DMPQ- In the wider national narrative, Tipu has so far been seen as a man of imagination and courage, a brilliant military strategist. Comment

Tipu sultan was a ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore and the eldest son of Sultan Hyder Ali of Mysore. Tipu was also known as king of Mysore and He was the most formidable opposition among marathas, Nizams etc. Various reforms were initiated by Tipu sultan which are as follows: Fought the first Anglo-Mysore War (1767-69) at the … Read more DMPQ- In the wider national narrative, Tipu has so far been seen as a man of imagination and courage, a brilliant military strategist. Comment

DMPQ- What is Ninth Schedule and what are issues related with it?

The first amendment to the Indian Constitution added the Ninth Schedule to it. It was introduced by the Nehru Government, on 10 May 1951 to address judicial decisions and pronouncements espe­cially about the chapter on fundamental rights. Nehru was also very clear on the purpose behind the first amendment. The state wanted to pursue nationalisation, take away … Read more DMPQ- What is Ninth Schedule and what are issues related with it?

DMPQ-Write a short note on Poorna Sawaraj resolution.

Purna Swaraj resolution was passed by the Indian National Congress in the Lahore session of 1929. The session was presided by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. Purna Swaraj meant c omplete freedom from British rule. People were subsequently asked to celebrate 26th of January as ‘Independence Day’. Congress laeders and volunteers hoisted flags publicly across the country. Congress had already presented the … Read more DMPQ-Write a short note on Poorna Sawaraj resolution.

DMPQ-What do you understand by surrogacy? Why ban on commercial surrogacy was proposed in the recent bill tabled in Parliament?

Surrogacy as a practice where a woman gives birth to a child for an intending couple with the intention to hand over the child after the birth to intending couple. Currently, Surrogacy regulation bill was passed in Lok sabha where total ban on commercial surrogacy was made. Why the need to regulate surrogacy: There was … Read more DMPQ-What do you understand by surrogacy? Why ban on commercial surrogacy was proposed in the recent bill tabled in Parliament?

DMPQ- How there is a conflict between Fundamental Rights and DPSP? How the conflicts get resolved?

The FR’s and DPSP are enshrined in part III and Part IV of the constitution. The former is justiciable and latter is not. In order to implement DPSP the FR’s gets violated. The conflict arises when the State needs to implement a directive principle and it infringes/ abridges the fundamental rights of the citizens. Earlier … Read more DMPQ- How there is a conflict between Fundamental Rights and DPSP? How the conflicts get resolved?

DMPQ:Recently Hyperloop technology was in news as Maharashtra Government approved the Virgin Hyperloop DP-world consortium and a hyperloop track between Mumbai and Pune. What is the working Principle of Hyperloop technology?

Working Principle: Passengers or cargo are loaded on the Hyperloop vehicle that accelerates gradually via electric Propulsion through a low pressure tube. Its Vehicles are propelled using a linear electric motor, which is a straightened out version of a conventional rotary motor. The speed of conventional trains — and all land based transport — is … Read more DMPQ:Recently Hyperloop technology was in news as Maharashtra Government approved the Virgin Hyperloop DP-world consortium and a hyperloop track between Mumbai and Pune. What is the working Principle of Hyperloop technology?

DMPQ- Need of Emotional quotient is prerequisite for better administration and ultimately e governance. Suggest ways to improve EQ.

EQ is very important and the techniques to improve EQ are as follows: Sensitivity Training: Helps the person to known his limitations and how his limitations affect his interpersonal ties. Improve inter personal competence and social competence. Role Playing: Helps us understand challenges associated with other roles better. Harness and express his creativity. Helps in … Read more DMPQ- Need of Emotional quotient is prerequisite for better administration and ultimately e governance. Suggest ways to improve EQ.

DMPQ- Fundamental rights are not absolute in Nature. There are certain limitations on FR’s. Comment.

Fundamental rights are enshrined in Part III of the Indian constitution. They are essential for the holistic development of the society and as well as individual. They are the foundational values which provide India a secular and democratic platform. But the rights are not absolute in nature. FR’s are subjected to reasonable restriction on the … Read more DMPQ- Fundamental rights are not absolute in Nature. There are certain limitations on FR’s. Comment.

DMPQ-Citizen amendment act is surrounded by controversies. Explain the statement.

