Legislative And Judicial Control Over The Delegated Legislation (1)

? Legislative and Judicial control over the delegated legislation The Indian Constitution has established a Welfare State which mandates that the State shall legislate on innumerable activities touching human lives in order to promote the ‘maximum happiness of the maximum number of people’. Consequently the State has to undertake legislation on a variety of … Read more Legislative And Judicial Control Over The Delegated Legislation (1)


? Analogy Level-1 ANALOGY LEVEL 1 When you draw an analogy between two things we compare them for the purpose of explanation. If a scientist says that earth’s forest functions as human lungs then we instantly draw an explanation that both lungs and trees intake important elements from air. As far as SSC … Read more AnalogyLevel1

Electric Discharge In Gases

? Electric discharge in gases Electrical discharge through gases is studied by using a specially designed glass tube commonly called as a discharge tube. It consists of a cylindrical glass tube having a side tube, and two metallic electrodes one at each end. These electrodes can be connected to the respective terminals of a … Read more Electric Discharge In Gases

Natural Resources

? Natural resources, their sustainable management and conservation A natural resource is something that is found in nature and can be used by people. Earth’s natural resources include light, air, water, plants, animals, soil, stone, minerals, and fossil fuels. People need some natural resources to stay alive. They use others to make their lives … Read more Natural Resources

3.18 Swami Vivekanand

? Swami vivekanand Swami Vivekananda is one of the greatest thinkers of Indian Renaissance. Vivekananda was moved with pity on seeing the impoverished state of the masses. He says: “Material civilization, may even luxuries necessary to create work for the poor. Bread, I do not believe in a God who cannot give me bread … Read more 3.18 Swami Vivekanand

Role Of Foreign Capital

?                       Role of Foreign Capital and Multinational companies in                         Industrial development of India   The development of any society or country without economic development is a myth. Economic development brings prosperity which in turns is directly proportional to the amount of goods and services produced quantitatively or in broad sense … Read more Role Of Foreign Capital

Agro Food Processing Forming Village Clusters And Establishing Food Storage (2)

? Agro Food Processing: Forming village clusters and establishing Food Storage, Food Processing Industry is of enormous significance for India’s development because of the vital linkages and synergies that it promotes between the two pillars of the economy, namely Industry and Agriculture. India is world’s second largest producer of food and has the potential … Read more Agro Food Processing Forming Village Clusters And Establishing Food Storage (2)

Decline Of Handicrafts During British Period (1)

? Decline of handicrafts during British period India’s traditional village economy was characterised by the “blending of agriculture and handicrafts”.  But this internal balance of the village economy had been systematically slaughtered by the British Government. In the process, traditional handicraft industries slipped away, from its pre-eminence and its decline started at the turn … Read more Decline Of Handicrafts During British Period (1)

Bio Fuel Cultivation And Extraction

? Bio-fuel cultivation and extraction Biofuel is a type of fuel whose energy is derived from biological carbon fixation. Bio? fuels include fuels derived from biomass conversion, as well as solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases. Although fossil fuels have their origin in ancient carbon fixation, they are not considered biofuels by the … Read more Bio Fuel Cultivation And Extraction

Pressure And Wind Belt1

? Pressure and wind belts Atmospheric pressure, also called barometric pressure, force per unit area exerted by an atmospheric column (that is, the entire body of air above the specified area). Atmospheric pressure can be measured with a mercury barometer (hence the commonly used synonym barometric pressure), which indicates the height of a column … Read more Pressure And Wind Belt1


? Biodiversity-Defination, types, importance, hotspots, threats and conservation The term biodiversity was coined as a contraction of biological diversity by E.O. Wilson in 1985. Biodiversity may be defined as the variety and variability of living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they exist. In other words, biodiversity is the occurrence of different types … Read more Biodiversity

Cost Benefit And Investment Analysis Of Agricultural Enterprises

? Cost benefit and investment analysis of agricultural enterprises Water Resource Development A capital intensive project. To reap the benefit of irrigation the farmer should not ignore the supporting services as extension, marketing, credit and transportation both for handling crop produced and supply of inputs needed. The economic analysis must take full account of … Read more Cost Benefit And Investment Analysis Of Agricultural Enterprises

