DMPQ-“Nuclear waste is quickly becoming the most dangerous challenges for the world.” Elucidate.

. Like all industries, the generation of electricity produces waste. Whatever fuel is used, the waste produced in generating electricity must be managed in ways that safeguard human health and minimise the impact on the environment.For radioactive waste, this means isolating or diluting it such that the rate or concentration of any radionuclides returned to … Read more DMPQ-“Nuclear waste is quickly becoming the most dangerous challenges for the world.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- . Throw light on the salient features of draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), 2020.

A signatory to the Stockholm Declaration (1972) on Environment, India enacted laws to control water (1974) and air (1981) pollution soon after. But it was only after the Bhopal gas leak disaster in 1984 that the country legislated an umbrella Act for environmental protection in 1986. Exemptions All inland waterways projects and expansion/widening of national … Read more DMPQ- . Throw light on the salient features of draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), 2020.

DMPQ- What is single use plastic? Explain how management of single use plastic pollution is a severe challenge for India.

single-use plastics are goods that are made primarily from fossil fuel–based chemicals (petrochemicals) and are meant to be disposed of right after use—often, in mere minutes. Single-use plastics are most commonly used for packaging and serviceware, such as bottles, wrappers, straws, and bags. The bigger challenge is to put in place an efficient waste management … Read more DMPQ- What is single use plastic? Explain how management of single use plastic pollution is a severe challenge for India.

DMPQ- “Groundwater pollution in India has become a serious problem in recent years.” Elucidate.

. Due to its low capital cost, groundwater is the most preferred source of water in India. According to an  estimate, groundwater accounts for nearly 80 per cent of the rural domestic water needs, and 50 per  cent of the urban water needs in India.   However, a variety of land and water- based human activities … Read more DMPQ- “Groundwater pollution in India has become a serious problem in recent years.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- . “It has been said that space exploration is bad for environment.” Critically comment the statement.

. Space launches can have a hefty carbon footprint due to the burning of solid rocket fuels. Many rockets are, however, propelled by liquid hydrogen fuel, which produces ‘clean’ water vapour exhaust, although Subscribe on YouTube the production of hydrogen itself can cause significant carbon emissions. Rocket engines release trace gases into the upper atmosphere … Read more DMPQ- . “It has been said that space exploration is bad for environment.” Critically comment the statement.

DMPQ-. How Solid waste management rules 2016 are going to solve India’s solid waste treatment problem?

. The Ministry revised the rules for management of solid waste in the municipal areas after 16 years. The new rules are now applicable beyond municipal areas and extend to urban agglomerations, census towns, notified industrial townships, areas under the control of Indian Railways, airports, airbase, port and harbour, defence establishments, special economic zones, state … Read more DMPQ-. How Solid waste management rules 2016 are going to solve India’s solid waste treatment problem?

DMPQ-. Explain the measures taken by central and state governments to curb the menace of air pollution in India.

. National Ambient Air Quality Standards envisaging 12 pollutants have been notified under the EPA, 1986 along with 115 emission/effluent standards for 104 different sectors of industries, besides 32 general standards. Government is executing a Join Our Telegram Channel nation-wide programme of ambient air quality monitoring known as National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP). The … Read more DMPQ-. Explain the measures taken by central and state governments to curb the menace of air pollution in India.

DMPQ-. “Project Tiger has played an important role to multiply the tiger population in India’. Elaborate.

Project Tiger was launched in 1973 for conserving the tiger. From 9 tiger reserves since its formative years, the Project Tiger coverage has increased to 50, spread out in 18 of tiger range states. These reserves are constituted on a core / buffer strategy. The core areas have the legal status of a national park … Read more DMPQ-. “Project Tiger has played an important role to multiply the tiger population in India’. Elaborate.

DMPQ- Discuss the process of landforms formed by the erosion of groundwater.