Citizen amendment act made some amendment in  the process of acquiring citizenship. The 2019 act seeks to make illegal migrants who are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, eligible for citizenship. The Act further reduces the period of naturalisation ( one of the mode of acquiring citizenship)  for such group of persons … Read more DMPQ-Citizen amendment act is surrounded by controversies. Explain the statement.

DMPQ-Road accidents are increasing at a rapid rate. Enumerate the reason for increase in the road accidents.

As per annual repots on road accidents in India, the number of death due to road accidents was around 1.5 lakh. The road accidents are on higher side in India. The Reasons are as follows: Poor Implementation of Traffic rules and laws. Enforcement is also weak. Over speeding Mixing of drinking and driving. Poor quality … Read more DMPQ-Road accidents are increasing at a rapid rate. Enumerate the reason for increase in the road accidents.

DMPQ-What were the causes and consequences of Third battle of Panipat?

What were the causes and consequences of Third battle of Panipat? Ans:       The question of sovereignty over Punjab and its capture and loss alternatively and repeatedly by the Marathas and Abdali during the period 1752-60 became the immediate cause of the battle of Panipat. Sadashiv Rao Bhau, the commander of the Marathas, reached Delhi in … Read more DMPQ-What were the causes and consequences of Third battle of Panipat?


Samarth (Scheme For Capacity Building In Textile Sector) is a flagship skill development scheme approved in continuation to the Integrated Skill Development Scheme for 12th FYP, Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs. The industry is facing shortage of skilled workers and provides many opportunities for unemployed youth in the country who are trained in the sector. To address … Read more DMPQ- What is SAMARTH?

DMPQ-Comment on IndiGen.

IndiGen Programme aims to undertake whole genome sequence of thousands of individuals representing diverse ethnic groups from India. It also strives to enable genetic epidemiology and develop public health technologies applications using population genome data. IndiGen  project selected the 1000-odd persons from a pool of about 5,000 and sought to include representatives from every state … Read more DMPQ-Comment on IndiGen.

DMPQ-Financial inclusion is must to achieve economic equality. What is financial inclusion. What are its benefits.?

Financial inclusion is described as the method of offering banking and financial solutions and services to every individual in the society without any form of discrimination. It is done to bring majority of stakeholders under the net of financial security. Benefits of Financial inclusion: Access to Financial services enables the poorest and most vulnerable in … Read more DMPQ-Financial inclusion is must to achieve economic equality. What is financial inclusion. What are its benefits.?

DMPQ-Write the features of Vijaynagar architecture.

Features are as follows: Synthesis of Dravidian architecture with Islamic style. Carved pillars with horse as the common motif. Kalyan mandapas or open pavilions and long multi pillared halls. Exceptionally large gopurams. Fortification of temples with more specious enclosure. Chariots streets paved with stone slabs and lined with pillared pavilions. Large tanks and canals for … Read more DMPQ-Write the features of Vijaynagar architecture.

DMPQ-Decline in Parliamentary standards is a harsh reality. Comment.

Recently the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the constitution of India was celebrated with Joint session of both the house of the parliament . But the parliamentary standards are on decline which are due to following reasons: Decline in the number of sittings of legislature due to persistent disruption. Decline in the quality of … Read more DMPQ-Decline in Parliamentary standards is a harsh reality. Comment.

DMPQ- Explain the Reasons for defeat of French in the Battle of Wandiwash(1760).

Certainly, on the English side, great men like Lawrence, Clive, Eorde, Coote, and Saunders. But, much as British owe to such men, it is impossible to conceal the fact that, to a very great extent indeed, the success of the English was due to the misfortunes of the French. The foes of the French were, … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Reasons for defeat of French in the Battle of Wandiwash(1760).

DMPQ- Elucidate the role of Justice Party in Backward Class Movements of India.

In reaction to the incipient nationalist movement, represented by the nineteenth century Hindu revivalism, which led to improving the position of the Brahmin caste, the non- Brahmins of Madras Presidency sought to ally with the colonial regime, hoping that foreign rule would protect their position and somewhat neutralize power differences within the population. Mindful of … Read more DMPQ- Elucidate the role of Justice Party in Backward Class Movements of India.

DMPQ- List out the challenges faced in transportation of agricultural produce in India. Give suggestive measures.

Transport is considered to be an important aspect in improving agricultural efficiency. It improves the quality of life of individuals, structures a market for agricultural productions, makes interaction possible among geographical as well as regions and opened up new areas to economic focus. Road transport is the most regular and multifaceted network that includes wide … Read more DMPQ- List out the challenges faced in transportation of agricultural produce in India. Give suggestive measures.

