DMPQ- Throw light on the special constitutional provisions inducted for the national capital region.

. The 69th Constitutional Amendment Act of 19915 provided a special status to the Union Territory of Delhi, and redesignated it the National Capital Territory of Delhi and designated the administrator of Delhi as the lieutenant (lt.) governor. It created a legislative assembly and a council of ministers for Delhi. Previously, Delhi had a metropolitan … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on the special constitutional provisions inducted for the national capital region.

DMPQ- “Transition to statehood of Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh was smooth, it was not so in case of Nagaland and Mizoram.” Elucidate.

Naga areas were totally isolated during British rule and after Independence, government of India sought to integrate them, but they opposed in favor of a separate independent state under leadership of A Phizo and British officers and missionaries support. In 1955, a violent campaign was launched by Nagas and they declared independence from Assam and … Read more DMPQ- “Transition to statehood of Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh was smooth, it was not so in case of Nagaland and Mizoram.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- . Discuss the major constitutional and legal provisions inducted for the administration of union territories.

Articles 239 to 241 in Part VIII of the Constitution deal with the union territories. Even though all the union territories belong to one category, there is no uniformity in their administrative system. Every union territory is administered by the President acting through an administrator appointed by him. An administrator Join Our Telegram Channel of … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the major constitutional and legal provisions inducted for the administration of union territories.

DMPQ- What were India’s challenges vis-à-vis tribal integration after independence and how government of India resolved them.

British colonial rule left them in gross suspicion and insecure and their ‘integration’ into Indian nation became a challenge as India had already witnessed the ill effects of policies of ‘isolation’ and ‘assimilation’ in past. So, Nehru and other leaders saw a middle path in form of integrative approach and said ‘tribal areas have to … Read more DMPQ- What were India’s challenges vis-à-vis tribal integration after independence and how government of India resolved them.

DMPQ- Critically evaluate the role played by planning commission and mention the reasons why government eradicated it.

There are two basic pillars of the argument against planning commission – first, the institution is not a fit in the liberalized environment where market calls the shots and second, it has long  played a role of distorting the true federal nature of Indian polity. Planning Commission is more  than 60 years old – modeled … Read more DMPQ- Critically evaluate the role played by planning commission and mention the reasons why government eradicated it.

DMPQ- Discuss different institutions formed under the 74th amendement act.

Municipal Corporation Municipal corporations are created for the administration of big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bangalore and others. They are established in the states by the acts of the concerned state legislatures, and in the union territories by the acts of the Parliament of India. There may be one common act for all … Read more DMPQ- Discuss different institutions formed under the 74th amendement act.

DMPQ- Point out the major provisions and functions of metropolitan planning committee under 74th amendment act.

. 74th amendment has a provision that says every metropolitan area shall have a metropolitan planning committee to prepare a draft development plan. The state legislature may make provisions with respect to the following: The composition of such committees; The manner of election of members of such committees; The representation in such committes of the … Read more DMPQ- Point out the major provisions and functions of metropolitan planning committee under 74th amendment act.

DMPQ-How does Article 371-F of Indian constitution Makes Sikkim a special state.

. The 36th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1975 made Sikkim a full-fledged state of the Indian Union. It included a new Article 371-F containing special provisions with respect to Sikkim. These are as follows: The Sikkim Legislative Assembly is to consist of not less than 30 members. One seat is allotted to Sikkim in the … Read more DMPQ-How does Article 371-F of Indian constitution Makes Sikkim a special state.

DMPQ-. How does Article 371 A makes Nagaland a special state.

Article 371-A makes the following special provisions for Nagaland : The Acts of Parliament relating to the following matters would not apply to Nagaland unless the State Legislative Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube Assembly so decides: religious or social practices of the Nagas; Naga customary law and procedure; Administration of civil and criminal … Read more DMPQ-. How does Article 371 A makes Nagaland a special state.

DMPQ-. What is High court’s supervisory Jurisdiction? What role it plays in state judicial administration.

. A high court has the power of superintendence over all courts and tribunals functioning in its territorial jurisdiction (except military courts or tribunals). Thus, it may: call for returns from them; Make and issue, general rules and prescribe forms for regulating the practice and proceedings of them; prescribe forms in which books, entries and … Read more DMPQ-. What is High court’s supervisory Jurisdiction? What role it plays in state judicial administration.

DMPQ-. Throw light on the Writ jurisdiction of state High courts.

. Article 226 of the Constitution empowers a high court to issue writs including habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari, prohibition and quo-warrento for the enforcement of the fundamental rights of the citizens and for any other purpose. The phrase ‘for any other purpose’ refers to the enforcement of an ordinary legal right. The high court can … Read more DMPQ-. Throw light on the Writ jurisdiction of state High courts.

