DMPQ-. Explain the measures taken by central and state governments to curb the menace of air pollution in India.

. National Ambient Air Quality Standards envisaging 12 pollutants have been notified under the EPA, 1986 along with 115 emission/effluent standards for 104 different sectors of industries, besides 32 general standards. Government is executing a nation-wide programme of ambient air quality monitoring known as National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP). The network consists of six … Read more DMPQ-. Explain the measures taken by central and state governments to curb the menace of air pollution in India.

DMPQ-Throw light on preparedness and mitigation procedure during and after earthquake disaster.

. Unlike other disasters, the damages caused by earthquakes are more devastating. Since it also destroys most of the transport and communication links, providing timely relief to the victims becomes difficult. It is not possible to prevent the occurrence of an earthquake;  hence, the next best option is to emphasis on disaster preparedness and mitigation … Read more DMPQ-Throw light on preparedness and mitigation procedure during and after earthquake disaster.

DMPQ-. Explain the routes of foreign direct investment in organized retail sector. Also mention the benefits of FDI in retail sector.

. Foreign Direct Investment in organized retail is yet another area shrouded in controversy.  What is organized retail? Let us define retail first, it is household requirement of the people  comprising of food and grocery, clothing, convenience, consumer goods, etc. Secondly,  organized retailing is selling of these household commonly used goods to the people  directly, … Read more DMPQ-. Explain the routes of foreign direct investment in organized retail sector. Also mention the benefits of FDI in retail sector.

DMPQ-What is the concept of ‘Kitchen cabinet’? Point out the evolution of Kitchen cabinet in Indian politics.

. The cabinet, a small body consisting of the prime minister as its head and some 15 to 20 most important ministers, is the highest decision-making body in the formal sense. However, a still smaller body called the ‘inner Cabinet’ or ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ has become the real centre of power. This informal body consists of … Read more DMPQ-What is the concept of ‘Kitchen cabinet’? Point out the evolution of Kitchen cabinet in Indian politics.

DMPQ-. “Project Tiger has played an important role to multiply the tiger population in India’. Elaborate.

Project Tiger was launched in 1973 for conserving the tiger. From 9 tiger reserves since its formative years, the Project Tiger coverage has increased to 50, spread out in 18 of tiger range states. These reserves are constituted on a core / buffer strategy. The core areas have the legal status of a national park … Read more DMPQ-. “Project Tiger has played an important role to multiply the tiger population in India’. Elaborate.

DMPQ-. Explain the phenomenon of origin of tropical cyclones.

Tropical cyclones are violent storms that originate over oceans in tropical areas and move over to the coastal areas bringing about large scale destruction caused by violent winds, very heavy rainfall and storm surges. This is one of the most devastating natural calamities. They are known as Cyclones in the Indian Ocean, Hurricanes in the … Read more DMPQ-. Explain the phenomenon of origin of tropical cyclones.

DMPQ-Critically differentiate between American depository receipts (ADR) and Global depository receipts(GDR).

ADR and GDR are route used by Indian corporate sector used for foreign direct investment.In the absence of  convertibility, Indian companies cannot access the global capital market by issuance of  shares just as they can be in the domestic market. To enable companies to access global  markets, companies can issue shares, but instead of selling … Read more DMPQ-Critically differentiate between American depository receipts (ADR) and Global depository receipts(GDR).

DMPQ-Differentiate between the concept of ‘Individual responsibility’ and ‘Collective responsibility’.

The fundamental principle underlying the working of parliamentary system of government is the principle of collective responsibility. Article 75 clearly states that the council of ministers is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha. This means that all the ministers own joint responsibility to the Lok Sabha for all their acts of ommission and commission. They … Read more DMPQ-Differentiate between the concept of ‘Individual responsibility’ and ‘Collective responsibility’.

DMPQ-Discuss the importance of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan to ensure the right of children to free and compulsory education.

Article 21-A of the Constitution of India and its consequent legislation, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 became operative in the country in 2010. The RTE Act confers the right to elementary education on all children, in the age group of 6-14 years, on the basis of equality of … Read more DMPQ-Discuss the importance of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan to ensure the right of children to free and compulsory education.

DMPQ-Critically evaluate India’s export sector performance in last two decades.

The significant openness which started becoming visible in the nineties intensified from  2000 onwards with a sharp focus given through the FTP has resulted in a reversal of the  declining trend in global trade. However, the growth of the Indian economy in recent  times has outpaced the trade growth or that trade growth has lagged … Read more DMPQ-Critically evaluate India’s export sector performance in last two decades.

