DMPQ:GDP represents the quantitative factor but does not include the inclusiveness and quality comment.

GDP includes the final value of all goods and services. It is a benchmark tool which is used to gauge the direction and overall wealth of the economy. For example India is 6th largest economy but it is one of the poorest country more than 22% of the people are living in abject poverty. The … Read more DMPQ:GDP represents the quantitative factor but does not include the inclusiveness and quality comment.

DMPQ:Quality Higher education is key to reap the benefits of Demography. In this context suggest ways to improve Higher Education.

Higher education has to be taken to next level to make India a knowledge economy. But quality of HE is an issue and that need quick redressal. The  major steps that can be taken to transform Higher education are: Implementation: Implementation of reforms as pointed out by TSR Subramanian Committee. Autonomy: Reforming or replacing UGC, … Read more DMPQ:Quality Higher education is key to reap the benefits of Demography. In this context suggest ways to improve Higher Education.

DMPQ-Write down the potential of big data analytics in various sectors.

Government: The Indian Government utilizes numerous techniques to ascertain how people areresponding to government action, as well as ideas for policy augmentation. Healthcare: Big data analytics plays a vital role in improving services and tackling some of theforemost challenges in the healthcare sector, especially in terms of patient profile analysis,genomic analysis, public health monitoring, diagnosis … Read more DMPQ-Write down the potential of big data analytics in various sectors.

DMPQ :What were the reasons for dismal performance of Tribal Policy.

Quite often the funds allocated for tribal welfare are not spent or are spent without correspondingresults and sometimes funds are even misappropriated. The watch dog of tribal interests, Tribal AdvisoryCouncil has not functioned effectively. Administrative personnel are either ill trained or prejudiced against tribals. A major handicap from which tribals suffer is denial of justice, … Read more DMPQ :What were the reasons for dismal performance of Tribal Policy.

DMPQ :India is passing through the phase of demographic dividend but at the same time India is also going to face issues of ageing population. In this context discuss the issues attached with the elderly Population.

With increase in the average expectancy age , the issue of elderly population will arise in the near future. The economy has to look into to take care of the elderly population. But there are some issues attached with ageing population: Lack of uniform and accessible pension system. Premium rates are different and there are … Read more DMPQ :India is passing through the phase of demographic dividend but at the same time India is also going to face issues of ageing population. In this context discuss the issues attached with the elderly Population.

DMPQ : What do you understand by the term Minimum wage? What are the issues attached with minimum wages?

Minimum wages is the minimum wage to be given to workers as per rule and law. The non payment or below payment of wages attract Penalty and sanctions. As per the International Labour Organisation India wage report one in every three wage workers in India is not protected by the minimum wage act. As per … Read more DMPQ : What do you understand by the term Minimum wage? What are the issues attached with minimum wages?

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Liberalisation? What are the components of Liberalisation?

The term “liberalization” in this context implies economic liberalization. The essence of thispolicy is that greater freedom is to be given to the entrepreneur of any industry, trade orbusiness and that governmental control on the same be reduced to the minimum. Rules and laws which were aimed at regulating the economic activities became majorhindrances in … Read more DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Liberalisation? What are the components of Liberalisation?

DMPQ:Economic reforms of 1991 was the major landmark in Indian Economic History. Outline the reasons which forced India for economic reforms.

The  major reasons are: Rise in Prices and galloping inflation. It surged from 6.7% to near about 16% Increase in the Fiscal deficit. Increase in non -development expenditure. Adverse Balance of payment and pressure on Balance of Payment. Iran-Kuwait war led to increase in Petrol price and hence pressure on Indian Imports. Adopted approach of … Read more DMPQ:Economic reforms of 1991 was the major landmark in Indian Economic History. Outline the reasons which forced India for economic reforms.

DMPQ:What are the objectives of Nutrient based subsidy scheme?

Nutrient bases subsidy scheme is to ensure balanced use of fertilizers and to improve agriculture productivity. The major features of NBS are: Under the NBS Policy, a fixed amount of subsidy decided on annual basis isprovided on each grade of the subsidized Phosphatic & Potassic (P&K) fertilizersdepending upon its nutrient content.Minimum Retail Price (MRP) of … Read more DMPQ:What are the objectives of Nutrient based subsidy scheme?

DMPQ- What are the Main issues of Education in India

Lack of infrastructure–Approximately 95.2 per cent of schools are not yet compliant with the complete set of RTE infrastructure indicators according to survey conducted in 2010.They lacks drinking water facilities, a functional common toilet, and do not have separate toilets for girls. Number of boards causes non uniformity of curriculum throughout India so maintenance of … Read more DMPQ- What are the Main issues of Education in India

DMPQ- List out the Government Initiatives for the developement of Automobile Industry in India.

The Government of India encourages foreign investment in the automobile sector and allows 100 per cent FDI under the automatic route. Some of the recent initiatives taken by the Government of India are – The government aims to develop India as a global manufacturing centre and an R&D hub. Under NATRiP, the Government of India … Read more DMPQ- List out the Government Initiatives for the developement of Automobile Industry in India.

DMPQ- What is Viability Gap Funding (VGF) and Job Loss Policy.

Viability Gap Funding (VGF): Under the Ministry of Finance ‘Scheme for Support to Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure’ in the form of capital grant at the stage of project construction will be given as per the VGF guidelines. The total Viability Gap Funding under this scheme shall not exceed twenty percent of the total project … Read more DMPQ- What is Viability Gap Funding (VGF) and Job Loss Policy.

DMPQ- Write a short note on the recent Growth and Development experience of India.

India’s GDP increased 7.2 per cent in 2017-18 and 7 per cent in 2018-19. India has retained its position as the third largest startup base in the world with over 4,750 technology start-ups.  India’s labour force is expected to touch 160-170 million by 2020, based on rate of population growth, increased labour force participation, and … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on the recent Growth and Development experience of India.

DMPQ- Mention the indicators of Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI).

Physical Quality of Life Index (P.Q.L.I) was developed by famous economist Morris David in 1979 for 23 developed and developing countries. Morris David used the following three indicators to prepare a composite index known as Physical Quality of Life Index: Life Expectant Rate (L.E.I) Infant Mortality Rate (I.M.I) Basic Literacy Rate (B.L.I) Life Expectant Rate … Read more DMPQ- Mention the indicators of Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI).

DMPQ:What are the components of Global Hunger Index? What are the reasons for low ranking of India?

GHI considers four parameters to for ranking countries: Undernourishment: share of the population that is undernourished, reflectinginsufficient caloric intake;Child wasting: share of children under the age of five who are wasted (low weightfor-height), reflecting acute under-nutrition;Child stunting: share of children under the age of five who are stunted (low heightfor-, reflecting chronic under-nutrition; andChild mortality: … Read more DMPQ:What are the components of Global Hunger Index? What are the reasons for low ranking of India?

DMPQ:Write a short note on the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana.

The Government proposed to launch amega pension Yojana namely ‘PradhanMantri Shram-Yogi Maandhan’ for theunorganised sector workers with monthlyincome up to Rs 15,000. As per Finance ministry half ofIndia’s GDP comes from the sweatand toil of 42 crore workers in theunorganised sector working asstreet vendors, rickshaw pullers,construction workers, rag pickers,agricultural workers, beedi workers,handloom, leather and in … Read more DMPQ:Write a short note on the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana.

DMPQ:Write short note on capital accountconvertibility.(economics)

Capital Account Convertibility (CAC) is not just the currency convertibility freedom, but morethan that, it involves the freedom to invest in financial assets of other countries.The Committee on Capital Account Convertibility (1997, Chairman SS Tarapore) in its reporthas given a working definition for the CAC which is as following:“CAC refers to the freedom to convert … Read more DMPQ:Write short note on capital accountconvertibility.(economics)

DMPQ-What is the role of competition commission of India in ensuring a fair playing field? (ECONOMICS)

To ensuring a fair playing field, the Competition Commission of India endeavours to do the following: Make the markets work for the benefit and welfare of consumers. Ensure fair and healthy competition in economic activities in the country for faster andinclusive growth and development of economy. Implement competition policies with an aim to effectuate the … Read more DMPQ-What is the role of competition commission of India in ensuring a fair playing field? (ECONOMICS)

DMPQ- Analyse the Historical evolution of Institutions of developmental finance in India.

