Calculation Of Interest On

? calculation of interest on/in savings account, fixed deposit account and recurring deposit account Saving account Interest rate calculation Formula  Daily interest = Amount (Daily balance) * Interest (3.5/100) / days in the year. Earlier method of interest rate calculation   Earlier, banks would pay interest at the rate of 3.5% p.a. on the … Read more Calculation Of Interest On

DMPQ- Elucidate the role of Justice Party in Backward Class Movements of India.

In reaction to the incipient nationalist movement, represented by the nineteenth century Hindu revivalism, which led to improving the position of the Brahmin caste, the non- Brahmins of Madras Presidency sought to ally with the colonial regime, hoping that foreign rule would protect their position and somewhat neutralize power differences within the population. Mindful of … Read more DMPQ- Elucidate the role of Justice Party in Backward Class Movements of India.

Measuring Corruption

?                      MEASURING CORRUPTION Due to its nature, the scale of corruption is impossible to measure with complete accuracy. But there are informed estimates available, and Transparency International regularly publishes a number of assessments, surveys and indices which measure corruption:   CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX TI’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is the best known of … Read more Measuring Corruption

DMPQ- Terrorism has been used as a Tool of National Policy Of Pakistan. Comment

Pakistan has been accused by India, Afghanistan, the United States, the United Kingdom and many other countries of involvement in terrorism in Kashmir and Afghanistan. In July 2009, current President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari admitted that the Pakistani government had “created and nurtured” terrorist groups to achieve its short-term foreign policy goals. According to … Read more DMPQ- Terrorism has been used as a Tool of National Policy Of Pakistan. Comment

Facing Global Competition

? Facing Global Competition Globalisation means gradual integration of economies through free movement of goods, services and capital which has significant impact on the economies of both developed and developing countries. Globalisation refers to a process of growing economic interdependence among different countries of the world. Thus, in the globalised era, the whole world … Read more Facing Global Competition

DMPQ- List out the challenges faced in transportation of agricultural produce in India. Give suggestive measures.

Transport is considered to be an important aspect in improving agricultural efficiency. It improves the quality of life of individuals, structures a market for agricultural productions, makes interaction possible among geographical as well as regions and opened up new areas to economic focus. Road transport is the most regular and multifaceted network that includes wide … Read more DMPQ- List out the challenges faced in transportation of agricultural produce in India. Give suggestive measures.

Nervous System Of Human Being

? Nervous system of human being The nervous system is a complex collection of nerves and specialized cells known as neurons that transmit signals between different parts of the body. It is essentially the body’s electrical wiring. Structurally, the nervous system has two components: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. According … Read more Nervous System Of Human Being

DMPQ- How do extremophiles like some bacteria and archaeans survive in environments without oxygen?

Anaerobic respiration occurs without oxygen and involves the consumption of another molecule (nitrate, sulfur, iron, carbon dioxide, etc.) instead of oxygen. Unlike in fermentation, anaerobic respiration involves the formation of an electrochemical gradient by an electron transport system that results in the production of a number of ATP molecules. Unlike in aerobic respiration, the final … Read more DMPQ- How do extremophiles like some bacteria and archaeans survive in environments without oxygen?

Tax Laws

? Tax Laws: Laws relating to income, Profits, Wealth Tax, Corporate Tax The Income-tax Act, 1961 The Income Tax Act, focusing on the rules and regulations of tax regulation, was initially put into existence in the year 1961. Under this act, everything related to taxation and more are mentioned which also includes collection and … Read more Tax Laws

DMPQ- Mention the recommendations of MS Swaminathan report on food security and land reforms.

Land reforms Distribute ceiling-surplus and waste lands; Prevent diversion of prime agricultural land and forest to corporate sector for non-agricultural purposes. Ensure grazing rights and seasonal access to forests to tribals and pastoralists, and access to common property resources. Establish a National Land Use Advisory Service, which would have the capacity to link land use … Read more DMPQ- Mention the recommendations of MS Swaminathan report on food security and land reforms.

