DMPQ: Mention the objectives for the formation of all-India services in India.

Apart from the services under the respective state governments, the Constitution has made special provision for the constitution of all-India services as a service common to the Union and the states. Article 312 of the Constitution makes specific provision for the creation of the all-India services by parliament if the council of states has declared … Read more DMPQ: Mention the objectives for the formation of all-India services in India.

DMPQ: Write a note on the foreign travelers to ancient and medieval India.

Foreign travelers India has always been the dream destination for people who want to explore one of the earliest civilizations in the world. Since time immemorial, India has received a number of keen travelers who came here and fell in love with its traditions and colors. Hiuen Tsang from China (629-645) One of the earliest … Read more DMPQ: Write a note on the foreign travelers to ancient and medieval India.

DMPQ: Mention the Types of Government Interaction in e-governance.

Types of Government Interaction in e-governance. G2G: Government to Government  G2C:Government to Citizen  G2B: Government to Business G2E:Government to Employee   G2G (Government to Government): When the exchange of information and services is within the periphery of the government, is termed as G2G interaction. This can be both horizontal, i.e. among various government entities and vertical, … Read more DMPQ: Mention the Types of Government Interaction in e-governance.

DMPQ: What do you mean by Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) ?

The Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) are rules that apply to the domestic regulations a country applies to foreign investors, often as part of an industrial policy. The agreement, concluded in 1994, was negotiated under the WTO’s predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and came into force in 1995. The agreement … Read more DMPQ: What do you mean by Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) ?

DMPQ: Highlight the provisions of Food Safety And Standards Act, 2006.

Use of food additive or processing aid No article of food shall contain any food additive or processing aid unless it is in accordance with the provisions of this Act and regulations made thereunder. Explanation– For the purposes of this section, “processing aid” means any substance or material, not including apparatus or utensils, and not … Read more DMPQ: Highlight the provisions of Food Safety And Standards Act, 2006.

DMPQ: Write and Essay on the Sectoral Composition with respect to contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Employment

Historically, India has classified and tracked its economy and GDP in three sectors: agriculture, industry and services. Agriculture includes crops, horticulture, milk and animal husbandry, aquaculture, fishing, sericulture, aviculture, forestry and related activities. Industry includes various manufacturing sub-sectors. India’s definition of services sector includes its construction, retail, software, IT, communications, hospitality, infrastructure operations, education, health … Read more DMPQ: Write and Essay on the Sectoral Composition with respect to contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Employment

DMPQ: Examine the Role of Christian Missionary in imparting Education in India during British Colonial period

  Education in India was a privilege of elite upper classes. It was limited to gurukuls where upper caste young boys would go to study under the tutorship of a guru. Even women from the upper caste families were not provided opportunity to learn. Common people were aliens to this elite education system. When missionaries … Read more DMPQ: Examine the Role of Christian Missionary in imparting Education in India during British Colonial period

DMPQ: Examine the contitutional provisions for Uniform Civil Code .

During the post-colonial period, the framers of the Indian Constitution envisaged a uniform civil code governing the personal laws in the country and thereby incorporated Article 44 in Part IV of the Indian Constitution in furtherance of the Directive Principles of State Policy. Thereby, making it incumbent on the state to secure for the citizens … Read more DMPQ: Examine the contitutional provisions for Uniform Civil Code .

DMPQ: What are the Forms and types of foreign Capital

Foreign capital flow in a country can take place either in the form of investment, concessional assistance, foreign aid. Foreign Investment includes Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) / Foreign Institutional Investment (FII). FPI includes the amounts raised by Indian corporate through Euro Equities, Global Depository Receipts (GDR’s), and American Depository Receipts … Read more DMPQ: What are the Forms and types of foreign Capital

DMPQ: Mention the Role Of Women In Indian National Movement.

  The participation of women in National Movement legitimised the Indian National Congress. The British understood that the method of Satyagraha had a special appeal for women. The participation of women in the freedom movement also influenced the movement for Women’s rights. It legitimised their claim to a place in the governance of India. However, … Read more DMPQ: Mention the Role Of Women In Indian National Movement.

DMPQ: What are the advantages of Rain water Harvesting?

  The cost of recharge to sub-surface reservoir is lower than surface reservoirs. The aquifer serves as a distribution system also. No land is wasted for storage purpose and no population displacement is involved. Ground water is not directly exposed to evaporation and pollution. Storing water under ground is environment friendly. It increases the productivity … Read more DMPQ: What are the advantages of Rain water Harvesting?

DMPQ: Mention the application of Earth Observation satellite of ISRO

Starting with IRS-1A in 1988, ISRO has launched many operational remote sensing satellites. Today, India has one of the largest constellations of remote sensing satellites in operation. Currently, *thirteen* operational satellites are in Sun-synchronous orbit – RESOURCESAT-1, 2, 2A CARTOSAT-1, 2, 2A, 2B, RISAT-1 and 2, OCEANSAT-2, Megha-Tropiques, SARAL and SCATSAT-1, and *four* in Geostationary … Read more DMPQ: Mention the application of Earth Observation satellite of ISRO

DMPQ: Critically examine the Central Government Initiatives for Ease of doing business.

