DMPQ- Explain the significance of fundamental duties in the constitution of India.

In spite of criticisms and opposition, the fundamental duties are considered significant from the following viewpoints: They serve as a reminder to the citizens that while enjoying their rights, they should also be conscious of duties they owe to their country, their society and to their fellow citizens. They serve as a warning against the … Read more DMPQ- Explain the significance of fundamental duties in the constitution of India.

DMPQ- . Critically evaluate the new forms of struggle and their impact after Bengal partition 1905.

The militant nationalists put forward several fresh ideas at the theoretical, propaganda and programme levels. Among the several forms of struggle thrown up by the movement were the following. Boycott of Foreign Goods Boycott included boycott and public burning of foreign cloth, boycott of foreign-made salt or sugar, refusal by priests to ritualise marriages involving … Read more DMPQ- . Critically evaluate the new forms of struggle and their impact after Bengal partition 1905.

DMPQ- How important are India’s mega food parks for India’s food processing industry?

The Scheme of Mega Food Park aims at providing a mechanism to link agricultural production to the market by bringing together farmers, processors and retailers so as to ensure maximizing value addition, minimizing wastage, increasing farmers income and creating employment opportunities particularly in rural sector. The Mega Food Park Scheme is based on “Cluster” approach … Read more DMPQ- How important are India’s mega food parks for India’s food processing industry?

DMPQ- Critically evaluate the position of directive principles of state policy in Indian constitution.

The Directives have been criticised mainly because of their non-justiciable character. While K T Shah dubbed them as ‘pious superfluities’ and compared them with ‘a cheque on a bank, payable only when the resources of the bank permit. Critics has contended by saying that principles are ‘no better than the new year’s resolutions, which are … Read more DMPQ- Critically evaluate the position of directive principles of state policy in Indian constitution.

DMPQ- . Comment on the approach of congress leaders during it’s moderate phase.

The moderate political activity involved constitutional agitation within the confines of law and showed a slow but orderly political progress. The Moderates believed that the British basically wanted to be just to the Indians but were not aware of the real conditions. Therefore, if public opinion could be created in the country and public demands … Read more DMPQ- . Comment on the approach of congress leaders during it’s moderate phase.

DMPQ- What are the advantages and disadvantages of contract Farming in India ?

Contract Farming is an agreement between farmers and cooperative firms for the supply and production of agriculture goods, under predefined agreements and price.  As per noted agriculture is booming for a very long time, but nowadays farmers are facing a new problem of accessing the market and fully achieving profitability. Contact farming will bring following … Read more DMPQ- What are the advantages and disadvantages of contract Farming in India ?

DMPQ- . Explain the importance of article 21 of Indian constitution. How Supreme court of India has expanded it’s scope in recent years?

Article 21 declares that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law. This right is available to both citizens and non-citizens. In the famous Gopalan case (1950), the Supreme Court has taken a narrow interpretation of the Article 21. It held that the protection under … Read more DMPQ- . Explain the importance of article 21 of Indian constitution. How Supreme court of India has expanded it’s scope in recent years?

DMPQ- . Throw light on important political associations before Indian national congress.

The Indian National Congress was not the first political organisation in India. However, most of the political associations in the early half of the nineteenth century were dominated by wealthy and aristocratic elements. They were local or regional in character. Through long petitions to the British Parliament most of them demanded: Administrative reforms, Association of … Read more DMPQ- . Throw light on important political associations before Indian national congress.

DMPQ- Throw light on challenges of agriculture subsidies in India.

The key concerns regarding the subsidizing process still plaguing the system are as follows: Subsidies do not reach the marginalized farmers The marginalized farmers, the main target audience for the government to come up with subsidies in the first place are found wanting of the same. Effectively, the more well off farmers end up taking … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on challenges of agriculture subsidies in India.

DMPQ- Throw light on important features of fundamental rights enshrined in constitution of India.

The Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Constitution are characterised by the following: Some of them are available only to the citizens while others are available to all persons whether citizens, foreigners or legal persons like corporations or companies. They are not absolute but qualified. The state can impose reasonable restrictions on them. However, whether such … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on important features of fundamental rights enshrined in constitution of India.

DMPQ- Point out the major factors responsible for the growth of modern nationalism in India.

The rise and growth of Indian nationalism has been traditionally explained in terms of Indian response to the stimulus generated by the British Raj through creation of new institutions, new opportunities, resources, etc. In other words, Indian nationalism grew partly as a result of colonial policies and partly as a reaction to colonial policies. In … Read more DMPQ- Point out the major factors responsible for the growth of modern nationalism in India.

DMPQ- . In how many ways inflation affect the indian economy?

Better Savings Account Rates Increased inflation may lead may turn out to be investor friendly, Investors with short-term aims might invest in a high-interest savings account, which may get better opportunities as increasing inflation often prompts the Federal Reserve to increase interest rates. Better savings can be more positive in the form of better return … Read more DMPQ- . In how many ways inflation affect the indian economy?

DMPQ- Critically evaluate the citizenship amendment act 2019.

Key features of the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 are as : It proposes that Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan will not be treated as illegal immigrants even when they have entered India without valid documents. It seeks to include a separate column in the citizenship form for applicants … Read more DMPQ- Critically evaluate the citizenship amendment act 2019.

DMPQ- . Discuss the important aspects of Sree Narayana Guru Dharma Paripalana (SNDP) Movement

. The SNDP movement was an example of a regional movement born out of conflict between the depressed classes and upper castes. It was started by Sree Narayana Guru Swamy (1856- 1928) among the Ezhavas of Kerala, who were a backward caste of toddy-tappers and were considered to be untouchables, denied education and entry into … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the important aspects of Sree Narayana Guru Dharma Paripalana (SNDP) Movement

DMPQ- Discuss the importance of NATGRID and the areas where it needs improvements.

. NATGRID plays following important roles in India’s security: National Intelligence Grid or NATGRID is an intelligence grid connecting the databases of 21 core security agencies to collect comprehensive patterns of intelligence. These databases include railway and air travel, income tax, bank account details, credit card transactions, etc. Despite prone to such terror attacks, we … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the importance of NATGRID and the areas where it needs improvements.

DMPQ- . “ A large numbers of public and private lenders are participants in Indian money market.” Elucidate.

Theoretically any one can participate in the market. Yet market practices and regulatory pronouncements have placed certain restrictions on participation for each of the sub-markets in the money market. Central Government The Central Government is an issuer of Government of India Securities (G-Secs) and Treasury Bills (T-bills). These instruments are issued to finance the government … Read more DMPQ- . “ A large numbers of public and private lenders are participants in Indian money market.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- . Explain the structure and functions of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes in India.

Composition of NCST  The Commission comprises a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and three full time members (including one lady member).  The term of office Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Member of NCST is three years from the date of assumption of charge.  The Chairperson has been given the rank of Union Cabinet Minister The Vice-Chairperson has the rank … Read more DMPQ- . Explain the structure and functions of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes in India.

DMPQ- Throw light on the factors giving rise to the desire for socio-religious reforms in 19th century.

Impact of British Rule The presence of a colonial government on Indian soil played a complex, yet decisive role in this crucial phase of modern Indian history. The impact of British rule on Indian society and culture was widely different from what India had known before. Most of the earlier invaders, who had come to … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on the factors giving rise to the desire for socio-religious reforms in 19th century.

DMPQ- . Discuss the linkages between terrorism and organized crime.

Money through money laundering is used to fund the terror organisations. Hawala transactions of real estate in India are said to be used by terror groups in Pakistan to fund its activities. Drug trafficking started as an organised crime and has emerged as a threat to nation states because of its association with terrorist groups. … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the linkages between terrorism and organized crime.

