21.12.18 Jharkhand(JPSC) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Jharkhand team to study Rythu Bandhu   After taking a leaf out of Rythu Bandhu by unveiling a similar scheme, the Jharkhand government is sending a team of IAS officers to study how the farmers’ investment support scheme is being implemented by Telangana.   Recently, Jharkhand had announced ‘Mukhyamantri Krishi AshirwadYojana’. Unlike in Telangana where the government gave … Read more 21.12.18 Jharkhand(JPSC) Current Affairs

20.12.18 Jharkhand(JPSC) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Centre sanctions Rs 315cr for village road construction   The Union government on Thursday sanctioned Rs 315.73 crore under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) to Jharkhand for construction of pucca roads and bridges interlinking its villages.   Since inception of PMGSY in 2000-01, a total of 20,432.39 km road has been completed in Jharkhand and a … Read more 20.12.18 Jharkhand(JPSC) Current Affairs

DMPQ: Outline the provisions of Charter Act of 1793. (History)

  It was the act of the British Parliament which renewed the charter issued to the British East India Company(EIC) and continued the Company’s rule in India. Company’s trade monopoly was continued for further 20 years. The governor general was given extensive powers over the subordinate presidencies. Salaries for the staff and paid members of … Read more DMPQ: Outline the provisions of Charter Act of 1793. (History)

DMPQ: Challenges in logistics are main concern for Indian trade. Comment. (Economy)

According to the recent economic survey, the problems associated with logistics are the main concern for India trade and they are reducing the competitiveness by increasing the cost. Some key challenges are as follows:   High cost of logistics-impacting competitiveness in domestic and global market. The structure of modal mix is an inefficient one ( … Read more DMPQ: Challenges in logistics are main concern for Indian trade. Comment. (Economy)

DMPQ: Sustainable development goals 11 states that make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Discuss the step taken by the government to upgrade the urban amenities and give some solutions to address the problem of urban surge. (Envt.)

According to Census 2011, 377.1 million Indian comprising 31.16 per cent of the country population live in urban areas. India’s urban populations is projected to grow to about 600 millions by 2031. Hence this urban surge has to be addressed through careful planning and policies. Indian govt. has launched various policies and scheme to deal … Read more DMPQ: Sustainable development goals 11 states that make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Discuss the step taken by the government to upgrade the urban amenities and give some solutions to address the problem of urban surge. (Envt.)

DMPQ: What are critical infrastructure? Explain with examples. ( Economy)

Critical infrastructure is a term used by the governments to describe assets that are essential for the functioning of a society and economy.  The term Critical infrastructure has been widely adopted to distinguish those infrastructure elements that, if significantly damaged or destroyed, would cause serious disruptions of the dependent system or organisation.   Storm, deluge … Read more DMPQ: What are critical infrastructure? Explain with examples. ( Economy)

DMPQ: Give an outline on the provisions of charter act of 1813. (history)

The Charter Act of 1813 passed by the British Parliament renewed the East India Company’s charter for another 20 years. This is also called the East India Company Act, 1813. This act is important in that it defined for the first time the constitutional position of British Indian territories.   Provisions: Company’s rule and trade … Read more DMPQ: Give an outline on the provisions of charter act of 1813. (history)

DMPQ: Recently, loksabha passed the surrogacy(regulation ) bill. Discuss the features of the bill. (Acts/Bills)

The Law Commission of India, in its 228th Report, had recommended prohibition of commercial surrogacy by enacting a suitable legislation. The statement of objects and reasons of the Bill says “Due to lack of legislation to regulate surrogacy, practice of surrogacy has been misused by the surrogacy clinics, which leads to rampant of commercial surrogacy and unethical … Read more DMPQ: Recently, loksabha passed the surrogacy(regulation ) bill. Discuss the features of the bill. (Acts/Bills)

DMPQ: What is surrogacy, surrogate mother and intended couple? Explain its different types? (science)

Surrogacy is a practise in which surrogate mother agrees to carry and give birth to child for intended couples. Surrogacy, also known as womb for rent.Surrogate mother is a woman who bears a child for another couple, inspires hope in them and changes their life forever i.e. An Angel.Intended couple are the ones who cannot … Read more DMPQ: What is surrogacy, surrogate mother and intended couple? Explain its different types? (science)

DMPQ: What is Organic farming

Concept of organic farming, seed certification Organic farming is an alternative agricultural system which originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing farming practices. Organic farming continues to be developed by various organic agriculture organizations today. It relies on fertilizers of organic origin such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal … Read more DMPQ: What is Organic farming

DMPQ: Analyze why Indian economy is considered as planned developing economy.

Poverty, low per capita income, under-development, unemployment, prompted the newly established Indian polity to adopt economic planning for the development of the country. The idea of economic planning can be traced to 1934, when M. Visvesverayya in his book ‘Planned Economy of India’, advocated for planning to increase the national income. It was taken up … Read more DMPQ: Analyze why Indian economy is considered as planned developing economy.

DMPQ: Discuss applications of science and technology in social and economic development.

