Discuss the evolution and relevance of the Finance Commission in India and the reason for sharing resources between the Centre and States.

Points to Remember: Evolution of the Finance Commission in India. Constitutional basis and mandate. Criteria for resource allocation. Relevance in a federal structure. Issues and challenges. Future recommendations. Introduction: The Finance Commission of India is a constitutional body established under Article 280 of the Indian Constitution. Its primary function is to recommend the principles governing … Read more Discuss the evolution and relevance of the Finance Commission in India and the reason for sharing resources between the Centre and States.

Analyze the success and failure of the governmental efforts to prevent and eradicate violence in India.

Keywords: Governmental efforts, violence prevention, eradication, India, success, failure, analysis. Required Approach: Analytical Points to Remember: Types of violence prevalent in India (domestic, communal, caste-based, etc.) Governmental policies and programs aimed at violence prevention and eradication Successes of these initiatives (e.g., reduced crime rates in specific areas) Failures of these initiatives (e.g., persistent high rates … Read more Analyze the success and failure of the governmental efforts to prevent and eradicate violence in India.

Critically examine the relationship between the Generalist and Specialist in the Indian Administrative System.

Points to Remember: The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) comprises both generalist and specialist officers. Generalists hold broader administrative responsibilities, while specialists possess expertise in specific domains. The relationship involves collaboration, but also potential conflicts due to differing perspectives and expertise. Effective coordination between generalists and specialists is crucial for efficient governance. Introduction: The Indian Administrative … Read more Critically examine the relationship between the Generalist and Specialist in the Indian Administrative System.

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is deemed as the Fiscal Controller at the Central and State levels. Examine the role and relevance of his office.

Keywords: Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), Fiscal Controller, Role, Relevance, Central and State levels. Required Approach: Primarily factual and analytical, with some elements of opinion-based assessment of relevance. Points to Remember: CAG’s constitutional mandate and independence. CAG’s audit functions (compliance, performance, and propriety audits). CAG’s reporting mechanisms and accountability. CAG’s role in promoting … Read more The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is deemed as the Fiscal Controller at the Central and State levels. Examine the role and relevance of his office.

Write notes on the following: (A) Concept of Public Interest Litigation (B) 74th Constitutional Amendment Act

Points to Remember: Public Interest Litigation (PIL): A legal action initiated in a court of law for the enforcement of public interest or general interest. It’s a mechanism for addressing issues affecting a large segment of the population or the environment. 74th Constitutional Amendment Act: An act that introduced the concept of urban local governments … Read more Write notes on the following: (A) Concept of Public Interest Litigation (B) 74th Constitutional Amendment Act

Critically examine the legislative powers and role of the Prime Minister in the present Indian Governmentâ??s scenario.

Points to Remember: Legislative Powers of the Prime Minister Role of the Prime Minister in the Indian Government Limitations on the Prime Minister’s Power Critical Examination of the Current Scenario Introduction: The Prime Minister of India, while not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution as the head of the government, holds immense power and influence, particularly … Read more Critically examine the legislative powers and role of the Prime Minister in the present Indian Governmentâ??s scenario.

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) works as an agency of (A) Ministry of Home Affairs (B) Ministry of Agriculture (C) Ministry of Defence (D) Ministry of Rural Development

Points to Remember: The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is India’s apex body for disaster management. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of different Indian ministries is crucial. The question requires factual knowledge about the NDMA’s organizational structure. Introduction: The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is a statutory body in India tasked with the responsibility of … Read more National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) works as an agency of (A) Ministry of Home Affairs (B) Ministry of Agriculture (C) Ministry of Defence (D) Ministry of Rural Development

Discuss the administrative and financial relations between the Union and States in Indian federalism.

