DMPQ- Explain Administrative Agencies.

All administrative law is run through government agencies. Our government is made up of numerous administrative agencies. These agencies are also sometimes called regulatory agencies. Agencies can be federal, state, city, or county entities. These agencies administer laws and manage public programs through the use of rules and regulations. Each agency is responsible for administering a particular … Read more DMPQ- Explain Administrative Agencies.

DMPQ- Indian Constitution is a Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility. Justify.

Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility Constitutions are also classified into rigid and flexible. A rigid Constitution is one that requires a special procedure for its amendment, as for example, the American Constitution. A flexible constitution, on the other hand, is one that can be amended in the same manner as the ordinary laws are made, … Read more DMPQ- Indian Constitution is a Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility. Justify.

DMPQ- Mention the provisions of Minority Commission.

Minority Commission: The “Minorities Commission”, aimed to safeguard and protect the interests of the minorities, was set up by the Government of India in January, 1978. This Commission became a statutory body and was renamed as the “National Commission for Minorities” with the enactment of the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992. Under Section 2(C) … Read more DMPQ- Mention the provisions of Minority Commission.

DMPQ:What is cooperative federalism? What are the example of cooperative federalism?

Co-operative federalism is a concept of federalism in which the centre, state and local governments share responsibility in governance of the people and design policies that would enable it.Due to changing political system like emergence of strong regional parties, demands forautonomy and coalition governments in the center and the challenges of Globalization suchas International treaties, … Read more DMPQ:What is cooperative federalism? What are the example of cooperative federalism?

DMPQ:During 18885-1905 freedom struggle witnessed Moderate phase. Discuss the contribution of Moderates in freedom struggle.

Economic Critique of British Empire: It was perhaps the most important contribution ofthe moderates. RC Dutt, DadabhaiNaroji (Drain Theory). They also exposed the ill effectof foreign capital in India in form of suppression of Indian industries. ? Constitutional Reforms: Indian Councils Act of 1892 was result of their efforts which increased the number of members … Read more DMPQ:During 18885-1905 freedom struggle witnessed Moderate phase. Discuss the contribution of Moderates in freedom struggle.

DMPQ:What is integrity? Name different types of integrity.

Word Integrity comes from the Latin word Integer meaning whole or complete. Itmeans soundness of moral principles. Person must be consistent across time andsituations.Persons’ inner sense of wholeness deriving from honesty and consistent uprightnessof character.A person with integrity does right things for right reasons. Integrity involves basingone’s actions on internally consistent framework or principles. People … Read more DMPQ:What is integrity? Name different types of integrity.

DMPQ- How can the Rural Development be boosted through Agri-infrastructure?

Boosting Rural Development through Agri-infrastructure Most of the perishable items are produced in the villages which remain confined to these due to the absence of road networks. The existing road and rail facilities are inadequate. Most of the areas which produce good quality fruits are still inaccessible. This coupled with the rough terrain of the … Read more DMPQ- How can the Rural Development be boosted through Agri-infrastructure?

DMPQ- Critically evaluate the Dams as an system for flood control.

Dams and flood control The efficiency of dams to withhold floods has always been put to question. Critics have also termed dams as harbinger of floods claiming that the essential scientific assessment for consistent release of water to avoid build up is rarely done. Absence of a standard operating procedure for releasing water from the … Read more DMPQ- Critically evaluate the Dams as an system for flood control.

DMPQ- What are the different types of Urban Settlements?

urban settlements are classified on various bases. However, classification based on size and function are most common. Let us discuss them one by one Classification based on Population Size According to population size, census of India classifies urban centres into six classes. Classwise urban settlements and their population Class                              Population Class I                            1,00,000 and above … Read more DMPQ- What are the different types of Urban Settlements?

DMPQ- What are the cases to be entrusted to CBI?

The Investigation & Anti Corruption Division (Delhi Special Police Establishment) was entrusted with the following mandate in the resolution although it continued to derive its jurisdiction and powers from DSPE Act, 1946. Cases in which public servants under the control of the Central Government are involved either by themselves or along with State Government servants … Read more DMPQ- What are the cases to be entrusted to CBI?

