DMPQ- Farmer suicides have increased in the recent past. Give suggestions to prevent farmer suicides.

In the last few years, a large number of farmers have committed suicide.  Cases of suicides have been reported from states such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh.

Some of measures suggested include:

  • Provide affordable health insurance and revitalize primary healthcare centres. The National Rural Health Mission should be extended to suicide hotspot locations on priority basis.
  • Set up State level Farmers’ Commission with representation of farmers for ensuring dynamic government response to farmers’ problems.
  • Restructure microfinance policies to serve as Livelihood Finance, i.e. credit coupled with support services in the areas of technology, management and markets.
  • Cover all crops by crop insurance with the village and not block as the unit for assessment.
  • Provide for a Social Security net with provision for old age support and health insurance.
  • Promote aquifer recharge and rain water conservation. Decentralise water use planning and every village should aim at Jal Swaraj with Gram Sabhas serving as Pani Panchayats.
  • Ensure availability of quality seed and other inputs at affordable costs and at the right time and place.
  • Recommend low risk and low cost technologies which can help to provide maximum income to farmers because they cannot cope with the shock of crop failure, particularly those associated with high cost technologies like Bt cotton.
  • Need for focused Market Intervention Schemes (MIS) in the case of life-saving crops such as cumin in arid areas. Have a Price Stabilisation Fund in place to protect the farmers from price fluctuations.
  • Need swift action on import duties to protect farmers from international price.
  • Set up Village Knowledge Centres (VKCs) or Gyan Chaupals in the farmers’ distress hotspots. These can provide dynamic and demand driven information on all aspects of agricultural and non-farm livelihoods and also serve as guidance centres.
  • Public awareness campaigns to make people identify early signs of suicidal behavior.


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