Keywords: Indian federalism, Union-State relations, administrative relations, financial relations. Required Approach: Primarily factual and analytical, with some elements of opinion-based discussion regarding potential improvements. Points to Remember: Division of powers between the Union and States. Mechanisms for intergovernmental coordination. Financial resources allocation and distribution. Role of the Finance Commission. Issues and challenges in Union-State relations. … Read more Discuss the administrative and financial relations between the Union and States in Indian federalism.

The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments have made the rural and urban local Government more effective and significant. Discuss critically.

Points to Remember: 73rd Amendment: Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) 74th Amendment: Municipalities Increased devolution of power Enhanced local governance Challenges in implementation Introduction: The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments of 1992 represent landmark legislation aimed at strengthening local self-governance in India. These amendments enshrined the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) at the rural level (73rd) and … Read more The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments have made the rural and urban local Government more effective and significant. Discuss critically.

Who among the following supported the integral view of Public Administration? (A) Luther Gulick (B) Thompson (C) L.D. White (D) H. Simon

Points to Remember: Integral view of Public Administration emphasizes the interconnectedness of various aspects of administration, including its political, managerial, and social dimensions. Key thinkers in Public Administration have varying perspectives on the nature and scope of the field. Introduction: The question asks to identify which among the given scholars â?? Luther Gulick, Thompson, L.D. … Read more Who among the following supported the integral view of Public Administration? (A) Luther Gulick (B) Thompson (C) L.D. White (D) H. Simon

Who has coined the POSDCORB view of Public Administration? (A) Taylor (B) Urwick (C) Gulick (D) Fayol

Points to Remember: The POSDCORB acronym is central to understanding the question. The question requires identifying the individual credited with developing this management framework. The answer will be factual, relying on established knowledge of public administration theory. Introduction: The question asks us to identify the originator of the POSDCORB acronym, a widely recognized framework in … Read more Who has coined the POSDCORB view of Public Administration? (A) Taylor (B) Urwick (C) Gulick (D) Fayol

Who among the following scholars is associated with the term ‘Bureaucracy’? (A) Elton Mayo (B) Max Weber (C) Henry Fayol (D) McGregor

Points to Remember: The question tests knowledge of the origins and key theorists associated with the concept of bureaucracy. It requires identifying the scholar most closely linked to the theoretical development of bureaucracy. Introduction: The term “bureaucracy” often carries negative connotations, conjuring images of inefficiency and red tape. However, its academic origins lie in the … Read more Who among the following scholars is associated with the term ‘Bureaucracy’? (A) Elton Mayo (B) Max Weber (C) Henry Fayol (D) McGregor

Amongst the administrative thinkers, who has given the principles of administration? (A) Herbert Simon (B) Urwick (C) Henry Fayol (D) Luther Gulick

Points to Remember: This question requires identifying the administrative thinker most associated with establishing principles of administration. The approach is factual, focusing on the contributions of different management theorists. Introduction: The field of administrative theory has been shaped by numerous influential thinkers who sought to define and optimize organizational effectiveness. While many contributed significantly, the … Read more Amongst the administrative thinkers, who has given the principles of administration? (A) Herbert Simon (B) Urwick (C) Henry Fayol (D) Luther Gulick

NITI (National Institute for the Transformation of India) Aayog (Former Planning Commission) is a/an (A) Executive and Staff Agency (B) Line and Staff Agency (C) Line Agency (D) Staff Agency

Points to Remember: NITI Aayog’s Role: Understanding NITI Aayog’s functions as a policy think tank and advisor to the government is crucial. Line vs. Staff Agencies: Differentiating between agencies that directly implement policies (line) and those that advise and support (staff) is key. Executive vs. Non-Executive: Determining whether NITI Aayog has executive powers or primarily … Read more NITI (National Institute for the Transformation of India) Aayog (Former Planning Commission) is a/an (A) Executive and Staff Agency (B) Line and Staff Agency (C) Line Agency (D) Staff Agency

Which report of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission has identified the barriers to Good Governance in India? (A) Citizen-Centric Administration (B) Promoting e-Governance (C) Right to Information (D) Ethics in Government

