DMPQ- Give a brief description of communal award (1932) and puna pact.

. In the wake of inconclusive Round Table Talks, British government had declared that, if a  consensus was not reached on separate representation of minorities, a unilateral communal award will  be made. Government kept its promise in form of Communal Award of 1932. The Communal Award was by the British Prime Minister Ramsay McDonald on … Read more DMPQ- Give a brief description of communal award (1932) and puna pact.

DMPQ- Discuss the conditions in which second round table conference was conducted. Also mention the objectives of the conference.

. The Congress had boycotted the first Round Table Conference (1930) which was actively  attended by princely states, Ambedkar and other non-Congress parties. Ambedkar also raised the issue  of separate electorate for Dalits and Jinnah demanded more safeguards for the Muslims (these two demands were reflected in Communal Award of 1932). After Gandhi-Irwin Join Our … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the conditions in which second round table conference was conducted. Also mention the objectives of the conference.

DMPQ- Discuss the significance of Karachi session of congress in India’s freedom struggle.

. The Gandhi-Irwin pact was criticised by radical nationalists, for Gandhiji was unable to  obtain from the Viceroy a commitment to political independence for Indians; he could obtain merely an  assurance of talks towards that possible end. It was organised even as many Congress leaders opposed  the Gandhi-Irwin pact, for the government had not accepted … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the significance of Karachi session of congress in India’s freedom struggle.

DMPQ- Explain how linguistic issues became a huge challenge during consolidation of India

. Just after independence Justice Dhar Commission or Linguistic Provinces Commission of 1948 and another committee JVP Committee in the same year headed by Jawahar Lal, Vallabhai Patel and Pattabhi Sitaramayya advised against creation of states on linguistic lines and instead they recommended creation of states on the basis of administrative convenience for unity, security … Read more DMPQ- Explain how linguistic issues became a huge challenge during consolidation of India

DMPQ- . Discuss Gandhi’s 11 points and explain how they became background for civil disobedience movement.

. After non-action of government over Nehru Report and failure of government to agree  upon any demand for even dominion status, Gandhiji was looking for a new plan amidst growing  restlessness among the Congress and nation as a whole. Mahatma Gandhi found in salt a powerful symbol that could unite the nation. On 31 January … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss Gandhi’s 11 points and explain how they became background for civil disobedience movement.

DMPQ- India was poised by communal tension on the eve of Independence.” Elucidate.

Communalism in India was largely a result of divide and rule policy of the British and it was later strengthened by the two nation theory of Pakistan and hatred bred by it for all non-Muslims. It later gave birth to a counter force in terms of ideas of a potential Hindu State. Partition triggered off … Read more DMPQ- India was poised by communal tension on the eve of Independence.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- “Different regions of India had different interpretation of non-cooperation movement.” Explain.

. The noncooperation movement spread from cities to rural areas and included  peasants tribal areas as well. In Awadh, peasants were led by ‘Baba Ramchandra’ – a sanyasi who had earlier been to  Fiji as an indentured labourer. The movement here was against talukdars and landlords  who demanded from peasants exorbitantly high rents and a … Read more DMPQ- “Different regions of India had different interpretation of non-cooperation movement.” Explain.

DMPQ- Discuss how Lord Wellesley’s Subsdiary Alliance policy helped the cause of expansion of British empire.

. Expansion under Wellesley was perhaps one of  the largest British expansions. He took over India at a time when France was engaged in a bitter  war with Britain all over the world. He used many tactics for expansion from outright war to  usurping the throne of erstwhile subsidiaries. Subsidiary Alliance was one such tool … Read more DMPQ- Discuss how Lord Wellesley’s Subsdiary Alliance policy helped the cause of expansion of British empire.

DMPQ-Highlight the salient features of Mathura school of art during 1st century A.D.

Mathur? art, style of Buddhist visual art that flourished in the trading and pilgrimage centre of Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India, from the 2nd century BC to the 12th century AD; its most distinctive contributions were made during the Kush?n and Gupta periods (1st–6th century AD). Images in the mottled red sandstone from the nearby S?kri … Read more DMPQ-Highlight the salient features of Mathura school of art during 1st century A.D.

DMPQ-. Throw light on the Simon commission recommandations.

