DMPQ: Distribution of volcanoes around the world.

Most known volcanic activity and the earthquakes occur along converging plate margins and mid-oceanic ridges. There is a strikingly close agreement between volcanic and earthquake zones of the earth. The major regions of volcanoes around the world are: Pacific ring of fire:  Pacific Ring of Fire’ is estimated to include two-thirds of the world’s volcanoes.  The major regions … Read more DMPQ: Distribution of volcanoes around the world.

DMPQ: Discuss the features of the Monsoon type of climate.

Climate is the average weather conditions of large area. According to the koeppen system of classification , the world is divided into five climatic groups and 13 climatic types based on the temperature, precipitation and vegetation. The notable characteristics of Monsoon type of climate are as follows: The climate is divided into distinct 4 seasons. … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the features of the Monsoon type of climate.

DMPQ: Discuss the features of the Monsoon type of climate.

Climate is the average weather conditions of large area. According to the koeppen system of classification , the world is divided into five climatic groups and 13 climatic types based on the temperature, precipitation and vegetation. The notable characteristics of Monsoon type of climate are as follows: The climate is divided into distinct 4 seasons. … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the features of the Monsoon type of climate.

DMPQ: What is El Nino and southern oscillation and How it affects the Indian Monsoon?

El-nino is the classical phenomenon where warming of Pacific ocean takes place near the western coast of Peru and Equador. It occurs at every 3-4 years. It weakens the trade winds and changes in southern oscillation , thereby affects the rainfall pattern across the world. Southern oscillation: Southern oscillation is the alternating of sea level … Read more DMPQ: What is El Nino and southern oscillation and How it affects the Indian Monsoon?

DPMQ : what are seismic waves? Explain the different type of seismic waves?

Seismic waves are generated due to the release of the energy during an earthquake. They behave differently in different physical mediums and hence provide a good idea how the interior of earth must be. Broadly there are three types of seismic waves: Primary waves: (P) – Waves are longitudinal waves. i.e. The motion of particles … Read more DPMQ : what are seismic waves? Explain the different type of seismic waves?

DMPQ: what do you understand by the term demographic dividend? This dividend is fast becoming liability. Discuss?

Demographic dividend means that as compared to other large developing and developed countries, India Has a higher proportion of working age population as compared to entire population. More than 50% of India’s population is in the age group of 15-59 years. With such a young population. It has a huge demographic dividend waiting to be … Read more DMPQ: what do you understand by the term demographic dividend? This dividend is fast becoming liability. Discuss?

DMPQ: Effect of climate change on Himalayan Glaciers and effect on human settlement.

According to the IPCC report by 2010 45% of Himalaya  will be shrinked. The rate of shrinkage is 0.5% annually. There are various reason for Himalayan shrinkage which are discussed below: Weak monsoon affecting snow accumulation Because of global warming, rise in temperature In the eastern and central Himalayan, it shows mainly during monsoon season … Read more DMPQ: Effect of climate change on Himalayan Glaciers and effect on human settlement.

DMPQ: Effect of climate change on Himalayan Glaciers and effect on human settlement. 

According to the IPCC report by 2010 45% of Himalaya  will be shrinked. The rate of shrinkage is 0.5% annually. There are various reason for Himalayan shrinkage which are discussed below: Weak monsoon affecting snow accumulation Because of global warming, rise in temperature In the eastern and central Himalayan, it shows mainly during monsoon season … Read more DMPQ: Effect of climate change on Himalayan Glaciers and effect on human settlement. 

DMPQ: Montreal protocol has been one of the rarest treaty that achieve success. What is Montreal protocol all about?

  Montreal protocol  is a treaty signed in 1987 to ban ozone depletion substance like CFC’s and HCFC which were used in refrigerators and Air conditioner. India is also one of the signatories of Montreal protocol. The Montreal Protocol has proven to be innovative and successful, and is the first treaty to achieve universal ratification … Read more DMPQ: Montreal protocol has been one of the rarest treaty that achieve success. What is Montreal protocol all about?

DMPQ: What is urban flood? List down the reason for urban floods and map out the solution.

urban flood is a common phenomenon. These flood occur in a very short span of time and drench city with several feet’s of water. The example of urban floods can be seen in Gurugram, Mumbai etc. Reasons for urban floods: Destruction of wetland- wetland act as natural aquifers. Their destruction led to reduction in moisture … Read more DMPQ: What is urban flood? List down the reason for urban floods and map out the solution.

DMPQ: What are ocean currents? What are the factors responsible for ocean currents.

