DMPQ-What are the adaptation made by the plants in the Rainforest region?

The special characteristics that enable plants and animals to be successful in a particular environment are called adaptations. Epiphytes are plants that live on the surface of other plants, especially the trunk and branches. They grow on trees to take advantage of the sunlight in the canopy. Most are orchids, bromeliads, ferns, and Philodendron relatives. … Read more DMPQ-What are the adaptation made by the plants in the Rainforest region?


Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) under UNFCCC is a global endeavor to use carbon sequestration potential of the forests to manage climate change within acceptable limits of tolerance. In simple terms, REDD+ means “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation”, conservation of forest carbon stocks, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of … Read more DMPQ-REDD+

DMPQ-What is coral bleaching and what are the causes of coral bleaching?

Coral bleaching happens when corals lose their vibrant colors and turn white. Corals are bright and colorful because of microscopic algae called zooxanthellae. The zooxanthellae live within the coral in a mutually beneficial relationship, each helping the other survive. But when the ocean environment changes—if it gets too hot, for instance—the coral stresses out and … Read more DMPQ-What is coral bleaching and what are the causes of coral bleaching?

DMPQ- What is TRIFED initiative to Combat desertification?

Under this initiative, TRIFED will integrate its Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Yojana with this global environmental intervention termed as TICD (TRIFED’s Initiative to Combat Desertification). TRIFED will be partnering with the German Cooperation (GIZ) to involve the tribal community for rehabilitating the degraded land while supplementing the income of tribal community. 4P1000 Initiative: The international … Read more DMPQ- What is TRIFED initiative to Combat desertification?

DMPQ- Recently Angikaar compaign was in the news. What is Angikkar compaign and comment upon its significance.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has launched the Angikaar Campaign. The campaign was officially rolled out in all cities with PMAY (U) on October 2, 2019. It has been launched for social behaviour change, focusing on issues such as water & energy conservation, waste management, health, tree plantation, sanitation and hygiene. The campaign … Read more DMPQ- Recently Angikaar compaign was in the news. What is Angikkar compaign and comment upon its significance.

DMPQ- Explain the following terms: • Edge effect • Trophic cascade • Dieback

Edge effect: Edge effects refer to the changes in population or community structures that occur at the boundary of two habitats. Trophic cascade: A trophic cascade is an ecological phenomenon triggered by the addition or removal of top predators and involving reciprocal changes in the relative population of Predator and prey through a food chain … Read more DMPQ- Explain the following terms: • Edge effect • Trophic cascade • Dieback

DMPQ- Convention on conservation of Migratory species.

As an environmental treaty under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme, CM provides a global platform for the conservation and sustainable use of migratory animals and their habitats. CMS brings together the countries through which migratory animals pass, the Range States, and lays the legal foundation for internationally coordinated conservation measures throughout a … Read more DMPQ- Convention on conservation of Migratory species.

DMPQ- Wise used approach is often seen in the news. What is Wise used approach and explain its genesis.

The ‘wise use’ approach of Ramsar Convention is globally recognized. Notably, the wise use approach was coined in 1972, much before the hallmark 1992 Rio Conference wherein the term sustainable development was rendered a definition. The Convention on Wetlands, called the Ramsar Convention, is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and … Read more DMPQ- Wise used approach is often seen in the news. What is Wise used approach and explain its genesis.

DMPQ- What are Autogenic Engineers and How they work. Explain with the help of examples.

Autogenic engineers: They change the environment via their own physical structures, i.e. their living and dead tissues. As they grow and become larger, their living and dead tissues create habitats for other organisms to live on or in. Examples of Autogenic Engineering: Trees, corals, and giant kelps are good examples of autogenic engineers. As they … Read more DMPQ- What are Autogenic Engineers and How they work. Explain with the help of examples.

DMPQ- What do you mean by Ecological succession?

An important characteristic of all communities is that their composition and structure constantly change in response to the changing environmental conditions. This change is orderly and sequential, parallel with the changes in the physical environment. These changes lead finally to a community that is in near equilibrium with the environment and that is called a … Read more DMPQ- What do you mean by Ecological succession?

DMPQ- What are the regulatory functions of Bureau of Energy efficiency?

The Government of India set up Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in March 2002 under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. It functions under the administrative control of Ministry of Power. The mission of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and … Read more DMPQ- What are the regulatory functions of Bureau of Energy efficiency?

DMPQ- What do you understand by “ Sea grass” and “ sea weed”?

Seagrasses are flowering plants (angiosperms) which grow in marine environments. Seagrass can easily be confused with marine macroalgae (Seaweed). Seagrasses are considered vascular plants and have roots, stems and leaves. Sea grass produces flowers, seeds and fruits. Seagrass plays a vital role in oxygen production and absorption of carbon dioxide. It acts as a purifier … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by “ Sea grass” and “ sea weed”?

DMPQ-What is eutrophication and How does it affect the marine ecosystem?

Inorganic plant nutrients are water soluble nitrates and phosphates that cause excessive growth of algae and otheraquatic plants. The excessive growth of algae and aquatic plants due to added nutrients is called Eutrophication.   Impact of Eutrophication on environment: Creation of dense blooms of noxious, foul-smelling phytoplankton known as Algal Blooms that reduce waterclarity and … Read more DMPQ-What is eutrophication and How does it affect the marine ecosystem?

DMPQ- What do you understand by the term soil salinity? Write down the effects of increase in the soil salinity?

A soil may be rich in salts because the parent rock from which it was formed contains salts. Sea water is anothersource of salts in low-lying areas along the coast. A very common source of salts in irrigated soils is the irrigationwater itself. Most irrigation waters contain some salts. After irrigation, the water added to … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the term soil salinity? Write down the effects of increase in the soil salinity?