DMPQ- Write a short note on the Major irrigation projects of India.

Major irrigation projects The Lower Bhavani Project  The Lower Bhavani project was one of the British achievements in the Tamil country. For the preliminary works regarding the Lower Bhavani project that government appointed Sir. Charles Innes in 1906 as the Special Revenue Officer instructing him to report on the various aspects of the scheme. After … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on the Major irrigation projects of India.

DMPQ- Write a short note on the recent Growth and Development experience of India.

India’s GDP increased 7.2 per cent in 2017-18 and 7 per cent in 2018-19. India has retained its position as the third largest startup base in the world with over 4,750 technology start-ups.  India’s labour force is expected to touch 160-170 million by 2020, based on rate of population growth, increased labour force participation, and … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on the recent Growth and Development experience of India.

DMPQ- Mention the indicators of Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI).

Physical Quality of Life Index (P.Q.L.I) was developed by famous economist Morris David in 1979 for 23 developed and developing countries. Morris David used the following three indicators to prepare a composite index known as Physical Quality of Life Index: Life Expectant Rate (L.E.I) Infant Mortality Rate (I.M.I) Basic Literacy Rate (B.L.I) Life Expectant Rate … Read more DMPQ- Mention the indicators of Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI).

DMPQ:India has done a fair job in establishing the sanctity of federalism. But still there are some hot issues. In this context, list down the issues between centre and states.

ISSUES ARE AS FOLLOWS Mode of appointment and dismissal of Governor Discriminatory and partisan role of governor Imposition of president’s rule Deployment of center forces in the states to maintain law and order Reservation of state bills for the consideration of the president Discrimination in financial allocations to the states Role of planning commission (now … Read more DMPQ:India has done a fair job in establishing the sanctity of federalism. But still there are some hot issues. In this context, list down the issues between centre and states.

DMPQ:What were the factors that led to the rift between extremist and moderates and eventually Surat Split?

The Extremists wanted to extend the Boycott and Swadeshi Movement to regions outsideBengal and also to include all forms of associations (such as government service, law courts,legislative councils, etc.) within the boycott programme and thus start a nationwide massmovement. The Moderates, on the other hand, were not in favour of extending the movement beyondBengal and … Read more DMPQ:What were the factors that led to the rift between extremist and moderates and eventually Surat Split?

DMPQ:What do you understand by Impartiality as foundational value? What are the advantages of impartiality?

Impartiality as a principle of justice prescribes to public servants that decisions should bebased on objective criteria, rather than on the basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring thebenefit to one person over another for improper reasons, it is necessary for promotingequality in the society. Advantages of Impartiality Provides professionalism and permanence as opposed to reluctance … Read more DMPQ:What do you understand by Impartiality as foundational value? What are the advantages of impartiality?

DMPQ:What are the components of Global Hunger Index? What are the reasons for low ranking of India?

GHI considers four parameters to for ranking countries: Undernourishment: share of the population that is undernourished, reflectinginsufficient caloric intake;Child wasting: share of children under the age of five who are wasted (low weightfor-height), reflecting acute under-nutrition;Child stunting: share of children under the age of five who are stunted (low heightfor-, reflecting chronic under-nutrition; andChild mortality: … Read more DMPQ:What are the components of Global Hunger Index? What are the reasons for low ranking of India?

DMPQ:Write a short note on the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana.

The Government proposed to launch amega pension Yojana namely ‘PradhanMantri Shram-Yogi Maandhan’ for theunorganised sector workers with monthlyincome up to Rs 15,000. As per Finance ministry half ofIndia’s GDP comes from the sweatand toil of 42 crore workers in theunorganised sector working asstreet vendors, rickshaw pullers,construction workers, rag pickers,agricultural workers, beedi workers,handloom, leather and in … Read more DMPQ:Write a short note on the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana.

DMPQ:What is the working principle of Hydrogen Bomb?

