Christian Doctrine And Theology (1)

? Christian doctrine and theology Christian doctrine There are many important differences of interpretation and opinion of the Bible and sacred tradition on which Christianity is based. Because of these irreconcilable differences in theology and a lack of consensus on the core tenets of Christianity, Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox often deny that members of … Read more Christian Doctrine And Theology (1)

3.1 Aptitude

? Aptitude An aptitude is a component of a competence to do a certain kind of work at a certain level. Outstanding aptitude can be considered “talent”. An aptitude may be physical or mental. Aptitude is inborn potential to do certain kinds of work whether developed or undeveloped. Ability is developed knowledge, understanding, learned … Read more 3.1 Aptitude

Reproduction And Growth

? Reproduction and growth – type of reproduction Living things grow and they reproduce. Growth is a way to generate the materials for reproduction. Reproduction is a way to make new organisms that can grow. Thus, the apparent “goal” of every organism is to fill the available world with its offspring, that is, with … Read more Reproduction And Growth

Utilization Of Public Fund (1)

? Utilization of public fund Intergovernmental transfers from the centre to the states takes place through three channels: statutory and other transfers mandated by the Finance Commission, formula-based transfers for State Plan Schemes through the Planning Commission, and other discretionary transfers by the Planning Commission/ various central Ministries. The entire tax sharing is a … Read more Utilization Of Public Fund (1)

Civil And Criminal Laws

? Civil and Criminal laws: hierarchy of civil and criminal courts in India Courts and Justice system in India The courts are divided into three categories with top court, middle court and lower court. The top court is named as the Supreme Court, while the middle court is named as High Court, and the … Read more Civil And Criminal Laws

DMPQ: The Indian Meteorological department confirmed that this month was coldest in Delhi since 1901. What are the Possible reasons for such cold waves?

In Delhi, the average maximum temperature for December was less than 20°C until December 27. This has happened only four times in the last 118 years, and the IMD has said this month would most likely become the second coldest December for Delhi since 1901. A cold-day condition is said to prevail when the maximum … Read more DMPQ: The Indian Meteorological department confirmed that this month was coldest in Delhi since 1901. What are the Possible reasons for such cold waves?

DMPQ: What are the possible solutions to revive India from economic slowdown?

There are no magic bullets to revive the economy as this time situation is quite different. The  macro indicators are fine but overall economy is not doing good. Last quarter growth was pegged at 4.5%, IIP was in negative territory, Exports are not growing, Private investment is low, Twin balance sheet problem, IL&F crisis etc. … Read more DMPQ: What are the possible solutions to revive India from economic slowdown?

DMPQ: Objectives of Atal Bhujal Yojana.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 25, 2019 launched a scheme to conserve ground water in regions with low water tables. It is a Rs.6000 crore World Bank approved Central Sector Scheme of the Ministry of Jal Shakti The funding pattern is 50:50 between Government of India and World Bank. Aims to improve ground water management in priority areas in the country through community … Read more DMPQ: Objectives of Atal Bhujal Yojana.

Schemes For Agriculture Development

? Extension Activities: The government is taking up extension activities in a big way and utilizing the campaign modes to educate farmers in all possible forms.  Polam Pilusthondi: The main objective of the scheme is to strengthen the extension reach at farmers’ doorstep for increasing productivity, profi tability, sustainability and explore the possibilities of … Read more Schemes For Agriculture Development


? Excretion:In plants Excretion, the process by which animals and plants rid themselves of waste products and of the nitrogenous by-products of metabolism. Through excretion organisms control osmotic pressure—the balance between inorganic ions and water—and maintain acid-base balance. The process thus promotes homeostasis, the constancy of the organism’s internal environment. Plants have no special … Read more Excretion

SWOT Analysis

? SWOT Analysis A successful business is founded on a series of sound decisions, so the way you analyze situations and choose to react is essential. When trying to assess the lay of the land, few tools are more useful than the SWOT analysis. It stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; the SWOT … Read more SWOT Analysis

Diseases Related To Kidney

? Diseases related to kidney Abderhalden-Kaufmann-Lignac syndrome Autosomal recessive syndrome of disturbance of amino acid transport characterized by deposition of cystine crystals in numerous tissues of the body, particularly evident in the conjunctiva and cornea. Children in whom cystinosis is found are subnormal in development, with dwarfing, rickets, and osteoporosis. Renal tubular disease, aminoaciduria, … Read more Diseases Related To Kidney

Indian Freedom Struggle 8

? SECOND WORLD WAR AND INDIAN NATIONALISTS  In September 1939, the Second World War broke out. Indian opinion was not sought but the British government dragged India in the war as a party. Britain which claimed to be fighting for freedom had destroyed the freedom of the Indian people and had dragged India into … Read more Indian Freedom Struggle 8

Control And Coordination

? Control and coordination:Plants and animals All the living organisms respond and react to changes in the environment around them. The changes in the environment to which the organisms respond and react are called stimuli such as light, heat, cold, sound, smell, touch etc. Coordination in plants Coordination refers to ordered working of different … Read more Control And Coordination

