DMPQ Premium- . Discuss the important characteristics of Tana bhagat Movement.

Oraon Tana bhagat Movement (1914-1919) a tribal uprising of a section of the Oraons under the leadership of Jatra Oraon, a twenty-five year old youth of Gumla, Ranchi, occurring during the late colonial period in the Chhotanagpur region. In April 1914 Jatra proclaimed that he had received a message from Dharmesh, the supreme god of … Read more DMPQ Premium- . Discuss the important characteristics of Tana bhagat Movement.

DMPQ Premium- Give a brief description of Adi dharma (Sarana cult) of Jharkhand tribes.

Adi Dharam refers to the tribal religion or the traditional religion or the indigenous religion or the Adivasi religion of the indigenous peoples of India. It is an umbrella term used to denote the religion of indigenous Join Our Telegram Channel peoples of India. The term ‘Adi Dharam’ was made popular by the tribal scholar … Read more DMPQ Premium- Give a brief description of Adi dharma (Sarana cult) of Jharkhand tribes.

Analyse the importance of Birsa Munda Movement for tribal rights in British India.

Munda RebellionĀ is one of the prominent 19th century tribal rebellions in the subcontinent. Birsa Munda led this movement in the region south of Ranchi in 1899-1900. The Mundas traditionally Subscribe on YouTube enjoyed a preferential rent rate as the khuntkattidar or the original clearer of the forest. But in course of the 19th century they … Read more Analyse the importance of Birsa Munda Movement for tribal rights in British India.