Management Marketing

? MARKETING MANAGEMENT   Marketing Management is a social and managerial process by which individuals or firms obtain what they need or want through creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each others.   CORE CONCEPTS OF MARKETING   NEED/ WANT/ DEMAND:   Need: It is state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.   … Read more Management Marketing

Problems Of Role Conflict

? Problems of role conflict – intergenerational gap Some changes occur directly through social conflict, with concerted efforts by members of different communities to effect change . The present chapter is more concerned with gradual changes that often happen without anyone putting in an effort; or when, as sometimes happens, people really want to … Read more Problems Of Role Conflict


? ORIGIN The Department of Agriculture has been created mainly to provide Agricultural Extension services to farmers and to transfer the latest technical knowledge to the farming community, introduction of high yielding varieties, laying demonstrations, imparting training to farmers to improve skills & knowledge to boost up the agricultural Production and productivity. The other … Read more AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT

Ethical Concept

? Ethical concept-Rit and Rin, concept of Duties Rita Rita, (“truth” or “order”), in Indian religion and philosophy, the cosmic order mentioned in the Vedas, the ancient sacred scriptures of India. As Hinduism developed from the ancient Vedic religion, the concept of rita led to the doctrines of dharma (duty) and karma (accumulated effects … Read more Ethical Concept

Right To Information

? Right To Information     Right to information is a fundamental right of any citizen of India to know what is happening with the government. Every individual has the freedom to seek any government related information through this RTI act 2005. The Right to Information Act (2005) is one of the key legislation … Read more Right To Information

Advent Of Islam

? Advent of Islam and its impact on Indian Society Advent of Islam In India: Islam first arrived in India via the sea trade routes, along with Islamic invaders and Sufi mystics, and subsequently became a major religion in the Indian sub-continent. Since the early part of the 8th century AD, Arab traders had … Read more Advent Of Islam

Railway Road Ports (1)

? Railway,Roades And Ports of India Impact on The Indian economy The Indian Railways contributes to India’s economic development, accounting for about one per cent of the GNP and the backbone of freight needs of the core sector. It accounts for six per cent of the total employment in the organised sector directly and … Read more Railway Road Ports (1)

Chipko Movement

? Chipko Movement Chipko movement, also called Chipko andolan, nonviolent social and ecological movement by rural villagers, particularly women, in India in the 1970s, aimed at protecting trees and forests slated for government-backed logging. The movement originated in the Himalayan region of Uttar Pradesh (later Uttarakhand) in 1973 and quickly spread throughout the Indian … Read more Chipko Movement

Administered Prices

? ADMINISTERED PRICES INCLUDING MSP AND PROCUREMENT PRICES Historical context The emergence of agricultural Price Policy in India was in the backdrop of food scarcity and price fluctuations provoked by drought, floods and international prices for exports and imports. This policy in general was directed towards ensuring reasonable food prices for consumers by providing … Read more Administered Prices

Pipe And Cistern

? Pipes and Cistern   Inlet: A pipe connected with a tank or a cistern or a reservoir, that fills it, is known as an inlet.   Outlet: A pipe connected with a tank or cistern or reservoir, emptying it, is known as an outlet.   If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours, … Read more Pipe And Cistern

Water Resources Management

? Water Resources Management Water Resources in India India accounts for about 2.45 per cent of world’s surface area, 4 per cent of the world’s water resources and about 16 per cent of world’s population. The total water available from precipitation in the country in a year is about 4,000 cubic km. The availability … Read more Water Resources Management

National Law University

? National Law University National Law University, Delhi (NLUD) is a prestigious law university in India, offering courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is situated in Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi, India. NLUD is one of the national law schools in India built on the five-year law degree model proposed and implemented by … Read more National Law University

Prejudice And Discrimination

? Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice is an unjustified or incorrect attitude (usually negative) towards an individual based solely on the individual’s membership of a social group. For example, a person may hold prejudiced views towards a certain race or gender etc . (e.g. sexist). Discrimination is the behavior or actions, usually negative, towards an … Read more Prejudice And Discrimination

3.16 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

? Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel handled effectively the integration of the princely states with his diplomatic skills and foresightedness. The problem of amalgamating 562 independent states with a democratic self-governing India was difficult and delicate. But it was essential to save India from balkanization, once the Paramountcy of British crown would lapse. … Read more 3.16 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Role Of Foreign Capital

