DMPQ:What is contract farming? Why there is a need of contract farming?

Contract farming is agricultural production carried out according to an agreement between farmers and a buyer, which places conditions on the production and marketing of the commodity. Contract farming (CF) is defined as forward agreements specifying the obligations of farmers and buyers as partners in business. Legally, farming contracts entail the sellers’ (farmers’) obligation to … Read more DMPQ:What is contract farming? Why there is a need of contract farming?

DMPQ:What is contempt of court? What are the issues related to contempt of court? ( POLITY)

Contempt of Court Contempt of court refers to any actions which defy a court’s authority, cast disrespect on a court, or impede the ability of the court to perform its function. It is divided as: Civil Contempt Under Section 2(b) of the Contempt of Courts Act of 1971, civil contempt has been defined as wilful … Read more DMPQ:What is contempt of court? What are the issues related to contempt of court? ( POLITY)

DMPQ:Write a short note on UNEP.

:  United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is an agency of United Nations and coordinates its environmental activities, assisting developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices. It was founded by Maurice Strong, its first director, as a result of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm Conference) in June 1972 and has … Read more DMPQ:Write a short note on UNEP.

DMPQ: Do you think PM KISAN scheme is going to alleviate the widespread rural distress in the country. (ECONOMY)

Brief Intro- of Scheme Points against: The Programme is targeted cash transfer and hence high chances of exclusion errors. The landless tenant are out of the beneficiary list. Will lead to fragmentation of the land. Beneficiary will fragment the land to avail the benefit of the scheme. In long run it is not good for … Read more DMPQ: Do you think PM KISAN scheme is going to alleviate the widespread rural distress in the country. (ECONOMY)

DMPQ: . PM KISAN (Schemes)

:  To provide an assured income support to the small and marginal farmers, Government is launching a historic programme namely “Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)”. Under this programme, vulnerable landholding farmer families, having cultivable land upto 2 hectares, will be provided direct income support at the rate of Rs 6,000 per year. This income … Read more DMPQ: . PM KISAN (Schemes)

DMPQ: Write a note on Stockholm conference.(ENVT)

: The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (also known as the Stockholm Conference) was an international conference convened under United Nations auspices held in Stockholm, Sweden from June 5-16, 1972. It was the UN’s first major conference on international environmental issues, and marked a turning point in the development of international environmental politics. … Read more DMPQ: Write a note on Stockholm conference.(ENVT)

DMPQ: What is Preventive detention? Do you think preventive detention is in sink with the democratic principles? (POLITY)

The imprisonment of a person with the aim of preventing them from committing further offences or of maintaining public order. The grounds for Preventive detention are: * Security of state. * Maintenance of public order. * Maintenance of supplies and essential services and defence. * Foreign affairs or security of India. Preventive detention is not … Read more DMPQ: What is Preventive detention? Do you think preventive detention is in sink with the democratic principles? (POLITY)

DMPQ: What is upwelling? Explain with an example. (GEOGRAPHY)

: Winds blowing across the ocean surface push water away. Water then rises up from beneath the surface to replace the water that was pushed away. This process is known as “upwelling.”   Upwelling occurs in the open ocean and along coastlines. The reverse process, called “downwelling,” also occurs when wind causes surface water to … Read more DMPQ: What is upwelling? Explain with an example. (GEOGRAPHY)

DMPQ: Government of India in the recent past has banned many NGOs both domestic and Indian firm. Why they were banned? What is the benefit for India in banning these NGO’s?

NGOs are legally constituted organizations, operate independently from the government and are generally considered to be “non-state, non-profit oriented groups who pursue purposes of public interest”.   Why banned: Many of them were found to be violating some provision of the act in some manner, for example Greenpeace India was banned for exceeding the cap … Read more DMPQ: Government of India in the recent past has banned many NGOs both domestic and Indian firm. Why they were banned? What is the benefit for India in banning these NGO’s?

DMPQ: . What is Polymerase Chain reaction? What are the materials required for Polymerase chain reaction?

:  The polymerase chain reaction is a technique for cloning a particular piece or amplifying a single or few copies of a piece of DNA, generating millions or more copies of that particular DNA sequence. One can make virtually unlimited copies of a single DNA molecule even though it may initially be present in a … Read more DMPQ: . What is Polymerase Chain reaction? What are the materials required for Polymerase chain reaction?

