Meat sector in the State predominantly operates mostly in an unorganized format. The state produced about 161.94 MT of meat during 2011-12. The per capita availability of meat is 7 gms/day whereas the total requirement of meat is 657 lakh ton leaving a deficit of 215.33 lakh ton (32.77%).
In spite of large livestock population, meat industry in State has not taken its due share. Very low processing level is one of the major concerns in the meat sector of the State. It is envisaged that modern slaughter house s with suitable processing and handling facilities and established backward and forward linkages can significantly boost the economy of this sector. Identifying the tremendous potential in the Meat sector, the State Government has taken an initiative to set up a modern abattoir for meat processing facilities in the State.
The Production of eggs in the State during 2010-11 was estimated at 415.30 million as per the Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Jharkhand. The per capita availability of egg is 25 eggs per annum against the National average of 51 eggs per annum. The States like Haryana and Punjab have per capita egg production of around 150 and Andhra Pradesh has per capita annum production of eggs more than 200.
Based on national average of per capita availability of 51 in 2010-12, the total demand for eggs in the State is estimated at 1143 million whereas the production in 415.30 million. Hence, there is a gap about 727.70 million eggs to raise the consumption levels to meet that national per capita average consumption needs. Further, poultry rearing is mainly a homestead activity in the state in unorganized sector. No value addition is currently taking place.
The Department of Poultry has established two Government farms i.e. State Poultry Farm in Bokara covering an area of 19.20 acres & Regional Poultry Farm, Hotwar, Ranchi covering an area of 14.50 acres with with the objective increasing availability of day old chicks. The Ranchi farm has 13,492 birds currently including ducks.
The State has great potential for development of inland fisheries. Fisheries are an integral part of rural households in Jharkhand more so, for the traditional fisherman whose livelihood is inseparably linked with fishing. An estimated 1.35 lakh fishermen in the State traditionally depend on fisheries. The State has a large number of vast and diverse water bodies, developed for multiple purposes supplementing and complementing agriculture and allied activities.
The state is blessed with 4.55 lakh ha of water spread area in the form of rivers (62%, 1800 kms), reservoirs (25%, 252 numbers ranging 20 ha. To 16,000 ha), tanks (12%, 0.55 lakh ha.) and a good number of check dam, water storage structures and other water bodies viz. Aharsetc due towhich the State has registered a significant growth in inland fisheries.
The Fish production increased from 14,000 MT to 92,000 MT in last 12 years. It has been achieved with the help of State Government‘s initiative and involvement of MatsyaMitra, a voluntary body in quality seed production which has increased from 9 crs. to 67 crs in last 10 years.The concept of MatsyaMitra has been accepted by NIRD as most innovative concept and one of the best practices.The fish seed distribution has greatly increased and is done throughout the State through an extensive network of NGOs. There are 36,000 MatsyaMitra in the State and about 24,000 families are dependent on fisheries activities for their livelihood.
The milk production in the State is estimated at about 19.10 lakh tonnes which is just about 1.5% of the total milk production in the country. The density of milk production is 49 kgs./ whereas national average is 83. The per capita availability is just 159 gms./day against national average of 281. Thus, there is a huge deficit in the production of milk in the State as it produces only half of its requirement.The total milk requirement is 23.36 lakh tonnes and the State is deficit by 8.70 lakh ton (31.60%) milk every year.
About 83% of the milk producing animals in Jharkhand are non-descript and non-availability of better quality roughages and cattle feeds leading to nutritional deficiency and infertility. Local indigenous breeds are mostly draught purpose breed. Local breeds do not produce adequate milk due to poor nutrition, poor management, tropical heat and diseases.Hence there stands a huge potential of upgrading the genetic potential of the State‘s milch animal population with the establishment of better quality feed.
The Breed Improvement Programme has been taken by the StateGovernment in collaboration with BAIF-NGO and has developed 760operational Dairy Cattle Development Centers for artificial insemination and so far 8,25,151animals have been inseminated which has resulted in the success ratio in Jharkhand to be ahead of the national average at 3,82,951 artificial inseminations which works out to be 46.04 percent. The ratio between the male and female calves stands at around 50% each in the State.
Integrated Dairy Development is being given shape through the association of NDDB and State Government. The other programs which have been running in the State for the development of dairy ecosystem includes National Mission for Protein Supplement, Azolla Cultivation and Demonstration Unit, Heifer Rearing Programme& Fodder Conservation Progamme. The initiative of Foundation Seed Production for Fodder has also been taken by the State Dairy Development Department which is showing a lot of promise.
Against the present consumption levels, about 25-30 % of the present demand is met by import of powdered milk from other parts of the country.
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