DMPQ- Distinguish between an ‘Ordinary Bill’ and ‘Money Bill’. Discuss the procedure to be followed for passing of an ‘Ordinary Bill’.

As per Articles 107 and 108 of the Indian Constitution, an ordinary bill is concerned with any matter other than financial subjects. An ordinary bill is introduced in either House of the Parliament. This bill is introduced by Minister or a Private member. There is no recommendation of President in case of ordinary bill. Ordinary … Read more DMPQ- Distinguish between an ‘Ordinary Bill’ and ‘Money Bill’. Discuss the procedure to be followed for passing of an ‘Ordinary Bill’.

DMPQ- Critically evaluate the causes of 1857 revolt.

. The causes of the revolt of 1857, like those of earlier uprisings, emerged from all aspects—socio-cultural, economic and political—of daily existence of Indian population cutting through all sections and classes. These causes are discussed below: Economic Causes The colonial policies of the East India Company destroyed the traditional economic fabric of the Indian society. … Read more DMPQ- Critically evaluate the causes of 1857 revolt.

DMPQ- The Industrial Revolution brought about great changes in the social and economic life of Europe. Explain.

The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization and innovation that took place during the late 1700s and early 1800s. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and quickly spread throughout the world. Industrialization increased material wealth, restructured society, and created important new schools of philosophy. The social impact of industrialization was profound. For … Read more DMPQ- The Industrial Revolution brought about great changes in the social and economic life of Europe. Explain.

DMPQ- Recent data suggests that Indian economy has been slowing down. Evaluate the reasons responsible for slowdown.

. India’s economy toppled to 5 per cent GDP growth rate—a 25-quarter low—during the first quarter of 2019 fiscal. Days before the data was published, the government took a step back to announce rescue measures to revive the sectors hurt by the economic slowdown and reverse decisions on surcharge for high net-worth individuals. The finance … Read more DMPQ- Recent data suggests that Indian economy has been slowing down. Evaluate the reasons responsible for slowdown.

DMPQ- Describe the composition and functions of the Union Public Service Commission.

. According to Article 315 of the Indian constitution, there shall be a permanent UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). This body will conduct exam to appoint candidates to different posts of Indian Civil Services under the government of India. Part XIV in the Article 315 to 323 of the Indian Constitution deals with the appointment … Read more DMPQ- Describe the composition and functions of the Union Public Service Commission.

DMPQ- . In the early phase of British colonism Peasant Movements has religious overtones. Elucidate.

Peasant uprisings were protests against evictions, increase in rents of land, and the moneylenders’ greedy ways; and their aim was occupancy rights for peasants among other things. They were revolts and rebellions of the peasants themselves though led by local leaders in many cases. The peasant movements in India till the outbreak of the Revolt … Read more DMPQ- . In the early phase of British colonism Peasant Movements has religious overtones. Elucidate.

DMPQ- . The roots of the rise of Fascism laid in Paris Peace conference. Explain.

The Treaty of Versailles established a blueprint for the postwar world. One of the most controversial terms of the treaty was the War Guilt clause, which explicitly and directly blamed Germany for the outbreak of hostilities. The treaty forced Germany to disarm, to make territorial concessions, and to pay reparations to the Allied powers in … Read more DMPQ- . The roots of the rise of Fascism laid in Paris Peace conference. Explain.

DMPQ- Describe India’s institutional framework for cybersecurity.

National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre (NCCC) It is India’s cyberspace intelligence agency which will conduct security and electronic surveillance. It aims to screen communications metadata and work in close coordination with various law-enforcement agencies for intelligence gathering. The body, functioning under the IT ministry, would strengthen the country’s cybersecurity posture. Some have expressed concern that the … Read more DMPQ- Describe India’s institutional framework for cybersecurity.

DMPQ- What are different types of economic models implemented in Indian economy ? Examine the role of PPP model in India’s economic growth.