Quality Of Service Delivery

? Quality of service delivery After over a decade of rapid economic growth in India, the biggest challenge facing policymakers at both central and state levels is to ensure ‘inclusive’ growth so that the gains from increased national income are shared by all sections of society. In particular, it is imperative that a high … Read more Quality Of Service Delivery


? Vakataks Vakataka dynasty, Indian ruling house originating in the central Deccan in the mid-3rd century CE, the empire of which is believed to have extended from Malwa and Gujarat in the north to the Tungabhadra in the south and from the Arabian Sea in the west to the Bay of Bengal in the … Read more Vakataks


? Rise of Mahayana and Development of Art (Gandhara, Mathura and other Schools)     Mahayana Buddhism is sometimes called Northern Buddhism. It is mainly followed by monks and nuns, and is largely found throughout China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Tibet, and Vietnam.   The reign of Kanishka is known for the rise of … Read more Mahayan

Depletion Of Natural Resources

? Depletion of Natural Resources- Metals, Minerals — Conservation Policy All the materials and energy essential for the survival and welfare of living beings including humans-are provided by nature. They are called natural resources. A thing becomes resource only when it is used by humans to perform a function. Man lives in nature and … Read more Depletion Of Natural Resources


? Photosynthesis Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds. It would be impossible to overestimate the importance of photosynthesis in … Read more Photosynthesis


? Biopesticides Plants, growing in the wild or in cultivation, face numerous threats from insects, bacteria, viruses, and fungi, as well as from other plants. Biopesticides are inert substances or living organisms that can help protect plants from such threats. Chemical pesticides can offer similar protection but, by contrast, are neither alive nor made … Read more Biopesticides

DMPQ:What are the Major issues between India and China?

Issues are as follows: Border dispute between India and China: Issue of River sharing, Construction of dams on brahamputra river Growing China-Pak Nexus, Pakistan offering disputed area with India to CHINA for creation of OBOR, China Pakistan Economic Corridor China not supporting India at international level like not supporting India forNSG membership. Development of Strategic … Read more DMPQ:What are the Major issues between India and China?

Forest Based Industries

?   Introduction   India is very rich in forest resources, with a large area under forest. All kinds of trees are found here varying from the deciduous, tropical hardwood trees to the evergreen and coniferous trees.   Trees provide one with a wide range of products. From paper to paints, chemicals, housing and … Read more Forest Based Industries

DMPQ:There is on going tussle between Judiciary and executive. Discuss the key issues between judiciary and executive.

Judiciary and executive are two major component of our vibrant democracy. Their free and fair functioning lead to smooth functioning of a democratic country. The doctrine of separation of power and checks and balances has to be followed. But excessive check and balance lead to undue interference and this is the source of tussle.   … Read more DMPQ:There is on going tussle between Judiciary and executive. Discuss the key issues between judiciary and executive.

Social Research And Techniques

? Social Research and Techniques -Objective of Social Research, Use of scientific method to study of Social Phenomena, tools and techniques of data collection- Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule Man by nature is inquisitive, and humans have an extraordinary capacity to exercise rational judgment and probe the realities of the world around us. Inherent in … Read more Social Research And Techniques

DMPQ: India is becoming a hub for non communicable diseases? Suggest the way to deal with the menace of non communicable disease.

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic diseases, tend to be of long duration and are the result of a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental and behaviours factors. The main types of NCDs are cardiovascular diseases (like heart attacks and stroke), cancers, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma) and diabetes. … Read more DMPQ: India is becoming a hub for non communicable diseases? Suggest the way to deal with the menace of non communicable disease.

2.3 Objectivity (1)

? Objectivity: Meaning as a Philosophical concept   Objectivity, as a method of philosophy, is dependent upon the presupposition distinguishing references in the field of epistemology regarding the ontological status of a possible objective reality, and the state of being objective in regard to references towards whatever is considered as objective reality. In other … Read more 2.3 Objectivity (1)

The Chandelas

? Facts related to Uttar Pradesh Yashovarman, also known as Lakshavarman, was a king of the Chandela dynasty of India. He ruled in the Jejakabhukti region (Bundelkhand in present-day Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh). The Khajuraho inscription also states that Yashovarman turned the rivers Ganga and Yamuna into his “pleasure-lakes”, and that the waters of these rivers became muddy when his might elephants bathed … Read more The Chandelas

Indian Freedom Struggle 7

? Subhas Chandra Bose  Subhas Chandra Bose was most dynamic leader of India`s struggle for independence. He is more familiar with his name Netaji. His contribution towards India`s Freedom struggle was of a revolutionary. Subhas Chandra Bose was born on 23rd Jan, 1897 in Cuttack, Orissa, India. From his childhood he was a bright … Read more Indian Freedom Struggle 7

Fractions Or Rational Number

? Fractions Any unit can be divided into any numbers of equal parts, one or more of this parts is called fraction of that unit. e.g. one-forth (1/4), one-third (1/3), three-seventh (3/7) etc. The lower part indicates the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided, is called denominator. The upper part, which indicates the number … Read more Fractions Or Rational Number