DMPQ- . Mention the important constitutional provisions inducted to ensure the independence of High court.

. The Constitution has made the following provisions to safeguard and ensure the independent and impartial functioning of a high court. Mode of Appointment The judges of a high court are appointed by the president (which means the cabinet) in consultation with the members of the judiciary itself (i.e., chief justice of India and the … Read more DMPQ- . Mention the important constitutional provisions inducted to ensure the independence of High court.

DMPQ- . Point out the collective and individual privileges constitutionally given to the members of state legislature.

Collective Privileges The privileges belonging to each House of the state legislature collectively are: It has the right to publish its reports, debates and proceedings and also the right to prohibit others from publishing the same It can exclude strangers from its proceedings and hold secret sittings to discuss some important matters. It can make … Read more DMPQ- . Point out the collective and individual privileges constitutionally given to the members of state legislature.

DMPQ- Do you agree that legislative assembly is way more powerful than legislative council.

. In the following matters, the powers and status of the council are unequal to that of the assembly: A Money Bill can be introduced only in the assembly and not in the council. The council cannot amend or reject a money bill. It should return the bill to the assembly within 14 days, either … Read more DMPQ- Do you agree that legislative assembly is way more powerful than legislative council.

DMPQ- Discuss the procedure of passing a money bill in state legislative.

. The Constitution lays down a special procedure for the passing of Money Bills in the state legislature. This is as follows: A Money Bill cannot be introduced in the legislative council. It can be introduced in the legislative assembly only and that too on the recommendation of the governor. Every such bill is considered … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the procedure of passing a money bill in state legislative.

DMPQ- Briefly discuss the sessions of a state assembly.

Summoning The governor from time to time summons each House of state legislature to meet. The maximum gap between the two sessions of state legislature cannot be more than six months, ie, the state legislature should meet at least twice a year. A session of the state legislature consists of many sittings. Adjournment An adjournment … Read more DMPQ- Briefly discuss the sessions of a state assembly.

DMPQ- Throw light on the powers and functions of office of Chief minister.

. The Chief Minister enjoys the following powers as head of the state council of ministers: The governor appoints only those persons as ministers who are recommended by the Chief Minister. He allocates and reshuffles the portfolios among ministers. He can ask a minister to resign or advise the governor to dismiss him in case … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on the powers and functions of office of Chief minister.

DMPQ- . “Constitution of India has made the governor only a nominal executive.” Explain.

The Constitution of India provides for a parliamentary form of government in the states as in the Centre. Consequently, the governor has been made only a nominal executive, the real executive constitutes the council of ministers headed by the chief minister. In other words, the governor has to exercise his powers and functions with the … Read more DMPQ- . “Constitution of India has made the governor only a nominal executive.” Explain.

DMPQ- “Office of the Governor not only have executive powers but also holds legislative powers.” Elucidate.

. A governor is an integral part of the state legislature. In that capacity, he has the following legislative powers and functions: He can summon or prorogue the state legislature and dissolve the state legislative assembly. He can address the state legislature at the commencement of the first session after each general election and the … Read more DMPQ- “Office of the Governor not only have executive powers but also holds legislative powers.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- . Briefly discuss the executive powers hold by office of the Governor.

. The executive powers and functions of the Governor are: All executive actions of the government of a state are formally taken in his name. He can make rules specifying the manner in which the Orders and other instruments made and executed in his name shall be authenticated. He can make rules for more convenient … Read more DMPQ- . Briefly discuss the executive powers hold by office of the Governor.

DMPQ- Trace the constitutional provisions for the appointment and conditions for the post of Governor.

. The governor is neither directly elected by the people nor indirectly elected by a specially constituted electoral college as is the case with the president. He is appointed by the president by warrant under his hand and seal. In a way, he is a nominee of the Central government. But, as held by the … Read more DMPQ- Trace the constitutional provisions for the appointment and conditions for the post of Governor.

DMPQ- Explain the concept of judicial review. How does supreme court’s effect functioning of government through judicial review.

Judicial review is the power of the Supreme Court to examine the constitutionality of legislative enactments and executive orders of both the Central and state governments. On examination, if they are found to be violative of the Constitution (ultra-vires), they can be declared as illegal, unconstitutional and invalid (null and void) by the Supreme Court. … Read more DMPQ- Explain the concept of judicial review. How does supreme court’s effect functioning of government through judicial review.

DMPQ- . Discuss the constitutional status of Supreme court’s advisory jurisdiction.