22.12.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND CM wants glimpse of J’khand on Govt buildings Chief Minister Hemant Soren said the Government buildings of the State should be constructed in such a manner that they are uniquely identified.   Quality should be taken care of in the construction of government buildings. These buildings should be constructed within the stipulated time frame. … Read more 22.12.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

20-21.12.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Govt will fulfill minorities’ reasonable demands: Oraon Jharkhand Pradesh Congress Committee (JPCC) said that the State Government is determined to fulfill reasonable demands of the minority community.   The JPCC Chief assured that the government will fulfill the demands of Quraish society including Minorities Commission, Finance Commission, Madarasa Board at the earliest. The Corona … Read more 20-21.12.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

DMPQ- . Differentiate between the Suspensive veto power and pocket veto power of president of India.

. The President of India exercises suspensive veto when he returns a bill for reconsideration of the Parliament. However, if the bill is passed again by the Parliament with or without amendments and again presented to the President, it is obligatory for the President to give his assent to the bill. This means that the … Read more DMPQ- . Differentiate between the Suspensive veto power and pocket veto power of president of India.

DMPQ- Throw light on important role played by DRDO in India’s defence research.

. Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is the research and development arm of the Ministry of Defence. It was created in 1958 by merging the units of Defence Science Organisation, which was set up in 1948 to advise and assist the Defence Services on scientific problems and to undertake research in areas related to … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on important role played by DRDO in India’s defence research.

DMPQ- What is temperature inversion and how does it effect atmosphere?

Normally, temperature decreases with increase in elevation. It is called normal lapse rate. At times, the situations is reversed and the normal lapse rate is inverted. It is called Inversion of temperature. Inversion is usually of short duration but quite common nonetheless. A long winter night with clear skies and still air is ideal situation … Read more DMPQ- What is temperature inversion and how does it effect atmosphere?

DMPQ- Explain the mission and objectives of India’s Intellectual property rights(IPR) policy 2016.

The National IPR Policy is a vision document that aims to create and exploit synergies  between all forms of intellectual property (IP), concerned statutes and agencies. It sets in  place an institutional mechanism for implementation, monitoring and review. Mission Statement Stimulate a dynamic, vibrant and balanced intellectual property rights system in India to: foster creativity … Read more DMPQ- Explain the mission and objectives of India’s Intellectual property rights(IPR) policy 2016.

DMPQ- . Throw light on the Executive powers hold by the president of India.

The executive powers and functions of the President are: All executive actions of the Government of India are formally taken in his name. He can make rules specifying the manner in which the orders and other instruments made and executed in his name shall be authenticated. He can make rules for more convenient transaction of … Read more DMPQ- . Throw light on the Executive powers hold by the president of India.

DMPQ- Disscuss the major intelliegence Challenges India facing in the context of recent India china border dispute.

. The conflict with China on the borders of Ladakh, and the brutal murder of 20 Indian soldiers has led to furious allegations by retired service officers as well as opposition leaders of ‘another’ intelligence failure. A disjointed Indian intelligence system appears to have permitted China the crucial time window to initially move forces into … Read more DMPQ- Disscuss the major intelliegence Challenges India facing in the context of recent India china border dispute.

DMPQ- Discuss the process of landforms formed by the erosion of groundwater.

The surface water percolates well when the rocks are permeable, thinly bedded and highly jointed and cracked. After vertically going down to some depth, the water under the ground flows horizontally through the bedding planes, joints or through the materials themselves. It is this downward and horizontal movement of water which causes the rocks to … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the process of landforms formed by the erosion of groundwater.

DMPQ- “Article 352 gives President the power to declare a national emergency.” Explain.

Under Article 352, the President can declare a national emergency when the security of India or a part of it is threatened by war or external aggression or armed rebellion. It may be noted that the president can declare a national emer-gency even before the actual occurrence of war or external aggression or armed rebellion, … Read more DMPQ- “Article 352 gives President the power to declare a national emergency.” Explain.

DMPQ- How the movement of Indian plate has affected the structural changes of continents.

  The Indian plate includes Peninsular India and the Australian continental portions.  The subduction zone along the Himalayas forms the northern plate boundary in the form of continent— continent convergence. In the east, it extends through Rakinyoma Mountains of Myanmar towards the island arc along the Java Trench. The eastern margin is a spreading site … Read more DMPQ- How the movement of Indian plate has affected the structural changes of continents.

DMPQ- How ‘Make in India’ Programme has made progress in India’s manufacturing sector ?