Points to Remember: The Second Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) submitted several reports focusing on various aspects of governance in India. The question asks to identify the specific ARC report addressing barriers to good governance. The options provided are titles of different ARC reports. Introduction: The Second Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC), established in 2005, played a … Read more Which report of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission has identified the barriers to Good Governance in India? (A) Citizen-Centric Administration (B) Promoting e-Governance (C) Right to Information (D) Ethics in Government

Who suggested that the office of the Chief Secretary should be brought at par with the rank of the Secretary to the Government of India in 1973? (A) Paul H. Appleby Committee (B) Santhanam Committee (C) First Administrative Reforms Commission (D) L.M. Singhvi Committee

Points to Remember: The question requires identifying the committee that recommended elevating the Chief Secretary’s rank to that of a Secretary to the Government of India in 1973. The answer requires factual knowledge about the recommendations of various administrative reform committees in India. Introduction: The question pertains to the history of administrative reforms in India, … Read more Who suggested that the office of the Chief Secretary should be brought at par with the rank of the Secretary to the Government of India in 1973? (A) Paul H. Appleby Committee (B) Santhanam Committee (C) First Administrative Reforms Commission (D) L.M. Singhvi Committee

The post of District Collector in India was created by (A) Warren Hastings (B) Lord Dalhousie (C) Lord Curzon (D) Lord Ripon

Points to Remember: The creation of the District Collector post in India’s administrative structure. Key figures in British India’s administrative reforms. Understanding the historical context of the post’s establishment. Introduction: The District Collector’s post is a cornerstone of India’s administrative system, responsible for overall governance and development at the district level. Its origins lie in … Read more The post of District Collector in India was created by (A) Warren Hastings (B) Lord Dalhousie (C) Lord Curzon (D) Lord Ripon

The 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976 of the Constitution of India was carried out on the recommendation of (A) Shah Nawaz Committee (B) B.R. Mehta Committee (C) Swaran Singh Committee (D) Ashok Mehta Committee

Points to Remember: The 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976, significantly altered the Indian Constitution. Several committees contributed to constitutional reforms around that time, but only one is directly linked to the 42nd Amendment. Identifying the correct committee requires knowledge of Indian constitutional history. Introduction: The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 is a landmark amendment to … Read more The 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976 of the Constitution of India was carried out on the recommendation of (A) Shah Nawaz Committee (B) B.R. Mehta Committee (C) Swaran Singh Committee (D) Ashok Mehta Committee

At the State level, the Contingency Fund can be operated to meet unforeseen expenditure by (A) Chief Minister (B) Speaker of Legislative Assembly (C) Finance Minister (D) Governor

Points to Remember: The Contingency Fund is a reserve fund used to meet unforeseen expenditure at the state level. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of key state-level officials is crucial. The correct answer will identify the individual constitutionally empowered to operate the Contingency Fund. Introduction: The Contingency Fund of a state is a crucial financial … Read more At the State level, the Contingency Fund can be operated to meet unforeseen expenditure by (A) Chief Minister (B) Speaker of Legislative Assembly (C) Finance Minister (D) Governor

Who was the first Comptroller and Auditor General of India? (A) A.K. Chanda (B) A.K. Roy (C) S. Ranganathan (D) V. Narahari Rao

Points to Remember: The question requires identifying the first Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India. The approach is purely factual; it demands recalling a specific historical fact. Introduction: The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) is a constitutional authority, holding a crucial position in India’s system of checks and balances. Established under Article … Read more Who was the first Comptroller and Auditor General of India? (A) A.K. Chanda (B) A.K. Roy (C) S. Ranganathan (D) V. Narahari Rao

Under which Schedule of the Constitution of India is the allocation of seats in Rajya Sabha to the States and Union Territories made? (A) Fourth Schedule (B) Seventh Schedule (C) Ninth Schedule (D) Tenth Schedule

