DMPQ: Outline the difference between Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park.

Difference Between Wildlife Sanctuary And National Park Wildlife sanctuary National Park Human activities are allowed No human activities are allowed Objective is to protect particular flora or fauna Can include flora, fauna or even any object of historical significance. Boundaries are not fixed Boundaries are fixed and are defined. Formed by the executive Join Our … Read more DMPQ: Outline the difference between Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park.

DMPQ: Define the following terms: a) Diwan-i-wizarat b) Diwan-I-Arz c) Diwan-i-Insha d) Diwan-i-Risalat

Diwani-i-WIzarat:It was the finance department headed by the wazir (Prime-minister). Naib wazir acted as deputy to wazir. The wazir was assisted by the mushrif-i-mamalik, (accountant) who maintained a record of the accounts and the mustauf-i-mamalik (auditor) who audited this account. Under Firuz Tughluq, Subscribe on YouTube wazirs became hereditary.   Diwan-i-Ariz:   Headed by the Ariz-i-mamalik, … Read more DMPQ: Define the following terms: a) Diwan-i-wizarat b) Diwan-I-Arz c) Diwan-i-Insha d) Diwan-i-Risalat

DMPQ: Who is a private member in a Parliament? Outline the procedure of passing a Private member bill?

Any MP who is not a Minister isreferred to as a private member. Bills introducedby Ministers are referred to as government bills.They are backed by the government and reflect itslegislative agenda. Private member’s bills arepiloted by non-Minister MPs. Introduction in the House: The admissibility of a private member’s Bill isdecided by the Presiding Officer. The … Read more DMPQ: Who is a private member in a Parliament? Outline the procedure of passing a Private member bill?

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse A lunar eclipse happens at a Full Moon, when the Moon’s tilted orbit brings it into the Earth’s shadow, which can then be seen cast onto the Moon. While not as spectacular as a total solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse is much easier to see; and a total lunar eclipse is an amazing … Read more Lunar Eclipse

Industrial sickness

Industrial sickness One of the adverse trends observable in the corporate private sector of India is the growing incidence of sickness. It is causing considerable concern to planners and policymakers. It is also putting a severe strain on the economic system, particularly on the banks. There are various crite­ria of sickness. According to the criteria … Read more Industrial sickness


  Horticulture : The agrarian state of Andhra Pradesh is heading towards a value addition platform from the conventional production approach. ‘Horticulture’ sector has been recognized as an essential component for food and nutritional security in the State. Efforts are being made to make Andhra Pradesh maintain its supremacy in the production of Oilpalm, Papaya, … Read more Horticulture


Fisheries: ‘Fisheries’ sector is becoming a subsector of Primary sector with consistently increasing contribution to the state economy. The state government envisages development in fisheries sector with a multi pronged strategy with essential focus on increasing fish production and thereby ensure sustainable development. Development of fisheries through effective value chain and boosting exports, government is … Read more Fisheries

El Nino

El Nino El Niño is the name given to the occasional development of warm ocean surface waters along the coast of Ecuador and Peru. When this warming occurs the usual upwelling of cold, nutrient rich deep ocean water is significantly reduced. El Niño normally occurs around Christmas and usually lasts for a few weeks to a few months. Sometimes … Read more El Nino

Cyclones: Types and Mechanism

Cyclones: Types and Mechanism Cyclone is a system of low atmospheric pressure in which the barometric gradient is steep. Cyclones represent circular fluid motion rotating in the same direction as the Earth. This means that the inward spiralling winds in a cyclone rotate anticlockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere of … Read more Cyclones: Types and Mechanism


                  ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND DAIRY ü  Sustained efforts – Stabilized Primary sector ü   Technology in agriculture – bringing together global leaders in cutting edge technologies to aid small and marginal farmers ü   Drought – a thing of the past – Sustained growth in Agriculture and Allied sectors – Growth despite deficit rainfall ü   Soil Health Cards to farmers – distribution … Read more ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND DAIRY

