DMPQ: What is ecommerce? Various types of models of e-commerce? What are the positives for e commerce.

E commerce is the sale or purchase of goods and services conducted over networks of Tv and computers.  The use of internet and network is the key feature of e commerce.  According to a report by KPMG, e-Commerce sector in India is projected to cross $80 billion by 2020 and $300 billion by 2030. The … Read more DMPQ: What is ecommerce? Various types of models of e-commerce? What are the positives for e commerce.

DMPQ: Discuss the features of the Monsoon type of climate.

Climate is the average weather conditions of large area. According to the koeppen system of classification , the world is divided into five climatic groups and 13 climatic types based on the temperature, precipitation and vegetation. The notable characteristics of Monsoon type of climate are as follows: The climate is divided into distinct 4 seasons. … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the features of the Monsoon type of climate.

DMPQ: what were the factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture?

Culture of India was in a stage of questioning because of the rational outlook brought up by the Britishers. The culture of India experienced the ideals of modernity. The factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture were: Spread of Nationalism: The rising tide of nationalism and democracy also … Read more DMPQ: what were the factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture?

DMPQ: Discuss the features of the Monsoon type of climate.

Climate is the average weather conditions of large area. According to the koeppen system of classification , the world is divided into five climatic groups and 13 climatic types based on the temperature, precipitation and vegetation. The notable characteristics of Monsoon type of climate are as follows: The climate is divided into distinct 4 seasons. … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the features of the Monsoon type of climate.

DMPQ: what were the factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture?

Culture of India was in a stage of questioning because of the rational outlook brought up by the Britishers. The culture of India experienced the ideals of modernity. The factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture were: Spread of Nationalism: The rising tide of nationalism and democracy also … Read more DMPQ: what were the factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture?

DMPQ: Discuss the evolution of modern education in India.

Modern education main constituent is imbibing scientific enquiry into the subject. Reasoning and observation are important pillars of modern education. Even though, EIC came in 1600 they didn’t take any firm effort in introducing modern education until the enacting of Charter act of 1813. Major evolutionary phase of modern education are discussed here under: In … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the evolution of modern education in India.

DMPQ: Do you think there is an urgent need of reform in Criminal Justice system.

India ‘s criminal justice system is facing some serious issues. Its lethargic performance and sometimes non action has eroded the trust among the people of the country. Weak criminal justice system ultimately fails democracy by not providing the rule of law. The Criminal justice system need reforms in all three components i.e. Law enforcement, adjudication … Read more DMPQ: Do you think there is an urgent need of reform in Criminal Justice system.

DMPQ: What are the qualities of a fissile material. Discuss the advantage of Thorium reactors.

Uranium is one of the fissile material which is used for power generations. But All isotopes are not categorised as fissile. The certain minimum standards have to be met to qualify as fissile material: It should be able to sustain the chain reaction. It should have a high probability of fission when bombarded with slow/fast … Read more DMPQ: What are the qualities of a fissile material. Discuss the advantage of Thorium reactors.

DMPQ: What is FRBM act? Why the objectives of FRBM were not achieved.

FRBM is fiscal responsibility and budget management act is an act of parliament of India to institutionalise financial discipline, reduce India’s fiscal deficit , improve macroeconomic management and the overall management of the public funds by moving towards a balanced budget. The main purpose of the budget was to eliminate the revenue deficit and to … Read more DMPQ: What is FRBM act? Why the objectives of FRBM were not achieved.

DMPQ: What is the difference between Tax evasion and Tax avoidance? What are the methods of Tax evasion?

  Tax avoidance Tax evasion Legal way of saving taxes. Illegal in a financial system Recording of income Not recording of income. Help in saving, at the same time money can be channelized for economic growth Help in saving, but since money is not accounted. Money cannot be channelized for economic growth.   Positive extrenalities … Read more DMPQ: What is the difference between Tax evasion and Tax avoidance? What are the methods of Tax evasion?

DMPQ: What are lokadalats: its structure and function? How they are different than normal courts?

Lok adlalats are a tool of alternative dispute resolution mechanism.  They are mentioned in the section 89 of the CPC. They are the peoples court outside the regular court. It was set up in 1987 under National legal service authority act, 1987. Hence, they have statutory status. They work differently as compared to normal courts … Read more DMPQ: What are lokadalats: its structure and function? How they are different than normal courts?

DMPQ: What are intellectual property rights? What is the need of IPR? List down the objective of IPR policy?

Intellectual property rights refers to the rights provided to the individuals or organisations pertaining to specific innovation or invention in products or processes for a certain period of time. They exist in the form of Patents, trademarks,Geographical Indications, copyrights etc Need  of IPR: To create an friendly envt. For innovation. Facilitating access to knowledge. Prevent … Read more DMPQ: What are intellectual property rights? What is the need of IPR? List down the objective of IPR policy?

DMPQ: Even though Non cooperation movement failed to achieve its objective but it gave direction to the national movement.