Facilitating investments Investor Facilitation Cell established to provide primary support for all investment queries and for providing handholding and liasioning services to investors Dedicated Japan Plus Cell established to facilitate and speed up investment proposals and augment economic ties between India and Japan Dedicated desk established to facilitate and speed up investment proposals and augment … Read more DMPQ: Critically examine the Central Government Initiatives for Ease of doing business.

DMPQ: Examine the methods for the calculation of MSP.

  In formulating the recommendations in respect of the level of minimum support prices and other non-price measures, the CACP takes into account a comprehensive view of the entire structure of the economy of a particular commodity or group of commodities. Other Factors include cost of production, changes in input prices, input-output price parity, trends … Read more DMPQ: Examine the methods for the calculation of MSP.

DMPQ: Write a short note on different types of Rural settelement.

Types of Rural Settlements: Geographers have suggested various schemes of classification. If we group settlements found all over the country, these can broadly be grouped under four categories: Compact/clustered/nucleated settlement Semi-compact/Semi-clustered/fragmented settlement Hemleted settlement Dispersed settlement   Compact Settlements: As the name suggests, these settlements have closely built up area. Therefore in such settlements all … Read more DMPQ: Write a short note on different types of Rural settelement.

DMPQ: What are the objectives of National Seed Policy ?

  Thrust Areas Varietal Development and PVP Seed Production Quality Assurance Seed Distribution and Marketing. Infrastructure facilities Transgenic Plant Varieties Import of seeds and planting material Export of seeds Promotion of Domestic Seed Strengthening of monitoring system  

DMPQ: Explain in detail the methods to calculate National Income.

There are 3 methods to calculate the National income.These methods are given by Simon Kuznets. PM (Product Method) or Product service method. IM (Income Method) CM (Consumption Method) or expenditure method. In India the combination of Product method and Income methods is used for calculating the National Income.   PRODUCT METHOD: NI = GDP  – income earned in … Read more DMPQ: Explain in detail the methods to calculate National Income.

DMPQ: Explain the Crop breeding and the introduction of GM crops for food production.

Conventional breeding, especially of crops, livestock and fish, focuses principally on increased productivity, increased resistance to diseases and pests, and enhanced quality with respect to nutrition and food processing. Advances in cellular genetics and cell biology methods in the 1960s contributed to the so-called ‘green revolution’ that significantly increased varieties of staple food crops containing … Read more DMPQ: Explain the Crop breeding and the introduction of GM crops for food production.

DMPQ: What are the constitutional provisions for the protection of women in India.

The Articles under Part III of the constitution of India relating to the Fundamental rights which try to uplift the status of women and provide equal 130  opportunities for women irrespective of sex are stated below : Article 14 of the Constitution All persons including women are equal in the eyes of the law and … Read more DMPQ: What are the constitutional provisions for the protection of women in India.

DMPQ: Evaluate the pro and cons of decentralized economic planning.

Pros Economic planning is assumed to modify the restraining influence of limited resources by recogniz­ing the existence of particular constraints and by choosing and coordinating investment projects so as to channel these scarce factors into their most productive outlets. Planning is necessary to take care of the poor and the downtrodden who have little asset … Read more DMPQ: Evaluate the pro and cons of decentralized economic planning.

DMPQ: Highlight the importance of Dams as a vehicle for flood control

Dams and flood control The efficiency of dams to withhold floods has always been put to question. Critics have also termed dams as harbinger of floods claiming that the essential scientific assessment for consistent release of water to avoid build up is rarely done. Absence of a standard operating procedure for releasing water from the … Read more DMPQ: Highlight the importance of Dams as a vehicle for flood control

DMPQ: what is environment impact assessment? Why it is conducted? (Envt.)

It is a study to evaluate and identify the predictable environmental consequences and the best combination of economic and environmental costs and benefits of the proposed project. On the basis of EIA, an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is prepared, which is a description of the means by which the environmental consequences as pointed out in … Read more DMPQ: what is environment impact assessment? Why it is conducted? (Envt.)

DMPQ: Outline the provisions of charter act 1833. (history)

  The Governor-General of Bengal was re-designated as the Governor-General of India. This made Lord William Bentinck the first Governor-General of India. Thus, the country’s administration was unified under one control. The Governors of Bombay and Madras lost their legislative powers. The Governor-General had legislative powers over entire British India. The Governor-General in council had … Read more DMPQ: Outline the provisions of charter act 1833. (history)

DMPQ: Industrial efficiency is a key to sound economy. In this contest discuss the key initiative taken by India to boost industrial performance. ( economoy)

  Make in India : This programme was launched on 25th September which aims at making India a global hub for manufacturing, research and innovation and integral part of the global chain. The GoI has identified 10 ‘Champion sectors’ that have potential to become global champion, drive double digit growth in manufacturing and generate significant … Read more DMPQ: Industrial efficiency is a key to sound economy. In this contest discuss the key initiative taken by India to boost industrial performance. ( economoy)

25.12.18 Jharkhand(JPSC) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND ·        Jharkhand History : Nagvanshi Administrative system ð  Nagvanshi Administrative system was based on the Kinship.Nag dynasty evolved out form the rudimentary state form through the interplay of both primary and secondary process of state formation.The elements of primary state form was there in the culture matrix of the Mundas as stated earlier otherwise … Read more 25.12.18 Jharkhand(JPSC) Current Affairs

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