Hydrogen bombs are thermonuclearweapons which employs fusion of isotopes ofhydrogen. The result is greatly increased explosivepower when compared to single-stage fissionweapons.The energy released in a Hydrogen bombis several magnitudes higher than anAtom bomb. A fusion bomb is more sophisticated anddifficult to make, since it requires a muchhigher temperature — in the order ofmillions of degrees … Read more DMPQ:What is the working principle of Hydrogen Bomb?

DMPQ:What is Emotional Intelligence? List down itsapplication.

It is the ability to understand and regulate our emotions and that of others tohandle interpersonal relationships effectivelyIntelligence alone means the ability to acquire and apply knowledgeEI is inclusive of self awareness, self regulation, empathy, social skills and Motivation.  The major application are: Improve the performance of individual worker Improve in overall organisational performance Increase … Read more DMPQ:What is Emotional Intelligence? List down itsapplication.

DMPQ:Write a short note on young Bengal movement.(history)

Henry Louis Vivian Derozio, a teacher at Hindu College, Calcutta, in the 1820s, promoted radicalideas and encouraged his pupils to question all authority. Referred to as the Young BengalMovement, his students attacked tradition and custom, demanded education for women andcampaigned for the freedom of thought and expression. The Derozians, however, failed to have a long-term … Read more DMPQ:Write a short note on young Bengal movement.(history)

DMPQ:Write short note on capital accountconvertibility.(economics)

Capital Account Convertibility (CAC) is not just the currency convertibility freedom, but morethan that, it involves the freedom to invest in financial assets of other countries.The Committee on Capital Account Convertibility (1997, Chairman SS Tarapore) in its reporthas given a working definition for the CAC which is as following:“CAC refers to the freedom to convert … Read more DMPQ:Write short note on capital accountconvertibility.(economics)

DMPQ- What are the different Types of Jurisdiction of Supreme court? Explain any one of them. (POLITY)

Different types of Jurisdiction: Original jurisdiction Appellate Jurisdiction Writ Jurisdiction Advisory Jurisdiction   Original Jurisdiction: Cases which can be directly taken by the SC without going through lower courts which is a proper channel otherwise. These are called original jurisdiction because the cases are decided exclusively by the SC itself. Cases involving federal disputes come … Read more DMPQ- What are the different Types of Jurisdiction of Supreme court? Explain any one of them. (POLITY)

DMPQ- Write Short Note on National Supercomputing Mission. (SCIENCE)

The Mission envisages empowering our national academic and R&D institutions spread over the country by installing a vast supercomputing grid comprising of more than 70 high-performance computing facilities. These supercomputers will also be networked on the National Supercomputing grid over the National Knowledge Network (NKN). The Mission would be implemented and steered jointly by the … Read more DMPQ- Write Short Note on National Supercomputing Mission. (SCIENCE)

DMPQ- Elaborate upon the role of Lord Wellesley in the expansion of East India company in India and making it paramount Power. (HISTORY)

LW was governor general of India during 1798-1805 and he played a major role in the expansion of East India Company.  His main objective were to expand British rule in India and to extend the trade relationship of the East India Company bringing as many Indian states as possible under British control  Prevent Indian rulers … Read more DMPQ- Elaborate upon the role of Lord Wellesley in the expansion of East India company in India and making it paramount Power. (HISTORY)

DMPQ- What do you mean by objectivity? Explain in the light of foundational value of civil services. (ETHICS)

It refers to basing our advice and decisions on rigorous analysis of evidence. OR The principle of objectivity implies that the decisions and actions should be based on observable phenomena and should not be influenced by emotions, biases or personal prejudices. Objectivity ensures: ? Civil servants take decisions on the merit of the case and … Read more DMPQ- What do you mean by objectivity? Explain in the light of foundational value of civil services. (ETHICS)

DMPQ- Highlight the Main Differences Between Mathura School of Arts and Gandhara School of Arts.

Main Differences Between Mathura School of Arts and Gandhara School of Arts-   (1) Origin Mathura School: No foreign Influence, however, later it cross fertilized with the Gandhara School. Its development took place indigenously. Gandhara School: Strong Greek influence.  Was based on Greco-Roman norms encapsulating foreign techniques and an alien spirit. It is also known as Graeco-Buddhist … Read more DMPQ- Highlight the Main Differences Between Mathura School of Arts and Gandhara School of Arts.