The surface water percolates well when the rocks are permeable, thinly bedded and highly jointed and cracked. After vertically going down to some depth, the water under the ground flows horizontally through the bedding planes, joints or through the materials themselves. It is this downward and horizontal movement of water which causes the rocks to … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the process of landforms formed by the erosion of groundwater.

DMPQ- What is the concept of Green GDP ? Throw light on sustainable goals set out to achieve the Green GDP .

. Green GDP refers to a national accounting system of the utilization of the non-renewable  natural resources of any country and is now being envisioned as a part of sustainable  development. The objective is to utilize the resources optimally, efficiently and effectively  in furthering the growth of economies and at the same time a Join … Read more DMPQ- What is the concept of Green GDP ? Throw light on sustainable goals set out to achieve the Green GDP .

DMPQ- Analyze the guidelines issued by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) for implementation of Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017.

According to Ramsar Convention, wetland is defined as, “areas of marsh, fen, peat land or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed 6 metres”. Key Features of the … Read more DMPQ- Analyze the guidelines issued by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) for implementation of Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017.

DMPQ- Throw a light on the mission pillars of Namami Gange mission. Also suggest some vital measures to make Ganga a clean river.

. It is an Integrated Conservation Mission for river Ganga, approved as ‘Flagship Programme’ by the Union Government in 2014 with budget outlay of Rs.20,000 Crore.   Main pillars of the mission River front development o Conservation of Aquatic life and biodiversity Improvement of coverage of sewerage infrastructure in habitations on Join Our Telegram Channel … Read more DMPQ- Throw a light on the mission pillars of Namami Gange mission. Also suggest some vital measures to make Ganga a clean river.

DMPQ- What is Environment impact assessment (EIA) ? What are issues related with EIA 2020 draft?

Environment Impact Assessment or EIA can be defined as the study to predict the effect of a proposed activity/project on the environment. A decision making tool, EIA compares various alternatives for a project and seeks to identify the one which represents the best combination of economic and environmental costs and benefits. EIA systematically examines both … Read more DMPQ- What is Environment impact assessment (EIA) ? What are issues related with EIA 2020 draft?

DMPQ- “ We have recently witnessed many environmental challenges arising in India’s infrastructural projects.” Elucidate the statement by citing recent examples.

. A still larger issue now emerging is the environmental issues, erosion of forest cover, etc,  around the infrastructure projects. The present issues being faced in Orissa and other  states on projects which can not only alter the face of the state but also the nation in terms  of Join Our Telegram Channel economic development … Read more DMPQ- “ We have recently witnessed many environmental challenges arising in India’s infrastructural projects.” Elucidate the statement by citing recent examples.

DMPQ- What is International Solar Alliance (ISA) ? Discuss it’s interests and objectives in achieving renewable energy goals.

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) was conceived as a coalition of solar-resource-rich countries (which lie either completely or partly between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn) to address their special energy needs. The ISA will provide a dedicated platform for cooperation among solar-resource-rich countries, through which the global community, including governments, bilateral … Read more DMPQ- What is International Solar Alliance (ISA) ? Discuss it’s interests and objectives in achieving renewable energy goals.

DMPQ- What is single use plastics? Explain how they are dangerous for environment?

. Single-use plastics, often also referred to as disposable plastics, are commonly used for plastic packaging and include items intended to be used only once before they are thrown away or recycled. These include, among other items, grocery bags, food packaging, bottles, straws, containers, stirrers, styrofoam cups or plates etc.   Impacts of single use … Read more DMPQ- What is single use plastics? Explain how they are dangerous for environment?

DMPQ- . Discuss the causes of depletion of mangroves and Suggest some measures to protect them

Mangroves are salt-tolerant vegetation that grows in intertidal regions of rivers and estuaries. They are referred to as ‘tidal forests’ and belong to the category of ‘tropical wetland rainforest ecosystem’. Causes of Depletion of mangroves Sea level rise and coastal erosion Due to global warming, the sea levels are continuously rising. The rising sea levels … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the causes of depletion of mangroves and Suggest some measures to protect them

DMPQ- Discuss the various measures taken in India for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) before and after signing ‘Sendai Framework for DRR.

