Protohistoric Period in Jharkhand

The Protohistoric Period marks the transitional phase between the prehistoric era and the historical period, characterized by the presence of early writing systems, agriculture, and settled life. This period saw the rise of Chalcolithic cultures and the establishment of early human settlements, laying the foundation for complex societies. Chalcolithic Cultures The Chalcolithic period, also known … Read more Protohistoric Period in Jharkhand

Iron Age in Jharkhand

The Iron Age marks a significant period in human history when the use of iron tools and implements began to revolutionize various aspects of life, particularly in agriculture, warfare, and settlement patterns. In Jharkhand, the Iron Age holds a unique place due to its rich natural resources, tribal heritage, and archaeological evidence that highlights the … Read more Iron Age in Jharkhand

Megalithic Culture in Jharkhand

Jharkhand, a state in eastern India, is rich in megalithic culture. These ancient remains, constructed with large stones, offer a fascinating glimpse into the lives and beliefs of the people who inhabited this region thousands of years ago. Megalithic Culture The term "megalith" comes from the Greek words "mega" (large) and "lithos" (stone). Megalithic cultures … Read more Megalithic Culture in Jharkhand

Mahajanapadas and Jharkhand

The period between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE in ancient India witnessed the rise of sixteen powerful states known as Mahajanapadas. While most of these were located in the Gangetic plains, their influence extended to other parts of the subcontinent, including present-day Jharkhand. This region, though not home to any of the major Mahajanapadas, … Read more Mahajanapadas and Jharkhand

Prehistoric Period in Jharkhand

Jharkhand, a state in eastern India, is not only rich in minerals but also has a deep connection to human prehistory. Archaeological and anthropological studies reveal that the region played a significant role in the prehistoric period, with evidence of human habitation dating back to the Paleolithic era. This article explores the prehistoric timeline of … Read more Prehistoric Period in Jharkhand

Birsa Movement

Birsa Movement Birsa Munda (1875–1900) was an Indian tribal freedom fighter, religious leader, and folk hero who belonged to the Munda tribe. He spearheaded an Indian tribal religious Millenarian movement that arose in the tribal belt of modern-day Bihar and Jharkhand in the late 19th century, during the British Raj, thereby making him an important … Read more Birsa Movement

Adi-dharma ie Sarana cult of jharkhand tribals

Adi-dharma ie Sarana cult of jharkhand tribals Adi Dharam or ?di dharam (meaning the ancient or the root (?di) religion (Dharam) ) refers to the tribal religion or the traditional religion or the indigenous religion or the Adivasi (Hindi for original settlers) religion of the indigenous peoples of India. It is an umbrella term used … Read more Adi-dharma ie Sarana cult of jharkhand tribals

JPSC Notes Android App

Dear All, We have released a beta version of our android app for JPSC Exam. We have presently focused on the prelims exam of JPSC and that to the notes part. Sections Covered in our app are as shown below:- Jharkhand History Jharkhand Economy Jharkhand Polity Daily Current Affairs Remaining GS Topics

Jharkhand Culture, Traditions and Heritage.

Jharkhand History- for Jharkhand PCS Exam of JPSC

Social and Economic Transformation in Jharkhand Transition to Statehood of Jharkhand World Wars and Jharkhand Post-Independence Political Movements Forest Policies and Their Impact in Jharkhand Emergence of Political Consciousness Industrial Growth and Urbanization in Jharkhand Participation in the Freedom Movement of Jharkhand Formation of Tribal Organizations in Jharkhand Role of Birsa Munda in Jharkhand Development … Read more Jharkhand History- for Jharkhand PCS Exam of JPSC