. However the chemicals used for engines are Hydrogen and Oxygen (Hydrogen used as a fuel, while Oxygen as a oxidiser) that produces a good thrust, found in Earth in the form of gas. Carrying hydrogen and oxygen in their gaseous form will require … Read more DMPQ- . Point out the differences between cryogenic engine and semi-cryogenic engine.

DMPQ- . Discuss the changes brought by new space com policy 2020 .

The objective of the policy is, to quote, “at meeting the growing demands on satellite communication requirements, promotion of space based communication activities by industry, advancements in the relevant indigenous technologies for self-sustenance and protection of space assets needed for the country”. The norms classify upstream SATCOM activities viz., launch and operation of Satellite communication … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the changes brought by new space com policy 2020 .

DMPQ- What is 3D printing ? Explain the need of the government policy for 3D printing.

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.  The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can … Read more DMPQ- What is 3D printing ? Explain the need of the government policy for 3D printing.

DMPQ- Give the brief description of India’s INSAT (Indian national satellite system) Program.

Insat (Indian National Satellite System) was a multipurpose satellite system for telecommunications, broadcasting, meteorology and search and rescue services. Commissioned in 1983, Insat was the largest domestic communication system in the Asia-Pacific Region, and was a joint venture of the Indian Department of Space (DOS), Department of Telecommunications, India Meteorological Department, All India Radio and … Read more DMPQ- Give the brief description of India’s INSAT (Indian national satellite system) Program.

DMPQ- “India’s remote sensing satellite system has important role in it’s development.” Elucidate.

IRS-1A, the first of the series of indigenous state-of-art operating remote sensing satellites, was successfully launched into a polar sun-synchronous orbit on March 17, 1988 from the Soviet Cosmodrome at Baikonur. The successful launch of IRS-1A was one of the proudest moments for the entire country, which depicted the maturity of satellite to address the … Read more DMPQ- “India’s remote sensing satellite system has important role in it’s development.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- Bring out the significance of ISRO’s successful launch of scramjet technology.

. Today, satellites are launched into orbit by multi-staged satellite launch vehicles that can be used only once (expendable). These launch vehicles carry oxidiser along with the fuel for combustion to produce thrust. Launch vehicles designed for one time use are expensive and their efficiency is low because they can carry only 2-4% of their … Read more DMPQ- Bring out the significance of ISRO’s successful launch of scramjet technology.

DMPQ- What is Reusable launch vehicle ? Trace the development of India’s reusable launch technology .

The cost of access to space is the major deterrent in space exploration and space utilization. A reusable launch vehicle is the unanimous solution to achieve low cost, reliable and on-demand space access. Reusable Launch Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube Vehicle-Technology Demonstration Program or RLV-TD is a series of technology demonstration missions that … Read more DMPQ- What is Reusable launch vehicle ? Trace the development of India’s reusable launch technology .

DMPQ- What is GSLV-5 rocket ? point out it’s significance for India’s Space missions.

GSLV-D5 is the eighth flight of India’s Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV). It is also the fourth developmental flight of GSLV. GSLV-D5 vehicle is configured with its first and second stages similar to the ones flown during earlier GSLV missions. The third stage is the Indigenous Cryogenic Stage. The metallic payload fairing with a diameter … Read more DMPQ- What is GSLV-5 rocket ? point out it’s significance for India’s Space missions.

DMPQ- Give a brief description of Chandrayan-2 mission. Mention why it did not complete it’s goal.

Chandrayaan-2 mission was a highly complex mission, which represents a significant technological leap compared to the previous missions of ISRO. It comprised an Orbiter, Lander and Rover to explore the unexplored South Pole of the Moon. The mission was Join Our Telegram Channel designed to expand the lunar scientific knowledge through detailed study of topography, … Read more DMPQ- Give a brief description of Chandrayan-2 mission. Mention why it did not complete it’s goal.

DMPQ-What is Ayushman Bharatyojna ? Discuss how it can change India’s health sector.

. Ayushman Bharat is a National Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM) a new centrally sponsored scheme was launched in 2018. This comes under Ayushman Bharat Mission anchored in the MoHFW. The Scheme has the benefit cover of ? 5 lakh per family per year. Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube The target beneficiaries are to … Read more DMPQ-What is Ayushman Bharatyojna ? Discuss how it can change India’s health sector.