DMPQ: What are the implications for India as USA is walking out of Nuclear deal?

Nuclear deal was between P5+1 and Iran to regulate the nuclear programme of Iran. Iran was undergoing economic sanctions due to its coveted and suspicious nuclear programme. The deal was strike off by Iran accepting to regulate its nuke programme and in reciprocity economic sanction will be lifted gradually. Recently US walk out of the … Read more DMPQ: What are the implications for India as USA is walking out of Nuclear deal?

DMPQ: What are NGO’s? How India Benefitted from NGO’s?

from the government and are generally considered to be “non-state, non-profit oriented groups who pursue purposes of public interest”. The primary objective of NGOs is to provide social justice, development and human rights. NGOs are generally funded totally or partly by governments and they maintain their non-governmental status by excluding government representatives from membership in … Read more DMPQ: What are NGO’s? How India Benefitted from NGO’s?

DMPQ: What is Minimum Support Price? How will MSP rescue the farmers from low income trap?

Minimum support price is the government scheme to safeguard the interest of the farmers. GOI declares the MSP of various agricultural produce and assures the farmers that their agriculture produce will be purchased at the MSP. The Food Corporation of India acts as the Nodal agency of the GoI. MSP scheme is implemented through state … Read more DMPQ: What is Minimum Support Price? How will MSP rescue the farmers from low income trap?

DMPQ: What are tides? How they are generated ? Explain different types of tide.

Tides are great bulges of water caused by the gravity of the moon and the sun. Attracted by gravity, these bulges move around the earth’s ocean, causing water level to rise and fall. There are two main tides that are higher or lower than average. They occur twice monthly and are called neap and spring … Read more DMPQ: What are tides? How they are generated ? Explain different types of tide.

India’s Cultural Diplomacy And Indian Diaspora

? India's Cultural diplomacy and Indian Diaspora     Cultural diplomacy is a specified form of diplomacy that encourages a deliberate effort of cultural exchange. It facilitates the understanding of foreign cultural dynamics. Itis exchange of ideas, information, art, lifestyles, value systems, traditions, beliefs another aspects of cultures.   The Indian Diaspora is a generic … Read more India’s Cultural Diplomacy And Indian Diaspora

Oceans Tides

? Oceans  tides An ocean tide refers to the cyclic rise and fall of seawater. Tides are caused by slight variations in gravitational attraction between the Earth and the moon and the Sun in geometric relationship with locations on the Earth's surface. Tides are periodic primarily because of the cyclical influence of the Earth's rotation. … Read more Oceans Tides

Approaches To Disaster Risk Reductions

? Disaster management meant different for different players. For many decades prior to Major catastrophes like Orissa Super Cyclone (1999), Gujarat Earth quake & West Bengal Floods (2000) disaster management for respective state governments was to emphasis on early warning, evacuation, post disaster compensation, rehabilitation, shelter construction, i.e., basically reactive.  And, NGOs, who consider they … Read more Approaches To Disaster Risk Reductions

Climatic Regions Of India

? : Koeppen’s Classification   Climate Type Climatic Region Annual Rainfall in the Region Amw(Monsoon type with shorter dry winter season) Western coastal region, south of Mumbai over 300 cm As(Monsoon type with dry season in high sun period) Coromandel coast = Coastal Tamil Nadu and adjoining areas of Andhra Pradesh 75 – 100 cm [wet … Read more Climatic Regions Of India

Economic Reforms In India

? New Industrial Policy Under Industrial Policy, keeping in view the priorities of the country and its economic development, the roles of the public and private sectors are clearly decided. Under the New Industrial Policy, the industries have been freed to a large extent from the licenses and other controls. In order to encourage modernisation, … Read more Economic Reforms In India

Human Development Index

? The HDI is an average measure of basic human development achievements in a country measured by UNDP. It is an average of long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human development viz. a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living. India has been placed at 130th position in … Read more Human Development Index


? , nourishment, or aliment, is the supply of materials – food – required by organisms and cells to stay alive. In science and human medicine, nutrition is the science or practice of consuming and utilizing foods. Nutrients are the substances that form foods. These may include the following:  Carbohydrates They provide us with energy … Read more Nutrition