. India due to its geography and scarce resources is more prone to Disasters. For disaster management India has enacted many guidelines and laws. It has signed Sendai Framework and earlier Hyogo Framework and continuously work towards protecting its vulnerable community. Measures taken in India for DRR after signing Sendai Framework  India recently released first … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the various measures taken in India for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) before and after signing ‘Sendai Framework for DRR.

DMPQ- What is the concept of virtual water trade ? discuss its significance and implications in India.

. Virtual water (VW) is the water ‘embodied’ in a product, not in real sense, but in virtual sense. It refers to the water needed to produce a product. Every product has a unique water footprint defined as the total volume of fresh water used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual … Read more DMPQ- What is the concept of virtual water trade ? discuss its significance and implications in India.

DMPQ- . Discuss the Indian government’s initiatives in recent years to deal with climate change.

India has continuously demonstrated its responsibility towards acknowledging the emerging threats from climate change and implementing the climate actions on the basis of the principles of Equity and Common but Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube Differentiated Responsibilities for improving efficiency of the economy and its engines of growth. The major policies and plans … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the Indian government’s initiatives in recent years to deal with climate change.

DMPQ- . What is environmental migration and environmental refugee? Discuss how increasing threat of climate is leading to phenomenon of environmental migration,

Recently, various studies have pointed out that disasters due to climate change have been displacing more people than conflicts. This phenomenon is being referred to as Environmental Migration. According to Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID, 2019), in 2018, of Join Our Telegram Channel the total new 28 million internally displaced people in 148 countries, … Read more DMPQ- . What is environmental migration and environmental refugee? Discuss how increasing threat of climate is leading to phenomenon of environmental migration,

DMPQ- . As per Global Climate Risk Index, India’s rank has worsened from 14th spot to 5th most vulnerable country to climate change. Discuss the implications of this report.

Food Security  Rising temperatures, heat extremes, floods, droughts and rainfall variability can disrupt rainfed agricultural food production and adversely impact crop yield.  For instance, as per a NITI Aayog document, of the total pulses, oilseeds and cotton produced in the country, 80% pulses, 73% oilseeds and 68% cotton come from rain-fed agriculture. Water Security Droughts … Read more DMPQ- . As per Global Climate Risk Index, India’s rank has worsened from 14th spot to 5th most vulnerable country to climate change. Discuss the implications of this report.

DMPQ- Discuss the Sustainable Processing of Municipal Solid Waste.

Solid Waste treatment and disposal utilizing plasma arc gasification process is an option for eco-friendly solid waste management in which large volume reduction of waste up to 95% is possible. The plasma gasification process uses electricity to generate high temperature plasma arc (above 3000°C) inside the plasma reactor which converts the waste into syngas. The … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the Sustainable Processing of Municipal Solid Waste.

DMPQ- Write an essay on the steps taken in landscape restoration for snow leopard habitat conservation.

Government of India has been conserving snow leopard and its habitat through the Project Snow Leopard (PSL). The PSL was launched in 2009. Government is committed to landscape restoration for snow leopard habitat conservation, and implementing participatory landscape-based management plans involving local stakeholders, the. The Minister said, India is also party to the Global Snow … Read more DMPQ- Write an essay on the steps taken in landscape restoration for snow leopard habitat conservation.

DMPQ- Write a short note on Global environment facility.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established on the eve of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to help tackle our planet’s most pressing environmental problems. Since then, the GEF has provided close to $20.5 billion in grants and mobilized an additional $112 billion in co-financing for more than 4,800 projects in 170 countries.                The GEF provides funding to assist developing countries in … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Global environment facility.

DMPQ- What are the major findings in Indian status of Forest report?