Agriculture developement

v  ORIGIN ü  The Department of Agriculture has been created mainly to provide Agricultural Extension services to farmers and to transfer the latest technical knowledge to the farming community, introduction of high yielding varieties, laying demonstrations, imparting training to farmers to improve skills & knowledge to boost up the agricultural Production and productivity. ü  The other objectives of … Read more Agriculture developement

Export Promotion

Export Promotion Government of India has liberalized the schemes for export oriented units and export processing Zones. Agriculture, Horticulture, poultry, fisheries and dairies have been included in the export oriented units. Export processing zones have been allowed to export through trading and star trading houses and can have equipment on lease. These units have been … Read more Export Promotion

Planning and Foreign Trade

Planning and Foreign Trade Foreign Trade is the important factor in economic development in any nation. Foreign trade in India comprises of all imports and exports to and from India. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry at the level of Central Government has responsibility to manage such operations. The domestic production reveals on exports and … Read more Planning and Foreign Trade


Indian Institute of Management The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are a group of 20 public, autonomous institutes of management education and research in India. They primarily offer postgraduate, doctoral and executive education programmes. The establishment of IIMs was initiated by Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, based on the recommendation of the … Read more IIM NIT

Industrial Growth and Structure – Public, Private and Joint Sectors

Industrial Growth and Structure – Public, Private and Joint Sectors Division of the Economy between Public Sector and Private Sector: The present economic structure of Indian economy is known as mixed economy, where there is a co­existence of both the public sector and the private sector. All the different types of industries are divided between … Read more Industrial Growth and Structure – Public, Private and Joint Sectors

Issues related to Deprived Class Education

Issues related to Deprived Class Education The concept of Deprived/ Marginalized Groups   is generally used to analyse socioeconomic, political, and cultural spheres, where disadvantaged people struggle to gain access to resources and full participation in social life. In other words, marginalized people might be socially, economically, politically and legally ignored, excluded, or neglected, and, therefore … Read more Issues related to Deprived Class Education

Issues related to Disabled People Education

Issues related to Disabled People Education People with disabilities have had to battle against centuries of biased assumptions, harmful stereotypes, and irrational fears. The stigmatization of disability resulted in the social and economic marginalization of generations with disabilities, and thus has left people with disabilities in a severe state of impoverishment for centuries. With an … Read more Issues related to Disabled People Education

Issues related to Role of women in Economic and Social Development in India

Issues related to Role of women in Economic and Social Development in India India has experienced rapid growth and development in the past years in many spheres. Gender equity is not one of them. This is deplorable considering the important role played by women in the socio-economic growth of the country. The Indian development model … Read more Issues related to Role of women in Economic and Social Development in India

MNREGA and community power structure

MNREGA and community power structure Several rural development programmes were initiated in India during 1950s and 1960s. These programmes, popularly known as community development programmes, regarded rural people as beneficiaries but not participants in the development process. They were centrally designed and were implemented by extension agents using a top-down mode of decision-making. Those agents … Read more MNREGA and community power structure

National Educational Research and Training Council

National Educational Research and Training Council The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India which was established on 1 September 1961 as a literary, scientific and charitable Society under the Societies’ Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860). Its headquarters are located at Sri Aurbindo Marg … Read more National Educational Research and Training Council

National Vocational Education Council

National Vocational Education Council National council of vocational educational board is a national vocational education development organized mission promotes by planning commission government of India to ensure public organized co-operation effort implementation of the vocational education development plan. The constitution and functioning of public organized is approved unanimously by the planning commission government of India.   … Read more National Vocational Education Council


IMPACT OF NEW ECONOMIC POLICY India’s post-independence development strategy showed all the signs of stagnation, but the economy started showing the sign of recovery in the early nineties when the government adopted the new economic model known as Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) to meet a grave economic crisis; characterized by unprecedented adverse balance of … Read more IMPACT OF NEW ECONOMIC POLICY

Open University

Open University The Open University (OU) is a public distance learning and research university, and the biggest university in the UK for undergraduate education. The majority of the OU’s undergraduate students are based in the United Kingdom and principally study off-campus; many of its courses (both undergraduate and postgraduate) can also be studied anywhere in … Read more Open University

DMPQ- What do you understand by the concept of cooperative federalism?