Mahalanobis model of Economic Growth Prof. P.C Mahalanobis prepared a growth model in which he showed that to achieve a self-sustained growth quickly in the country, it would be essential to devote a major part of the development outlay to building basic heavy industry, e.g. steel and the engineering industry for making different types of … Read more DMPQ- What are different types of economic models implemented in Indian economy ? Examine the role of PPP model in India’s economic growth.

DMPQ- Under what circumstances can the Financial Emergency be proclaimed by the President of India? What consequences follow when such a declaration remains in force?

. If the President of India is satisfied that a situation has arisen due to which the financial stability or credit of India or any part of its territory is threatened. He/she can declare the Financial Emergency on the aid and advise of the Council of Ministers.Article 360 gives authority to the President of India … Read more DMPQ- Under what circumstances can the Financial Emergency be proclaimed by the President of India? What consequences follow when such a declaration remains in force?

DMPQ- How did ‘doctrine of lapse’ play an important role in the expansion of British empire ?

In simple terms, the doctrine stated that the adopted son could be the heir to his foster father’s private property, but not the state; it was for the paramount power (the British) to decide whether to bestow the state on the adopted son or to annex it. The doctrine was stated to be based on … Read more DMPQ- How did ‘doctrine of lapse’ play an important role in the expansion of British empire ?

DMPQ- Analyze the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 and examine the validity of Germany’s objections to the treaty.

World War 1 ended with Treaty of Versailles where Allied power dictated the terms of treaty with little or no participation of Germany. The Treaty of Versailles was very harsh of Germany and many of the provisions of treaty were even not fully supported by Britain and USA. The provision of Treaty are following: Demilitarization … Read more DMPQ- Analyze the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 and examine the validity of Germany’s objections to the treaty.

DMPQ- Discuss the major challenges in securing communication networks.

The process of protecting communication networks has many challenges; some of them are discussed below: External sourcing of equipment and technology Much of the software and hardware that makes up communication system are imported from other countries (Chinese devices account for more than 60% of total telecom equipment imports). These devices may contain back-window for … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the major challenges in securing communication networks.

DMPQ- What was the concept of Sarvodaya plan ? Examine the it’s impact in India’s economic planning.

Sarvodaya plan was drafted by Jaiprakash Narayan. The plan was mainly inspired by the Gandhian Plan provided by S N Agarwal & the Idea of Sarvodaya presented by another Gandhian leader Vinoba Bhave.  The sarvodaya plan put forward and emphasized the importance of agriculture and village industries especially small-scale textile & cottage industries in the … Read more DMPQ- What was the concept of Sarvodaya plan ? Examine the it’s impact in India’s economic planning.

DMPQ- How the Indian concept of secularism is different from the western model of secularism? Discuss.

. Indian secularism is fundamentally different from Western secularism. Indian secularism does not focus only on church-state separation and the idea of inter-religious equality is crucial to the Indian conception. Indian secularism took on a distinct form as a result of an interaction between what already existed in a society that had religious diversity and … Read more DMPQ- How the Indian concept of secularism is different from the western model of secularism? Discuss.

DMPQ- . Discuss the major factors which made English settlements more successful than their French counterparts.

The English company was a private enterprise—this created a sense of enthusiasm and self-confidence among the people. With less governmental control over it, this company could take instant decisions when needed without waiting for the approval of the government. The French company, on the other hand, was a State concern. It was controlled and regulated … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the major factors which made English settlements more successful than their French counterparts.

DMPQ- What are the Pillars and effective implementation of digital India.

Digital India is an umbrella programme that covers multiple Government Ministries and Departments. It weaves together a large number of ideas and thoughts into a single, comprehensive vision so that each of them can be implemented as part of a larger goal. Each individual element stands on its own, but is also part of the … Read more DMPQ- What are the Pillars and effective implementation of digital India.

DMPQ- What are provisions of Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007?

Entitlement to claim maintenance Section 4 of the Act mentions that a senior citizen including a parent who is unable to maintain himself from his own earning or property owned by him can claim maintenance. Extent of the liability In determining the extent of the obligation, it has been stated that the obligation of the … Read more DMPQ- What are provisions of Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007?