DMPQ- What are the challenges to the management and preservation of Indian Forestry.

Indian forests face a number of problems which are both natural and man-made. Some of the major problems are: Inadequate and dwindling forest cover. Low productivity Nature of forests and their uneconomical utilisation Lack of transport facilities Forest fires Plant diseases, insects and pests Obsolete methods of lumbering and sawing Lack of commercial forests Lack … Read more DMPQ- What are the challenges to the management and preservation of Indian Forestry.

DMPQ-Write a short note on RHINO conservation.

Launched in 2005, Indian Rhino Vision 2020 is an ambitious effort to attain a wild population of at least 3,000 greater one-horned rhinos spread over seven protected areas in the Indian state of Assam by the year 2020.Seven protected areas are Kaziranga, Pobitora, Orang National Park, Manas National Park, Laokhowa wildlife sanctuary, Burachapori wildlife sanctuary … Read more DMPQ-Write a short note on RHINO conservation.

DMPQ- Air quality is declining to a high proportion. In this context explain the system of Advanced Air quality early warning system.

Air Quality Early Warning Systemis designed to predict extreme air pollution events and give alerts to take necessary steps as per Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) of the Government of India. The air pollution system has been developed jointly by the scientists at Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, India Meteorological Department and National … Read more DMPQ- Air quality is declining to a high proportion. In this context explain the system of Advanced Air quality early warning system.

DMPQ: Write a short note on Composite water management Index

The National Institute for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog has developed the Composite Water Management Index (CWMI) to enable effective water management in Indian states in the face of this growing crisis. The CWMI is envisioned to bring about much-required improvements in water resource management and conservation in India in a coherent and collaborative manner. The … Read more DMPQ: Write a short note on Composite water management Index

DMPQ- Blue flag certification and its significance.

The Blue Flag is one of the world’s most recognised voluntary eco-labels awarded to beaches, marinas, and sustainable boating tourism operators. In order to qualify for the Blue Flag, a series of stringent environmental, educational, safety, and accessibility criteria must be met and maintained. There are nearly 33 criteria that must be met to qualify … Read more DMPQ- Blue flag certification and its significance.

DMPQ: Jaipur was given the tag of world heritage city recently. Who gives this tag and why it was given?

India’s nomination of the Jaipur City, Rajasthan got status of the World Heritage List of UNESCO during the 43rd Session of the World Heritage Committee held at Baku, Azerbaijan.  The nomination of Jaipur City has successfully been done by complying with the various UNESCO guidelines of 2017. India’s nomination was initially recommended by the ICOMOS … Read more DMPQ: Jaipur was given the tag of world heritage city recently. Who gives this tag and why it was given?

DMPQ: What is Earth overshoot day and what does it signifies

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. We maintain this deficit by liquidating stocks of ecological resources and accumulating waste, primarily carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Earth Overshoot Day is hosted and calculated by Global Footprint … Read more DMPQ: What is Earth overshoot day and what does it signifies

DMPQ-What do you mean by organic farming? What are its benefits?

Organic farming is an agricultural system that works in harmony with nature. It largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs (such as fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, feed additives etc.) and rely upon crop rotation, crop residues, animal manures, off-farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives and biological system of nutrient mobilization and plant protection. Organic farming … Read more DMPQ-What do you mean by organic farming? What are its benefits?

DMPQ-Recently Forest report was released by forest survey of India. Highlight the major findings.

India State of Forest Report 2019 has been prepared by Forest Survey of India (FSI). It is a biannual report. The report is prepared after mapping of forests and trees through satellite. Key highlights of the report are as follows: the forest area has increased by 3976 kilometers and the area of trees by 1212 … Read more DMPQ-Recently Forest report was released by forest survey of India. Highlight the major findings.

DMPQ- What are dead zones and comment on their genesis?

Dead zones are hypoxic (low-oxygen) areas in the world’s oceans and large lakes. They are caused by “excessive nutrient pollution from human activities coupled with other factors that deplete the oxygen required to support most marine life in bottom and near-bottom water. Historically, many of these sites were naturally occurring. However, in the 1970s, oceanographers … Read more DMPQ- What are dead zones and comment on their genesis?

DMPQ- What do you understand by the term climate financing? Explain the sources of climate financing.

Climate finance refers to local, national or transnational financing—drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing—that seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions that will address climate change. The Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement call for financial assistance from Parties with more financial resources to those that are less endowed and more … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the term climate financing? Explain the sources of climate financing.

DMPQ- What is Air pollution? How does it affect the health of the Human on Planet earth.

Air pollution is broken down into ambient (outdoor) air pollution and indoor air pollution. This pollution comes from many sources, the majority of them a result of human activity: the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal to generate electricity for homes and businesses, or petrol and diesel to power our cars, buses, ships and … Read more DMPQ- What is Air pollution? How does it affect the health of the Human on Planet earth.

DMPQ- What is sustainable sand mining and comment on the importance of Sustainable sand Mining.

Sand and gravel, together known as aggregate, is the 2nd largest raw material used on earth after water. Indiscriminate sand mining in India not only threatens the environment and ecosystem but  also endangers the economy. Therefore, sustainable sand mining (SSM) is recommended. Sustainable sand mining uses sound scientific assessment, adopts best practices, construction technology, and … Read more DMPQ- What is sustainable sand mining and comment on the importance of Sustainable sand Mining.

DMPQ-What is Tiger census? What is the need of conduction Tiger census?

Tiger census is done to quantified and identify the population of Tigers in India. It is an important component of tiger conservation programme. It is published by the wildlife institute of India. Method of TC are as follows: Pugmark technique: It has been one of the most popular ways of counting tigers. Each tiger is … Read more DMPQ-What is Tiger census? What is the need of conduction Tiger census?

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