Write notes on the following: (A) Composition and Role of Finance Commission. (B) Role of Chief Secretary in State Administration.

Points to Remember: Finance Commission: Composition, powers, functions, and role in federal fiscal relations. Chief Secretary: Position, responsibilities, role in state administration, relationship with other state functionaries. Introduction: This note addresses the composition and role of the Finance Commission in India and the role of the Chief Secretary in state administration. Both are crucial components … Read more Write notes on the following: (A) Composition and Role of Finance Commission. (B) Role of Chief Secretary in State Administration.

Discuss critically the organization and working of disaster management machinery in India.

Points to Remember: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA): Structure, roles, and effectiveness. State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs): Coordination with NDMA and local bodies. District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs): On-ground implementation and challenges. Community participation: Role of volunteers and local knowledge. Funding and resource allocation: Efficiency and equitable distribution. Disaster preparedness, response, and recovery: Strengths and … Read more Discuss critically the organization and working of disaster management machinery in India.

How many types of Bureaucracy were given by Morstein Marx? (A) Two (B) Three (C) Four (D) Five

Points to Remember: This question requires factual recall regarding the typology of bureaucracy proposed by Morstein Marx. The answer will be a single, specific number. Introduction: Friedrich Morstein Marx, a prominent scholar of public administration, contributed significantly to our understanding of bureaucracy. While various scholars have categorized bureaucracies in different ways, understanding Marx’s specific classification … Read more How many types of Bureaucracy were given by Morstein Marx? (A) Two (B) Three (C) Four (D) Five

Discuss the meaning and significance of Public Administration in the post-globalized world.

Points to Remember: Globalization’s impact on the role and functions of public administration. Challenges faced by public administration in a globalized world. Adaptation strategies and best practices for effective public administration in a globalized context. The significance of international cooperation and collaboration. The role of technology and digitalization in modern public administration. Introduction: Public administration, … Read more Discuss the meaning and significance of Public Administration in the post-globalized world.

How has the Right to Information Act, 2005 achieved its desired objective of enhancing transparency in administration? If not, identify reasons and suggest the roadmap ahead.

Points to Remember: The Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act) aims to empower citizens by providing them access to government information. Success of the RTI Act is measured by its impact on transparency, accountability, and citizen participation. Challenges to the Act’s effectiveness include bureaucratic hurdles, lack of awareness, and inadequate implementation. Introduction: The Right … Read more How has the Right to Information Act, 2005 achieved its desired objective of enhancing transparency in administration? If not, identify reasons and suggest the roadmap ahead.

Who among the following is concerned with the concept of Development Administration? (A) Fred W. Riggs (B) Frank Marini (C) Elton Mayo (D) Gabler Osborne

Points to Remember: Development administration focuses on the application of administrative principles and techniques to achieve societal development goals. Key theorists in development administration have contributed significantly to understanding its complexities. Identifying the central figures associated with development administration is crucial for understanding the field. Introduction: Development administration is a subfield of public administration that … Read more Who among the following is concerned with the concept of Development Administration? (A) Fred W. Riggs (B) Frank Marini (C) Elton Mayo (D) Gabler Osborne

The United Nations has identified a few characteristics of Good Governance. Which one of the following is NOT one of those characteristics? (A) Participation (B) Accountability (C) Government Legitimacy (D) Transparency

Points to Remember: UN’s definition of Good Governance encompasses several key characteristics. The question tests knowledge of these characteristics. We need to identify the option that is not a characteristic of good governance according to the UN. Introduction: Good governance is a cornerstone of sustainable development and effective public administration. The United Nations, through various … Read more The United Nations has identified a few characteristics of Good Governance. Which one of the following is NOT one of those characteristics? (A) Participation (B) Accountability (C) Government Legitimacy (D) Transparency

Which of the following is NOT considered to be one of the Human Rights listed by the United Nations? (A) Freedom and Equality (B) Right to Life and Liberty (C) Right to Education (D) Right to Privacy

Points to Remember: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is the foundational document for human rights as recognized by the United Nations. The UDHR lists a broad range of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Understanding the core principles of the UDHR is crucial to answering this question. Introduction: The United Nations’ Universal … Read more Which of the following is NOT considered to be one of the Human Rights listed by the United Nations? (A) Freedom and Equality (B) Right to Life and Liberty (C) Right to Education (D) Right to Privacy

Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) is part of which of the following? (A) Ministry of Home Affairs (B) Cabinet Secretariat (C) The Prime Minister’s Office (D) Ministry of External Affairs

Points to Remember: RAW’s primary function is foreign intelligence gathering. Its organizational structure is deliberately opaque for security reasons. Understanding the relationship between intelligence agencies and the government is crucial. Introduction: The Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) is India’s primary foreign intelligence agency. Its activities are shrouded in secrecy, making definitive statements about its organizational … Read more Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) is part of which of the following? (A) Ministry of Home Affairs (B) Cabinet Secretariat (C) The Prime Minister’s Office (D) Ministry of External Affairs

Replacing the Planning Commission, on which of the following days did ‘NITI Aayog’ come into existence? (A) 15th August 2014 (B) 6th December 2014 (C) 1st January 2015 (D) 26th January 2015

Points to Remember: NITI Aayog’s establishment date. NITI Aayog’s predecessor: Planning Commission. The significance of the shift from Planning Commission to NITI Aayog. Introduction: The question requires identifying the exact date of NITI Aayog’s inception. This is a factual question requiring a precise answer based on historical records. NITI Aayog, the National Institution for Transforming … Read more Replacing the Planning Commission, on which of the following days did ‘NITI Aayog’ come into existence? (A) 15th August 2014 (B) 6th December 2014 (C) 1st January 2015 (D) 26th January 2015

The Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commissions are provided under which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India? (A) Article 315 (B) Article 323 (C) Article 215 (D) Article 226

Points to Remember: The Indian Constitution establishes the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and State Public Service Commissions (SPSCs). These commissions play a crucial role in recruitment to civil services. Specific articles in the Constitution deal with their composition, powers, and functions. Introduction: The Indian Constitution outlines the structure and functions of various institutions, including … Read more The Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commissions are provided under which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India? (A) Article 315 (B) Article 323 (C) Article 215 (D) Article 226

Who has coined the acronym ‘POSDCORB’? (A) Mooney (B) Gulick (C) Urwick (D) Henri Fayol

Points to Remember: The question tests knowledge of management theory and the origins of a specific acronym. The answer requires identifying the individual credited with coining the acronym POSDCORB. Introduction: The acronym POSDCORB is a fundamental concept in public administration. It represents a set of seven functions considered essential for effective organizational management. Understanding its … Read more Who has coined the acronym ‘POSDCORB’? (A) Mooney (B) Gulick (C) Urwick (D) Henri Fayol

Which one of the following thinkers favors similarities in Public Administration and Private Administration? (A) Herbert Simon (B) Paul H. Appleby (C) Sir Josia Stamp (D) Henri Fayol

Points to Remember: The question focuses on identifying the thinker who believed in similarities between public and private administration. The approach required is factual, relying on knowledge of the contributions of different thinkers in the field of Public Administration. Introduction: The question delves into the historical debate surrounding the similarities and differences between public and … Read more Which one of the following thinkers favors similarities in Public Administration and Private Administration? (A) Herbert Simon (B) Paul H. Appleby (C) Sir Josia Stamp (D) Henri Fayol

“If our civilization fails, it will be mainly because of a breakdown of administration.” This statement has been given by (A) L. D. White (B) Alexander Pope (C) B. Donham (D) Edmund Burke

Points to Remember: The question tests knowledge of the author of a specific quote related to the importance of administration in societal success or failure. The approach is purely factual; it requires identifying the correct author from the given options. Introduction: The quote, “If our civilization fails, it will be mainly because of a breakdown … Read more “If our civilization fails, it will be mainly because of a breakdown of administration.” This statement has been given by (A) L. D. White (B) Alexander Pope (C) B. Donham (D) Edmund Burke

Write notes on the following: (A) Concept of public interest litigation. (B) Right to Equality guaranteed in the Constitution.