The Constitution (Article 143) authorises the president to seek the opinion of the Supreme Court in the two categories of matters: On any question of law or fact of public importance which has arisen or which is likely to arise. On any dispute arising out of any pre-constitution treaty, agreement, covenant, engagement, sanad or other … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the constitutional status of Supreme court’s advisory jurisdiction.

DMPQ-. “Article 371-J of Indian constitution gives the President of India certain power to provide that the Governor of Karnataka would have special responsibility for Karnataka.” Elucidate.

. Under Article 371-J, the President is empowered to provide that the Governor of Karnataka would have special responsibility for The establishment of a separate development board for Hyderabad-Karnataka region Making a provision that a report on the working of the board would be placed every year before the State Legislative Assembly The equitable allocation … Read more DMPQ-. “Article 371-J of Indian constitution gives the President of India certain power to provide that the Governor of Karnataka would have special responsibility for Karnataka.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- “Supreme court’s writ jurisdiction power is given to defend people’s fundamental rights.” Elucidate.

. The Constitution has constituted the Supreme Court as the guarantor and defender of the fundamental rights of the citizens. The Supreme Court is empowered to issue writs including habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo-warrento and certiorari for the enforcement of the fundamental rights of an aggrieved citizen. In this regard, the Supreme Court has original … Read more DMPQ- “Supreme court’s writ jurisdiction power is given to defend people’s fundamental rights.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- Throw the light on the constitutional provisions made to safeguard and ensure the independence of supreme court of India.

. The Constitution has made the following provisions to safeguard and ensure the independent and impartial functioning of the Supreme Court: Mode of Appointment The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the Pre-sident (which means the cabinet) in consultation with the members of the judiciary itself (ie, judges of the Supreme Court and … Read more DMPQ- Throw the light on the constitutional provisions made to safeguard and ensure the independence of supreme court of India.

DMPQ- . Discuss the appointment and removal procedure of supreme court judges.

Appointment of Chief Justice From 1950 to 1973, the practice has been to appoint the seniormost judge of the Supreme Court as the chief justice of India. This established convention was violated in 1973 when Join Our Telegram Channel A N Ray was appointed as the Chief Justice of India by superseding three senior judges. … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the appointment and removal procedure of supreme court judges.

DMPQ- What are the objectives and composition of the parliamentary forums?

The objectives behind the constitution of the Parliamentary forums are: To provide a platform to the members to have interactions with the ministers concerned, experts and key officials from the nodal ministries with a view to have a focused and meaningful discussion on critical issues with a result-oriented approach for speeding up the implementation process; … Read more DMPQ- What are the objectives and composition of the parliamentary forums?

DMPQ- Point out the factors which limit the sovereignty of India’s parliament.

. The Indian Parliament cannot be regarded as a sovereign body as there are ‘legal’ restrictions on its authority and jurisdiction. The factors that limit the sovereignty of Indian Parliament are: Written Nature of the Constitution The Constitution is the fundamental law of the land in our country. It has defined the authority and jurisdiction … Read more DMPQ- Point out the factors which limit the sovereignty of India’s parliament.

DMPQ- Briefly describe the concept of parliamentary privileges. Also mention the consequences of breach of privileges.

Parliamentary privileges are special rights, immunities and exemptions enjoyed by the two Houses of Parliament, their committees and their members. They are necessary in order to secure the independence and effectiveness of their actions. Without these privileges, the Houses can neither maintain their authority, dignity and honour nor can protect their members from any obstruction … Read more DMPQ- Briefly describe the concept of parliamentary privileges. Also mention the consequences of breach of privileges.

DMPQ- Give historical background of Public account committee. Also mention the important functions performed by the committee.

This committee was setup first in 1921 under the provisions of the Government of India Act of 1919 and has since been in existence. At present, it consists of 22 members (15 from the Lok Sabha and 7 from the Rajya Sabha). The members are elected by the Parliament every year from amongst its members … Read more DMPQ- Give historical background of Public account committee. Also mention the important functions performed by the committee.

DMPQ- Give the brief description of Special powers allotted to Rajya sabha by Constitution.

.  Due to its federal character, the Rajya Sabha has been given two exclusive or special powers that are not enjoyed by the Lok Sabha: It can authorise the Parliament to make a law on a subject enumerated in the State List (Article 249). It can authorise the Parliament to create new All-India Services common … Read more DMPQ- Give the brief description of Special powers allotted to Rajya sabha by Constitution.

DMPQ- It has been said that in parliamentary system control over government and administration is weak. Do you agree?

. The parliamentary control over government and administration in India is more theoretical than practical. In reality, the control is not as effective as it ought to be. The following factors are responsible for this: The Parliament has neither time nor expertise to control the Subscribe on YouTube administration which has grown in volume as … Read more DMPQ- It has been said that in parliamentary system control over government and administration is weak. Do you agree?