DMPQ- How India’s technological dependence on foreign countries pose a serious challenge for India security.

The phenomenon of technology transfer has existed ever since the beginning of technological progress. Having significantly increased in recent years, it will probably attract the world’s attention for many years to come. Many developing countries now appear to be seeking technological progress through technology transfer to realize development in a much shorter time than that … Read more DMPQ- How India’s technological dependence on foreign countries pose a serious challenge for India security.

DMPQ- . Discuss the status of Block Chain Technology in India.

. A Blockchain is a digital, immutable, distributed ledger that chronologically records transactions in near real time. The prerequisite for each subsequent transaction to be added to the ledger is the respective consensus of the network participants (called nodes), thereby creating a continuous mechanism of control regarding manipulation, errors, and data Join Our Telegram Channel … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the status of Block Chain Technology in India.

DMPQ- Discuss the importance of NATGRID and the areas where it needs improvements.

. NATGRID plays following important roles in India’s security: National Intelligence Grid or NATGRID is an intelligence grid connecting the databases of 21 core security agencies to collect comprehensive patterns of intelligence. These databases include railway and air travel, income tax, bank account details, credit card transactions, etc. Despite prone to such terror attacks, we … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the importance of NATGRID and the areas where it needs improvements.

DMPQ- Describe India’s institutional framework for cybersecurity.

National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre (NCCC) It is India’s cyberspace intelligence agency which will conduct security and electronic surveillance. It aims to screen communications metadata and work in close coordination with various law-enforcement agencies for intelligence gathering. The body, functioning under the IT ministry, would strengthen the country’s cybersecurity posture. Some have expressed concern that Subscribe … Read more DMPQ- Describe India’s institutional framework for cybersecurity.

DMPQ- Discuss the major challenges in securing communication networks.

The process of protecting communication networks has many challenges; some of them are discussed below: External sourcing of equipment and technology Much of the software and hardware that makes up communication system are imported from other countries (Chinese devices account for more than 60% of total telecom equipment imports). These devices may contain back-window for … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the major challenges in securing communication networks.

DMPQ- What are the Pillars and effective implementation of digital India.

Digital India is an umbrella programme that covers multiple Government Ministries and Departments. It weaves together a large number of ideas and thoughts into a single, comprehensive vision so that each of them can be implemented as part of a larger goal. Each individual element stands on its own, but is also part of the … Read more DMPQ- What are the Pillars and effective implementation of digital India.

DMPQ- NAG Missile

ATGM NAG has been developed by DRDO to engage highly fortified enemy tanks in day and night conditions. The missile has “Fire & Forget” “Top Attack” capabilities with passive homing guidance to defeat all MBTs equipped with composite and reactive armour. The Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube NAG missile carrier NAMICA is a … Read more DMPQ- NAG Missile

DMPQ- Mission shakti

On March 27, DRDO conducted Mission Shakti, an anti-satellite missile test, from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Island launch complex. One of India’s existing satellites operating in lower orbit used in the mission. The test was successful on all parameters. India has made it clear that its space capabilities aren’t directed against anyone and the government … Read more DMPQ- Mission shakti

DMPQ- RAISE 2020- ‘Responsible AI for Social Empowerment 2020,’

The Government of India is organizing the Global Virtual Summit on Artificial Intelligence (AI), RAISE 2020- ‘Responsible AI for Social Empowerment 2020,’ Artificial Intelligence is considered to be the next giant technological leap similar to electricity and the internet. With AI possessing the power to radically transform the economic and social fabric of the world … Read more DMPQ- RAISE 2020- ‘Responsible AI for Social Empowerment 2020,’

DMPQ- What are the components of Components of Remote Sensing System?

Although, the remote sensing includes a wide array of technologies and types, but they all are based on certain common concepts with the same basic components. The basic components of remote sensing system are given below: • Target • Energy source • Join Our Telegram Channel Transmission path, Subscribe on YouTube and • Sensor. The … Read more DMPQ- What are the components of Components of Remote Sensing System?