DMPQ- How do extremophiles like some bacteria and archaeans survive in environments without oxygen?

Anaerobic respiration occurs without oxygen and involves the consumption of another molecule (nitrate, sulfur, iron, carbon dioxide, etc.) instead of oxygen. Unlike in fermentation, anaerobic respiration involves the formation of an electrochemical gradient by an electron transport system that results in the production of a number of ATP molecules. Unlike in aerobic respiration, the final … Read more DMPQ- How do extremophiles like some bacteria and archaeans survive in environments without oxygen?

DMPQ- Mention the recommendations of MS Swaminathan report on food security and land reforms.

Land reforms Distribute ceiling-surplus and waste lands; Prevent diversion of prime agricultural land and forest to corporate sector for non-agricultural purposes. Ensure grazing rights and seasonal access to forests to tribals and pastoralists, and access to common property resources. Establish a National Land Use Advisory Service, which would have the capacity to link land use … Read more DMPQ- Mention the recommendations of MS Swaminathan report on food security and land reforms.

DMPQ- What led to the Unification of Sikh confederate states under Maharaja Ranjit Singh

The foundations of the Sikh Empire, during the Sikh Confederacy, could be defined as early as 1707, starting from the death of Aurangzeb and the downfall of the Mughal Empire. The fall of the Mughal Empire provided opportunities for the Sikh army, known as the Dal Khalsa, to lead expeditions against the Mughals and Afghans. … Read more DMPQ- What led to the Unification of Sikh confederate states under Maharaja Ranjit Singh

DMPQ- Mention the origin, salient features and material used in Gandhara School of Art.

  Greco-Buddhist art is the artistic manifestation of Greco-Buddhism, a cultural syncretism between the Classical Greek culture and Buddhism, which developed over a period of close to thousand years in Central Asia, between the conquests of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC, and the Islamic conquests of the 7th century AD. Origin Place … Read more DMPQ- Mention the origin, salient features and material used in Gandhara School of Art.

DMPQ- Explain a) GEMINI b)eDantseva c)Ganga Aamantran Abhiyan

Gagan Enabled Mariner’s Instrument for Navigation and Information (GEMINI) device. It was unveiled by Union Minister for Earth Sciences, Science & Technology and Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan in New Delhi.  The GEMINI device was developed by theIndian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Earth … Read more DMPQ- Explain a) GEMINI b)eDantseva c)Ganga Aamantran Abhiyan

DMPQ- Explain the Symbiotic nutrition.

Symbiosis is a close ecological relationship or association between the individuals of two (or more than two) different species.   In symbiosis, at least one member of the pair benefits from the relationship. The other member may be injured (parasitism, relatively unaffected (commensalism), may also benefit (mutualism). In other words, at least one member of the … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Symbiotic nutrition.

DMPQ- What are the different Techniques of soil conservation?

Soil conservation includes all those measures which help in protecting the soil from erosion and exhaustion. Soil erosion has been continuing over, such a large part of India for such a long time that it has assumed alarming proportions. Afforestation The best way to conserve soil is to increase area under forests. Indiscriminate felling of … Read more DMPQ- What are the different Techniques of soil conservation?

DMPQ- Explain the concept of Modernity.

Modernity may be understood as the common behavioural system that is historically associated with the urban, industrial, and literate and participant societies of Western Europe and North America. It is characterised by a rational and scientific world-view, growth and the ever increasing application of science and technology, which is coupled with the continuous adaptation of … Read more DMPQ- Explain the concept of Modernity.

DMPQ- Satya Shodhak Samaj played a significant role in the upliftment of depressed classes of India

Jyotirao Govindrao Phule struggled for the upliftment of lower castes through his Satya Shodhak Samaj. Belonging to the Mali caste, which supplies flowers to the Peshwa’s family, he had suffered humiliation, which made him to turn against caste inequalities. He strongly criticized the Brahmanical domination in the name of religion. He was also critic of … Read more DMPQ- Satya Shodhak Samaj played a significant role in the upliftment of depressed classes of India

DMPQ- Briefly outline the features and need of The Revised National TB Control Programme?

