DMPQ- What are the health problems related to the modern lifestyle which is rendering the reduction in quality of life? Suggest Solution.

With the increase in Urbanisation and modernisation there is an increase in pollution, unhealthy lifestyle, environmental toxins which in turn increases the risk of disease.  The major health problems associated with modern lifestyle are as follows: Rise in pollution due to unplanned Pollution related problems like Asthama, Lung related disease etc. are on rise. Life … Read more DMPQ- What are the health problems related to the modern lifestyle which is rendering the reduction in quality of life? Suggest Solution.


? QUESTION TAG   Golden Rules of Question Tags in English Grammar The sentence and the question tag  must be in the same tense. For negative question tag, use the Contracted form of ‘helping verb’ and ‘not’ .E.g didn’t, hadn’t, won’t etc If the Sentence is positive, the question tag must be negative and vice versa. Always use pronoun in the question tag. … Read more QUESTION TAG

Types Of Respiration

? Types of respiration External Respiration One method for obtaining oxygen from the environment is through external respiration or breathing. In animal organisms, the process of external respiration is performed in a number of different ways. Animals that lack specialized organs for respiration rely on diffusion across external tissue surfaces to obtain oxygen. Others … Read more Types Of Respiration


? Nepotism Nepotism describes a variety of practices related to favoritism; it can mean simply hiring one’s own family members, or it can mean hiring and advancing unqualified or under-qualified family members based simply on the familial relationship. The word nepotism stems from the Latin word for “nephew,” especially the nephews of the prelates … Read more Nepotism

Rural #U2013 Urban Continuum

? Rural – Urban continuum Rural- urban continuum, the merging of town and country, a term used in recognition of the fact that in general there is rarely, either physically or socially, a sharp division, a clearly marked boundary between the two, with one part of the population wholly urban, the other wholly rural. … Read more Rural #U2013 Urban Continuum

Budgetry Reforms

? BUDGETARY REFORMS     Government bodies raise money by imposing taxes on citizens and then use those funds to pursue various programs such as education, defence, infrastructure and research and development. A government’s budget describes all of its sources of income and where it spends that income, and budget reform is the process … Read more Budgetry Reforms

Religious Sects

? Religious sects: Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhwacharya – Sri Basaveshvara, Veerashaivism and Vachana movement  The revival and expansion of Hinduism after the Gupta period took many forms. The chief gods were the Shiva and Vishnu and many magnificent temples were built to proclaim their supremacy. The rise of the worship of Shiva and Vishnu marked … Read more Religious Sects

Backward Class Movement

? Backward Class movement Some of the most important backward class movement in India are as follows:   Satya Shodhak Samaj Shri Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam Movement Justice Party The Self-respect Movement. Satya Shodhak Samaj In Western India, Jyotirao Govindrao Phule struggled for the upliftment of lower castes through his Satya Shodhak Samaj. Belonging … Read more Backward Class Movement

DMPQ- Write a short note on Hydrofluoro carbon?

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are a group of industrial chemicals primarily used for cooling and refrigeration. HFCs were developed to replace stratospheric ozone-depleting substances that are currently being phased out under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Many HFCs are very powerful greenhouse gases and a substantial number are short-lived climate pollutants with … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Hydrofluoro carbon?

Mesolithic Period Food Producers

? Mesolithic Period- Food producers The period of the earth’s history called the Stone Age was filled with remarkable achievements, made by early humans who roamed the globe following large animals around for food and for clothing. These early nomadic humans called hunter-gatherers needed tools and weapons that would be strong enough to take … Read more Mesolithic Period Food Producers

DMPQ- What is the idea of ‘Social democracy’ given by our father of Indian Constitution?

It means a way of life which recognises liberty, equality and fraternity as the principles of life. These principles of liberty, equality and fraternity are not to be treated as separate items in a trinity. They form a union of trinity in the sense that to divorce one from the other is to defeat the … Read more DMPQ- What is the idea of ‘Social democracy’ given by our father of Indian Constitution?