. The Simon Commission published a two-volume report in May 1930. It proposed the abolition of dyarchy and the establishment of representative government in the provinces which should be given autonomy. It said that the governor should have discretionary power in relation to internal security and administrative powers to protect the different communities. The number … Read more DMPQ-. Throw light on the Simon commission recommandations.

DMPQ-. “Sculpture and painting saw it’s peak during Gupta period.” Explain.

. The period saw the emergence of iconic Hindu deities like Vishnu, Kartikeya, Shiva Surya and many other gods and goddesses, carved in stone in temples and in temple architecture. After the Huna invaders destroyed most of Subscribe on YouTube the artworks from the Gupta period, the surviving ones seen to this day are the … Read more DMPQ-. “Sculpture and painting saw it’s peak during Gupta period.” Explain.

DMPQ-. How did different political groups respond to the Simon commission report ?

. The Indian response to the Simon Commission was immediate and nearly unanimous. What angered the Indians most was the exclusion of Indians from the commission and the basic notion behind the exclusion that foreigners would discuss and decide upon India’s fitness for self-government. Subscribe on YouTube This notion was seen as a violation of … Read more DMPQ-. How did different political groups respond to the Simon commission report ?

DMPQ-. “Temple architecture reached it’s peak during Chola period.” Elucidate.

. The Chola period is a very significant span of time in that the south Indian art and architecture made marvelous achievement. The Chola dynasty was founded by vijayalaya Chola who controlled the vast geographical terrain of TamilNadu region that was earlier ruled by the Pallava kings of kanchipuram. Vjaylaxmi was a great builder of … Read more DMPQ-. “Temple architecture reached it’s peak during Chola period.” Elucidate.

DMPQ-. How did the spread of Marxist and Socialist Ideas effected India’s freedom struggle ?

Answer. Ideas of Marx and Socialist thinkers inspired many groups to come into existence as socialists and communists. These ideas also resulted in the rise of a left wing within the Congress, represented by Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose. These young nationalists, inspired by the Soviet Revolution and dissatisfied with Gandhian ideas and political … Read more DMPQ-. How did the spread of Marxist and Socialist Ideas effected India’s freedom struggle ?

DMPQ-. Throw light on the contributions of Susruta and Charak in the field of ancient medical science.

.  Susruta was a pioneer in the field of surgery. He considered surgery as “the highest division of the healing arts and least liable to fallacy”. He studied human anatomy with the help of a dead body. In Susruta Samhita, over 1100 diseases Join Our Telegram Channel are mentioned including fevers of twenty-six kinds, jaundice … Read more DMPQ-. Throw light on the contributions of Susruta and Charak in the field of ancient medical science.

DMPQ-. Trace the Swaraj party’s activities in Councils. Also mention their achievements.

. Gradually, the Swarajist position had weakened because of widespread communal riots, and a split among Swarajists themselves on communal and Responsivist-Non-responsivist lines. The government strategy of dividing the Swarajists— the more militant from the moderate, the Hindus from the Muslims—was successful. The Swarajists lost the support of many Muslims when the party did not … Read more DMPQ-. Trace the Swaraj party’s activities in Councils. Also mention their achievements.

DMPQ-. Bring out the Contributions of Aryabhatt in the field of Science and mathematics.

. Aryabhatta was a fifth century mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and physicist. He was a pioneer in the field of mathematics. At the age of 23, he wrote Aryabhattiya, which is a summary of mathematics of his time. There are four sections in this scholarly work. In the first section he describes the method of denoting … Read more DMPQ-. Bring out the Contributions of Aryabhatt in the field of Science and mathematics.

DMPQ- What was the reason behind the foundation of swaraj party ? what arguments swaraji leaders presented to convince congress leadership?

After Gandhi’s arrest (March 1922), there was disintegration, disorganisation and demoralisation among nationalist ranks. A debate started among Congressmen on what to do during the transition period, i.e., the passive phase of the movement. One section led by C.R. Das, Motilal Nehru and Ajmal Khan wanted an end to the boycott of legislative councils so … Read more DMPQ- What was the reason behind the foundation of swaraj party ? what arguments swaraji leaders presented to convince congress leadership?

DMPQ- . Give a brief description of Architecture development during Akbar’s reign.

