Changes In Cropping Pattern

?   Changes  in  cropping  pattern Cropping pattern means the proportion of area under various  crops  at  a  point of  time or  yearly sequence  and  spatial  arrangement  of crops  and Changes  in  cropping  pattern Cropping pattern means the proportion of area under various  crops  at  a  point of  time or  yearly sequence  and  spatial  arrangement … Read more Changes In Cropping Pattern

Environmental Policy Of India

? Environmental Policies are the sum total of the values to which a person or a group of persons or institutions social, legal and governmental – consider as important in their relationships with one another. Environmental policies have to be formulated in the credible of social morals and values. Let us know more about the … Read more Environmental Policy Of India

Financial Markets

? –Instabilities – Stock Exchanges and SEBI Instabilities in The traditional conception of instability in financial markets stems from the view that financial institutions act as agents which intermediate between savers willing to lend funds and final borrowers seeking to invest funds. This intermediation function not only requires a matching of borrowers and lenders, but … Read more Financial Markets

Changing Trends In Employment And Necessity For New Labour Laws

? JOB CREATION   As outlined in the NITI Aayog’s Action Agenda, India suffers more from the problem of underemployment (i.e. low-productivity, low-wage jobs) than unemployment as for example: In 2011-12, agriculture engaged nearly 50% of the workforce but contributed 15% to GDP In 2010-11, within manufacturing, small firms employed 72% but output was only … Read more Changing Trends In Employment And Necessity For New Labour Laws

Economic Development Since Independence Objectives And Achievements Of Planning

? Objectives of Planning Economic Growth and Development Every five-year plan had a growth target that had to be achieved by the end of the planning period. In order to bring about an improvement in standard of living of the people, the per capita income has to rise. A rise in per capita income is … Read more Economic Development Since Independence Objectives And Achievements Of Planning

Policy Of Subsidiary Alliance, Doctrine Of Lapse, Structure Of British Raj Upto 1857

?   Of all the European East India companies which came to India as traders in different periods of the 15th and 16th centuries, only the British and the French East India companies remained as dominant ones by the beginning of the 18th century. In the first decade of the 18th century, the fortunes of the then … Read more Policy Of Subsidiary Alliance, Doctrine Of Lapse, Structure Of British Raj Upto 1857

Development Of Posts And Telegraph During The British Rule

? Development of Posts and Telegraph:-   Posts Britain’s involvement in the postal services of India began in the eighteenth century. Initially the service was administered by the East India Company who established post offices in Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta (now Kolkata) between 1764 and 1766. East India Company and the British Post Office in … Read more Development Of Posts And Telegraph During The British Rule

Development Of Industries During The British Rule

? Development of Industries:- Industrial Development in India during the British Rule:- 1. Subject Matter of Industrial Development 2. Early Efforts of Industrialization 3. Industries in the Inter-War Period (1919-38) 4. Industries during 1939-47 5. Reasons for Low Industrial Development in India.   Subject Matter of Industrial Development: Underdeveloped countries are greatly handicapped by shortage of capital for … Read more Development Of Industries During The British Rule

Depressed Class Missions, Non Brahmanical Movements And Justice Party

? Depressed Classes Mission, Non-Brahmin movement and Justice Party   One, of the earliest lower caste movements, which became the torch bearer for the future caste movements, was founded in Maharashtra in the 1870s by Jyotibha Phule, who with his books Gulamgiri (1872) and Sarvajanik Satyadharma Pustak and his organisation Satya Shodhak Samaj, proclaimed the … Read more Depressed Class Missions, Non Brahmanical Movements And Justice Party


? : Direct and Indirect in modern usage, is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. is sometimes referred to as "rule of the majority". is a system of processing conflicts in which outcomes depend on … Read more Democracy

Internal Security

? Role of external state and Non-state actor's in creating challenges to internal security  Challenges to Internal security through communication networks  Role of media and Social networking sites in internal securityChallenges Basics of cyber security  Role of biometric devices in security IT Act (2000) Security challenges in border areas linkages of organized crime with terrorism. … Read more Internal Security