Ocean current are nothing but movement of volume of water in defined direction and    with an identifiable speed. These current regulate the temperature and salinity of ocean currents and also get regulated by them. Factors responsible for ocean currents: Earth rotation from west to east . It leads to North equatorial current and south equatorial … Read more DMPQ: What are ocean currents? What are the factors responsible for ocean currents.

DMPQ: Sagarmala is an ambitious project. What is sagarmala? What are the challenges in implementation? Discuss the prospect of the project.

Sagarmala is a series of projects to leverage the country’s coastline and inland waterways to drive port led development. It is a mammoth project with a total outlay of 8 lakh crore spread across four broad areas. Modernisation of port infrastructure Improve port connectivity Development of coastal community Create coastal economic zones   Challenges: It … Read more DMPQ: Sagarmala is an ambitious project. What is sagarmala? What are the challenges in implementation? Discuss the prospect of the project.

DMPQ: Sugar mills are facing some serious problems in the recent past. List down the       reason for problems attached with sugar mills. Why  performance of mills in peninsular India is better than that of north India?

Obsolete machinery Low productivity/ hectare Low crushing season Policies issues: Highly political sensitive commodity Delinking of sugarcane and sugar prices State advisory prices are very high Restriction on the use of bagasse and molasses. Energy generation cannot be sell out to others. Low per capita consumption of sugars. High input cost involved in sugarcane crop. … Read more DMPQ: Sugar mills are facing some serious problems in the recent past. List down the       reason for problems attached with sugar mills. Why  performance of mills in peninsular India is better than that of north India?

DMPQ: Textile industry is one of the labor intensive industry. List down the challenges faced by textile industry and govt. initiative to address them.

Textile industry is the second largest provider of emoloyment after agriculture. India is the second largest producer of textiles after China. It contributes 14% of industrial production, 4% of GDP and 13% of export earning. But there are some chronic problems associated with textile industry. It is largely an unorganised sector. Its highly fragmented nature … Read more DMPQ: Textile industry is one of the labor intensive industry. List down the challenges faced by textile industry and govt. initiative to address them.

DMPQ: What is groundwater contamination? What are the cause of ground water contamination?

Groundwater contamination is the adulteration of water because of the increase in the concentration of certain pollutants. The major pollutants contributing to contamination are Arsenic, fluoride, Iron, uranium , nitrate etc. Causes of groundwater contamination are: Natural: Groundwater naturally contains high amount of pollutant due to geological formation. For example occurrence of fluoride is related … Read more DMPQ: What is groundwater contamination? What are the cause of ground water contamination?

DMPQ: Discuss the problems associated with coal mining in India.

Coal is an important raw material for heavy industries. Its abundance ensures a rapid industrial growth.  But coal mining has its own cost and it has negative externalities. Major problem with coal mining is threat to environment. Open cast mining results in air pollution because of coal dust and coal transportation leading to suspended particulate … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the problems associated with coal mining in India.

DMPQ: What do you understand by the term soil erosion and soil degradation? what are the causes of soil erosion? List down the solution to curb soil erosion. 

Soil erosion : It is the process by which top layer of soil gets removed thus affecting the productivity by altering the structure of the soil. It is a natural process but human intervention has accentuated the rate of depletion of soil wealth. Soil Degradation:  It is a process through which qualitative degradation of soil … Read more DMPQ: What do you understand by the term soil erosion and soil degradation? what are the causes of soil erosion? List down the solution to curb soil erosion. 

Discuss the challenges of Indian Agriculture and present an outlook.

Indian economy still is agro based economy and Indian society still remains agrarian society. Contribution of agriculture in GDP has declined but its importance and significance has not declined. But some fundamental challenges are faced by Indian agriculture. Indian agriculture still remains the gamble of Indian Monsoon. Only 48% of the land has assured irrigation. … Read more Discuss the challenges of Indian Agriculture and present an outlook.

Enumerate the difference between Himalayan and Peninsular drainage system?

  S.No. Himalayan drainage Peninsular drainage 1. Perennial in nature. Seasonal in nature 2. Both snow fed and monsoon n fed Monsoon fed 3. Voluminous Less voluminous 4. Very large command area Less Command area 5. Himalayan river exhibits antecedent character Consequent character is exhibited 6. All Himalayan rivers form delta at the mouth Form … Read more Enumerate the difference between Himalayan and Peninsular drainage system?

The Himalayas has played the important role of a foster mother for the Indians. Discuss.

The Himalayan has rendered unique climatic identity to Indian subcontinent. The role played by it is nothing less than a foster mother. It save India from the cold north east trade winds and provide tropical type of climate in the subtropical region. It is not a exaggeration to say that Indian economy is gamble of … Read more The Himalayas has played the important role of a foster mother for the Indians. Discuss.