The Make in India initiative has been built on layers of collaborative effort of DIPP,  acting as a backbone with Union Ministers, Secretaries to the Government of India, state  governments, industry leaders, and various knowledge partners to debate and formulate an  action plan for the next three years, aimed at raising the contribution of the … Read more DMPQ- How ‘Make in India’ Programme has made progress in India’s manufacturing sector ?

DMPQ- What is Inter state council ? Also mentions it’s composition and it’s role in centre-state relations.

The Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State Relations (1983–87) made a strong case for the establishment of a permanent Inter-State Council under Article 263 of the Constitution. It recommended that in order to differentiate the Inter-State Council from other bodies established under the same Article 263, it must be called as the Inter-Governmental Council. The Commission recommended … Read more DMPQ- What is Inter state council ? Also mentions it’s composition and it’s role in centre-state relations.

DMPQ- Classify Himalayas on the bases on relief, alignment of ranges and other geomorphological features.

Based on relief, alignment of ranges and other geomorphological features, the Himalayas can be divided into the following sub-divisions: Kashmir or Northwestern Himalayas  Kashmir or Northwestern Himalayas consist of a series of ranges such as the Karakoram, Ladakh, Zanskar, and Pir Panjal. Important glaciers of South Asia, i.e., the Baltoro and Siachen are found in … Read more DMPQ- Classify Himalayas on the bases on relief, alignment of ranges and other geomorphological features.

DMPQ- What is ULIP (Unit-linked insurance plans) ? How does it links insurance companies with stock markets?

In recent times, there has been an increased preference of mutual fund companies as well  as insurance companies to combine the investments in stock markets with life insurance  plans, known as ULIPs. This need has arisen as there is very low penetration of life  insurance in India or lack of awareness of the need for … Read more DMPQ- What is ULIP (Unit-linked insurance plans) ? How does it links insurance companies with stock markets?

DMPQ- Discuss the recommandations of Punchhi commissions regarding Centre-State relations.

The Second commission on Centre-State Relations was set-up by the Government of India in April 2007 under the Chairmanship of Madan Mohan Punchhi, former Chief Justice of India.It was required to look into the issues of Centre-State relations keeping in view the sea-changes that have taken place in the polity and economy of India since … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the recommandations of Punchhi commissions regarding Centre-State relations.

DMPQ- Critically evaluate that how Make in India programme can be a milestone for India’s Defense sector.

. India has the third largest military in the world and is the sixth biggest defence spender. India is also one of the largest importers of conventional defence equipment and spends around 30% of its total defense budget on capital acquisitions. 60% of defence related requirements are currently met through imports. The ‘Make in India’ … Read more DMPQ- Critically evaluate that how Make in India programme can be a milestone for India’s Defense sector.

DMPQ- Discuss the factors affecting temperature distribution of Ocean water.

The following factors affect the distribution of temperature of ocean water: Latitudes The temperature of surface water decreases from equator towards the poles because the sun’s rays become more and more slanting and thus the amount of insolation decreases poleward accordingly. The temperature of surface water between 40°N and 40°S is lower than air temperature … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the factors affecting temperature distribution of Ocean water.

18-19.10.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND New job scheme for urban poor   Chief minister Hemant Soren launched an employment scheme to provide jobs to unskilled labourers who are struggling to make ends meet amid the pandemic in urban areas. The Mukhya Mantri Shramik (Shahri Rozgar Manjuri For Kamgar) Yojana has been propounded on the lines of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment … Read more 18-19.10.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

17.10.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Employment generation in mining, other sectors priority of Govt: CM Apart from the mining sector in the State, the government has special emphasis on creating employment in other areas. For this, the government is moving ahead in a phased manner to employ more and more people through different mediums. The CM said that there … Read more 17.10.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

18.12.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND SC displeased over non-compliance on re-grassing of mined areas in State The Supreme Court has expressed displeasure over non-compliance of its previous direction regarding re-grassing of mined areas by leaseholders after mining operations are completed.   In the previous hearing on January 8 the bench had observed mining is causing complete destruction of grass. … Read more 18.12.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

16.10.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Govt sets up 6 centres across state to detect post covid complications   In order to enhance the life expectancy and to detect post covid complications among recovered patients, the state health department set up six covid care centres across the state. These centres will also counsel patients.   According to the letter, patients on oxygen support during … Read more 16.10.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

17.12.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Govt plans farm loan waiver from Jan   Amid the ongoing farmers’ stir in the state against the Centre’s new farm laws, the Jharkhand government is gearing up to roll out a farm loan waiver scheme, which was promised in its election manifesto, from January next year. State government officials said the scheme, which is likely to provide loan waivers up to … Read more 17.12.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

15.10.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Cabinet nod to dhoti-saree scheme The state cabinet  approved a proposal to roll out the Sona Sobran Dhoti Saree scheme, which promises one saree and one dhoti (or lungi) to 57.10 lakh families of Jharkhand twice a year at a subsidized price of Rs 10 a piece. The scheme was first introduced by the former UPA government … Read more 15.10.20 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

DMPQ- What is the role of SEBI (Securities exchange beuro of India) in order to regulate Capital market of India ?