DMPQ- Explain the following terms: a) Current weekly status b) Current daily status

Current weekly status:  The Current Weekly Status (CWS) approach to measuring unemployment uses seven days preceding the date of survey as the reference period. A person is considered to be employed if he or she pursues any one or more of the gainful activities for at least one-hour on any day of the reference week. … Read more DMPQ- Explain the following terms: a) Current weekly status b) Current daily status

Changes In Administrative Structure During British Period (1)

? Changes in Administrative structure during British period In the beginning, the Company left the administration of its possessions in India in Indian hands, confining its activities to supervision. But soon found `that British aims were not adequately served by following old methods of administration. Consequently, the Company took all aspects of administration in … Read more Changes In Administrative Structure During British Period (1)

DMPQ- Oceanic land forms are not plain but possess equivalent diversity as that of Continents. Comment

There are mountains, basins, plateaus, ridges, canyons and trenches beneath the ocean water too. These relief features found on the ocean floor are called Submarine Relief. The ocean basins are broadly divided into four major subdivisions. They are; Continental Shelf: They slope seaward from coast to a point where the slope becomes very steep. This shallow submerged extension … Read more DMPQ- Oceanic land forms are not plain but possess equivalent diversity as that of Continents. Comment

DMPQ- Constitution of India is a perfect blend of rigidity and flexibility. Do you agree with the statement?

Yes, Constitution of India is a perfect blind of rigidity and flexibility. More than 100 Constitutional amendment since its inception is testimony to that. It is neither too rigid as that of US constitution and nor that flexible as that of British. The Provisions of the constitution can be changed by different kinds of majority … Read more DMPQ- Constitution of India is a perfect blend of rigidity and flexibility. Do you agree with the statement?


? Respiration Respiration is defined as the movement of oxygen from the outside environment to the cells within tissues, and the transport of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. The physiological definition of respiration is differs from the biochemical definition, which refers to cellular respiration, a metabolic process by which an organism obtains energy … Read more Respiration

The Kushana Dynasty

? Facts related to Uttar Pradesh Under the rule of Kanishka, the Kushana empire reached its maximum territorial limits. This empire extended from the Central Asia to the northern India, while including Varanasi, Kaushambi and Sravasti in Uttar Pradesh region. The Kushanas patronized the Gandhara and the Mathura schools of sculptural art which are … Read more The Kushana Dynasty

Refraction Of Light

? Refraction of light Refraction is the bending of light (it also happens with sound, water and other waves) as it passes from one transparent substance into another.  This bending by refraction makes it possible for us to have lenses, magnifying glasses, prisms and rainbows. Even our eyes depend upon this bending of light. … Read more Refraction Of Light


? Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Originally the first four were grouped as “BRIC” (or “the BRICs”), before the induction of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are known for … Read more Brazil

The Gupta Dynasty

? Facts related to Uttar Pradesh There is controversy among scholars about the original homeland of the Guptas. Jayaswal has pointed out that the Guptas were originally inhabitants of Prayaga (Allahabad), Uttar Pradesh, in north India, as the vassal of the Nagas or Bhaarshivas. Thereafter they rose in prominence. Early Gupta coins and inscriptions have been mainly found in Uttar … Read more The Gupta Dynasty

Acids And Bases

? Acid An acid is a substance which forms H+ ions as the only positive ion in aqueous solution. Examples:- Hydrochloric acid dissolved in water forms H+ and Cl– ions   HCl —> H+ + Cl–   Sulphuric acid dissolved in water forms H+ and SO42- ions   H2SO4 —>2H+ + SO42-   Nitric acid forms H+ and NO3– ions when dissolved in water … Read more Acids And Bases

DMPQ- Although untouchability is totally banned in India, Modern forms of untouchability still prevail in India. Do you agree with the statement?

  Discrimination against Dalits penetrates numerous aspects of daily life in India. It affects access to education and medical facilities and imposes restrictions on housing and what kind of work Dalits can carry out. Denial of rented house to dalit community by non dalit community. Discriminatory behaviour with dalit community at university level especially in … Read more DMPQ- Although untouchability is totally banned in India, Modern forms of untouchability still prevail in India. Do you agree with the statement?

DMPQ- What is coral bleaching?

When corals are stressed by changes in conditions such as temperature, light, or nutrients, they expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely white. Warmer water temperatures can result in coral bleaching. When water is too warm, corals will expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues causing the coral to turn completely … Read more DMPQ- What is coral bleaching?