The goal of Non cooperation movement was swaraj. Though, the goal of swaraj was not achieved, the non cooperation movement had achieved lot of intangible benefits which have furthered the cause of national struggle. The advantage rendered by NCM are discussed here under: Wide spread participation: It reach among many sections of Indian peasants, workers, … Read more DMPQ: Even though Non cooperation movement failed to achieve its objective but it gave direction to the national movement.

DMPQ: What is El Nino and southern oscillation and How it affects the Indian Monsoon?

El-nino is the classical phenomenon where warming of Pacific ocean takes place near the western coast of Peru and Equador. It occurs at every 3-4 years. It weakens the trade winds and changes in southern oscillation , thereby affects the rainfall pattern across the world. Southern oscillation: Southern oscillation is the alternating of sea level … Read more DMPQ: What is El Nino and southern oscillation and How it affects the Indian Monsoon?

19.09.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND   Skill development ecosystem goes online, ‘Hunar’ launched   Jharkhand Skill Mission Society brought entire ecosystem of skill development present in the State online for the users. ‘Hunar’ portal especially developed and designed for this purpose would manage execution of the programme, data management and programme implementation in paperless manner.   The portal would … Read more 19.09.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

DPMQ : Lord Rippon contribution to Indian governance was of immense significance. comment

Lord Rippon’s political outlook was very antithesis to his immediate predecessor. He was inspired with a sense of mission and duty towards British subjects, irrespective of their nationality. His vision was modern in outlook and his steps were ingrained with forward looking outlook. He took some steps towards liberalising administration in India. He ended the … Read more DPMQ : Lord Rippon contribution to Indian governance was of immense significance. comment

DPMQ : State public service commission are not at par with the union public service commission. Discuss

State public service commission are dealt by the same set of the articles i.e. from art 315 to 323. The SPSC is the highest recruiting agency in state. It is an independent constitution body. But the SPSC have not been able to do justice with them, the reason are as follows: Perceived corruption: Among the … Read more DPMQ : State public service commission are not at par with the union public service commission. Discuss

DPMQ : what are seismic waves? Explain the different type of seismic waves?

Seismic waves are generated due to the release of the energy during an earthquake. They behave differently in different physical mediums and hence provide a good idea how the interior of earth must be. Broadly there are three types of seismic waves: Primary waves: (P) – Waves are longitudinal waves. i.e. The motion of particles … Read more DPMQ : what are seismic waves? Explain the different type of seismic waves?

DPMQ : What is Disinvestment? What are its advantages and disadvantages.

Disinvestment is the practice of selling of shares by an organisation ( generally used for government) to the private sector. Disinvestment is de-nationalization of lessthan 100 per cent ownership transfer from the state to the private sector. The objective of disinvestment is to mobilise the resources, To use the resources for productive purposes like social … Read more DPMQ : What is Disinvestment? What are its advantages and disadvantages.

18.09.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND   Govt to introduce buse service for students of merged schools   Facing criticism over merger of schools, the Jharkhand government has decided to introduce bus transportation system for ferrying students studying in these merged schools. Chief minister Raghubar Das launched ‘urban and semi-urban school reorganization with transportation system’ for students who were finding … Read more 18.09.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

DMPQ: Evaluate the role of Dayanand Saraswati in the social reform movement of the 19th century.

Dayanad Saraswati’s was one of the pioneer figure during the course of socio religious movement. His ideology stirred a new debate within the reformist movement in India. It made the masses culturally conscious.   He founded Aryan samaj in Bombay in 1875 and invoked the authority of vedas as the most authentic Indian religious reforms … Read more DMPQ: Evaluate the role of Dayanand Saraswati in the social reform movement of the 19th century.

DMPQ: What is Li-fi technology? List down its application

Light fidelity(Li-Fi) is a revolutionary new technology that transmit high speed data using lights. It is perceived to be 100 times faster than Wifi technology which is based on radio wave communication. Potential application: Mobile connectivity: Increase in the mobile connectivity. Laptops, smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices can interconnect directly using Li-Fi. Short … Read more DMPQ: What is Li-fi technology? List down its application

DMPQ: what do you understand by the term demographic dividend? This dividend is fast becoming liability. Discuss?

Demographic dividend means that as compared to other large developing and developed countries, India Has a higher proportion of working age population as compared to entire population. More than 50% of India’s population is in the age group of 15-59 years. With such a young population. It has a huge demographic dividend waiting to be … Read more DMPQ: what do you understand by the term demographic dividend? This dividend is fast becoming liability. Discuss?

DMPQ: Child marriage is rampant in India. Explain the factors responsible for this practice.

Child marriage is a social evil . Whopping 78.5 lakhs were married while they were not yet 10 years of age. The legal age for women marriage is 18. But 30% of the women are getting married before this age. The stats clearly suggest that child marriage is rampant in India. Factors responsible for child … Read more DMPQ: Child marriage is rampant in India. Explain the factors responsible for this practice.

DMPQ: What is e governance? What are its benefits ?

