Water Resources and Watershed Management

Jharkhand, located in eastern India, is endowed with significant water resources and a varied topography that facilitates natural water flow through its rivers, streams, and reservoirs. The state, however, faces challenges related to water availability, distribution, and management. This article delves into the intricacies of water resources and watershed management in Jharkhand, exploring its rivers, … Read more Water Resources and Watershed Management

Energy Resources and Power Generation

Jharkhand, a state rich in mineral resources, also possesses a diverse energy profile. While it is a significant contributor to India's coal production, the state is increasingly exploring renewable energy sources to meet its growing power demands and contribute to a sustainable energy future. Coal: The Foundation of Jharkhand's Energy Sector Jharkhand holds substantial coal … Read more Energy Resources and Power Generation

Eco-tourism Potential in Jharkhand

Eco-tourism, a form of sustainable travel that supports the preservation of natural environments and local cultures, is gaining momentum worldwide. Jharkhand, endowed with rich biodiversity, lush green forests, majestic waterfalls, and vibrant tribal culture, holds immense potential to become a hub for eco-tourism. This article explores the eco-tourism potential of Jharkhand, examining its natural and … Read more Eco-tourism Potential in Jharkhand

Environmental Issues and Conservation Efforts

Jharkhand, a state rich in biodiversity and mineral resources, faces a myriad of environmental challenges. These issues not only threaten the ecological balance but also impact the livelihoods of millions who depend on the state's natural resources. However, amidst these challenges, numerous conservation efforts are underway, offering hope for a sustainable future. Environmental Issues: Deforestation … Read more Environmental Issues and Conservation Efforts

Land Use and Land Cover

Jharkhand, a state rich in mineral resources and biodiversity, faces unique challenges in managing its land resources sustainably. Understanding the dynamics of land use and land cover (LULC) is crucial for effective planning and policy-making in the state. Land Use and Land Cover in Jharkhand: An Overview Jharkhand's land cover is characterized by a diverse … Read more Land Use and Land Cover

Transport and Connectivity

Jharkhand, a state rich in mineral resources and natural beauty, faces the crucial challenge of enhancing its transport and connectivity infrastructure to unlock its true economic potential and improve the lives of its residents. While the state has made strides in recent years, there remains significant room for improvement across various modes of Join Our … Read more Transport and Connectivity

Major Mining Areas

Jharkhand, often referred to as the "Land of Forests," is one of India's richest states in terms of mineral resources. With over 40% of the country's mineral wealth located here, Jharkhand's mining industry plays a pivotal role in the state and national economy. The state's geology is characterized by a diverse mineral base, including coal, … Read more Major Mining Areas

Agriculture and Cropping Patterns

Jharkhand, a state rich in mineral resources, also possesses a significant agricultural sector, providing livelihoods for a large portion of its population. However, the state's agricultural landscape is marked by a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Cropping Patterns in Jharkhand Jharkhand's cropping patterns are primarily influenced by its climate, soil types, and irrigation facilities. … Read more Agriculture and Cropping Patterns

Irrigation in Jharkhand

Jharkhand, a land rich in natural resources and characterized by its plateau region and hilly terrain, faces unique challenges in its agricultural and irrigation practices. Despite its abundant rainfall, the state struggles with water retention and distribution for irrigation due to its geographical features and lack of widespread irrigation infrastructure. This article delves into the … Read more Irrigation in Jharkhand

Industrial Landscape of Jharkhand

Jharkhand, the "Land of Forests," is not just about its verdant landscapes and rich mineral resources. The state is steadily carving a niche for itself in the Indian industrial landscape. Let's delve deep into the factors shaping Jharkhand's industrial scene: Historical Context: Jharkhand's industrial roots run deep, with Jamshedpur, the "Steel City," serving as a … Read more Industrial Landscape of Jharkhand

Soil Types in Jharkhand

Jharkhand, a state nestled in eastern India, boasts a diverse landscape encompassing plateaus, hills, and valleys. This varied topography gives rise to a fascinating array of soil types, each with its own unique characteristics and agricultural potential. Let's delve into the intricate world Subscribe on YouTube of Jharkhand's soils: 1. Red Soil: Prevalence: This is … Read more Soil Types in Jharkhand

Forest Cover and Vegetation

Jharkhand, often referred to as the "Land of Forests," derives its name from the Sanskrit words "Jhar" (forest) and "Khand" (land). The state is renowned for its lush greenery, rich biodiversity, and significant forest resources. The forest cover and vegetation in Jharkhand play a crucial role in sustaining its environment, economy, and the livelihoods of … Read more Forest Cover and Vegetation