  Science and Technology hold the key to the progress and development of any nation. Technology plays a Fundamental role in wealth creation, improvement of the quality of life and real economic growth and transformation in any society. The role of Science and Technology in our daily life is altering the way people live, behave, … Read more DMPQ: Discuss applications of science and technology in social and economic development.

DMPQ: Write a critical essay on basic assumptions and utilities of the directive principles of state policy as provided by the Constitution of India.

An important feature of the constitution is the Directive Principles of State Policy. Although the Directive Principles are asserted to be “fundamental in the governance of the country,” they are not legally enforceable. Instead, they are guidelines for creating a social order characterized by social, economic, and political justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity as enunciated … Read more DMPQ: Write a critical essay on basic assumptions and utilities of the directive principles of state policy as provided by the Constitution of India.

DMPQ: Discuss special features of Jute Industry of India

The Jute industry occupies an important place in the national economy of India. It is one of the major industries in the eastern region, particularly in West Bengal. Jute, the golden fibre, meets all the standards for ‘safe’ packaging in view of being a natural, renewable, biodegradable and eco-friendly product. It is estimated that that … Read more DMPQ: Discuss special features of Jute Industry of India

DMPQ: Why pitt’s act was passed by the British Parliament? Give an account of its provisions.

The act was passed to correct the defects of the regulating act. This act resulted in dual control of British possessions in India by the British government and the Company with the final authority resting with the government. This act remain in operation till 1858.   Provisions of the act: Board of control for political … Read more DMPQ: Why pitt’s act was passed by the British Parliament? Give an account of its provisions.

DMPQ: What are the efforts taken by Central government to control inflation? (economics)

  Advisories are being issued, to state govt. to take strict action against hoarding and black marketing and effectively enforcing the essential commodities act,1980 for commodities in short supply. Regular review meeting on price and availability situation, inter ministerial committee, price stabilisation fund management committee. Higher MSP so as to incentivise production and thereby enhance … Read more DMPQ: What are the efforts taken by Central government to control inflation? (economics)

DMPQ: What are the characteristics of a written constitution?( Polity)

  1)     the provisions is codified into a single legal document. Provisions means the schedule, parts, articles are clearly defined in a single article. 2)     It is a enacted constitution. It has been brought into existence by a body especially designed for this. Like Constituent assembly in the case of India. 3)     Constitution … Read more DMPQ: What are the characteristics of a written constitution?( Polity)

DMPQ: In recent years, the national capital Delhi and adjoining areas have experienced alarmingly poor air quality starting winter. What are the possible solutions to address this situation? ( envt.)

The solution can be divided under two heads one short term and other medium and long term solutions. SHORT term solutions: Strict enforcement through heavy penalties on agriculture waste burning using based tools detecting fires Incentive to farmers for not buring crop residue. Coordination across states and NCR.   Long term solutions: Implement congestion pricing … Read more DMPQ: In recent years, the national capital Delhi and adjoining areas have experienced alarmingly poor air quality starting winter. What are the possible solutions to address this situation? ( envt.)

11.12.18 Jharkhand(JPSC) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND   Centre sanctions Rs 315cr for village road construction   The Union government on Thursday sanctioned Rs 315.73 crore under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) to Jharkhand for construction of pucca roads and bridges interlinking its villages. Rural engineering organization (REO) officials of the state rural development department said the fund will be used for construction … Read more 11.12.18 Jharkhand(JPSC) Current Affairs

DMPQ: As India emerges as one of the world ‘s largest economies, it needs to gradually move from being a net consumer of knowledge to becoming a net producer. Discuss the issue attached with Expenditure on Science and Technology?

Issues attached :   As a proportion of GDP expenditure on Science and Tech has been stagnated. It is between 0.6-0.7% of GDP over the past two decades. Expenditure is skewed in favour of Atomic energy, space, earth science , Biotechnology and the expenditure on ICMR is on decline. As compared to its peer competitors, … Read more DMPQ: As India emerges as one of the world ‘s largest economies, it needs to gradually move from being a net consumer of knowledge to becoming a net producer. Discuss the issue attached with Expenditure on Science and Technology?

DMPQ: What are the reasons for the passing of regulating act, 1773?( History)

The East India Company was in severe financial crisis and had asked a loan of 1 million pounds from the British government in 1772. Allegations of corruption and nepotism were rampant against company officials. There was a terrible famine in Bengal where a huge population perished. The Dual form of administration instituted by Robert Clive … Read more DMPQ: What are the reasons for the passing of regulating act, 1773?( History)

DMPQ: What are the possible reasons for the delay and pendency of cases in courts?( Polity)

According to a study there are atleast one million cases are pending in 6 High courts. The average life span of such cases is 3-10 years. The possible reasons for the delay and pendency of cases are: Overloading of cases. Economic and commercial cases are usually complex, require economic expertise in their handling and disposal, … Read more DMPQ: What are the possible reasons for the delay and pendency of cases in courts?( Polity)

DMPQ: Outline the provisions of Child labour( Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 2016?( Acts)

