28.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

    INTERNATIONAL ·       Indian Navy to host multi-nation military drill in March 2020 ð  Indian Navy will host a multi-nation military drill called Milan 2020 at Visakhapatnam in March 2020.MILAN denotes Multilateral Naval Exercise. The event will witness the participation of several countries. ð MILAN series of biennial exercises commenced in 1995. It was at Andaman and Nicobar … Read more 28.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

27.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

      INTERNATIONAL   India-Netherland: “Water 4 change”, an urban water management system   The Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM), operating under the Government of Kerala has launched the “Water 4 Change”.   Under the project, six prominent institutions from Netherlands will perform a long-term research and field level action on … Read more 27.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

Citizen Charter (1)

? Citizen charter The Citizens’ Charter is an instrument which seeks to make an organization transparent, accountable and citizen friendly. A Citizens’ Charter is basically a set of commitments made by an organization regarding the standards of service which it delivers. Every citizens’ charter has several essential components to make it meaningful; the first … Read more Citizen Charter (1)


? Microbiology Microbiology is the study of microbes or the living organisms that are too small to be visible with the naked eye. These living things can be seen only with the use of a microscope. These life forms are called microorganisms or microbes. Microorganisms include bacteria, archaea, viruses, protozoa, microscopic fungi and yeasts, … Read more Microbiology

Social Disorganization

? Social disorganization-Anomie and Alienation The social disorganization theory is one of the most important theories developed by the Chicago School, related to ecological theories. The theory directly links crime rates to neighborhood ecological characteristics; a core principle of social disorganization theory is that place matters. In other words, a person’s residential location is … Read more Social Disorganization


? PARTNERSHIP   Partnership : Partnership is an association of two or more parties, they put money for business.         Simple Partnership: Simple partnership is one in which the capitals of the partners are invested for the same time. The profit or losses are divided among the partners in the ratio … Read more Partnership

24-25.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

  INTERNATIONAL WHO study on physical activity-India ranks 8th   The World Health Organization published its study about physical activity of adolescents aged between 11 and 17 years.   The assessment included physical education, active play, recreation and sports, walking, planned exercises and cycling.   India was ranked eighth reporting lowest level of physical activity. … Read more 24-25.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

Functions Of Attitude (1)

? Functions of attitude Attitudes serve four major functions for the individual: The adjustments function, The ego defensive function, The value expressive function The knowledge function. Ultimately these functions serve people’s need to protect and enhance the image they hold of themselves. In more general terms, these functions are the motivational bases which shape … Read more Functions Of Attitude (1)

23.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

INTERNATIONAL   ·       India, Singapore has agreed to conduct the trilateral maritime exercise   India and Singapore have agreed to conduct the trilateral maritime exercise involving Singapore, India, and Thailand annually from 2020. The agreement was made by the Defence Minister Rajnath Singh during the 4th India-Singapore Defence Ministers’ Dialogue (DMD).   The first Singapore-India-Thailand maritime exercise (SITMEX)was … Read more 23.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

Westernisation And Modernization

? Westernisation and modernization vs Traditionalism  Westernisation The role of Westernisation has been very significant in understanding the socio-cultural changes of modern India. British rule produced radical and lasting changes in the Indian society and culture. TheBritish brought with them, unlike the previous invaders, new technology, institutions, knowledge,beliefs, and values. These have become the … Read more Westernisation And Modernization

Environmental Security

? Environmental security The protection of environment is needed for sustainable development. The Industrial pollution, degradation of forests, depletion of ozone layer, the green house gases results in global warming and climate which will have an adverse impact on environment and human health. There is a need for conservation of Biodiversity, protection of wetlands … Read more Environmental Security

Issues Of Finance

? Issues of finance, ownership, operation and maintenance of all kinds of infrastructure Issues of finance For quite some time, the decline in asset quality under infrastructure financing has been a key area of concern for the banking sector in general and the Public Sector Banks in particular. Accordingly, several regulatory measures to de-stress … Read more Issues Of Finance