Points to Remember: Public Interest Litigation (PIL): A legal action initiated in a court of law for the enforcement of public interest or general public good. It’s a tool for social justice. Right to Equality (Article 14-18): Fundamental right guaranteed by the Indian Constitution, encompassing equality before the law, prohibition of discrimination, equality of opportunity, … Read more Write notes on the following: (A) Concept of public interest litigation. (B) Right to Equality guaranteed in the Constitution.

The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments have infused life into the working of rural and urban local government institutions. Discuss critically.

Points to Remember: 73rd Amendment: Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) at the village, intermediate, and district levels. 74th Amendment: Municipalities at the urban level. Empowerment of local governments through devolution of powers and functions. Increased participation of citizens in local governance. Challenges in implementation and achieving the full potential of the amendments. Introduction: The 73rd and … Read more The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments have infused life into the working of rural and urban local government institutions. Discuss critically.

Which one of the following Articles in the Indian Constitution prescribes the qualifications for appointing a person as Governor of a State in India? (A) Article 156 (B) Article 157 (C) Article 159 (D) Article 160

Points to Remember: The Indian Constitution outlines specific qualifications for the appointment of a Governor. Article 157 details these eligibility criteria. Understanding the process of Governor appointment is crucial for comprehending India’s federal structure. Introduction: The Indian Constitution establishes a federal system of government, with Governors heading the states. The selection and qualifications of these … Read more Which one of the following Articles in the Indian Constitution prescribes the qualifications for appointing a person as Governor of a State in India? (A) Article 156 (B) Article 157 (C) Article 159 (D) Article 160

“Fundamental Rights in India are overstressed while Fundamental Duties are underemphasized.” Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer.

Points to Remember: Fundamental Rights (FRs) and Fundamental Duties (FDs) in the Indian Constitution. Balance between FRs and FDs for a functional democracy. Citizen’s responsibilities and the state’s obligations. Case studies and examples of emphasis/underemphasis. Introduction: The Indian Constitution, a beacon of democratic ideals, meticulously outlines Fundamental Rights (FRs) in Part III and Fundamental Duties … Read more “Fundamental Rights in India are overstressed while Fundamental Duties are underemphasized.” Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer.

Examine the powers and functions of Indian Prime Ministers, especially in the post-liberalization era.

Points to Remember: Evolution of the Prime Minister’s role. Powers derived from the Constitution and conventions. Influence in policy-making, especially post-liberalization. Relationship with the President, Cabinet, and Parliament. Challenges and limitations faced. Introduction: The Indian Prime Minister, while not explicitly defined as the head of government in the Constitution, holds the most powerful position in … Read more Examine the powers and functions of Indian Prime Ministers, especially in the post-liberalization era.

Political parties in India are registered and recognized by which of the following? (A) The Respective Election Commission of States (B) The Election Commission of India (C) The Law Commission of India (D) The Law Ministry of the Government of India

Points to Remember: The question tests knowledge of the Indian electoral system and the role of different bodies within it. The key focus is on identifying the authority responsible for registering and recognizing political parties in India. The correct answer will be the body with the constitutional mandate to oversee elections and related matters. Introduction: … Read more Political parties in India are registered and recognized by which of the following? (A) The Respective Election Commission of States (B) The Election Commission of India (C) The Law Commission of India (D) The Law Ministry of the Government of India

How many items are included in the 11th Schedule of the Constitution of India? (A) 28 (B) 29 (C) 30 (D) 31

Points to Remember: The 11th Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with Panchayats. The number of items in the 11th Schedule is a factual matter. Introduction: The Constitution of India, amended several times since its adoption in 1950, incorporates various schedules that list specific details related to different aspects of governance. The 11th Schedule, added … Read more How many items are included in the 11th Schedule of the Constitution of India? (A) 28 (B) 29 (C) 30 (D) 31

In India, National Panchayati Raj Day is celebrated on (A) 26 January (B) 2 October (C) 21 April (D) 24 April

Points to Remember: National Panchayati Raj Day commemorates the importance of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in India’s governance. The date of celebration reflects a significant event related to the PRI system. Knowing the correct date is crucial for understanding the historical context of PRIs in India. Introduction: National Panchayati Raj Day is an annual observance … Read more In India, National Panchayati Raj Day is celebrated on (A) 26 January (B) 2 October (C) 21 April (D) 24 April