DMPQ- Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

The major objective of PMKSY is to achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level, expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage of water, enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water saving technologies (More crop per drop), enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water … Read more DMPQ- Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

DMPQ- NAG Missile

ATGM NAG has been developed by DRDO to engage highly fortified enemy tanks in day and night conditions. The missile has “Fire & Forget” “Top Attack” capabilities with passive homing guidance to defeat all MBTs equipped with composite and reactive armour. The NAG missile carrier NAMICA is a BMP II based system with amphibious capability. … Read more DMPQ- NAG Missile

DMPQ- Write a short note on India–Australia Circular Economy Hackathon(I-ACE).

AIM (Atal Innovation Mission), in association with CSIRO, is organizing a two-day hackathon on circular economy, ‘India–Australia Circular Economy Hackathon (I-ACE)’ I-ACE will focus on identification and development of innovative technology solutions by bright-minded students, startups and MSMEs of both nations. The four key themes for the hackathon are as follows: Innovation in packaging reducing … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on India–Australia Circular Economy Hackathon(I-ACE).

DMPQ- What are the objectives of India Energy Forum?

Impact of the Pandemic on India’s future energy demand Securing supplies for India’s economic growth What does energy transition and the climate agenda mean for India? Natural Gas in India’s Energy Mix: What’s the pathRefining & petrochemicals: Strategies midst surplus The pace of innovation: Biofuel, hydrogen, CCS, electric vehicles and digital transformation Market and regulatory … Read more DMPQ- What are the objectives of India Energy Forum?

DMPQ- How can Direct Port Entry Facility enable Ease of Doing Bussiness?

Direct Port Entry Facility is the noteworthy step towards reducing the logistics cost and to increase the velocity of cargo for boosting ease of doing business and economy growth. DPE will help in increasing Ease of Doing Business for the exporters, as the facility will bring efficiency and reduce dwell time, lower tariff cost and … Read more DMPQ- How can Direct Port Entry Facility enable Ease of Doing Bussiness?

DMPQ- Woods dispatch is known as Magna carta of English education in India.

The Despatch is a very important educational document and holds a unique place in the history of Indian education. It placed the responsibility of education of the Indian people fully on the company and stated quite explicitly that it must never be neglected. The Despatch gave new direction to education in India and in a … Read more DMPQ- Woods dispatch is known as Magna carta of English education in India.


Ministry of Human Resource Development has announced a new PPP Scheme, National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) for using technology for better learning outcomes in Higher Education. The objective is to use Artificial Intelligence to make learning more personalised and customised as per the requirements of the learner. This requires development of technologies in Adaptive … Read more DMPQ- NEAT

DMPQ- Mission shakti

On March 27, DRDO conducted Mission Shakti, an anti-satellite missile test, from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Island launch complex. One of India’s existing satellites operating in lower orbit used in the mission. The test was successful on all parameters. India has made it clear that its space capabilities aren’t directed against anyone and the government … Read more DMPQ- Mission shakti

DMPQ- Write a short note on : • Nasik conspiracy case • Alipore conspiracy case

Nasik conspiracy case:   On 21st of December, 1909 , A M T (Arthur Mason Tippets) Jackson the magistrate at Nasik was enjoying a theatre where a drama was staged in his honour on the evening of his transfer. A young man of Abhinav Bharat Society named Ananat Laxman Kanhere shot this indologist and “pandit” … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on : • Nasik conspiracy case • Alipore conspiracy case


District Development and Monitoring Committee (DISHA) is being formed with a view to fulfill the objective of ensuring better coordination among all the elected representatives in Parliament, State Legislatures and Local Governments (Panchayati Raj Institutions/Municipal Bodies) for efficient and time-bound development of districts in our country. DISHA is an effort to improve development coordination and … Read more DMPQ- DISHA