Waste Water Management

? Waste Water Management Water, food and energy securities are emerging as increasingly important and vital issues for India and the world. Most of the river basins in India and elsewhere are closing or closed and experiencing moderate to severe water shortages, brought on by the simultaneous effects of agricultural growth, industrialization and urbanization. … Read more Waste Water Management

DMPQ- In the wider national narrative, Tipu has so far been seen as a man of imagination and courage, a brilliant military strategist. Comment

Tipu sultan was a ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore and the eldest son of Sultan Hyder Ali of Mysore. Tipu was also known as king of Mysore and He was the most formidable opposition among marathas, Nizams etc. Various reforms were initiated by Tipu sultan which are as follows: Fought the first Anglo-Mysore War (1767-69) at the … Read more DMPQ- In the wider national narrative, Tipu has so far been seen as a man of imagination and courage, a brilliant military strategist. Comment

Electric Power Plant

? Electric power plant Electricity is produced at a an electric power plant. Some fuel source, such as coal, oil, natural gas, or nuclear energy produces heat. The heat is used to boil water to create steam. The steam under high pressure is used to spin a turbine. The spinning turbine interacts with a … Read more Electric Power Plant

Physical Quality Of Life Index

? Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) Physical Quality of Life Index (P.Q.L.I) was developed by famous economist Morris David in 1979 for 23 developed and developing countries. Morris David used the following three indicators to prepare a composite index known as Physical Quality of Life Index: Life Expectant Rate (L.E.I) Infant Mortality Rate … Read more Physical Quality Of Life Index

DMPQ- What is Ninth Schedule and what are issues related with it?

The first amendment to the Indian Constitution added the Ninth Schedule to it. It was introduced by the Nehru Government, on 10 May 1951 to address judicial decisions and pronouncements espe­cially about the chapter on fundamental rights. Nehru was also very clear on the purpose behind the first amendment. The state wanted to pursue nationalisation, take away … Read more DMPQ- What is Ninth Schedule and what are issues related with it?

Human Values Lessons

? Human values :Lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers, administrators Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, or Mahatma Gandhi as he is fondly called, was the greatest political figure in India’s history. Hailed as the Father of the Nation, Gandhi inspired Indians with his non-violent movements for civil rights and freedom … Read more Human Values Lessons

17.12.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

INTERNATIONAL NASA select site Nightingale for observation   NASA has finally selected a sample collection site on asteroid Bennu after the arrival of OSIRIS-REx spacecraft in December 2018. The OSIRIS-Rex mission team has selected the site designated Nightingale, which is located in a crater high in Bennu’s northern hemisphere. The team has also selected site Osprey of Bennu as a backup sample collection site.   OSIRIS-REx spacecraft mapped … Read more 17.12.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

Liberation War Of Bangladesh

? Liberation War of Bangladesh The Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971 was the culmination of a 25-year tumultuous relationship between East and West Pakistan. The British failed to keep a united India as riots started between the Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims in 1946. The riots were so widespread that on August 14, 1947 … Read more Liberation War Of Bangladesh

National And State SCST Commission

? National and state SC/ST commission National SC commission National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) is an Indian constitutional body established with a view to provide safeguards against the exploitation of Scheduled Castes to promote and protect their social, educational, economic and cultural interests, special provisions were made in the Constitution.   Functions To … Read more National And State SCST Commission

Right To Service

? Right To Service     Delivering public services in a time bound, decentralised and citizen friendly manner has been one of the major challenges facing the administration wing of the government.   Right to Public Services legislation in India comprises statutory laws which guarantee time-bound delivery of various public services rendered to citizens … Read more Right To Service

Post Harvest Technology And Value Addition (2)

? Post harvest technology and value addition in Food Processing While increased productivity is an essential component of a vibrant agricultural sector, improved post-harvest handling and processing is essential to ensure high-quality products reach the markets. Too often, even when the yields are high, producers lose income due to poor post-harvest practices. Effective post-harvest … Read more Post Harvest Technology And Value Addition (2)


? NATURAL RESOURCES OF INDIA What are natural resources ? Natural resources are useful raw materials that we get from the Earth. They occur naturally, which means that humans cannot make natural resources. Instead, we use and modify natural resources in ways that are beneficial to us. The materials used in human-made objects are natural … Read more NATURAL RESOURCES OF INDI1

DMPQ-Write a short note on Poorna Sawaraj resolution.

Purna Swaraj resolution was passed by the Indian National Congress in the Lahore session of 1929. The session was presided by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. Purna Swaraj meant c omplete freedom from British rule. People were subsequently asked to celebrate 26th of January as ‘Independence Day’. Congress laeders and volunteers hoisted flags publicly across the country. Congress had already presented the … Read more DMPQ-Write a short note on Poorna Sawaraj resolution.