? SOURCE OF FINANCE     Sources of finance are the most explored area especially for the entrepreneurs about to start a new business. It is perhaps the toughest part of all the efforts. There are various sources of finance classified based on time period, ownership and control, and source of generation of finance. … Read more SOURCE OF FINANCE

Individual And Society

? Individual and Society – Social interactions, Status and role, Culture and Personality, Socialization Man is a social animal. He lives in social groups in communities and in society. Human life and society almost go together. Man cannot live without society. Man is biologically and psychologically equipped to live in groups, in society. Society … Read more Individual And Society

National Vocational Education Council

? National Vocational Education Council National council of vocational educational board is a national vocational education development organized mission promotes by planning commission government of India to ensure public organized co-operation effort implementation of the vocational education development plan. The constitution and functioning of public organized is approved unanimously by the planning commission government … Read more National Vocational Education Council


?          Important Formulas – Percentage Percentage Percent means for every 100 So, when percent is calculated for any value, it means that we calculate the value for every 100 of the reference value. percent is denoted by the symbol %. For example, x percent is denoted by x% x%=x/100 Example : … Read more Percentage

Nanda Dynasty

? Nanda dynasty Nanda dynasty, family that ruled Magadha, in northern India, between c. 343 and 321 BCE. The Nanda dynasty immediately preceded the dynasty of the Mauryas, and, as with all pre-Maurya dynasties, what is known about it is a mixture of fact and legend. Indigenous traditions, both Brahmanical and Jaina, suggest that … Read more Nanda Dynasty

Socrates (1)

? Socrates Socrates believed the best way for people to live was to focus on the pursuit of virtue rather than the pursuit, for instance, of material wealth. He always invited others to try to concentrate more on friendships and a sense of true community, for Socrates felt this was the best way for … Read more Socrates (1)

Surface Tension

? Surface tension Surface tension, property of a liquid surface displayed by its acting as if it were a stretched elastic membrane. This phenomenon can be observed in the nearly spherical shape of small drops of liquids and of soap bubbles. Because of this property, certain insects can stand on the surface of water. … Read more Surface Tension

Scientific Water Harvasting

? Scientific Water Harvesting What is Water Harvesting It means capturing rain where it falls or capturing the run off in your own village or town. And taking measures to keep that water clean by not allowing polluting activities to take place in the catchment. Therefore, water harvesting can be undertaken through a variety … Read more Scientific Water Harvasting

Comparative Study Of Indian And Western Philosophy (5)

? Comparative study of Indian and western philosophy To characterize Indian philosophy as wholly spiritualistic is as much wrong as to characterize Western philosophy as wholly materialistic. Nor can we say Western philosophy is wholly scientific, rational and ethical, while Indian philosophy is wholly apologetic based on faith and mysticism. Such characterization is wrong … Read more Comparative Study Of Indian And Western Philosophy (5)


?   Employment and Development: Human Resource Management and Human Resource Development and its indicators in India. Nature, types and Problems of Unemployment in India. Employment Schemes and Programmes both of Union Government and Uttarakhand Government. Rural Development and Community Development Programmes- Role of related Institutions and Organizations including all centrally and State sponsored … Read more Employment

Principles Of Natural Justice

? Principles of Natural Justice The term “Principles of Natural Justice”, derived from the expression „Jus Natural” of the Roman Law, does not have force of law as they may or may not form part of statute but they are necessarily to be followed. The adherence to principles of natural justice as recognized by … Read more Principles Of Natural Justice

Panchayat Financing And Devolution

? Panchayat: Financing, Resource mobilization and devolution Sources of Funds The Amendments left important matters such as implementation, service delivery (including local capacity building) and transfer of responsibilities and powers to rural local bodies at the discretion of the state legislatures. Consequently, while expenditure responsibilities of local bodies are extensively enhanced, there is no … Read more Panchayat Financing And Devolution