?                       Role of Foreign Capital and Multinational companies in                         Industrial development of India   The development of any society or country without economic development is a myth. Economic development brings prosperity which in turns is directly proportional to the amount of goods and services produced quantitatively or in broad sense … Read more Role Of Foreign Capital

Lahuji Salve

? Lahuji Salve Lahuji Raghoji Salve (14 November, 1794 – 17 February 1881), also known as “Aadhyakrantiveer”, “Krantiguru”, Krantiveer Lahuji Vaastad Raghoji Salve, Krantiveer Lahujibuwa Salve, was an activist, thinker, social reformer and revolutionary from Maharashtra. Lahuji is also referred to as Lahujibuwa Mang, since he was from the Dalit Mang community or Adya … Read more Lahuji Salve


? Glaciers Glaciers are made up of fallen snow that, over many years, compresses into large, thickened ice masses. Glaciers form when snow remains in one location long enough to transform into ice. What makes glaciers unique is their ability to move. Due to sheer mass, glaciers flow like very slow rivers. Some glaciers … Read more Glaciers

Gender Sensitization

? Gender Sensitization Gender sensitization presides over gender sensitivity, the modification of behavior by raising awareness of gender equality concerns. This can be achieved by conducting various sensitization campaigns, training centres, workshop, programs etc. Sensitization in the domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, is seen as an awareness informed propensity or disposition which aims … Read more Gender Sensitization

Integration Of Princely States

? Integration of Princely States Under the plan of 3 June, more than 562 princely states were given the option of joining either India or Pakistan, or choosing independence. Indian nationalists and large segments of the public feared that if these states did not accede, most of the people and territory would be fragmented. … Read more Integration Of Princely States

Lodhi Dynasty

? Lodhi -First Afghan Dynasty All Turks are the rulers of Delhi sultanate, while Lodis who succeeded Sayyids were Afgans from 1451 to 1526. It was the last dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. They are rulers of Pashtun (Afghan) Ghilzai tribal origin and reigned during the last phase of the Delhi Sultanate. After the … Read more Lodhi Dynasty

Ethical Dilemmas In Government And Private Institutes (1)

? Ethical dilemmas in government and private institutes The reputation and success of governance depends upon the conduct of public functionaries and what the public believe about their conduct. It is therefore of fundamental importance that public functionaries act justly and fairly to all, not only paying lip service to ethical conduct but also … Read more Ethical Dilemmas In Government And Private Institutes (1)

Indian Industry

? Indian Industry : An introduction Industry accounts for 26% of GDP and employs 22% of the total workforce. According to the World Bank, India’s industrial manufacturing GDP output in 2015 was 6th largest in the world on current US dollar basis ($559 billion), and 9th largest on inflation-adjusted constant 2005 US dollar basis … Read more Indian Industry

The Mahajanapadas

?  The literal meaning of Mahajanapadas is great kingdoms. They flourished in the north/north western parts of India before the rise of Buddhism. Aryans have migrated into India long time back and there were regular friction between them and the non aryan tribes concerning, cattle, fodder, land etc. These tribes of Aryans were called as … Read more The Mahajanapadas

Functions Of Management.Organizing (1)

? FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT – ORGANIZING   Organizing is the process of identification and grouping of activities, assigning duties and delegating authority to the managers, allocating necessary resources and establishing coordination among individuals and department of an organization with a view to attain its objectives.   PROCESS OF ORGANIZING :   The process of … Read more Functions Of Management.Organizing (1)

Food Bio Technology

? Food bio technology Biotechnology is defined in accordance with the Convention on Biological Diversity, i.e. “any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use” Biotechnology as applied to food processing in most developing countries makes use of microbial inoculants to … Read more Food Bio Technology

Inputs Of Agriculture

? Inputs of agriculture Seed Seed is technically defined as ripened ovule containing embryo. Another definition says that the seed is a living embryo which is vital and basic input for attaining sustained growth in agricultural production in different agro-climatic conditions. The embryo in the seed remains almost suspended for sometimes and then revives … Read more Inputs Of Agriculture

Indian National Account

? India’s National Accounts It is emphasised that in view of the essentially de-centralized character of the Indian Statistical System, the continental size of the country with large diversities and federal character of polity, the Indian System of National Accounts to include regional accounts at the State level and below. The term National Accounts … Read more Indian National Account