Environmental Concerns Of Tourism Industry

? Environmental concerns of tourism industry, both positive and negative effects including climate change with reference to Himachal Pradesh Environmental concerns of tourism  All too often, the environment is the ultimate victim of development and expansion. Growth pressures have seen Dharamshala’s boundaries encroach on previously untouched land as the local population and tourist demands … Read more Environmental Concerns Of Tourism Industry

Introduction To Alkaloids

? Introduction to alkaloids (nicotine and cocaine) Alkaloids, any of a class of naturally occurring organic nitrogen-containing bases. Alkaloids have diverse and important physiological effects on humans and other animals. Well-known alkaloids include morphine, strychnine, quinine, ephedrine, and nicotine. Alkaloids are found primarily in plants and are especially common in certain families of flowering … Read more Introduction To Alkaloids

Synthetic Fibers

? Synthetic fibers (nylon and rayon),, polystyrene Synthetic fibers are made from raw materials such as petroleum, based on chemicals or petrochemicals. These materials are polymerized into a long, linear chemical with different chemical compounds and are used to produce various types of fibers. Synthetic fibers account for about half of all fiber usage, … Read more Synthetic Fibers

DMPQ- What led to the Unification of Sikh confederate states under Maharaja Ranjit Singh

The foundations of the Sikh Empire, during the Sikh Confederacy, could be defined as early as 1707, starting from the death of Aurangzeb and the downfall of the Mughal Empire. The fall of the Mughal Empire provided opportunities for the Sikh army, known as the Dal Khalsa, to lead expeditions against the Mughals and Afghans. … Read more DMPQ- What led to the Unification of Sikh confederate states under Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Union, State And Territory

? Union, state and territory India, a union of states, is a Sovereign, Secular, Democratic Republic with a Parliamentary system of Government. The President is the constitutional head of Executive of the Union. In the states, the Governor, as the representative of the President, is the head of Executive. The system of government in … Read more Union, State And Territory

DMPQ- Mention the origin, salient features and material used in Gandhara School of Art.

  Greco-Buddhist art is the artistic manifestation of Greco-Buddhism, a cultural syncretism between the Classical Greek culture and Buddhism, which developed over a period of close to thousand years in Central Asia, between the conquests of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC, and the Islamic conquests of the 7th century AD. Origin Place … Read more DMPQ- Mention the origin, salient features and material used in Gandhara School of Art.


? Tissues Tissue, in physiology, a level of organization in multicellular organisms; it consists of a group of structurally and functionally similar cells and their intercellular material. Tissues are absent from unicellular organisms. Even among the simplest multicellular species, such as sponges, tissues are lacking or are poorly differentiated. But multicellular animals and plants … Read more Tissues

DMPQ- Explain a) GEMINI b)eDantseva c)Ganga Aamantran Abhiyan

Gagan Enabled Mariner’s Instrument for Navigation and Information (GEMINI) device. It was unveiled by Union Minister for Earth Sciences, Science & Technology and Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan in New Delhi.  The GEMINI device was developed by theIndian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Earth … Read more DMPQ- Explain a) GEMINI b)eDantseva c)Ganga Aamantran Abhiyan

10-11.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

JHARKHAND ·       Justice Ravi Ranjan appointed as the Chief Justice of the Jharkhand HC   ð  The Government of India appointed Justice Ravi Ranjan as the Chief Justice of the Jharkhand High Court. His approval comes after the recommendation made by the Collegium on 15 October 2019. Justice Ranjan will take over the position from the Jharkhand High Court … Read more 10-11.11.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs


? From Kadambas to Hoysalas: contributions in the field of        architecture, sculpture, literature and religion.     The origins of the rise of the Karnataka region as an independent state trace back to the fourth-century A.D.  with the  birth of the Kadamba Dynasty of Banavasi after the disintegration of  Satavahana power in deccan.  The founder of this … Read more Kadambas2

DMPQ- Explain the Symbiotic nutrition.

Symbiosis is a close ecological relationship or association between the individuals of two (or more than two) different species.   In symbiosis, at least one member of the pair benefits from the relationship. The other member may be injured (parasitism, relatively unaffected (commensalism), may also benefit (mutualism). In other words, at least one member of the … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Symbiotic nutrition.