Major findings are as follows: Area-wise Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest cover in the country followed by Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Maharashtra. In terms of forest cover as percentage of total geographical area, the top five States are Mizoram (85.41%), Arunachal Pradesh (79.63%), Meghalaya (76.33%), Manipur (75.46%) and Nagaland (75.31%). Total mangrove cover … Read more DMPQ- What are the major findings in Indian status of Forest report?

DMPQ- What are the major components of a rainwater harvesting system ?

The major components of a rainwater harvesting system are as follows: ? Collection system: Roof surface and gutters to capture the rainwater and send it to the storage system ? Inlet filter: Screen filter to catch large debris ? First flush diverter: Diverter that removes debris not captured by the inlet filter from the initial … Read more DMPQ- What are the major components of a rainwater harvesting system ?

DMPQ- What is CSCAF 2.0?

Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework (CSCAF 2.0) and Streets for People Challenge is for providing Roadmap for cities towards Combating Climate Change while planning / implementing their actions including investments CSCAF initiative intends to inculcate Climate-Sensitive Approach to Urban Planning and Development Framework with 28 indicators across five categories developed after review of Global Frameworks/ … Read more DMPQ- What is CSCAF 2.0?

DMPQ- Explain the Long term effect on environment of the Mines.

All mines are temporary structures. They can remain active for many years, but they will eventually run out of minerals and cease operations. This does not automatically mean that the environment and wildlife will no longer suffer. Responsible owners would backfill the underground mine. However, not all mine operators would resort to this option because … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Long term effect on environment of the Mines.

DMPQ- Ethanol production is environment firiendly and also save foriegn exchange. Justify.

Ethanol is a green fuel and its blending with petrol also saves foreign exchange Government has 10% blending target for mixing ethanol with petrol by 2022 & 20% blending target by 2030 The liquid biofuel in greatest production is ethanol Join Our Telegram Channel (ethyl alcohol), which is made by fermenting starch or sugar. Brazil … Read more DMPQ- Ethanol production is environment firiendly and also save foriegn exchange. Justify.

DMPQ- ‘Harit Path’ mobile app can ensure in a suistanable developement of Highways in India. Justify.

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), a public sector undertaking under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, has developed a mobile App called ‘Harit Path’ to monitor location, Join Our Telegram Channel growth, species details, maintenance activities, targets and achievements of each of its field units for each and every plant under all … Read more DMPQ- ‘Harit Path’ mobile app can ensure in a suistanable developement of Highways in India. Justify.

DMPQ- Jal Jeevan Mission is an integral solution for Rural India. Justify.

Jal Jeevan Mission was launched to ensure HarGharJal (piped water supply) to all rural households by 2024 New Ministry. It focus on integrated demand and supply side management of water at the local level, including creation of local infrastructure for source sustainability like rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge and management of household wastewater for reuse in … Read more DMPQ- Jal Jeevan Mission is an integral solution for Rural India. Justify.


PARIVESH is a web based, role based workflow application which has been developed for online submission and monitoring of the proposals submitted by the proponents for seeking Environment, Forest, Wildlife and CRZ Clearances from Central, State and Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube district level authorities. It automates the entire tracking of proposals which … Read more DMPQ-PARIVESH

DMPQ-What are the functions of Central zoo authority?

The main objective of this authority is to complement and strengthen the national effort                in conservation of the rich biodiversity of the country, Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube particularly the fauna as per the  national zoo policy,1998. The functions of Central zoo authority are as follows: Specify the minimum standards for housing, … Read more DMPQ-What are the functions of Central zoo authority?

DMPQ-Write a short note on National Biodiversity authority.

The National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) was established in 2003 by the Central Government to implement India’s Biological Diversity Act (2002). The NBA is a Statutory body and that performs facilitative, regulatory and advisory function for Government of India on issue of Conservation, sustainable use of biological resource and fair equitable sharing of benefits of use. … Read more DMPQ-Write a short note on National Biodiversity authority.