All such issuances in terms of quantum to be raised, pricing is left to the company,  however, regulated by the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) which has the  following objectives: To ensure that all companies accessing the primary market are making complete disclosures about their company and their functioning. Pricing has been determined through … Read more DMPQ- What is the role of SEBI (Securities exchange beuro of India) in order to regulate Capital market of India ?

DMPQ- Throw light on the constitutional provisions which enable the mutual delegation of power between Centre and states.

The distribution of legislative powers between the Centre and the states is rigid. Consequently, the Centre cannot delegate its legislative powers to the states and a single state cannot request the Parliament to make a law on a state subject. The distribution of executive power in general follows the distribution of legislative powers. But, such … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on the constitutional provisions which enable the mutual delegation of power between Centre and states.

DMPQ- . Discuss the main causes escalating maritime challenges for India.

India’s main strategic challenge comes from its prosperous northern neighbour; China. It can be said that China and India, are going to make uneasy neighbours. For the two nuclear-armed nations to rise, almost simultaneously, without conflict will require either adroit diplomacy or a miracle; possibly both. The all weather Sino-Pakistan alliance, with its strong anti-Indian … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the main causes escalating maritime challenges for India.

DMPQ- Discuss the factors affecting the amount of solar radiation received by surfaces.

Every location on Earth receives sunlight at least part of the year. The amount of solar radiation that reaches any one spot on the Earth’s surface varies according to: Geographic location Time of day Season Local landscape Local weather. Because the Earth is round, the sun strikes the surface at different angles, ranging from 0° … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the factors affecting the amount of solar radiation received by surfaces.

DMPQ- What are the major objectives of Gold monetization scheme? How it’s going to benefit india’s financial situation?

The Gold Monetization Scheme is a welcome step initiated by the Government of India to  unlock the unused and idle gold lying in households and institutions and bring them into  mainstream and release the capital locked in for use in the economy for its development.  The key objectives of this scheme are stated as under: … Read more DMPQ- What are the major objectives of Gold monetization scheme? How it’s going to benefit india’s financial situation?

DMPQ- Discuss the Constitutional provisions for territorial Extent of Central and State Legislation.

The Constitution defines the territorial limits of the legislative powers vested in the Centre and the states in the following way: The Parliament can make laws for the whole or any part of the territory of India. The territory of India includes the states, the union territories, and any other area for the time being … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the Constitutional provisions for territorial Extent of Central and State Legislation.

DMPQ- . How can community participation is one of the important factors in border management ?

One of the most important challenges of border management is integration of local community in 4 border management. Preventing alienation of border population, winning their hearts and minds by formulating people inclusive border management policies is of paramount importance. There is need to recognise the local bordering community as a prime stakeholder in border management. … Read more DMPQ- . How can community participation is one of the important factors in border management ?

DMPQ- . What is Geomorphic process ? Explain Diastrophism in detail.

The endogenic and exogenic forces causing physical stresses and chemical actions on earth materials and bringing about changes in the configuration of the surface of the earth are known as geomorphic processes. Diastrophism and volcanism are endogenic geomorphic processes. A process is a force applied on earth materials affecting the same. An agent is a … Read more DMPQ- . What is Geomorphic process ? Explain Diastrophism in detail.

DMPQ- Discuss the various quantitative and qualitative measures implemented by RBI to manage liquidity in market.

RBI thus has certain quantitative and qualitative tools through which it manages  liquidity and they are as follows: Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) Every bank has to retain a certain percentage of its  demands and time liabilities in cash with the RBI which can be raised by the RBI to  drain out excess liquidity or reduced … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the various quantitative and qualitative measures implemented by RBI to manage liquidity in market.

DMPQ- . Discuss the Unitary features enshrined in the Constitution of India.

Besides the above federal features, the Indian Constitution also possesses the following unitary or non-federal features: Strong Centre The division of powers is in favour of the Centre and highly inequitable from the federal angle. Firstly, the Union List contains more subjects than the State List. Secondly, the more important subjects have been included in … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the Unitary features enshrined in the Constitution of India.