2.5 Empathy (1)

? Empathy: Definition The term “empathy” is used to describe a wide range of experiences. Emotion researchers generally define empathy as the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling. Contemporary researchers often differentiate between two types of empathy: “Affective empathy” refers to … Read more 2.5 Empathy (1)

Free And Compulsory Primary Education

? Free and Compulsory primary education The Indian Constitution is a social document and the supreme law of the land. The founding fathers of the Constitution have incorporated a well designed constitutional manifesto under Part-IV of the Constitution to achieve socio-economic Justice. The Directive Principles of State Policy are principles of good governance. Education … Read more Free And Compulsory Primary Education

Matter In Our Surroundings

? Matter in our surroundings, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Matter is any thing which has mass and occupies space. All solids, liquids and gases around us are made of matter. Scientist believe that matter is made of tiny particles that clump together. You cannot see these particles but you can see the matter, for example, … Read more Matter In Our Surroundings

Hindutva And Patriotism

? Hindutva and Patriotism Hindutva Literally ‘Hindutva’ means a way of life or a state of mind that is based on the cultural and spiritual ethos based on the spiritual systems that evolved from India. Hindutva is a philosophy like Communism or Socialism. The difference is that, whereas communism and socialism are materialistic philosophies … Read more Hindutva And Patriotism


?         United Nations Convention against Corruption The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) is a landmark, international anti-corruption treaty adopted by the UN General Assembly in October 2003. It represents a remarkable achievement: a global response to a global problem. With 181 countries bound by  UNCAC so far (as of 4 May 2017), … Read more (UNCAC) UN CONVENTION

India In Global Indices

? India in Global Indices Global Innovation Index The Global Innovation Index (GII) is an annual ranking of countries by their capacity for, and success in, innovation. It is published by Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization, in partnership with other organisations and institutions, and is based on both subjective and … Read more India In Global Indices

DMPQ- What is mob lynching and discuss the causes of Mob lynching.

Mob lynching is attacking some one, physically assaulting a person leading to death, by a group of people loosely connected to each other, on the basis of some false information, mostly on the basis of unconfirmed rumours like cow slaughter, beef eating, child lifting, theft, enticing women, etc.  Reasons for higher incidence of mob lynching … Read more DMPQ- What is mob lynching and discuss the causes of Mob lynching.

Rights Related To Health

? Rights related to Health “The right to the highest attainable standard of health” implies a clear set of legal obligations on states to ensure appropriate conditions for the enjoyment of health for all people without discrimination. The right to health is one of a set of internationally agreed human rights standards, and is … Read more Rights Related To Health

DMPQ- Write short note on Gandhi’s Contribution to Indian Independence Movement.

Gandhi brought Satyagraha to India in 1915, and was soon elected to the Indian National Congress political party. Rowlatt Act – He began to push for independence from the United Kingdom, and organized resistance to 1919 law that gave British authorities unauthorised powers to imprison suspected revolutionaries without trial. Britain responded brutally to the resistance, harmed … Read more DMPQ- Write short note on Gandhi’s Contribution to Indian Independence Movement.

Food Preservatives

? Food preservatives Food preservatives constitute a group of compounds of widely different molecular structures; they are organic and inorganic substances with different functional groups and tendencies to form ions. There are no procedures that are generally applicable to the analysis of preservatives as a class of food additive; the procedures are specific to … Read more Food Preservatives

DMPQ- Mention the constitutional provision related to the functioning of Election commission of India.

ECI is an autonomous constitutional authority responsible for administering union and state election in India. To be precise the ECI administered Lok sabha elections, rajya sabha elections, Legislative assembly elections and the office of President and Vice President in India. It is one of the important body which keeps democracy intact be having free and … Read more DMPQ- Mention the constitutional provision related to the functioning of Election commission of India.

Disaster Management

? Disaster Management History shows that India is exposed to national disasters. Cyclones, floods, earthquakes, droughts and floods are major threats. About 60 percent of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of various intensities, over 40 million hectares is prone to floods and 68 percent of the area is susceptible to drought. This not … Read more Disaster Management

DMPQ- Unemployment rate is highest in last 45 years. What are the reasons for higher rate of unemployment in India? Give solutions to this problem.

Unemployment rate is very high. The problem is structural and there are both long term and short term causes of the problem. The major reasons are: Weak aggregate demand of the country. Global economic is passing through rough patch. Low emphasis of our curriculum on skill development and training. Age old educational programme and curriculum. … Read more DMPQ- Unemployment rate is highest in last 45 years. What are the reasons for higher rate of unemployment in India? Give solutions to this problem.


? INTRODUCTION Among several features of globalization, one relates to increasing interactions among nations and removal of barriers to facilitate movement of goods, capital, labour and technology. It is a process that renders various activities and aspiration worldwide in scope or application. As a part of this process of increasing integration of the world, … Read more TRADE PATTERN