17.02.18 JPSC (Jharkhand) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND   Jharkhand to set up ‘Dada-Dadi’ park in every city Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das  said a “Dada-Dadi Park” for senior citizens would be established in every city of the state soon.   The projects include Adityapur Sewerage Yojna worth Rs 255.15 crore, Urban Water Project worth Rs 49.30 crore in Chakradharpur, West Singhbhum district and Multi-purpose Convention Hall … Read more 17.02.18 JPSC (Jharkhand) Current Affairs

Soil fertility status of Jharkhand- Application of Vermi compost and Farm Yard Manure (FYM) for improving soil health. Nitrogen fixing bacteria; their applications and Concept of Organic farming

Soil Fertility status of Jharkhand According to GIS based data, Soil fertility can be mapped. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium are the major constituents, whichare considered important for soil fertility. Presence Lohardaga and Simdega districts have less presence of Nitrogen in the soil as compared to other districts. Palmau, Chatar, Kodarma, Giridh, Dumka, Godda, Sahibganj has … Read more Soil fertility status of Jharkhand- Application of Vermi compost and Farm Yard Manure (FYM) for improving soil health. Nitrogen fixing bacteria; their applications and Concept of Organic farming

Rain fed agriculture: Conventional food and horticultural crops of the state.Need for diversification of crops for food as well as nutritional security in the wake of climate change; Rain water harvesting and its role in improving agriculture output in Jharkhand; Fish farming

Rain fed agriculture Rain fed agriculture indicated rain as source of irrigation for agricultural activities. In India, almost 60% of total net sown area comes under rainfed lands. Rainfed crops account for 48 percent area under food crops and 68 percent under non-food crops. India ranks first among the rainfed agricultural countries of the world in … Read more Rain fed agriculture: Conventional food and horticultural crops of the state.Need for diversification of crops for food as well as nutritional security in the wake of climate change; Rain water harvesting and its role in improving agriculture output in Jharkhand; Fish farming

Concept of Agro-forestry, Waste lands and means to reclaim them

Agroforestry: Agroforestry is a land-use system in which trees/shrubs are grown in association with agricultural crops, pastures or livestock. This integration of trees and shrubs in the land-use system can be either a spatial arrangement, e.g. trees growing in a field at the same time as the crop, or in a time sequence, e.g. shrubs … Read more Concept of Agro-forestry, Waste lands and means to reclaim them

Government schemes for the benefit of the farmers of the Jharkhand

Some of the government schemes for the benefits of the farmers in Jharkhand are: Single Window Platform-> Jharkhand has become the first state in India to launch a single-window facility for farmers. Kisan Suvidha App-> It is a free mobile application that provides weather forecasts for the next five days, besides information on prices of … Read more Government schemes for the benefit of the farmers of the Jharkhand


JPSC Mains Notes for Paper VI- General Science, Environment & Technology Development With Seperate section for Physical Science, Life Science, Agriculture Science, Environmental Science and Science & Technology Development The question paper of General Science, Environment & Technology Development shall have six sections. Section – Subscribe on YouTube shall have 20 objective type of questions, each of 2 marks (20 … Read more Paper VI- GENERAL SCIENCE, ENVIRONMENT & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT