DMPQ: Agriculture has been a main pillar for rural economy. Discuss the steps taken by government of Jharkhand to impart sustainability to this sector.

Given the importance of the agricultural sector, the Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Cooperative, Government of Jharkhand, have taken various measures for its sustainable development.


Schemes are as follows:

  • Conversion of fallow land into cropped area.
  • Double cropping rice fallow scheme: encouraging farmer to grow other crops in off season
  • Agriculture mechanization promotion scheme for women and SHG
  • Jalnidhi : initiated in 2015-16 to provide different source of irrigation
  • Horticulture development scheme
  • Organic certification and organic fertilizer production
  • Agriculture fair, Workshop, training exposure, award, publicity and extension
  • Special crop scheme: Promotes the cultivation of thick crops like ragi, gudgi,jowar,madua and other pulse
  • Single window and mobile based e solution: knowledge of efficient and modern methods of agriculture, assistance suggestions, information
  • Distribution of agriculture tools and pump sets
  • Interest sub vention scheme: 3% interest waive off
  • Grants in Aid to Birsa university
  • Centrally sponsored scheme:
  • National mission for sustainable agriculture
  • National horticulture mission
  • Soil Health card scheme



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