Mahatma Phule

? Jyotirao ‘Jyotiba’ Govindrao Phule was a prominent social reformer and thinker of the nineteenth century India. He led the movement against the prevailing caste-restrictions in India. He revolted against the domination of the Brahmins and struggled for the rights of peasants and other low-caste people. Mahatma Jyotiba Phule was also a pioneer for women … Read more Mahatma Phule

Two Nation Theroy

? “Two-Nation” theory and Islamic revivalism “Two-Nation” theory Two Nation Theory's phenomenon basically sprigged up with the advent of Islam in the Sub-Continent. The sense was very unique about Pakistan's creation that it was generally based on ideological commitments in the light of Islam. The basic concept behind Two Nation Theory was Muslims and Hindus … Read more Two Nation Theroy


? The Seuna, Sevuna or of Devagiri (c. 850–1334) was an Indian dynasty, which at its peak ruled a kingdom stretching from the Tungabhadra to the Narmada rivers, including present-day Maharashtra, north Karnataka and parts of Madhya Pradesh, from its capital at Devagiri (present-day Daulatabad in modern Maharashtra). The initially ruled as feudatories of the … Read more Yadavas


? United Nations and its specialized agencies       The United Nations () is an intergovernmental organization established on 24 October 1945 to promote international cooperation. It was founded to replace the League of Nations following World War II and to prevent another conflict. When it was founded, the had 51 Member States; there are now 193. Most nations are members of the … Read more UN

Age Structure, Sex Ratio And Rural Urban Composition Of India

?   Age structure, sex ratio and Rural-Urban composition of India   Rural-Urban Composition:   For the first time since Independence, the absolute increase in population is more in urban areas that in rural areas Rural Population in India: 68.84% Urban Population in India: 31.16% Level of urbanization increased from 27.81% in 2001 Census to … Read more Age Structure, Sex Ratio And Rural Urban Composition Of India

Current Geopolitical Problems

? :- Across the globe, governments and institutions face increasing challenges to their legitimacy and authority. All forms of government in every region will face increasing tensions both domestic and foreign. In the short-term, these global trends will increase the threat posed by all types of terrorism, and the ability for asymmetrically-powerful state and non-state … Read more Current Geopolitical Problems


? Each landform has its unique physical shape, size, materials and is a result of the action of certain geomorphic processes and agent(s). Every landform has a beginning. s once formed may change in their shape, size and nature slowly or fast due to continued action of geomorphic processes and agents. Due to changes in … Read more Landform

Philosophy Of The Upanishad And The BhagavadGita

? Philosophy of the Upanishad and the Bhagavad Gita –Yoga Philosophy of Pathanjali Philosophy of the Upanishad What are Upanishads? The Upanishads are ancient texts, which record the foundation of Hindu thought. They are the final part of the Vedas, the part that is concerned with pure knowledge. The word ‘veda’ means ‘knowledge’; and the … Read more Philosophy Of The Upanishad And The BhagavadGita

Quality Of Life

? , life expectancy, literacy, standard of living and migration in India Human development—a comprehensive approach Human development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. But human development is also the objective, so it is both a process and an outcome. Human development implies that people must influence the processes that shape their lives. In … Read more Quality Of Life

Role Of Finance Ministry In Monetary And Fiscal Policy

? Fiscal role of ministry of finance The Ministry of Finance plays a very crucial role in development planning in India. It supervise the financial institution and is responsible for the overall financial management of the country. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the fiscal administration of the country. It has three departments, Department … Read more Role Of Finance Ministry In Monetary And Fiscal Policy

Tribal Welfare Administration

? , Tribal sub plan and Single line administration in Chhattisgarh The tribal areas of Chhattisgarh though sparsely populated continue to receive special attention of the State Government primarily on account of their strategic location and comparative backwardness. The Tribal Sub Plan was started in 1974-75 in the State and entire tribal population was brought … Read more Tribal Welfare Administration