Points to Remember: The Indian Constitution allocates seats in the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) to States and Union Territories. This allocation is governed by a specific Schedule within the Constitution. Understanding the function of different Schedules is crucial for answering this question. Introduction: The Indian Constitution, a voluminous document, organizes various provisions through Schedules. … Read more Under which Schedule of the Constitution of India is the allocation of seats in Rajya Sabha to the States and Union Territories made? (A) Fourth Schedule (B) Seventh Schedule (C) Ninth Schedule (D) Tenth Schedule

The accounts of the Union and States are kept in such form as decided by the President of India in (A) Finance Commission (B) Ministry of Finance (C) Comptroller and Auditor General (D) Reserve Bank of India

Points to Remember: The question tests knowledge of India’s financial architecture and the roles of different institutions. It focuses on who decides the form in which Union and State accounts are kept. The correct answer will identify the constitutional body or authority with this power. Introduction: The question pertains to the maintenance of accounts for … Read more The accounts of the Union and States are kept in such form as decided by the President of India in (A) Finance Commission (B) Ministry of Finance (C) Comptroller and Auditor General (D) Reserve Bank of India

The Election Commission of India does the registration of political parties under which Section of the Representation of the People Act, 1951? (A) Section 29(A) (B) Section 39(A) (C) Section 19(A) (D) Section 09(A)

Points to Remember: The Election Commission of India (ECI) is responsible for registering political parties in India. This registration is governed by a specific section of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. Identifying the correct section is crucial for understanding the legal framework governing political parties in India. Introduction: The Representation of the People … Read more The Election Commission of India does the registration of political parties under which Section of the Representation of the People Act, 1951? (A) Section 29(A) (B) Section 39(A) (C) Section 19(A) (D) Section 09(A)

The President of India can establish an Inter-State Council under which Article of the Constitution? (A) Article 262 (B) Article 263 (C) Article 264 (D) Article 256

Points to Remember: The Indian Constitution provides for mechanisms to resolve inter-state disputes and foster cooperation. The Inter-State Council is a crucial body for achieving this cooperation. Understanding the constitutional basis of the Inter-State Council is essential for comprehending its powers and functions. Introduction: The question pertains to the constitutional provision that empowers the President … Read more The President of India can establish an Inter-State Council under which Article of the Constitution? (A) Article 262 (B) Article 263 (C) Article 264 (D) Article 256

The Constitution of India prohibits the employment of children below the age of 14 years in any factory and mines, etc. under the (A) Article 14 (B) Article 24 (C) Article 34 (D) Article 40

Points to Remember: The Indian Constitution’s provisions regarding child labor. Specific articles related to fundamental rights and directive principles. The age limit for prohibiting child labor in factories and mines. Introduction: The Constitution of India guarantees fundamental rights and lays down directive principles of state policy. One crucial aspect is the protection of children, particularly … Read more The Constitution of India prohibits the employment of children below the age of 14 years in any factory and mines, etc. under the (A) Article 14 (B) Article 24 (C) Article 34 (D) Article 40

How many Parts, Articles, and Schedules were included in the original Constitution of India? (A) 22 Parts, 395 Articles, and 8 Schedules (B) 22 Parts, 392 Articles, and 8 Schedules (C) 24 Parts, 390 Articles, and 12 Schedules (D) 24 Parts, 395 Articles, and 12 Schedules

Points to Remember: The original Indian Constitution’s structure: Number of Parts, Articles, and Schedules. Accuracy in recalling constitutional details is crucial for understanding its framework. Introduction: The Constitution of India, adopted on 26th November 1949, and enforced on 26th January 1950, is the supreme law of the land. It’s a voluminous document outlining the framework … Read more How many Parts, Articles, and Schedules were included in the original Constitution of India? (A) 22 Parts, 395 Articles, and 8 Schedules (B) 22 Parts, 392 Articles, and 8 Schedules (C) 24 Parts, 390 Articles, and 12 Schedules (D) 24 Parts, 395 Articles, and 12 Schedules

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