Diseases Related To Heart

? Diseases related to heart There are many types of heart disease that affect different parts of the organ and occur in different ways. Congenital heart disease   This is a general term for some deformities of the heart that have been present since birth. Examples include:   Septal defects: There is a hole … Read more Diseases Related To Heart

DMPQ- What are the different Techniques of soil conservation?

Soil conservation includes all those measures which help in protecting the soil from erosion and exhaustion. Soil erosion has been continuing over, such a large part of India for such a long time that it has assumed alarming proportions. Afforestation The best way to conserve soil is to increase area under forests. Indiscriminate felling of … Read more DMPQ- What are the different Techniques of soil conservation?

Determinants Of Nuclear Tests

? Determinants of Nuclear Tests: Pokhran I (1974) and Pokhran II (1998) Pokhran 1 test The emergence of China as fifth nuclear power in October 1964 constituted a significant threat to India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. The strained relations between the two countries after the 1962 aggression sparked off an acrimonious debate on defence … Read more Determinants Of Nuclear Tests

DMPQ- Explain the concept of Modernity.

Modernity may be understood as the common behavioural system that is historically associated with the urban, industrial, and literate and participant societies of Western Europe and North America. It is characterised by a rational and scientific world-view, growth and the ever increasing application of science and technology, which is coupled with the continuous adaptation of … Read more DMPQ- Explain the concept of Modernity.

Issues Related To Role Of Women In Economic And Social Development In India (1)

? Issues related to Role of women in Economic and Social Development in India India has experienced rapid growth and development in the past years in many spheres. Gender equity is not one of them. This is deplorable considering the important role played by women in the socio-economic growth of the country.    The … Read more Issues Related To Role Of Women In Economic And Social Development In India (1)

DMPQ- Satya Shodhak Samaj played a significant role in the upliftment of depressed classes of India

Jyotirao Govindrao Phule struggled for the upliftment of lower castes through his Satya Shodhak Samaj. Belonging to the Mali caste, which supplies flowers to the Peshwa’s family, he had suffered humiliation, which made him to turn against caste inequalities. He strongly criticized the Brahmanical domination in the name of religion. He was also critic of … Read more DMPQ- Satya Shodhak Samaj played a significant role in the upliftment of depressed classes of India

Disaster Management

? Disaster Management History shows that India is exposed to national disasters. Cyclones, floods, earthquakes, droughts and floods are major threats. About 60 percent of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of various intensities, over 40 million hectares is prone to floods and 68 percent of the area is susceptible to drought. This not … Read more Disaster Management

DMPQ- Briefly outline the features and need of The Revised National TB Control Programme?

The Revised National TB Control Programme The Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) thus formulated, adopted the internationally recommended Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) strategy, as the most systematic and cost-effective approach for TB control in India. Political and administrative commitment, to ensure the provision of organised and comprehensive TB control services was obtained. Adoption … Read more DMPQ- Briefly outline the features and need of The Revised National TB Control Programme?

National Awards Of Sports

? National Awards of Sports The Arjuna Awards are given by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India to recognize outstanding achievement in sports. Started in 1961, the award carries a cash prize of ? 500,000, a bronze statue of Arjuna and a scroll. Over the years the scope of the … Read more National Awards Of Sports

DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)?

Main objectives of the Mission are: Promote holistic growth of horticulture sector, including bamboo and coconut through area based regionally differentiated strategies, which includes research, technology promotion, extension, post harvest management, processing and marketing, in consonance with comparative advantage of each State/region and its diverse agro-climatic features; Encourage aggregation of farmers into farmer groups like … Read more DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)?

DMPQ- What are the different Techniques of irrigation? Considering the water crisis of India which one would you consider a sustainable one.

Surface Irrigation In this method water flows and spreads over the surface of the land. Varied quantities of water are allowed on the fields at different times. Hence, flow of water under surface irrigation comes under unsteady flow. As a result it is very difficult to understand the hydraulics of surface irrigation. However, suitable and … Read more DMPQ- What are the different Techniques of irrigation? Considering the water crisis of India which one would you consider a sustainable one.