DMPQ-. Elaborate the Legislative powers and functions of India’s Parliament.

The primary function of Parliament is to make laws for the governance of the country. It has exclusive power to make laws on the subjects enumerated in the Union List (which at present has 100 subjects, originally 97 subjects) and on the residuary subjects (that is, subjects not enumerated in any of the three lists). … Read more DMPQ-. Elaborate the Legislative powers and functions of India’s Parliament.

DMPQ-. Explain the procedure of passing Ordinary bills in the Parliament of India.

. Every ordinary bill has to pass through the following five stages in the Parliament before it finds a place on the Statute Book: First Reading An ordinary bill can be introduced in either House of Parliament. Such Subscribe on YouTube a bill can be introduced either by a minister or by any other member. … Read more DMPQ-. Explain the procedure of passing Ordinary bills in the Parliament of India.

DMPQ-Discuss the major devices of Parliamentary procedure.

Question Hour The first hour of every parliamentary sitting is slotted for this. During this time, the members ask questions and the ministers usually give answers. The questions are of three kinds, namely, starred, unstarred and short notice. A starred question (distinguished by an asterisk) requires an oral answer and hence supplementary questions can follow. … Read more DMPQ-Discuss the major devices of Parliamentary procedure.

DMPQ-What is the concept of ‘Kitchen cabinet’? Point out the evolution of Kitchen cabinet in Indian politics.

. The cabinet, a small body consisting of the prime minister as its head and some 15 to 20 most important ministers, is the highest decision-making body in the formal sense. However, a still smaller body called the ‘inner Cabinet’ or ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ has become the real centre of power. This informal body consists of … Read more DMPQ-What is the concept of ‘Kitchen cabinet’? Point out the evolution of Kitchen cabinet in Indian politics.

DMPQ-Differentiate between the concept of ‘Individual responsibility’ and ‘Collective responsibility’.

The fundamental principle underlying the working of parliamentary system of government is the principle of collective responsibility. Article 75 clearly states that the council of ministers is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha. This means that all the ministers own joint responsibility to the Lok Sabha for all their acts of ommission and commission. They … Read more DMPQ-Differentiate between the concept of ‘Individual responsibility’ and ‘Collective responsibility’.

DMPQ-Discuss the importance of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan to ensure the right of children to free and compulsory education.

Article 21-A of the Constitution of India and its consequent legislation, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 became operative in the country in 2010. The RTE Act confers the right to elementary education on all children, in the age group of 6-14 years, on the basis of equality of … Read more DMPQ-Discuss the importance of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan to ensure the right of children to free and compulsory education.

DMPQ- . Differentiate between the Suspensive veto power and pocket veto power of president of India.

. The President of India exercises suspensive veto when he returns a bill for reconsideration of the Parliament. However, if the bill is passed again by the Parliament with or without amendments and again presented to the President, it is obligatory for the President to give his assent to the bill. This means that the … Read more DMPQ- . Differentiate between the Suspensive veto power and pocket veto power of president of India.

DMPQ- Throw light on important role played by DRDO in India’s defence research.

. Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is the research and development arm of the Ministry of Defence. It was created in 1958 by merging the units of Defence Science Organisation, which was set up in 1948 to advise and assist the Defence Services on scientific problems and to undertake research in areas related to … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on important role played by DRDO in India’s defence research.

DMPQ- . Throw light on the Executive powers hold by the president of India.

The executive powers and functions of the President are: All executive actions of the Government of India are formally taken in his name. He can make rules specifying the manner in which the orders and other instruments made and executed in his name shall be authenticated. He can make rules for more convenient transaction of … Read more DMPQ- . Throw light on the Executive powers hold by the president of India.

DMPQ- “Article 352 gives President the power to declare a national emergency.” Explain.

Under Article 352, the President can declare a national emergency when the security of India or a part of it is threatened by war or external aggression or armed rebellion. It may be noted that the president can declare a national emer-gency even before the actual occurrence of war or external aggression or armed rebellion, … Read more DMPQ- “Article 352 gives President the power to declare a national emergency.” Explain.

DMPQ- What is Inter state council ? Also mentions it’s composition and it’s role in centre-state relations.

The Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State Relations (1983–87) made a strong case for the establishment of a permanent Inter-State Council under Article 263 of the Constitution. It recommended that in order to differentiate the Inter-State Council from other bodies established under the same Article 263, it must be called as the Inter-Governmental Council. The Commission recommended … Read more DMPQ- What is Inter state council ? Also mentions it’s composition and it’s role in centre-state relations.