Blood Group

? is an inherited feature on the surface of the red blood cells. A series of related blood types constitutes a blood group system, such as the Rh or ABO system. The frequencies of the ABO and Rh blood types vary from population to population. In the US, the most common type is O+ (meaning … Read more Blood Group

Monuments And Conservation

? Museums and Archives in Karnataka; Preservation and protection of historical monuments – work of Archaeological Survey of India – World Heritage Sites in Karnataka. The concept of museums in India may be traced back to the historic times, in which references to the chitrasala (picture gallery) do occur. The earliest necessity to house objects of … Read more Monuments And Conservation

The Kushana Dynasty

? Facts related to Uttar Pradesh Under the rule of Kanishka, the Kushana empire reached its maximum territorial limits. This empire extended from the Central Asia to the northern India, while including Varanasi, Kaushambi and Sravasti in Uttar Pradesh region. The Kushanas patronized the Gandhara and the Mathura schools of sculptural art which are known for producing … Read more The Kushana Dynasty

The Vedas For All

? – The Casteless society The Sanatana Dharma during Vedic era had never endorsed caste system. Thus restoration of true Sanatana Dharma alone would create a casteless society in India. The caste is always a British invention which enumerated based on occupation. But true definition of 'Jaati' as per Veda is completely different from what … Read more The Vedas For All

Tribal Problems

? : Isolation Migration and Acculturation Various Problems of Tribal Communities in India As per the dictionary, problem means a question to be considered, solved, or answered in a particular way, difficult to deal or control. Social problems are those social conditions identified by scientific inquiry and values as detrimental to human well-being." Jerome G. … Read more Tribal Problems

07.02.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND BSTDC to develop tourism hotspots in dists   Bihar State Tourism Development Corporation Limited (BSTDC) will soon develop tourism hotspots in all the 38 districts of the state.   The department will now take special measures to facilitate movement of tourists with disability in popular tourist destinations. Due to lack of basic facilities like specialized toilets and … Read more 07.02.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Current Affairs

05.02.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND ·         Jharkhand sends eco-zone proposals for four sanctuaries to Centre ð   Jharkhand forest department has sent draft proposals to ministry of environment, forest and climate change for declaring eco-sensitive zone around four protected wildlife abodes — namely Palkot sanctuary (Gumla), Lavalong sanctuary (Chatra), Gautam Buddha sanctuary (Koderma-Hazaribagh-Gaya) and Udhawa bird sanctuary (Sahebganj), a move which … Read more 05.02.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Current Affairs

03-04.02.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND PM lays foundation of Jamshedpur Women’s University   Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of Jamshedpur Women’s University online from Srinagar. The event was witnessed on the campus of Jamshedpur Women’s College in Bistupur where Chief Minister Raghubar Das was also present.   The online foundation stone laying of the upgradation of … Read more 03-04.02.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Current Affairs

DMPQ: What are vulture restaurants? Describe their aims. (ECOLOGY)

These restaurants are located strategically with a regular supply of safe food by collecting dead animals from local people. Vultures feed on the dead carcass. Vultures play an important ecological role through the rapid consumption of animal carcasses. Presently there are three ‘Vulture Restaurants’ in Gadchiroli forest division at Marakbodi, Madetukum and Nimgaon.   Aim: … Read more DMPQ: What are vulture restaurants? Describe their aims. (ECOLOGY)

DMPQ: What is safety valve theory? Does the safety valve theory explain the formation of congress? ( HISTORY)

Safety Valve theory: The INC was started under the official direction, guidance and advice of Lord Dufferin, the Viceroy, to provide a safe, mild, peaceful and constitutional outlet or safety valve for the rising discontent among the masses, which was inevitably leading towards a popular and violent revolution. The safety valve theory is inadequate and … Read more DMPQ: What is safety valve theory? Does the safety valve theory explain the formation of congress? ( HISTORY)

DMPQ: Applications of Nanotechnology in Health care sector. Discuss ( SCIENCE)

Nanotechnology has the potential to completely revolutionise all the three key aspects of healthcare sector-Diagnosis, prevention and Treatment. It can completely change the healthcare sector for the next generation. Nanotechnology will help medical professionals in today’s most excruciating medical issues, such as repairing of damaged organs, diagnosis and treatment of cancer cells, removal of obstruction … Read more DMPQ: Applications of Nanotechnology in Health care sector. Discuss ( SCIENCE)