The process started instantly after Independence, with the setting up of the Industrial Finance Corporation (IFCI) in 1948 to embark on long term term-financing for industries. State Financial Corporations (SFCs) were formed under an Act that came into effect from August 1952 to endorse state-level, small and medium-sized industries with industrial finance. In January 1955, … Read more DMPQ- Analyse the Historical evolution of Institutions of developmental finance in India.

DMPQ- Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of Formalization of Indian Economy.

Advantages of formalization Increased tax revenues for the government due to better reporting under taxation laws Coverage of population under social protection plans, saving from financial distress during difficult times Increase workers’ welfare and the opportunities for decent jobs Reduce unfair competition between formal and informal enterprises arising from tax or regulatory arbitrage Downsides of … Read more DMPQ- Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of Formalization of Indian Economy.

DMPQ- Highlight the recommendations of Swwaminathan Commission mentioning bioresources for their nutrition and livelihood security of Rural India.

Rural people in India depend on a wide range of bioresources for their nutrition and livelihood security.  The report recommends: Preserving traditional rights of access to biodiversity, which include access to non-timber forest products including medicinal plants, gums and resins, oil yielding plants and beneficial micro-organisms; Conserving, enhancing and improving crops and farm animals as … Read more DMPQ- Highlight the recommendations of Swwaminathan Commission mentioning bioresources for their nutrition and livelihood security of Rural India.

DMPQ- Diminishing role of government in governance is must for Higher Educational growth. Critically analyse.

Over the years, the government has gradually withdrawn from direct management of public institutions, devolving governance to boards compromising academics, alumni and external members. Instead, it exerts indirect forms of control based largely on mechanisms such as performance-linked funding and quality recognition. The erstwhile regulatory regime of multiple bodies with conflicting and overlapping mandates has … Read more DMPQ- Diminishing role of government in governance is must for Higher Educational growth. Critically analyse.

DMPQ- What are the Characteristics of a Healthy work Culture?

Characteristics of a Healthy work Culture A healthy work culture leads to satisfied employees and an increased productivity. Employees must be cordial with each other. One must respect his fellow worker. Backbiting is considered strictly unprofessional and must be avoided for a healthy work culture. One gains nothing out of conflicts and nasty politics at … Read more DMPQ- What are the Characteristics of a Healthy work Culture?

DMPQ- Write an essay on Gender Equality in India.

Discrimination against women and girls is a pervasive and long-running phenomenon that characterises Indian society at every level.  India’s progress towards gender equality, measured by its position on rankings such as the Gender Development Index has been disappointing, despite fairly rapid rates of economic growth. In the past decade, while Indian GDP has grown by … Read more DMPQ- Write an essay on Gender Equality in India.

DMPQ- Write a short note on Indian Agricultural Research Council

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is an autonomous organisation under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare , Government of India. Formerly known as Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, it was established on 16 July 1929 as a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Indian Agricultural Research Council

DMPQ- Discuss the following terms: a) IMPRINT b) STAR

IMPRINT: IMPRINT is the first of its kind MHRD supported Pan-IIT + IISc joint initiative to address the major science and engineering challenges that India must address and champion to enable, empower and embolden the nation for inclusive growth and self-reliance. This novel initiative with twofold mandate is aimed at: (a) Developing new engineering education … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the following terms: a) IMPRINT b) STAR

DMPQ- Outline the salient features of National intellectual Policy Rights in India.

The National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy 2016 was adopted on 12.5.2016 as a vision document to guide future development of IPRs in the country. This has led to the following achievements:- Strengthening of Institutional Mechanism Clearing Backlog/ Reducing Pendency Increase in Filings of Patents IP Process Re-engineering Creating IPR Awareness vi.        IPRs in School … Read more DMPQ- Outline the salient features of National intellectual Policy Rights in India.

