Hindu Sects

? Hindu sects: Hinduism as a federation of various sects – Shaiva, Vaishnava and Shakta Hinduism is a complex religion. It is an artificial collection of several traditions that originated in India in the last few millenniums. Since, the Muslim and British rulers and scholars alike were ignorant of the native traditions, they grouped … Read more Hindu Sects

River Water Sharing

? MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF WATER RESOURCES   The Central Government shall, on and from the appointed day, constitute an Apex Council for the supervision of the functioning of the Godavari River Management Board and Krishna River Management Board.   The Apex Council shall consist of: (a) Minister of Water Resources, Government of India—Chairperson … Read more River Water Sharing

Facing Global Competition

? Facing Global Competition Globalisation means gradual integration of economies through free movement of goods, services and capital which has significant impact on the economies of both developed and developing countries. Globalisation refers to a process of growing economic interdependence among different countries of the world. Thus, in the globalised era, the whole world … Read more Facing Global Competition

Solar Eclipse

      Solar Eclipse A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the sun and the Earth, blocking some or all of the sun’s rays, preventing them from reaching the Earth. The result of this is that the sun appears to be (partially or completely) covered by a giant black circle (which is … Read more Solar Eclipse

New Economy Policy

? IMPACT OF NEW ECONOMIC POLICY India’s post-independence development strategy showed all the signs of stagnation, but the economy started showing the sign of recovery in the early nineties when the government adopted the new economic model known as Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) to meet a grave economic crisis; characterized by unprecedented adverse … Read more New Economy Policy

DMPQ- Discuss the views of Supreme Court of India on Uniform Civil Code and a need for it.

The Supreme Court for the first time directed the parliament to frame a Uniform Civil Code in 1985 in the case of Mohd Ahmed Khan v Shah Bano Begum. In Sarla Mudgal v Union of India 1995, Justice Kuldip Singh reiterated the need for the Parliament to frame a Uniform Civil Code, which would help … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the views of Supreme Court of India on Uniform Civil Code and a need for it.

Deewans Of Mysore

? Progress of Mysore under the Dewans   The post of the Dewan was created as the head of the administrative machinery. The Wodeyars of Mysore were fortunate enough to have wise and able men as Dewans. These Dewans worked hard to make the state progressive progressive and model.         Dewans … Read more Deewans Of Mysore


      Conjunctions   What are conjunctions?   A conjunction is a part of speech that joins two words, phrases or clauses together.   There are three types of conjunctions: Coordinating Conjunctions Correlative Conjunctions Common Subordinating Conjunctions for and nor but or yet so either…or neither…nor not only…but also both…and whether…or after before although though even though … Read more Conjunction

05.09.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

JHARKHAND PM to inaugurate multi-model terminal over Ganga Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate state-of-the-art multi-model terminal (MMT) on the River Ganga in Sahibganj and newly constructed Jharkhand assembly building in Ranchi on September 12.   The MMT would open a new avenue of employment in Santhal Paragana. Besides, the project would give a new … Read more 05.09.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

03.09.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Cabinet gives nod to stop recruitment of ‘outsiders’ in non-gazetted Class-2 jobs   The state cabinet approved the amended recruitment policy, 2018, aimed to stop appointing outsiders in Class-2 government jobs in the category of non-gazetted employees.   Now, only locals can appear in Class-2 (non-gazetted category) government jobs   Till now, it (the … Read more 03.09.19 Jharkhand (JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

DMPQ- Mention the Applications of polycarbonates.

Popular uses of polycarbonate can include aircraft parts, data storage devices, dome lights, eye protection, multiwall sheets, electronic components and more. Due to polycarbonates ability to withstand extreme temperatures for prolonged periods of time, it is often used in components for various industries, including: Aircrafts and Aerospace Components Greenhouses and Agriculture Industrial Lighting Electronic Components … Read more DMPQ- Mention the Applications of polycarbonates.

DMPQ- Discuss the role of chromosomes during cell division.

Mitosis When the chromosomes condense during cell division, they have already undergone replication. Each chromosome thus consists of two identical replicas, called chromatids, joined at a point called the centromere. During mitosis the sister chromatids separate, one going to each daughter cell. Chromosomes thus meet the first criterion for being the repository of genes: they … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the role of chromosomes during cell division.

DMPQ- Analyse the Islamic revivalism in British India.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, in a trend that had begun at the 18th, many thinkers in the Muslim world felt that Islam was going through a period of social decline, political weakness and economic disintegration, expressing itself in different regions where reform movements and schools, while taking into account spiritual and environmental differences … Read more DMPQ- Analyse the Islamic revivalism in British India.

Height And Distance

? Height and Distance This topic has many practical application in day to day life. In engineering stage it is used in surveying. The basic purpose is to find the unknown variables by observing the angle of the line of sight. This is done by using some the fact that in … Read more Height And Distance


? PARTNERSHIP   Partnership : Partnership is an association of two or more parties, they put money for business.         Simple Partnership: Simple partnership is one in which the capitals of the partners are invested for the same time. The profit or losses are divided among the partners in the ratio … Read more Partnership

DMPQ- What are the main Principles of Arya Samaj?

Principles of Arya Samaj: Acceptance of the Vedas as the only source of truth. Opposition to idol worship. Opposition to the theory of God-incarnation and religious pilgrimages. Recitation of the mantras of the Vedas and performance of ‘Havan’ and ‘Yajna’. Faith in female education. Opposition to child-marriage and polygamy. Propagation of Hindi and Sanskrit languages.