Co-operative federalism, in general terms, is a concept wherein the federal government, state government, and local government interact co-operatively and share theirresponsibilities in the governance. Corwin defines co-operative federalism thus: “The Statesand National Governments are regarded as mutually complementary parts of a singlegovernmental mechanism all the powers are intended to realise the current purposes ofgovernment … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the concept of cooperative federalism?

DMPQ- Short note on UN Habitat

It is the UN programme working towards a better urban future. Its mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all.  It reports to the United Nations General Assembly. United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat conference) is held once in bi-decennial … Read more DMPQ- Short note on UN Habitat

DMPQ- A) Project Saksham B) Tejaswani

Project Saksham: The project is for creation of a New Indirect Tax Network (System Integration) of the Central Board of Excise and Customs.  The project will help in Implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST),  Extension of the Indian Customs Single Window Interface for Facilitating Trade (SWIFT) and  Other taxpayer-friendly initiatives under Digital India and … Read more DMPQ- A) Project Saksham B) Tejaswani

19.03.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Step Industries bags Rs 132 crore electrification project under Jharkhand Sampurna Bijli Achchhadan Yojna   Delhi-based cable and wire manufacturing company Step Industries Pvt. Ltd has announced that it has bagged a rural electrification project for over Rs 132 crore from Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd. This would be a composite contract rural electrification project comprising East Singhbhum, West Singhbhum and Saraikela-Kharsawan … Read more 19.03.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Current Affairs

DMPQ- DNA profiling.

DNA profiling is the technique of finding the difference between the satellite DNA regions in the genome. These regions are stretches of repetitive DNA which do not code for any specific protein. These non-coding sequences form a major chunk of the DNA profile of humans. They depict a high level of polymorphism and are the basis of … Read more DMPQ- DNA profiling.

DMPQ- Short Note on Green GDP.

Green GDP is a term used generally for expressing GDP after adjusting for environmental damage.The System of National Accounts (SNA) is an accounting framework for measuring the economic activities of production, consumption and accumulation of wealth in an economy during a period of time. When information on economy’s use of the natural environment is integrated … Read more DMPQ- Short Note on Green GDP.

DMPQ- Fundamental rights in India are not immune from criticism. Comment.

The FRs enshrined in Part III of the Constitution have met with a wide range and varied criticism. Excessive Limitations They are subjected to innumerable exceptions, restrictions, qualifications and explanations. Hence, the critics remarked that the Constitution grants Fundamental Rights with one hand and takes them away with the other. No Social and Economic Rights … Read more DMPQ- Fundamental rights in India are not immune from criticism. Comment.

DMPQ- What were the amendments made in the child and adolescent labor (prohibition and regulation ) Act, 1986?

A child is permitted to work only to help family, in family enterprise or as child artistafter school hours or during vacations. The amendment has introduced the concept of adolescent labour for the first time. An adolescent has been defined as a person between the ages of 14-18 years. The amendment permit employment of adolescent … Read more DMPQ- What were the amendments made in the child and adolescent labor (prohibition and regulation ) Act, 1986?

DMPQ- What are the challenges in ensuring road safety in India?

Potholes are a major cause for accidental deaths and between 2013 and 2016, official statistics says that 11,836 deaths due to it in India. Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra have the dubious distinction for Subscribe on YouTube consistently causing potholes related accidents. Significantly, pothole related deaths peak during monsoons and ironically. While … Read more DMPQ- What are the challenges in ensuring road safety in India?

DMPQ- What is Project Sashakt?

Project Sashakt was proposed by a panel led by PNB chairman Sunil Mehta. Bad loans of up to ? 50 crore will be managed at the bank level, with a deadline of 90 days. For bad loans of ? 50-500 crore, banks will enter an inter-creditor agreement, authorizing the lead bank to implement a resolution plan in 180 days, … Read more DMPQ- What is Project Sashakt?