Philosophy Of Charvaka

? Philosophy of Charvaka Charvaka originally known as Lok?yata and B?rhaspatya, is the ancient school of Indian materialism. Charvaka holds direct perception, empiricism, and conditional inference as proper sources of knowledge, embraces philosophical skepticism and rejects Vedas, Vedic ritualism, and supernaturalism.  Ajita Kesakambali is credited as the forerunner of the Charvakas, while Brihaspati is … Read more Philosophy Of Charvaka

The Hoyasalas

? The Hoyasalas Hoysala dynasty, family that ruled in India from about 1006 to about 1346 CE in the southern Deccan and for a time in the Kaveri (Cauvery) River valley. The first kings came from the hills northwest of Dorasamudra (present-day Halebid), which became their capital about 1060. With their hardy hill-dwelling, Kannada-speaking … Read more The Hoyasalas

Changes In Cropping Pattern

?   Changes  in  cropping  pattern Cropping pattern means the proportion of area under various  crops  at  a  point of  time or  yearly sequence  and  spatial  arrangement  of crops  and Changes  in  cropping  pattern Cropping pattern means the proportion of area under various  crops  at  a  point of  time or  yearly sequence  and  spatial … Read more Changes In Cropping Pattern


? Chromosomes Chromosome, the microscopic threadlike part of the cell that carries hereditary information in the form of genes. A defining feature of any chromosome is its compactness. For instance, the 46 chromosomes found in human cells have a combined length of 200 nm (1 nm = 10? 9 metre); if the chromosomes were … Read more Chromosomes

Control Of Pests And Disease

? Control of Pests and crop Disease Agriculture is the single largest sector of India that provides the principal means of livelihood for over 58.4% of country’s population. It contributes approximately one-fifth of the total gross domestic product (GDP). Agriculture accounts for about 10% of the total export earnings and provides raw material to … Read more Control Of Pests And Disease

Growth Of Socialist And Communist Movements In British India

? Growth of Socialist and Communist Movements in British India Socialists in congress For first few years after the formation of Indian National Congress the Liberals who dominated over country’s political scene and led freedom struggle were Rightists. They had no contacts with the masses. They, believed in British sense of justice and were … Read more Growth Of Socialist And Communist Movements In British India

Fuel Sector

?   Introduction   Power is one of the most critical components of infrastructure crucial for the economic growth and welfare of nations. The existence and development of adequate infrastructure is essential for sustained growth of the Indian economy.   India’s power sector is one of the most … Read more Fuel Sector

Allotropes Of Carbon

? Allotropes of carbon Allotropy is the property of some chemical elements to exist in two or more different forms, or allotropes, when found in nature. There are several allotropes of carbon. Diamond Diamond is probably the most well known carbon allotrope. The carbon atoms are arranged in a lattice, which is a variation … Read more Allotropes Of Carbon

Global Warming And Its Impact

? Global Warming and Its Impact Global warming is the slow increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere because an increased amount of the energy (heat) striking the earth from the sun is being trapped in the atmosphere and not radiated out into space. The earth’s atmosphere has always acted like a greenhouse to … Read more Global Warming And Its Impact

21.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Delhi, Jharkhand show drastic rise in unemployment rate Two poll-bound states – Jharkhand and Delhi – are among those which have shown a drastic rise in unemployment rate over the last three years, according to National Statistical Office (NSO) data that labour minister Santosh Gangwar provided in Rajya Sabha while replying to a question on unemployment in the … Read more 21.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

Defluoridation And Other Techniques Of Water Purification

? Defluoridation and other Techniques of water purification Defluoridation Defluoridation is the downward adjustment of the level of fluoride in drinking water. Worldwide, fluoride is one of the most abundant anions present in groundwater. Fluoride is more present in groundwater than surface water mainly due to the leaching of minerals. Groundwater accounts for 98 … Read more Defluoridation And Other Techniques Of Water Purification


? Fertilizers All plants need certain mineral nutrients to survive. These minerals occur naturally in the soil and are taken up from the soil by the roots of the plants. Most soils usually have enough of these minerals to keep plants healthy. However, some nutrients are gradually used up by the plants, or are … Read more Fertilizars