Efforts Of Government In Promoting Biotechnology In The Country

? Efforts of government in promoting biotechnology in the country DBT and Biotech parks The remarkable march of India into the world of biosciences and technological advances began in 1986. That year, government of india accepted the vision that unless India created a separate Department for Biotechnology, within the Ministry of Science and Technology, … Read more Efforts Of Government In Promoting Biotechnology In The Country

Competition Commission Of India

? Competition Commission of India Competition Commission of India is a statutory body of the Government of India responsible for enforcing The Competition Act, 2002 throughout India and to prevent activities that have an appreciable adverse effect on competition in India. It was established on 14 October 2003. It became fully functional in May … Read more Competition Commission Of India

DMPQ-The Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR)

The Central Gov­ernment has set up a Board for Industrial and Fi­nancial Reconstruction (BIFR) with effect from 12 January 1987 in pursuance of enactment of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provision) Act, 1985. This is a major step for intervening at an early stage and detecting, preventing, as well as taking ameliorative, remedial and such … Read more DMPQ-The Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR)

Immunodiagnosis Techniques

? Immunodiagnosis techniques Immunodiagnostics is a diagnostic methodology that uses an antigen-antibody reaction as their primary means of detection. The concept of using immunology as a diagnostic tool was introduced in 1960 as a test for serum insulin. A second test was developed in 1970 as a test for thyroxine in the 1970s. It … Read more Immunodiagnosis Techniques

DMPQ- Write a short note on the Centre State Financial Relations.

Indian Constitution has made elaborate provisions, relating to the distribution of the taxes as well as non-tax revenues and the power of borrowing, supplemented by provisions for grants-in-aid by the Union to the States.  Article 268 to 293 deals with the provisions of financial relations between Centre and States. The Constitution divides the taxing powers … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on the Centre State Financial Relations.

Advocate General

? Advocate General of State The Advocate General of a State is a Constitutional post and authority duly appointed as per Article 165 of the Constitution of India. The authority and function of Advocate General is also specified in the Constitution of India under Article 165 and 177.  Article 165: Advocate General for the … Read more Advocate General


? Microorganisms Microscopic organisms, commonly known as microorganisms or microbes, are found all around us and even inside our bodies. The category ‘Microbes’ includes a massive range of organisms including bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae, archaea and protozoa. Some of these, such as bacteria and fungi, are well known, but others such as archaea much … Read more Microorganisms

DMPQ-Analyse the Significance of the Trade Union’s establishment in contemporary India.

Trade unions fills the void which was obstructing the attainment of industrial peace and social justice any decision arrived by virtue of deliberation with employer through trade union should be followed strictly by the labours which forms the part of that trade union as it improves the working condition, wages they get and other matters … Read more DMPQ-Analyse the Significance of the Trade Union’s establishment in contemporary India.

Stem Cell Research

? Stem Cell Research Stem cells are undifferentiated, or “blank,” cells. This means they’re capable of developing into cells that serve numerous functions in different parts of the body. Most cells in the body are differentiated cells. These cells can only serve a specific purpose in a particular organ. For example, red blood cells … Read more Stem Cell Research

The Supreme Court

? The Supreme Court is the highest court of The Indian Republic.  Judiciary, the third organ of the government, has an important role to play in the governance. It settles the disputes, interprets laws, protects fundamental rights and acts as guardian of the Constitution. India has a single unified and integrated judicial system and … Read more The Supreme Court

Food Laws And Regulations

? Food laws and regulations Until recently, effectiveness of food control in the Indian domestic market was found to be severely undermined by the existence of multiple jurisdictions, and weaknesses in surveillance, monitoring and enforcement. Several of these food laws were enacted under different ministries in India that had their own rules and orders, … Read more Food Laws And Regulations

DMPQ- How can Social Policies works as an vehicle for Social Development?

First among social policy clusters essential for social development is the identification, selection, and development of an appropriate range and mix of resources, sufficient in quantity and suitable in quality, to satisfy the basic biological and the social and psychological needs of the entire population. Policies for resource selection and development should preclude greedy, exploitative … Read more DMPQ- How can Social Policies works as an vehicle for Social Development?

DMPQ-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an intergovernmental treaty developed to address the problem of climate change. The Convention, which sets out an agreed framework for dealing with the issue, was negotiated from February 1991 to May 1992 and opened for signature at the June 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development … Read more DMPQ-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change

DMPQ-Explain the preventive measures and preparedness plan for drought mitigation

Dams/reservoirs and wetlands to store water Improvement in agriculture through modifying cropping patterns and introducing drought-resistant varieties of crops Watershed management Water rationing Management of rangeland with improvement of grazing patterns, introduction of feed and protection of shrubs and trees Cattle management Proper selection of crop for drought-affected areas Development of water resource system with … Read more DMPQ-Explain the preventive measures and preparedness plan for drought mitigation

DMPQ- What are the benefits of Bottom up planning?

Following are some of the important functional factors responsible for adoption of decentralised planning in the present context in India: Considering the huge size and proportion of rural population in India, it is felt that proper linkages must be established between dispersed small villages and also between such villages and adjacent small towns by developing … Read more DMPQ- What are the benefits of Bottom up planning?

DMPQ- Highlight the key features of The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Second Amendment) Bill, 2015

Highlights of the Bill This Bill amends the principal Act passed in 2013. The Bill enables the government to exempt five categories of projects from the requirements of: (i) social impact assessment, (ii) restrictions on acquisition of multi-cropped land, and (iii) consent for private projects and public private partnerships (PPPs) projects. The five categories of … Read more DMPQ- Highlight the key features of The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Second Amendment) Bill, 2015

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