Industrial Growth And Structure

? Industrial Growth and Structure – Public, Private and Joint Sectors Division of the Economy between Public Sector and Private Sector: The present economic structure of Indian economy is known as mixed economy, where there is a coexistence of both the public sector and the private sector. All the different types of industries are … Read more Industrial Growth And Structure

Social Forestry

? Social Forestry The National Commission on Agriculture, Government of India, first used the term ‘social forestry’ in 1976. It was then that India embarked upon a social forestry project with the aim of taking the pressure off the forests and making use of all unused and fallow land. Government forest areas that are … Read more Social Forestry

Water Resources

? Water Resources  Rainfall: With an average annual rainfall of 1,170 mm, India is one of the wettest countries in the world. At one extreme are areas like Cherrapunji, in the northeast, which is drenched each year with 11,000 mm of rainfall, and at the other extreme are places like Jaisalmer, in the west, … Read more Water Resources

Contribution Of Brahma Gupta

? Contribution of  Brahma gupta, in mathematics Brahmagupta was born in 598 Bhinmal city in the state of Rajasthan. He was a mathematician and astronomer, who wrote many important works on mathematics and astronomy. His best known work is the “Brahmasphuta?siddhanta”, written in 628 AD in Bhinmal. He was the first to use … Read more Contribution Of Brahma Gupta

Proto Historic Period

? Proto-historic period Proto-historic period is the age nearest to the historical period. In so far as India is concerned the civilisation of the Vedic period is the proto-historic period. The hymns composed by the Vedic priests had perfected a poetic technique. These hymns were praise of their gods and were sung at sacrifices. … Read more Proto Historic Period


? Piggery Pig farming is the raising and breeding of domestic pigs as livestock, and is a branch of animal husbandry. Pigs are farmed principally for food (e.g. pork, bacon, gammon) or sometimes skinned. Breeds of pigs The indigenous pig has been the basis used for pig production for a long period of time. … Read more Piggery

Blood Group

? Blood group Blood group is an inherited feature on the surface of the red blood cells. A series of related blood types constitutes a blood group system, such as the Rh or ABO system. The frequencies of the ABO and Rh blood types vary from population to population. In the US, the most … Read more Blood Group

Types Of Asexual Reproduction

? Types of Asexual Reproduction Spores Some protozoans and many bacteria, plants and fungi reproduce via spores. Spores are structures naturally grown as part of an organism’s life cycle and designed for separation from the organism and dispersal via a medium such as air or water. When conditions are correct, the organism will release … Read more Types Of Asexual Reproduction


? Fisheries: ‘Fisheries’ sector is becoming a subsector of Primary sector with consistently increasing contribution to the state economy. The state government envisages development in fisheries sector with a multi pronged strategy with essential focus on increasing fish production and thereby ensure sustainable development. Development of fisheries through effective value chain and boosting exports, … Read more Fisheries

Agriculture In India

? Agriculture in India plays a pivotal role in providing livelihood, ensuring food security, reducing poverty and sustaining growth.  Overview of agriculture sector in India Agriculture & GVA: India is witnessing a general decline in share of agriculture in Gross Value Added (GVA). However, growth rate of agriculture & allied sectors have been fluctuating … Read more Agriculture In India

3.8 Social Influence

? Social influence Social influence occurs when a person’s emotions, opinions, or behaviors are affected by others. Social influence takes many forms and can be seen in conformity, socialization, peer pressure, obedience, leadership, persuasion, sales, and marketing. In 1958, Harvard psychologist Herbert Kelman identified three broad varieties of social influence. Compliance is when people … Read more 3.8 Social Influence

ClassificationL 1

? Analogy Level-1   CLASSIFICATION LEVEL 1 Classification involves putting things into a class or group according to particular characteristics so it’s easier to make sense of them, whether you’re organizing your shoes, your stock portfolio, or a group of invertebrates.  From all competitive examination classification is one of the most important topics, this … Read more ClassificationL 1

Indian Freedom Struggle 9

? The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny (RIN Mutiny) The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny or the Bombay Mutiny was the revolt of the Indian sailors. The sailors who belonged to the Royal Indian Navy on board ship and shore establishments at Bombay harbour went for a strike and organised a mutiny on 18th February 1946.The … Read more Indian Freedom Struggle 9