DMPQ-Explain the following: a) Farmers First b) ARYA c) Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav

Farmers FIRST: The objectives of the ‘Farmer FIRST’ initiative is to move beyond the production and productivity and to privilege the complex, diverse & risk prone realities of the farmers through enhancing farmers-scientists contact with multi stakeholders participation for technology development and application. The project has been conceptualized with focus on Enriching Farmers –Scientist interface; Technology … Read more DMPQ-Explain the following: a) Farmers First b) ARYA c) Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav


Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) is a Section 8 (under new companies Act, not for profit companies are governed under section 8), non-Government, private limited company. It was incorporated on March 28, 2013. The Government of India holds 24.5% equity in GSTN and all States of the Indian Union, including NCT of Delhi and … Read more DMPQ- GSTN

DMPQ- What are recapitalisation bonds? How recapitalisation bond woks?

A government bond is an instrument to raise money from the market with a promise to repay the face  value at the maturity  date and a periodic interest. A bond issued for the purpose of recapitalisation is called recapitalisation bond.   Working of Recapitalisation bond: The government will issue recapitalisation bond, which banks will subscribe … Read more DMPQ- What are recapitalisation bonds? How recapitalisation bond woks?

DMPQ- Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana

This is a scheme for providing Physical Aids and Assisted-living Devices for Senior citizens belonging to BPL category. This is a Central Sector Scheme, fully funded by the Central Government. The expenditure for implementation of the scheme will be met from the “Senior Citizens’ Welfare Fund”. The Scheme will be implemented through the sole implementing … Read more DMPQ- Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana

DMPQ- PRASAD scheme.

Twelve cities namely Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh), Gaya(Bihar), Dwaraka(Gujarat), Amritsar(Punjab), Ajmer(Rajasthan), Kanchipuram(Tamil Nadu), Vellankani(Tamil Nadu), Puri(Odisha), Varanasi(Uttar Prasesh), Mathura(Uttar Pradesh), Kedarnath (Uttarakhand) and Kamakhya (Assam) have been identified for development under Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spirituality Augmentation Drive (PRASAD) by the Ministry of Tourism. The objective of schemes are as follows: To drive a national mission for … Read more DMPQ- PRASAD scheme.

DMPQ-Vidyanjali scheme (GOVT. SCHEME)

Vidyanjali – (School Volunteer Programme) is an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy to enhance community and private sector involvement in Government run elementary schools across the country under the overall aegis of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. This programme has been envisaged to bring together people willing … Read more DMPQ-Vidyanjali scheme (GOVT. SCHEME)

DMPQ-Doubling farmers income is to be achieved by 2022. In this context discuss the ways to modernise agriculture to ensure double farmers income. (ECONOMY)

Steps to modernise agri are as follows: Increase area under irrigation. Increase adoption of hybrid and improved seeds. Dynamic seed development plans. States should aim to increase the seed replacement rate (SRR) to 33 per cent for self-pollinatedcrops and 50 per cent for cross-pollinated cropsin alternative years. Increase variety replacement ratio to phase out old … Read more DMPQ-Doubling farmers income is to be achieved by 2022. In this context discuss the ways to modernise agriculture to ensure double farmers income. (ECONOMY)

DMPQ- What is Financial inclusion? Suggest some ways to enhance Financial Inclusion in India?

Financial inclusion is the pursuit of making financial services accessible at affordable costs to all individuals and businesses, regardless of net worth and size, respectively. Financial inclusion strives to address and proffer solutions to the constraints that exclude people from participating in the financial sector. It is also called inclusive financing. Government has launched various … Read more DMPQ- What is Financial inclusion? Suggest some ways to enhance Financial Inclusion in India?

DMPQ- What is Saubhagaya Scheme? Write down the expected outcome of the scheme?

According to the scheme, The States and Union Territories are required to complete the works of household electrification by the 31st of December 2018. The beneficiaries for free electricity connections would be identified using Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011 data. However, un-electrified households not covered under the SECC data would also be provided electricity connections … Read more DMPQ- What is Saubhagaya Scheme? Write down the expected outcome of the scheme?

DMPQ- List out the major Indian Industrial Corridors of India

Industrial Corridor refers to a set of infrastructural spending allocated to a specific geographical area, with the aim of stimulating industrial development. An industrial corridor aims to crease an area with a cluster of manufacturing or other industry. The major Indian Industrial Corridors are: Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC); Bengaluru- Mumbai Economic Corridor (BMEC); Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial … Read more DMPQ- List out the major Indian Industrial Corridors of India