. The Mughal architecture began in the reign of Akbar. He erected many important buildings. The crowning achievements of his reign was the building of his new capital city of Fatehpur Sikri., 40 km from Agra. Fatehpur Sikri is a romance of stones. The Arch of the Buland Darwaja is the most imposing gateway in … Read more DMPQ- . Give a brief description of Architecture development during Akbar’s reign.

DMPQ- . Point out the historical background in which Non-cooperation and Khilafat movement began.

. The background to the two movements was provided by a series of events after the First World War which belied all hopes of the government’s generosity towards the Indian subjects. The year 1919, in particular, saw a strong feeling of discontent among all sections of Indians for various reasons: The economic situation of the … Read more DMPQ- . Point out the historical background in which Non-cooperation and Khilafat movement began.

DMPQ- Trace the evolution of architecture during Delhi sultanate period.

. With the arrival of Turks during the thirteenth century came a new technique of architecture- the architectural styles of Persia, Arabia and Central Asia. The engineering features of these buildings were the domes, arches and minarets. The palaces, mosques and tombs built by the rulers had these features which were blended with the features … Read more DMPQ- Trace the evolution of architecture during Delhi sultanate period.

DMPQ- The Rowlatt Act gave executive branch extraordinary powers to suppress any discordant voice against the legislative reforms.” Elucidate.

. Just six months before the Montford Reforms were to be put into effect, two bills were introduced in the Imperial Legislative Council. One of them was dropped, but the other—an extension to the Defence of India Regulations Act 1915—was passed in March 1919. It was what was officially called the Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes … Read more DMPQ- The Rowlatt Act gave executive branch extraordinary powers to suppress any discordant voice against the legislative reforms.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- . Discuss the origin and main features of free standing temple architecture in India.

. The temple building activities that began during the Gupta rule continued to flourish in later periods. In southern India the Pallavas, Cholas, Pandyas, Hoyshalas and later the rulers of the Vijaynagar kingdom were great builders of temples. The Pallava rulers built the shore temple at Mahabalipuram. Pallavas also Subscribe on YouTube Join Our Telegram … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the origin and main features of free standing temple architecture in India.

DMPQ- “Champaran Satyagraha (1917) was Gandhi’s first Civil Disobedience movement in India.” Elucidate.

. Gandhi was requested by Rajkumar Shukla, a local man, to look into the problems of the farmers in context of indigo planters of Champaran in Bihar. The European planters had been forcing the peasants to grow indigo on 3/20 part of the total land (called tinkathia system). When towards the end of the nineteenth … Read more DMPQ- “Champaran Satyagraha (1917) was Gandhi’s first Civil Disobedience movement in India.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- Throw light on the salient features of Harappan architecture.

. The excavations at Harappa and Mohenjodaro and several other sites of the Indus Valley Civilisation revealed the existence of a very modern urban civilisation with expert town planning and engineering skills. Main features of Harappan remains are: The settlements could be traced as far back as third millennium BC. Some important settlements were excavated … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on the salient features of Harappan architecture.

DMPQ- . Discuss the Gandhi’s struggle in South Africa for the rights of Indian workers.

. The Indians in South Africa consisted of three categories—one, the indentured Indian labour, mainly from south India, who had migrated to South Africa after 1890 to work on sugar plantations; two, the merchants—mostly Meman Muslims who had followed the labourers; and three, the ex-indentured labourers who had settled down with their children in South … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the Gandhi’s struggle in South Africa for the rights of Indian workers.

DMPQ- Give a brief description of contemporary state of India’s performing arts.

. Presently, all the three art forms i.e. dance, music and drama are flourishing in the country. Several music institution like Gandharva Mahavidyalaya and Prayag Sangeet Samiiti have been imparting training in classical music and dance for more than fifty years. A number of schools, colleges and universities in India have adopted these art forms … Read more DMPQ- Give a brief description of contemporary state of India’s performing arts.

DMPQ- Trace the drawbacks of Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms and Government of India Act, 1919.

. The reforms had many drawbacks: Franchise was very limited. The electorate was extended to some one-and-a-half million for the central legislature, while the population of India Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube was around 260 million, as per one estimate. At the centre, the legislature had no control over the viceroy and his … Read more DMPQ- Trace the drawbacks of Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms and Government of India Act, 1919.