India law regulates employment of children. Children below 14 cannot work in any occupations except as a child artist and in a family business.   2) Adolescents between 14 and 18 are prohibited from working in any hazardous or dangerous occupation and processes.   3) Adolescent can only work in certain government declared non-hazardous occupations, … Read more DMPQ: Outline the provisions of Child labour( Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 2016?( Acts)

DMPQ: Maintaining healthy relationship in international affair is always a concern. In this context discuss the major concerns in India’s Foreign policy? ( IR)

Major Issues: India’s integration with south east asia and east Asia is very low especially in terms of economics and trade. India’s lack of maturity in handling the issues of global governance. Changing dynamics of International affairs as China-Pakistan- Russia nexus is growing, US-Iran hostility is affecting India’s energy security and its strategic investment in … Read more DMPQ: Maintaining healthy relationship in international affair is always a concern. In this context discuss the major concerns in India’s Foreign policy? ( IR)

DMPQ: Political parties should not be under the ambit of RTI. Do you agree with the statement? Give suggestions in support of your answer.(Acts)

Political parties cannot come under the RTI as they are not public authorities.  According to RTI act the public authorities are those which are formed by constitution, parliament statue or bodies created by notification or order of the appropriate government, such as planning commission, UIDAI etc. Since political parties do not full fill any of … Read more DMPQ: Political parties should not be under the ambit of RTI. Do you agree with the statement? Give suggestions in support of your answer.(Acts)

DMPQ: Outline the main principles of Indian Foreign policy at the time of Independence.( International relations)

Main features: Panchsheel: Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty Non-aggression against each other. Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. Equality and mutual benefit. Peaceful co-existence. Policy of Non alignment Policy of resisting colonialism, Imperialism and Racism Peaceful settlement of international disputes Support to UN, International law and just and equal world order … Read more DMPQ: Outline the main principles of Indian Foreign policy at the time of Independence.( International relations)

DMPQ: What are the tools through which judiciary has a control executive? (polity)

Tools:   President speech is put to vote. Financial control: Budget discussion Audit report submission by CAG Reports of the estimates committee and Public accounts committee Other form of control: Question hour Calling attention motion Short discussions Zero hour No confidence motion Confidence motion Committee on assurances Committee on subordinate legislation      

DMPQ: What is the importance of regulating act? Outline its provisions (History)

The Regulating Act was passed in the British Parliament in June 1773. It was the first parliamentary ratification and authorization defining the powers and authority of the East India Company with respect to its Indian possessions.   This act permitted the company to retain its territorial possessions in India but sought to regulate the activities … Read more DMPQ: What is the importance of regulating act? Outline its provisions (History)

DMPQ: Write a note on the decline of Indus Valley Civilization

Though there are various theories, the exact reason is still unknown. As per a recent study by IIT Kharagpur and Archaeological Survey of India, a weaker monsoon might have been the cause of decline of Indus Valley Civilization. Environmental changes, coupled with loss of power of rulers (central administration) of Indus valley to sustain the … Read more DMPQ: Write a note on the decline of Indus Valley Civilization

DMPQ: Write in brief on the achievements of Green Revolution in India

The main achievements of Green Revolution may be summarized as under: The production and productivity of wheat, rice, maize, and bajra has increased substantially. India has become almost self-sufficient in the matter of staple foods. The double cropped area has increased; thereby intensification of the Indian agriculture has increased. In the areas where Green Revolution … Read more DMPQ: Write in brief on the achievements of Green Revolution in India

DMPQ: Describe the cell structure with the help of suitable diagrams and functions of the cell

Cell structure and its functions Cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, which is typically microscopic and consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane. Structure of cell The cell is a basic unit for life forms. As well as enabling sophisticated control of biochemical processes by providing compartments … Read more DMPQ: Describe the cell structure with the help of suitable diagrams and functions of the cell

Discuss the nature of the revolt of 1857. Was it a war of independence?

The British historians have treated the great uprising of 1857 as a sepoy mutiny. On the other hand, the staunch patriotic and nationalist Indian writers & historians regard the Revolt of 1857 as the First War of Indian Independence. It was the result of the century-old British rule in India. In comparison to the previous … Read more Discuss the nature of the revolt of 1857. Was it a war of independence?

DMPQ: Throw light on the contribution of Raja Todarmal in the development of Dahsala Settlement

In 1580, Akbar instituted a new system called the dahsala developed by Raja Todarmal; under this system, the average produce of different crops along with the average prices prevailing over the last ten (dah) years were calculated. However, the state demand was stated in cash. This was done by converting the state share into money … Read more DMPQ: Throw light on the contribution of Raja Todarmal in the development of Dahsala Settlement

DMPQ: What are information and communication technology ? Explain their applications.

ICT encompasses both the internet-enabled sphere as well as the mobile one powered by wireless networks. It also includes antiquated technologies, such as landline telephones, radio and television broadcast — all of which are still widely used today alongside cutting-edge ICT pieces such as artificial intelligence and robotics. ICT is sometimes used synonymously with IT … Read more DMPQ: What are information and communication technology ? Explain their applications.

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