Who was the first Speaker of the first Lok Sabha of India? (A) G. V. Mavalankar (B) S. Radhakrishnan (C) G. B. Pant (D) C. D. Deshmukh

Points to Remember: The question requires identifying the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha (the lower house of the Indian Parliament). The answer requires factual knowledge of Indian parliamentary history. Introduction: The Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India, is a crucial component of India’s democratic system. Its Speaker presides over its … Read more Who was the first Speaker of the first Lok Sabha of India? (A) G. V. Mavalankar (B) S. Radhakrishnan (C) G. B. Pant (D) C. D. Deshmukh

A Bill is deemed to be a Money Bill (as per Article 110), if it contains provisions dealing with matters relating to: (A) Regulation of borrowings of the Government of India (B) Custody of the Consolidated Fund of India (C) Audit of accounts of a State (D) All the above

According to Article 110, a Bill is considered a Money Bill if it contains provisions dealing with matters like “Regulation of borrowings of the Government of India” and “Custody of the Consolidated Fund of India”, making the correct answer (D) All the above. Explanation: Article 110 defines a Money Bill as one that includes provisions … Read more A Bill is deemed to be a Money Bill (as per Article 110), if it contains provisions dealing with matters relating to: (A) Regulation of borrowings of the Government of India (B) Custody of the Consolidated Fund of India (C) Audit of accounts of a State (D) All the above

The ‘Fundamental Duties’ are provided in which of the following Parts of the Constitution of India? (A) Part II (B) Part III (C) Part IV (D) Part IVA

Points to Remember: The Fundamental Duties are a part of the Indian Constitution. They are not legally enforceable like Fundamental Rights. They aim to promote a sense of national unity and responsibility. Their location within the Constitution is crucial to understanding their status. Introduction: The Indian Constitution, a landmark document outlining the framework of the … Read more The ‘Fundamental Duties’ are provided in which of the following Parts of the Constitution of India? (A) Part II (B) Part III (C) Part IV (D) Part IVA

Consider the following and identify the correct composition of the Indian Parliament: (A) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha (B) Lok Sabha + Speaker of Lok Sabha and Chairperson of Rajya Sabha (C) President + Rajya Sabha + Lok Sabha (D) President + Vice-President + Rajya Sabha + Lok Sabha

Points to Remember: The Indian Parliament is a bicameral legislature. The Parliament’s composition includes two houses and the President. The President is an integral part of the Parliament, but not a member of either house. Introduction: The Indian Parliament is the supreme legislative body of the Indian Union. It’s a bicameral legislature, meaning it consists … Read more Consider the following and identify the correct composition of the Indian Parliament: (A) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha (B) Lok Sabha + Speaker of Lok Sabha and Chairperson of Rajya Sabha (C) President + Rajya Sabha + Lok Sabha (D) President + Vice-President + Rajya Sabha + Lok Sabha

Under which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India, is the Supreme Court empowered to issue different ‘Writs’ for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights of the citizens? (A) Article 32 (B) Article 33 (C) Article 132 (D) Article 226

Points to Remember: The Indian Constitution grants the Supreme Court the power of judicial review. This power is primarily exercised through the issuance of writs. Specific articles define the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction regarding writs. Understanding the scope of different articles is crucial for comprehending the judicial system. Introduction: The Indian Constitution, a cornerstone of the … Read more Under which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India, is the Supreme Court empowered to issue different ‘Writs’ for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights of the citizens? (A) Article 32 (B) Article 33 (C) Article 132 (D) Article 226

Which of the following was inserted in the ‘Preamble’ of the Constitution of India, through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act? (A) Sovereignty (B) Dignity of person (C) Socialist, secular (D) Privacy

Points to Remember: The 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976, significantly altered the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. The amendment added key words reflecting the socio-political changes and aspirations of the time. Understanding the original Preamble and the changes introduced is crucial. Introduction: The Preamble to the Constitution of India serves as a concise statement of … Read more Which of the following was inserted in the ‘Preamble’ of the Constitution of India, through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act? (A) Sovereignty (B) Dignity of person (C) Socialist, secular (D) Privacy

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