DMPQ- . Trace the origin of Drama in India. Also mention the regional versions of Dram in India.

Indigeneous tradition as well as modern research trace the origin of Indian drama to the Vedas. In the Ramayana we hear of drama troupes of women while Kautilyas Arthshastra mentions musicians, dancers and dramatic shows. Drama is a performing art, which has also been practised since times immemorial. Drama could spring from a child’s play. … Read more DMPQ- . Trace the origin of Drama in India. Also mention the regional versions of Dram in India.

DMPQ- . Point out the reasons for the resurgence of nationalism in India after first world war.

Post-War Economic Hardships India contributed in men and money towards the British war efforts. Thousands of Indian men died in the war on various fronts. The food supplies and ammunition and the army’s keep came from the money raised by taxing Indians. When the war ended, all sections of the Indian population were experiencing hardships … Read more DMPQ- . Point out the reasons for the resurgence of nationalism in India after first world war.

DMPQ- “Komagata Maru Incident and the publication of Ghadar paper were evidences of expension of Indian nationalism outside of the country.” Elucidate.

 The importance of Komagata Maru Incident lies in the fact that it created an explosive situation in the Punjab. Komagata Maru was the name of a ship which was carrying 370 passengers, mainly Sikh and Punjabi Muslim would-be immigrants, from Singapore to Vancouver. They were turned back by Canadian authorities after two months of privation … Read more DMPQ- “Komagata Maru Incident and the publication of Ghadar paper were evidences of expension of Indian nationalism outside of the country.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- Bring out the differences between Hindustani classical music and Carnatic classical music.

Hindustani classical music may be traced back to the period of the Delhi Sultanate and to Amir Khusrau (AD 1253-1325) who encouraged the practice of musical performance with particular instruments. He is believed to have invented the sitar and the tabla and is said to have introduced new ragas. Most of the Hindustani musicians trace … Read more DMPQ- Bring out the differences between Hindustani classical music and Carnatic classical music.

DMPQ- Evaluate critically the impact of Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909.

. The reforms of 1909 afforded no answer to the Indian political problem. Lord Morley made it clear that colonial self-government (as demanded by the Congress) was not suitable for India, and he was against the introduction of parliamentary or responsible government in India. He said, “If it could be said that this chapter of … Read more DMPQ- Evaluate critically the impact of Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909.

DMPQ- Describe the British reaction against national movement after the introduction of swadesi movement and increasing influence of extremist leaders.

. The British government in India had been hostile to the Congress from the beginning. Even after the Moderates, who dominated the Congress from the beginning, began distancing themselves from the militant nationalist trend which had become visible during the last decade of the nineteenth century Subscribe on YouTube itself, government hostility did not stop. … Read more DMPQ- Describe the British reaction against national movement after the introduction of swadesi movement and increasing influence of extremist leaders.

DMPQ- Describe the salient features of Mithila school of paintings.

. Mithila painting also known as Madhubani folk art is the traditional art of the Mithila region of Bihar. They are produced by village women who make three dimensional images using vegetable colour with few earthen colours and finished in black lines on cow dung treated paper. These pictures tell tales especially about Sita’s exile, … Read more DMPQ- Describe the salient features of Mithila school of paintings.

DMPQ- Critically evaluate the strategies adopted by moderate congress leaders in the initial phase of nationalist movement against British imperialism.

. The moderate political activity involved constitutional agitation within the confines of law and showed a slow but orderly political progress. The Moderates believed that the British basically wanted to be just to the Indians but were not aware of the real conditions. Therefore, if public opinion could be created in the country and public … Read more DMPQ- Critically evaluate the strategies adopted by moderate congress leaders in the initial phase of nationalist movement against British imperialism.

DMPQ- Explain how Meiji restoration paved the way for Japanese fascism.

. Meiji Restoration was the political revolution in 1868 that brought about the final demise of the Tokugawa shogunate (military government)—thus ending the Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603–1867)—and, at least nominally, returned control of the country to direct imperial rule under Mutsuhito (the emperor Meiji). In a wider context, however, the Meiji Restoration of 1868 came … Read more DMPQ- Explain how Meiji restoration paved the way for Japanese fascism.

DMPQ- . “Bengal became the centre of painting in modern India.” Explain.

. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries paintings comprised semi westernised local styles which were patronised by British residents and visitors. Themes were generally drawn from Indian social life, popular festivals, and Mughal monuments. These reflected the improvised Mughal traditions. Shaikh Zia-ud-Din’s bird studies for Lady Impey and the portrait paintings of Ghulam … Read more DMPQ- . “Bengal became the centre of painting in modern India.” Explain.

DMPQ- Evaluate critically that western thoughts and education played important role in the rise of modern nationalism in India.

. The introduction of a modern system of education afforded opportunities for assimilation of modern Western ideas. This, in turn, gave a new direction to Indian political thinking, although the English Subscribe on YouTube system of education had been conceived by the rulers in the self-interest of efficient administration. The liberal and radical thought of … Read more DMPQ- Evaluate critically that western thoughts and education played important role in the rise of modern nationalism in India.

DMPQ- . How did Kuomintang and Sun Yat Sen’s politics effect China’s history?

Originally a revolutionary league working for the overthrow of the Chinese monarchy, the Nationalists became a political party in the first year of the Chinese republic (1912). The party participated in the first Chinese parliament, which was soon Join Our Telegram Channel dissolved by a coup d’état (1913). This defeat moved its leader, Sun Yat-sen, … Read more DMPQ- . How did Kuomintang and Sun Yat Sen’s politics effect China’s history?

DMPQ- “Painting reached new heights during medieval India.” Elucidate.

. During the period of Delhi Sultanate, mural painting has been reported from the royal palaces and royal bed-chambers and mosques. These chiefly depict flowers, leaves and plants. During the time of Iltutmish (1210-36) we have references of paintings. During the time of Alauddin Khalji (1296-1316) we have mural painting, miniature painting (of illustrated manuscripts) … Read more DMPQ- “Painting reached new heights during medieval India.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- . “The Aligarh Movement emerged as a liberal, modern trend among the Muslim intelligentsia.” Critically evaluate the statement.

. Syed Ahmed Khan, born in a respectable Muslim family, was a loyalist member of the judicial service of the British government. After retirement in 1876, he became a member of the Imperial Legislative Council in 1878. Syed Ahmed Khan argued that Muslims should first concentrate on education and jobs and try to catch up … Read more DMPQ- . “The Aligarh Movement emerged as a liberal, modern trend among the Muslim intelligentsia.” Critically evaluate the statement.

DMPQ-Trace the significance of Lahore Congress session and declaration of purn swaraj in freedom struggle.

Jawaharlal Nehru, who had done more than anyone else to popularize the concept of purn swaraj, was nominated the president for the Lahore session of the Congress (December 1929) mainly due to Gandhi’s backing (15 out of 18 Provincial Congress Committees had opposed Nehru). Nehru was chosen because of the appositeness of the occasion (Congress’ … Read more DMPQ-Trace the significance of Lahore Congress session and declaration of purn swaraj in freedom struggle.

DMPQ- . “The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising against foreigners in China.”Elucidate.

. Boxer Rebellion, officially supported peasant uprising of 1900 that attempted to drive all foreigners from China. “Boxers” was a name that foreigners gave to a Chinese secret society known as the Yihequan (“Righteous and Harmonious Fists”). The group practiced certain boxing and calisthenic rituals in the belief that Join Our Telegram Channel this made … Read more DMPQ- . “The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising against foreigners in China.”Elucidate.

DMPQ- Write an essay on Sree Narayana Guru Dharma Paripalana (SNDP) Movement.

The SNDP movement was an example of a regional movement born out of conflict between the depressed classes and upper castes. It was started by Sree Narayana Guru Swamy (1856- 1928) among the Ezhavas of Kerala, who were a backward caste of toddy-tappers and were considered Subscribe on YouTube to be untouchables, denied education and … Read more DMPQ- Write an essay on Sree Narayana Guru Dharma Paripalana (SNDP) Movement.

DMPQ- Evaluate the significance of Bhakti and sufi movement in medieval culture.

The importance of the Bhakti and Sufi saints lies in the new atmosphere created by them, which continued to affect the social, religious and political life of India even in later centuries. Akbar’s liberal ideas were a product of this atmosphere in which he was born and brought up. The preaching of Guru Nanak were … Read more DMPQ- Evaluate the significance of Bhakti and sufi movement in medieval culture.