DMPQ- What do you mean by Current Account Deficit ?

The current account shows the records of exports and imports of both the material goods and services of a country with the rest of the world. Export and import of goods are totally different from the export and import of services. While goods are tangible and called as merchandise or visible trade, and of which … Read more

DMPQ-Prime Minister Employment generation Programme.

The scheme is implemented by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) functioning as the nodal agency at the national level. At the state level, the scheme is implemented through State KVIC Directorates, State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs), District Industries Centres (DICs) and banks. In such cases KVIC routes government subsidy through designated banks … Read more

Define the following term: (economy)

Tax incidence:  Tax incidence is the entity on whom tax is imposed. It is the distribution of the overall tax burden between sellers and buyers in an economy.     Tax burden:       It is the total amount of tax paid by a particular group of people, an industry etc especially as compared to what other … Read more

DMPQ: Recently the agriculture export policy was announced by the government of India. Discuss the objectives of the agriculture export policy. (Economy)

Objectives of the Agriculture Export Policy are as under: To double agricultural exports from the present US $ 30+?Billion to US $ 60+?Billion by 2022 and reach US $ 100 Billion in the next few years thereafter, with a stable trade policy regime. To diversify our export basket, destinations and boost high value and value-added agricultural exports … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on the PM AASHA scheme?

It is anew Umbrella Scheme “Pradhan Mantri AnnadataAaySanraksHan Abhiyan’ (PM-AASHA).  The Scheme is aimed at ensuring remunerative prices to the farmers for their produce as announced in the Union Budget for 2018. The new Umbrella Scheme includes the mechanism of ensuring remunerative prices to the farmers and is comprised of   Price Support Scheme (PSS): … Read more

DMPQ- . “In 1991 India went through many liberal economic policies which changed India’s economic scenario” Elucidate.

End of license raj On 24 July 1991, Prime Minister Narasimha Rao announced the end of the license-permit Raj and Finance Minister Manmohan Singh presented a historic budget that rolled out economic liberalisation in India. It proposed getting rid of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices asset limit totally. Industrial licensing would be abolished for … Read more

DMPQ: India’s NPA problem is a chronic problem and exist at a larger scale then peer countries then what factors didn’t allow Indian economy to collapse? (economic)

the reasons are as follows:   Unlike east Asian crisis, Indian economy was on economic growth path with slight interruption. India maintained and followed strong prudential norms in terms of offering of credit. Boom period didn’t become the excuse for reckless loan giving. There were also control over the cooperates to take loan from foreign … Read more

DMPQ- List out the major Indian Industrial Corridors of India

Industrial Corridor refers to a set of infrastructural spending allocated to a specific geographical area, with the aim of stimulating industrial development. An industrial corridor aims to crease an area with a cluster of manufacturing or other industry. The major Indian Industrial Corridors are: Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC); Bengaluru- Mumbai Economic Corridor (BMEC); Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial … Read more

DMPQ: Write a short note on National resource authority?

DRAFT NATIONAL RESOURCE EFFICIENCY POLICY was released by the Ministry for Environment, Forest and Climate Change for public comments.  The Policy notes that the material consumption in India has increased by six times from 1.2 billion tonnes in 1970 to 7 billion tonnes in 2015. It is expected to double by 2030, in view of … Read more

DMPQ- What do you mean by revenue budget and capital budget? Explain the components of the respective meanings also.

The Revenue Budget comprises revenue receipts and expenditure met from these revenues. The revenue receipts include both tax revenue (like income tax, excise duty) and non-tax revenue (like interest receipts, profits). Capital Budget consists of capital receipts {like borrowing, disinvestment) and long period capital expenditure (creation of assets, investment). Capital receipts are receipts of the … Read more

DMPQ- Aspirational District Programme.

Launched by the Hon’ble PM in January, the ‘Transformation of Aspirational Districts’ programme aims to quickly and effectively transform these districts. The broad contours of the programme are Convergence (of Central & State Schemes), Collaboration (of Central, State level ‘Prabhari’ Officers & District Collectors), and Competition among districts driven by a mass Movement. With States … Read more

DMPQ- Export promotion is an important part of Indian Economic growth. What are the measure taken by Government of India to boost Exports.

The scheme for Remission of Duties or Taxes on Export Product (RoDTEP) will replace Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) for reimbursement of taxes & duties for export promotion. Textiles and all other sectors which currently enjoy incentives upto 2 per cent over MEIS will transit into RoDTEP. In effect, RoDTEP will more than adequately … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the various Tax revenue of Government.