E-governance, expands to electronic governance, is the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)in all the processes, with the aim of enhancing government ability to address the needs of the general public. The basic purpose of e-governance is to simplify processes for all, i.e. government, citizens, businesses, etc. at National, State and local levels. There are various … Read more DMPQ: What is e governance? What are its benefits ?

DMPQ: Re -promulgation of ordinance is a threat to the democratic set up. In light of the statement discuss what is ordinance making power of president? limitations on ordinance making power.

Article 123 of the Constitution grants the President certain law making powers to promulgate Ordinances when either of the two Houses of Parliament is not in session and hence it is not possible to enact laws in the Parliament.      An ordinance may relate to any subject that the parliament has the power to legislate on. … Read more DMPQ: Re -promulgation of ordinance is a threat to the democratic set up. In light of the statement discuss what is ordinance making power of president? limitations on ordinance making power.

DMPQ: One of the effect of Home rule movement was that Participation in freedom movement shifted from elite class to masses, which gave it a new dimension. Do you agree with the statement.

The pioneers of home rule movement were B. G. Thilak and other by Mrs. Annie Besant . The main objective of the movement was to get self government for India within the British empire. It believed freedom was the natural right of all nations. Home rule was the main demand. The course to be followed … Read more DMPQ: One of the effect of Home rule movement was that Participation in freedom movement shifted from elite class to masses, which gave it a new dimension. Do you agree with the statement.

DMPQ: What are neutrinos? How they are formed and list down their applications.

Neutrinos are the elementary particles found in the universe, which have no charge and have very little mass. They are electrically neutral and have weak interactive force. They are generally formed in the nuclear core of the sun. Radio active decay is also one of the source of neutrinos. They have the unique property of … Read more DMPQ: What are neutrinos? How they are formed and list down their applications.

DMPQ: What is globalisation? Examine its impact on the pattern of employment.

Globalisation means integration of economies and societies through cross country flows of information ,ideas ,technologies , goods, services, capital finance and people. The current wave of globalisation, which started after 1991had profound effects on the labour market and the employment situation of workers all over the world. The changes in pattern of employment and labour … Read more DMPQ: What is globalisation? Examine its impact on the pattern of employment.

16-17.09.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current

JHARKHAND Experts suggest state-centric programme for Swajal Yojana   Experts stressed on state-centric planning and suggested preparing roadmaps and action plan to implement the rural piped drinking water scheme.   The solar powered rural drinking water scheme under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) is aimed at providing piped water supply to the villages and … Read more 16-17.09.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current

DMPQ: Development is a myth without rendering women equality. Discuss in the context with women participation in labor force.

There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. Development is incomplete without rendering gender equality. It is a myth when 50% of the biological stream is lagging behind due to unavailability of equality of opportunity. According to the economic survey 2017-18, there are 24% women workforce as compared to men. … Read more DMPQ: Development is a myth without rendering women equality. Discuss in the context with women participation in labor force.

DMPQ: What is 3 parent child?

It is an advance technology of genetic engineering to rectify the abnormalities occurring in the mitochondria due to mutation. The mutation severely affects the functioning of mitochondria in the baby. As a result baby may suffer from disease like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease. In sexual reproduction, Mitochondrial DNA is obtained from exclusively from the mother. … Read more DMPQ: What is 3 parent child?

DMPQ: What is the difference between FR and ordinary right? Discuss the significance of FR?

FR: aggrieved person can directly approach SC under article 32. Example of  FR . In ordinary rights violation, one has to go through proper channel. He/she can’t approach SC directly. Significance of FR’s Limits the power of the state. Maintain balance of power. Ensure constitutionalism . Constitution is supreme. Rule of law will always prevail. … Read more DMPQ: What is the difference between FR and ordinary right? Discuss the significance of FR?

DMPQ: Revolt of 1857 has its own limitation. Discuss the limitation of the revolt.

1857 goes down in the annals of history as major landmark in Indian freedom struggle. Where under the leadership of bahadur shah jafar, Indians tried to forced Britishers out of India. Revolt failed to achieve its objective, but it brought major changes in British administration. The limitation of 187 revolt were: Territorial limitation: Even though … Read more DMPQ: Revolt of 1857 has its own limitation. Discuss the limitation of the revolt.

DMPQ: Air India is severely under stressed but aviation sector is not. Identify the potential and challenges?

Aviation sector is one of the promising sector in India. This sector faced a growth rate of 20%  per annum in passenger traffic. As per IATA, India will become the 3rd largest aviation market in the world interms of passenger by 2026. Above data clearly states that aviation sector is not under stressed. The opportunities … Read more DMPQ: Air India is severely under stressed but aviation sector is not. Identify the potential and challenges?

DMPQ: What is net neutrality? Write down the significance.

Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers and governments should    treat all data on the internet equality , not discriminating or charging differently by user, content, site, platform application, type of attached equipment or mode of communication.      It is about not giving special privileges to some website like in the form of speeding … Read more DMPQ: What is net neutrality? Write down the significance.