DMPQ- Currently we are in age of Plastic crisis. Comment on the statement.

Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues, as rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them. Plastic pollution is most visible in developing Asian and African nations, where garbage collection systems are often inefficient or nonexistent. But the developed world, especially in countries with … Read more DMPQ- Currently we are in age of Plastic crisis. Comment on the statement.

DMPQ-What is Forest fire? Enumerate the reasons for Forest Fires in India?

Forest fires are a regular phenomenon in our country often observed during the fire season. A number of 37,059 fires were detected in year 2018 using Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer) sensor data. Every year large areas of forests are affected by fires of varying intensity and extent. … Read more DMPQ-What is Forest fire? Enumerate the reasons for Forest Fires in India?

DMPQ- What is the difference between Warm blooded creature and cold blooded creature?

Warm-blooded creatures, like mammals and birds, try to keep the inside of their bodies at a constant temperature. They do this by generating their own heat when they are in a cooler environment, and by cooling themselves when they are in a hotter environment. To generate heat, warm-blooded animals convert the food that they eat … Read more DMPQ- What is the difference between Warm blooded creature and cold blooded creature?

DMPQ- Why are Himalayan regions vulnerable to landslides?

Unlike other disasters, landslides are largely controlled by highly localised factors. Landslides of different types are frequent in geodynamically active domains in the Himalayan and Arakan-Yoma belt of the North-Eastern parts of the country. Landslide hazard zonation mapping has categorized Join Our Telegram Channel the Himalayan region as Very High Vulnerability Zone.   Factors that … Read more DMPQ- Why are Himalayan regions vulnerable to landslides?

DMPQ- What do you understand by the term sixth mass extinction.

Scientists have warned that the 6th mass extinction of life on earth is unfolding more quickly than feared.  The main drivers of wildlife decline are habitat loss, overconsumption, pollution, invasive species, disease, as well as poaching in the case of tigers, elephants, rhinos and other large animals prized for their body parts. The ultimate cause … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the term sixth mass extinction.

DMPQ- Stockholm Convention

The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ( POP’s) is a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from chemicals that remain intact in the environment for long periods, become widely distributed geographically, accumulate in the fatty tissue of humans and wildlife, and have harmful impacts on human health or on the environment. … Read more DMPQ- Stockholm Convention

DMPQ- What is Xerophyte?

A xerophyte is a species of plant that has adaptations to survive in an environment with little liquid water such as a desert or ice- or snow-covered region in the Alps or the Arctic. Popular examples of xerophytes are cacti, pineapple, and some Gymnosperm plants. Xerophyte adaptations increase water intake, limit water loss, and store … Read more DMPQ- What is Xerophyte?

DMPQ- New National Biogas and Organic Manure Programme

It is a Central Sector Scheme and is being implemented with the objective: To provide clean cooking fuel for kitchens, lighting and meeting other thermal and small power needs of farmers/dairy farmers /users including individual households and to improve organic manure system (not eliminate chemical fertilizer) based on bio-slurry from biogas plants in rural and … Read more DMPQ- New National Biogas and Organic Manure Programme

DMPQ- Oligotrophic lakes

An oligotrophic lake or water body is one which has relatively low productivity due to the low nutrient content in the Subscribe on YouTube lake. These lakes usually have quite clear water due to the limited growth of algae in the lake. The waters of such lakes are of high-drinking quality. Such lakes support aquatic … Read more DMPQ- Oligotrophic lakes

DMPQ-What is flue gas desulphurisation Process and How it is helpful for Environment?

Flue gas (sometimes called exhaust gas or stack gas) is the gas that emanates from combustion plants and which contains the reaction products of fuel and combustion air and residual substances such as particulate matter (dust), sulfur oxides, nitrogen Join Our Telegram Channel oxides, and carbon monoxide. The composition of flue gas depends Subscribe on … Read more DMPQ-What is flue gas desulphurisation Process and How it is helpful for Environment?