Biodiversity in Jharkhand

Jharkhand, aptly named "the land of forests," is a state rich in biodiversity. Its varied terrain, encompassing hills, plateaus, and forests, provides a habitat for Subscribe on YouTube a wide array of flora and fauna. This article delves into the unique biodiversity of Jharkhand, exploring its key features, threats, and conservation efforts. Flora Jharkhand's forests … Read more Biodiversity in Jharkhand

Mineral Resources of Jharkhand

Jharkhand, a state in eastern India, is renowned for its rich and diverse mineral resources. It is often referred to as the "Mineral Heartland of India" due to the abundance of mineral deposits found within its borders. These resources play a crucial role in the state's economy, contributing significantly to its industrial growth and revenue … Read more Mineral Resources of Jharkhand

Drainage System of Jharkhand

Jharkhand, a state nestled in eastern India, is characterized by its diverse topography, ranging from the Chota Nagpur Plateau to the plains of the Gangetic basin. This varied landscape gives rise to a complex and fascinating drainage system, a network of rivers, streams, and tributaries that play a crucial role in the state's ecology, economy, … Read more Drainage System of Jharkhand

Climate of Jharkhand

Jharkhand, located in eastern India, is known for its diverse climatic conditions due to its geographical positioning, topography, and natural vegetation. The state experiences a tropical monsoon climate, marked by distinct seasons and varied weather patterns. This article delves deep into the climatic attributes of Jharkhand, analyzing its seasons, temperature variations, rainfall distribution, and the … Read more Climate of Jharkhand

Major Rivers of Jharkhand

Jharkhand, a state in eastern India, is known for its rich natural resources, diverse ecosystems, and extensive river systems. The rivers in Jharkhand not only support agriculture and livelihood but also hold significant cultural and historical value. The major rivers of Jharkhand originate from the Chotanagpur Plateau and meander through forests, valleys, and plains, contributing … Read more Major Rivers of Jharkhand

Physiographic Divisions of Jharkhand

Jharkhand, the land of forests, is geographically diverse and rich in natural beauty. The state is characterized by a rugged terrain, plateaus, hills, and river valleys that contribute to its unique physiographic divisions. These physiographic divisions play a critical role in shaping the state's climate, biodiversity, and socio-economic activities. 1. Introduction to Jharkhands Physiography Jharkhand's … Read more Physiographic Divisions of Jharkhand

Plateaus of Jharkhand

Jharkhand, a state in eastern India, is renowned for its rich mineral resources, diverse tribal culture, and captivating landscapes. The state's topography is dominated by the Chota Nagpur Plateau, an ancient geological formation that covers most of Jharkhand and extends into neighboring states. This plateau is not just a geographical feature; it is the backbone … Read more Plateaus of Jharkhand

Horticulture and Irrigation of Jharkhand

Horticulture Plantation and Horticulture sector is one of the important sub sectors agriculture, having ample scope for expansion in the State of Jharkhand. The total area. occupied by various Plantation and Hoticulture (P&H) crop in the State is about 2.57 lakh ha., with an estimated total production of 37.85 lakh  tones  The share of P&H … Read more Horticulture and Irrigation of Jharkhand

Jharkhand Agriculture Part 2

                                           Agriculture   Pattern of Land utilization : Area for Land utilization NA, Forests NA.  Not available for cultivation NA. Permanent pastures and other grazing lands NA. Land under misc. Tree crops and  groves NA. culturable waste land NA. Fallow lands other than current fallows NA. current fallows NA. Net area sown NA. Area  sown … Read more Jharkhand Agriculture Part 2

Pollution Problems

  The State of Jharkhand: Environmental Concerns The word Jharkhand connotes an area of land covered with forests. The word Jharkhand has been derived from the Sanskrit word, Jhari Khanda the ancient name depicting the regions’ dense forest. Thus, naturally as well as symbolically, the states’ very existence is associated with forests. Another remarkable aspect … Read more Pollution Problems

Pattern of urban settlement

  Urban growth and urbanization patterns in Jharkhand do not seem to attract any significant academic attention. The ‘newly’ born state that came into existence on 15th November 2000 as the 28th state of Indian Union has however remained in turbidity of political economy of growth since its formation. For a long time, Jharkhand remained … Read more Pattern of urban settlement

Industrial and urban development. Major industries-Iron, Steel and Cement; industries,

Industrial and urban development. Major industries-Iron, Steel and Cement; industries, The  state of Jharkhand, widely acclaimed as the region of future, has enormous potentialities for industrialization. With its large deposits of minerals, it provides a solid launching pad for all kinds of industries. Born out of partition from old Bihar state in 2000, Jharkhand produces … Read more Industrial and urban development. Major industries-Iron, Steel and Cement; industries,