Tax Revenue: Union Excise Duties: They are, presently, by far the leading source of revenue for the Central Government and are levied on commo­dities produced within the country, but exclu­ding those commodities on which State excise is levied (viz., liquors and narcotic drugs). The most important commodities from the revenue point of view are sugar, … Read more

DMPQ- . What is external commercial borrowing (ECB) ? Point out the importance of ECB for India’s external investment.

An external commercial borrowing (ECB) is an instrument used in India to facilitate Indian companies to raise money outside the country in foreign currency. The government of India permits Indian corporates to raise money via ECB for expansion of existing capacity as well as for fresh investments. Other such external sources of finance/capital include FCCBs … Read more

DMPQ- Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

The major objective of PMKSY is to achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level, expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage of water, enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water saving technologies (More crop per drop), enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water … Read more

DMPQ-Explain the following: a) Farmers First b) ARYA c) Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav

Farmers FIRST: The objectives of the ‘Farmer FIRST’ initiative is to move beyond the production and productivity and to privilege the complex, diverse & risk prone realities of the farmers through enhancing farmers-scientists contact with multi stakeholders participation for technology development and application. The project has been conceptualized with focus on Enriching Farmers –Scientist interface; Technology … Read more

DMPQ-Vidyanjali scheme (GOVT. SCHEME)

Vidyanjali – (School Volunteer Programme) is an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy to enhance community and private sector involvement in Government run elementary schools across the country under the overall aegis of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. This programme has been envisaged to bring together people willing … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Open acreage licensing policy.

Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) gives an option to a company looking for exploring hydrocarbons to select the exploration blocks on its own, without waiting for the formal bid round from the Government. UnderOpen Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP), a bidder intending to explore hydrocarbons like oil and gas, coal bedmethane, gas hydrate etc., may apply … Read more


Accelerating Growth of New India’s Innovations or AGNIi is a national initiative under the guidance and support of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India. It is being handled by Invest India. AGNIi provides a platform for innovators to scale up their market-ready products by creating pathways for licensing, technology transfer and market … Read more

DMPQ: What is PPP model? What are the advantages of PPP?(Economy)

A public-private partnership (P3) is a contractual arrangement between a public agency and a private sector entity, typically of a long term nature. Through this agreement, the skills and assets of each sector (public and private) are shared in delivering a service or facility for the use of the general public. In addition to the … Read more

DMPQ- Outline the recommendations of Nitiaayog on labour reforms.

Labour reforms essentially mean taking steps in increasing production, productivity, and employment opportunities in the economy in such a manner that the interests of the workers are not compromised. “Essen­tially, it means skill development, retraining, redeployment, updating knowledge base of workers-teachers, promotion of leadership qualities, etc. The recommendation of NITI aayog are: Codification of labour … Read more

DMPQ- What is P Note? What is the concern associated with P Note?

P-Notes or Participatory Notes are Overseas Derivative Instruments that have Indian stocks as their underlyingassets.  These instruments are issued by foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) registered with SEBI. It allows foreign investors to buy stocks listed on Indian exchanges without being registered with SEBI.  It gained popularity as foreign institutional investors (FIIs) started betting on stocks … Read more

DMPQ- Farmer suicides have increased in the recent past. Give suggestions to prevent farmer suicides.

In the last few years, a large number of farmers have committed suicide.  Cases of suicides have been reported from states such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh. Some of measures suggested include: Provide affordable health insurance and revitalize primary healthcare centres. The National Rural Health Mission should be … Read more

DMPQ: SevaBhoja yojana ( Scheme)

It is a Central Sector Scheme under which the CGST and Central Government‘s share of IGST paid by Charitable Religious Institutions on purchase of specific raw food items shall be reimbursed to them.  The charitable religious institutions include Temples, Gurudwara, Dharmik Ashram, Mosques, Dargah, Church, Matth, Monastries etc. The objective of the scheme is to … Read more

DMPQ- What is peer to peer landing? What are the advantages associated with it?

P2P lending is the popular type of crowd funding, whereby an internet platform collects small amounts of funds from individuals in a crowd to finance collectively a larger loan to individuals or businesses. Websites that facilitate peer-to-peer lending have greatly increased its adoption as an alternative method of financing.P2P lending is also known as social … Read more

DMPQ- What are the causes of the YES bank crisis?

Causes of Yes Bank crisis: Loan spree In the last five years, Yes Bank went on a loaning spree. Its total advances rose by 334% between FY14 and FY19, the highest rise among comparable banks in the period. Bad loans multiply Many borrowers started defaulting. The bank’s Gross NPA% (loans overdue for >90 days) zoomed … Read more

DMPQ- What is Disinvestment? Salient features of Disinvestment

Disinvestment, or divestment, refers to the act of a business or government selling or liquidating an asset or subsidiary or the process of dilution of a government’s stake in a PSU (Public Sector Undertaking). The concept of disinvestment follows the dictum: The government has no business to be in business. Thus, the government continues to … Read more

DMPQ: If poverty is a problem, rural poverty poses a greater threat . In this context discuss the reasons for rural poverty.

India is mainly a rural country. Nearly 68% of the people reside in the rural area. The reasons for rural poverty are multi dimensional. The reasons are social, economical, geographical.   Economic cause Low agricultural productivity. Over reliance on agriculture.( quote the data) Unequal distribution of land and other assets Decline of Village industries Immobility … Read more

DMPQ- Purchasing power Parity.

The purchasing power of a currency refers to the quantity of the currency needed to purchase a given unit of a good, or common basket of goods and services.  Purchasing power is clearly determined by the relative cost of living and inflation rates in different countries. Purchasing power parity means equalising the purchasing power of … Read more

DMPQ- What is the objective behind the launch of National Career service?

????????National Career Service is a Five Year Mission Mode Project launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 20th July, 2015. The project is being implemented by the Directorate General of Employment, Ministry of Labour & Employment. National Career Service (NCS) is a one-stop solution that provides a wide array of employment and career related services … Read more

DMPQ- What is Build Operate Transfer (BOT)? Explain in detail.

A Build Operate Transfer (BOT) Project is typically used to develop a discrete asset rather than a whole network and is generally entirely new or greenfield in nature (although refurbishment may be involved). In a BOT Project the project company or operator generally obtains its revenues through a fee charged to the utility/ government rather … Read more

DMPQ: Fiscal solidarity is key to foundation of a strong economy. N k singh committee was set up to head a fiscal responsibility and budget management panel? Discuss the features of the act. ( Economic reforms)

FRBM act was brought to bring fiscal discipline in the Indian fiscal milieu. But the objectives of FRBM have been shifted for various reasons in the past due to global reasons as well as the domestic reasons. Hence FRBM panel was set up to review the act. The recommendation are explained hereunder which are nonbinding … Read more

DMPQ:What are the components of Global Hunger Index? What are the reasons for low ranking of India?

GHI considers four parameters to for ranking countries: Undernourishment: share of the population that is undernourished, reflectinginsufficient caloric intake;Child wasting: share of children under the age of five who are wasted (low weightfor-height), reflecting acute under-nutrition;Child stunting: share of children under the age of five who are stunted (low heightfor-, reflecting chronic under-nutrition; andChild mortality: … Read more

DMPQ- What is the basic Premise of Keynesian economics?

Keynesian economics was developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s in an attempt to understand the Great Depression. Keynesian Economics focuses on using active government policy to manage aggregate demand in order to address or prevent economic recessions. Thus it focuses on demand-side solutions to recessionary periods. Lowering interest rates is … Read more

DMPQ: Examine the role of startup as driver of growth.

In the last decades there has been a considerable increase in the number of technology based startups. Some 800+ startups are coming up every year, going by this trend by 2020 more than 11,500 start-ups are expected to get established in India, generating opportunities for over 2.5 lakhs people. The reasons for startups as drivers … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on Project CHAMAN.

The objective of Project CHAMAN is to provide strategic development to the horticulture sector, so as to increasefarmers income, a pioneer project called CHAMAN. The project is implemented by Mahalanobis is National CropForecast Centre (MNCFC)using remote sensing technology. Silent Features: Project CHAMAN carries out mapping of area and output of 7 horticultural crops in 12 … Read more

DMPQ- Highlights importance of Aatmanirbhar Bharat for nation building. Mention its focus and phases.

‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ (Self-reliant India Movement) was launched on May 12, 2020 with a special economic & comprehensive package of Rs 20 lakh crores which was aimed towards achieving the mission. The Mission focuses on the importance of promoting local products. The mission is also expected to complement “Make in India” initiative which intends to … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on currency convertibility.

Currency convertibility is the ease with which the currency of a country can be freely converted into any other foreign currency or gold at market determined exchange rate based on demand and supply for that currency. For example, convertibility of Indian rupee is the ease with which rupee be converted into any foreign exchange like … Read more