The Revised National TB Control Programme The Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) thus formulated, adopted the internationally recommended Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) strategy, as the most systematic and cost-effective approach for TB control in India. Political and administrative commitment, to ensure the provision of organised and comprehensive TB control services was obtained. Adoption … Read more DMPQ- Briefly outline the features and need of The Revised National TB Control Programme?

DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)?

Main objectives of the Mission are: Promote holistic growth of horticulture sector, including bamboo and coconut through area based regionally differentiated strategies, which includes research, technology promotion, extension, post harvest management, processing and marketing, in consonance with comparative advantage of each State/region and its diverse agro-climatic features; Encourage aggregation of farmers into farmer groups like … Read more DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)?

DMPQ- What are the different Techniques of irrigation? Considering the water crisis of India which one would you consider a sustainable one.

Surface Irrigation In this method water flows and spreads over the surface of the land. Varied quantities of water are allowed on the fields at different times. Hence, flow of water under surface irrigation comes under unsteady flow. As a result it is very difficult to understand the hydraulics of surface irrigation. However, suitable and … Read more DMPQ- What are the different Techniques of irrigation? Considering the water crisis of India which one would you consider a sustainable one.

DMPQ- Do you think river interlinking project in India is going to address the problem of water crisis and floods in India?

River interlinking is an ambitious project of central government to link surplus river basin with deficient river basin to solve surplus and shortage problem of various regions of the country. Recently Bihar and Assam faced the flood situation diverting of water through inter linking can solve the crisis. Points in favour are as: Prevention of … Read more DMPQ- Do you think river interlinking project in India is going to address the problem of water crisis and floods in India?

DMPQ- What do you understand by the term unorganised sector? What are the problems associated with it?

Unorganised sector: unorganised sector  is defined as a  production or service oriented enterprise owned by individuals or self employed workers (one who is not working for an employer and is engaged in an unorgnised sector job earning an income below a threshold or owning land below a notified limit) and if workers are employed, then … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the term unorganised sector? What are the problems associated with it?

DMPQ- Explain the continental drift theory. Discuss along with the evidences to support the theory.

This theory was put forth by Alfred Wegener. The continental drift hypothesis was developed in the early part of the 20th century. According to this theory, e continents were once united into a single supercontinent named Pangaea, meaning all earth in ancient Greek. He suggested that Pangaea broke up long ago and that the continents … Read more DMPQ- Explain the continental drift theory. Discuss along with the evidences to support the theory.

DMPQ- Discuss the differences between code of conduct and code of ethics.

  Code of conduct Code of ethics It is specific and narrow in range. It is general and broad in nature It governs actions. It governs decision making. focused on compliance and rules etc focused on values and principles. generally addressed to and intended for employees alone. publicly available and addressed to anyone with an … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the differences between code of conduct and code of ethics.

DMPQ- What are NGO’s? Discuss the issue as far as their functioning is concerned?

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens’ group which is organized on a local, national or international level. Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of service and humanitarian functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor policies and encourage political participation through provision of information. … Read more DMPQ- What are NGO’s? Discuss the issue as far as their functioning is concerned?

DMPQ: What is cloud seeding? What are its possible application?

Cloud seeding is the process of spreading either dry ice, or more commonly, silver iodide aerosols, into the upper part of clouds to try to stimulate the precipitation process and form rain. There are three cloud seeding methods– Hygroscopic cloud seeding disperses salts through flares or explosives in the lower portions of clouds. The salts grow in size as … Read more DMPQ: What is cloud seeding? What are its possible application?

DMPQ: EVM offer a smooth way for functioning of polling and result declaration but still they are always under radar. In this context , explain the advantage of EVM over ballot and the concern raised against its use

Advantage of EVM: Saving of lot of papers and hence eco-friendly. Time saver as result declaration does not take too much of time. It reduces the chance of booth capturing. No bogus vote and no double vote. EVM can be run on 6 volt battery. Concerns associated with EVM Hacking and manipulation of EVM.( even … Read more DMPQ: EVM offer a smooth way for functioning of polling and result declaration but still they are always under radar. In this context , explain the advantage of EVM over ballot and the concern raised against its use

DMPQ: Write a short note on Generalised system of Preference.

The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) is a U.S. trade program designed to promote economic growth in the developing world by providing preferential duty-free entry for up to 4,800 products from 129 designated beneficiary countries and territories. GSP was instituted on January 1, 1976, by the Trade Act of 1974. Under the GSP program, certain products can enter the … Read more DMPQ: Write a short note on Generalised system of Preference.

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