Problems of trible      

Tribal development Plans Bicycle Distribution Scheme This Scheme has been started by Jharkhand Government to encourage girl students belonging to SC, ST, Minorities, and BPL families to go to schools and continue their studies. This plan was started by the state government for the following two reasons: – The distance between the school & their … Read more Problems of trible      

Tribal population and their distribution

  Demographic Profile of the STs There are 32 tribes (2011) in Jharkhand of which Santhals are most numerous accounting for one third of the total tribal population followed by Oraon, Munda and Ho contributing more than 10% to the total tribal population. Other tribes such as Kharwar, Lohra, Bhumij and Kharia have a share … Read more Tribal population and their distribution

Population : Growth, distribution, density

  Jharkhand Population as per Census 2011   The Population of Jharkhand according to the 2011 census stands at about 32 million, making it the 13th most populated state in India. The state makes up about 3.5% of the country’s population a figure which was about 3% during the last census in 2001. The state … Read more Population : Growth, distribution, density

 mineral resources of Jharkhand,their extraction and utilization

  Mineral Resources Jharkhand is one of the leading mineral producing States. It is one of the leading producers of coal, kyanite, gold, silver, bauxite and felspar. Uranium ore is mined and processed by Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL) for use as fuel in the country’s nuclear power reactors through four underground mines, one … Read more  mineral resources of Jharkhand,their extraction and utilization

Damodar & Suberna rekha valley projects

  The Damodar River is a tributary of the Hugli River. It flows more or less in the west to east direction through Jharkhand and West Bengal. Its total length from its source in the hills of Chota Nagpur plateau in Jharkhand to its confluence with Hugli in West Bengal is about 541 km, half … Read more Damodar & Suberna rekha valley projects


  The dams in Jharkhand mainly cater to the irrigation system of the state through a well managed system of canal irrigation in the local areas. The dams of Jharkhand are also utilized for power generation. The major dams of Jharkhand are the Maithon dam, the Panchet Dam and the Chandil Dam. The Maithon Dam was constructed … Read more Irrigation


  The State of Jharkhand was created in November’ 2000 after carving 79 lakh hectares geographical area from the State of Bihar for better planning and execution of development activities of a ecologically different zone ( Hills & Plateau region compared to Bihar plains). Agriculture is the main stay for the 80% of rural population … Read more Agriculture

Jharkhand’s Geography: Forests

    Jharkhand with a geographical area of 79,714 km2 constitutes 2.42% of the country’s area. The total recorded forest area of the state is 23,605 km2 which is 29.61% of the geographical area of the state. Of the total recorded forest area, Reserved Forests constitute 18.58%, Protected Forests 81.28%, and Unclassed Forests 0.14%. As per State … Read more Jharkhand’s Geography: Forests

Soil types

    Soil is one of the most important non-renewable basic resources on the earth surface. Therefore greater attention has been paid through out the world to study the soils, their distribution and extent, behavior, potentials and problems and their suitability for sustained use for different purposes. Jharkhand state lies between 21o 58’2” to 25o … Read more Soil types


  The state falls under the Tropical Monsoon climatic region. The Tropic of Cancer cuts across the state passing through the middle of the Ranchi City. The average temperature of the state is 25° C, which varies greatly because of varying heights of different plateaus mentioned above. The average temperature of the Pat region Subscribe … Read more Climate

Drainage System

  The radial centrifugal drainage system of Jharkhand state has number of rivers. Most of these rivers remain relatively dry during summer months (February-May) but exhibit torrential flow during the months of monsoons (June-September). Jharkhand has a vast potential for generating hydel power Subscribe on YouTube as is exemplified by the location of the famous … Read more Drainage System


      Jharkhand is located in the eastern part of India bordering the states of Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, and Chattisgarh. Tropic of Cancer passes through Kanke, few kilometers away from Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, making it the only state in India touched by Tropic of Cancer. Most of the Jharkhand region is … Read more Landforms

Geological history

  The spatial extent of Jharkhand State is approximately 21° 55’ to 25° 35’ North Latitude and 83° 20’ to 88° 02’ East Longitude. The state is land locked and it shares its boundary with Orissa on the southeast, Chattisgarh on the southwest, Bihar on the north, West Bengal on the east and Uttar Pradesh … Read more Geological history

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Jharkhand Geography- for Jharkhand PCS Exam of JPSC

Detailed Notes for Jharkhand Geography Specifically designed Notes for Jharkhand Geography can be Bought at minimum price in PDF or Printed format Geography of Jharkhand plays a crucial role in not only Jharkhand PSC Prelims Exam but even JPSC Mains Exam. Jharkhand Geography Notes are designed by JPSC Toppers and other civil servants. Detail Notes … Read more Jharkhand Geography- for Jharkhand PCS Exam of JPSC