DMPQ- What do you mean by Local Area Network (LAN)? Explain its applications.

Local Area Network (LAN) It is also called LAN and designed for small physical areas such as an office, group of buildings or a factory. LANs are used widely as it is easy to design and to troubleshoot. Personal computers and workstations are connected to each other through LANs. We can use different types of … Read more DMPQ- What do you mean by Local Area Network (LAN)? Explain its applications.

DMPQ- What are the main challenges faced by judiciary in contemporary India.

Allegation of corruption in the court. No mechanism to look into the corruption charges on the judges. Interference of CBI in the working of judiciary amounts to executive control over the judiciary, which goes against the basic principles of the constitution that is judicial independence The chief justice constituting a 5 judge bench including himself … Read more DMPQ- What are the main challenges faced by judiciary in contemporary India.

DMPQ- Mention the significance of the Huna invasions in the Indian History.

The Hunas’ invasion in India had far reaching effects and significance in Indian History, as mentioned below: First of all, the Hunas had destroyed the dominance of the Gupta Empire in India and on their feudatories. Small kingdoms began to grow and prosper on the ruins of the Gupta Empire. The trade connections between the … Read more DMPQ- Mention the significance of the Huna invasions in the Indian History.

DMPQ- What are the main features of The Right of Citizens for Time Bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of their Grievances Bill, 2011.

The Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha on December 20, 2011. The Bill was referred to the Department Related Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice. 19 States have Notified/Enacted the bill till yet.   The Bill refers to a ‘citizens charter’ which is a document that defines the standard of services … Read more DMPQ- What are the main features of The Right of Citizens for Time Bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of their Grievances Bill, 2011.

DMPQ- Explain the main Applications of tissue culture.

Applications of tissue culture Rapid Clonal Propagation A clone is a group of individuals or cells derived from a single parent individual or cell through asexual reproduction. All the cells in callus or suspension culture are derived from a single explants by mitotic division. Therefore, all plantlets regenerated from a callus/suspension culture generally have the … Read more DMPQ- Explain the main Applications of tissue culture.

DMPQ- What are the different Types of Electrical transformers ?

Electrical transformers can be classified into different categories depending upon their end-use, construction, supply, and purpose. On the Basis of Design Core Type Transformer This transformer features two horizontal sections with two vertical limbs and a rectangular core with a magnetic circuit. Cylindrical coils (HV and LV) are placed on the central limb of the core … Read more DMPQ- What are the different Types of Electrical transformers ?

DMPQ-Write a short Note on State Human Rights commission.(POLITY)

The Protection of Human Rights Act of 1993 (TPHRA) also provides a State Human RightsCommission at the state level.SHRC shall inquire into violation of human rights in respect of matters specified in statelist and concurrent list. But if NHRC or any other statutory commission has alreadyinquired then the SHRC doesn’t investigate into it. Objectives and … Read more DMPQ-Write a short Note on State Human Rights commission.(POLITY)

DMPQ-Elaborate upon the contribution of DadabhaiNaroji in Indian National freedom struggle. (HISTORY)

Popularly known as the “Grand Old Man of India”, DadabhaiNaoroji was born in Bombay on 4September 1825 in a Parsi family with a prominent lineage of Zoroastrian priests. The youngNaoroji was therefore brought up to take on his father’s profession of conducting rites andrituals for the Parsi community. However, destiny ordained otherwise.Dadabhainaoroji was a Parsi … Read more DMPQ-Elaborate upon the contribution of DadabhaiNaroji in Indian National freedom struggle. (HISTORY)

DMPQ-What is fault and list down the landforms formed due to fault. (GEOGRAPHY)

A fault is a fracture in the earth’s crust due to tension force. It can also occur due tocompression in hard and brittle rocks. When there is tension the crust ruptures. One block is thrown upwards and the otherdownwards. The upthrown block is called Horst while the downthrown block is calledGraben. The line along which … Read more DMPQ-What is fault and list down the landforms formed due to fault. (GEOGRAPHY)