What is nanotechnology? Write down its application and mention programmes initiated by government of India? 

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology involves the concept of manipulating the extremely small things at nanoscale. At nanoscale things behave differently and this properties can be utilised across various fields of science like chemistry, biology, medicine, physics and material science. Nanotechnology has various application: Medicine: Nanoparticle can be used as effective drug deliver. This will help to … Read more What is nanotechnology? Write down its application and mention programmes initiated by government of India? 

The Himalayas has played the important role of a foster mother for the Indians. Discuss.

The Himalayan has rendered unique climatic identity to Indian subcontinent. The role played by it is nothing less than a foster mother. It save India from the cold north east trade winds and provide tropical type of climate in the subtropical region. It is not a exaggeration to say that Indian economy Join Our Telegram … Read more The Himalayas has played the important role of a foster mother for the Indians. Discuss.

Why can the lok sabha control the executive more efficiently than the Rajya sabha? 

If Parliament is pillar of democracy , lok sabha and Rajya sabha are founding stone of that pillar. They are the law making bodies which keep the democracy in vibrancy and healthy state. But lok sabha surpasses rajya sabha in terms of check on executive because of the following reason. A money bill can be … Read more Why can the lok sabha control the executive more efficiently than the Rajya sabha? 

What do you understand by the term inflation? What are the causes of inflation? List down the tools to curb inflation?

Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services in a county, and is measured as an annual percentage change. Increase in money supply: In the last few years rate of supply of money is very high i.e. near about 15-18% but the national output is hovering around … Read more What do you understand by the term inflation? What are the causes of inflation? List down the tools to curb inflation?

What are the changes one can observe from pre vedic era to the  late vedic era? 

The Vedic period is the period in the history of the northwestern Indian subcontinent between the end of the urban indus valley civilisation and a second urbanisation in the central gangetic plain which begain in C. 600 BCE. The vedic period is divided into two period one is pre vedic era(c.1500-c.1200 BCE) and the other is … Read more What are the changes one can observe from pre vedic era to the  late vedic era? 

Analyse the importance of Birsa Munda Movement for tribal rights in British India.

Munda Rebellion is one of the prominent 19th century tribal rebellions in the subcontinent. Birsa Munda led this movement in the region south of Ranchi in 1899-1900. The Mundas traditionally enjoyed a preferential rent rate as the khuntkattidar or the original clearer of the forest. But in course of the 19th century they had seen this … Read more Analyse the importance of Birsa Munda Movement for tribal rights in British India.

Explain the Salient features of Indian Constitution?

The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It is a living document, an instrument which makes the government system work. It lays down the framework defining fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive principles and the duties of citizens. It is … Read more Explain the Salient features of Indian Constitution?

What is HGP read? How it is different from HGP write? List down the application of Human genome project?

The Human genome project was a large, international and multi-institutional effort that took 13 years from 1999 and $2.7 billion to produce a blueprint of the sequence of genes and space between  genes that make up a typical human genome. Following were the observation of HGP (read)- 99% of the total human DNA is junk … Read more What is HGP read? How it is different from HGP write? List down the application of Human genome project?

DMPQ- Describe the socio-economic condition of Harappan civilisation

Indus valley is an example of great civilisation flourishing in the pre vedic era. The civilisation marks the zenith in terms of art, architecture and culture. Its magnanimous architecture depicts the vibrant social and culture life. Social life:      Cities were divided into two parts. One was citadel (for the nobles) and the other part … Read more DMPQ- Describe the socio-economic condition of Harappan civilisation

Daily JPSC Mains Practice Questions- DMPQ- JPSC Main answer writing practice

Below are the latest updates of Daily Mains Practice question Revised Launch of our Mains DMPQ Program under the expert guidence of Sri Shresth Dixit, who will be the program cordinator for the DMPQ Program. Students may contact for any queries with Sri Shresth Dixit on shresth@pscnotes.com. The most important features of the revised DMPQ … Read more Daily JPSC Mains Practice Questions- DMPQ- JPSC Main answer writing practice

12-13.08.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND CM kickstarts startup india jharkhand journey   Chief Minister Raghubar Das flagged off Startup India Jharkhand journey for 2018 which would go through eight boot camps simultaneously organised at Ranchi, Ramgarh, Hazaribagh, Palamu, Deogarh, Giridih, Dhanbad and East Singhbum.   The initiative would help new startup ideas to groom with the help of industry … Read more 12-13.08.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

05-06.07.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Jamshedpur sadar hospital bags kayakalp award   Minister of Department of Health and Family Welfare, Ramchandra Chandravanshi, and Principal Secretary (Health) Nidhi Khare conferred the Kayakalp (Revival) Award 2017-18 to the State’s best hospital.   The Health Minister said that the Prime Minister had started cleanliness in all government offices including hospitals in 2014 … Read more 05-06.07.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

JPSC Mains Printed Notes- With Cash on Delivery

After the great demand by students for cash on delivery (COD) for printed Notes.We have launched the COD Facility in colebration with Delhivery.. Choose COD as payment option at checkout. Book your COD Package Now Details of products presently available for COD facility. Description- The notes are on average 800+ pages and package is around 2kg for Join Our Telegram … Read more JPSC Mains Printed Notes- With Cash on Delivery