Planning And Capacity Building In Panchayati Raj System

? Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) are rural local governments entrusted with the responsibilities to prepare plan and implement schemes for economic development and social justice in rural India. A number of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) assign important role to PRIs. In addition, PRIs are also involved in implementation and monitoring of several State Schemes. For … Read more Planning And Capacity Building In Panchayati Raj System

Regional Organizations

? Regional Organizations                Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)   The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was formed in 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand to promote political and economic cooperation and regional stability. The member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations … Read more Regional Organizations

Excretory System

? Introduction If you exercise on a hot day, you are likely to lose a lot of water in sweat. Then, for the next several hours, you may notice that you do not pass urine as often as normal and that your urine is darker than usual. Do you know why this happens? Your body … Read more Excretory System

Epidemic Diseases

? Complete information on major types of epidemics in India India is endemic to many diseases such as Malaria, Kala-azar, Cholera, Tuberculosis. These erupt in epidemic form when conditions are favorable for their spread. Epidemics are disasters by themselves but these can emerge in the aftermath of other disasters as well. In the recent past, … Read more Epidemic Diseases

Reflex Action

? In the body of an animal two types of activities take place: voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary action happens according to the will of the individual while there is not any control of will over involuntary action. Involuntary action may again be divided into two categories. The action of first category is related to internal … Read more Reflex Action

Niti Ayog

? – National Institution for Transforming India   The National Institution for Transforming India, also called NITI Aayog, was formed via a resolution of the Union Cabinet on January 1, 2015. NITI Aayog is the premier policy ‘Think Tank’ of the Government of India, providing both directional and policy inputs. While designing strategic and long … Read more Niti Ayog

Official Language Language Of The Union And Regional Languages

? Official Language- Language of the Union and Regional Languages PART XVII OFFICIAL LANGUAGE CHAPTER I.-LANGUAGE OF THE UNION 343. Official language of the Union. 344. Commission and Committee of Parliament on official language. CHAPTER II.-REGIONAL LANGUAGES 345. Official language or languages of a State. 346. Official language for communication between one State and another … Read more Official Language Language Of The Union And Regional Languages

Philosophical Basis Of Governance

? Governance is the exercise of economic, political, and administrative authority to manage a country’s affairs at all levels. It comprises mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations, and mediate their differences. The challenge for all societies is to create a system of … Read more Philosophical Basis Of Governance

Regional Organizations

? Regional Organizations                Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)   The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was formed in 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand to promote political and economic cooperation and regional stability. The member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations … Read more Regional Organizations

Disaster Management Models

? . Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including community, Concept of first responders Disaster management (DM) is a challenging domain to model because of the variety of dynamic characteristics attached to the domain. Metamodeling is a model-driven approach that describes how semantic domain models can be built into an artifact called a Metamodel. By collecting … Read more Disaster Management Models

Earthquakes And Volcanoes

? : Types, distribution and their impact:- Earthquake:- The study of seismic waves provides a complete picture of the layered interior. An earthquake in simple words is shaking of the earth. It is a natural event. It is caused due to release of energy, which generates waves that travel in all directions. Why does the … Read more Earthquakes And Volcanoes

Hydrological Cycle

? Water cycle, also called hydrologic cycle, cycle that involves the continuous circulation of water in the Earth-atmosphere system. Of the many processes involved in the water cycle, the most important are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Although the total amount of water within the cycle remains essentially constant, its distribution among the various … Read more Hydrological Cycle

Planning Mechanism And Experience In Panchayathi Raj Institutions

? Ever since India got freedom in 1947, efforts have been made to strengthen the panchayati raj system to create, in the rural people a sense of participation in the nation-building programme.   Article 40 under Directive Principles of State Policy of the Constitution directs the state “to organise village panchayats as units of self- … Read more Planning Mechanism And Experience In Panchayathi Raj Institutions

Panchayat Financing And Devolution

? Panchayat: Financing, Resource mobilization and devolution Sources of Funds The Amendments left important matters such as implementation, service delivery (including local capacity building) and transfer of responsibilities and powers to rural local bodies at the discretion of the state legislatures. Consequently, while expenditure responsibilities of local bodies are extensively enhanced, there is no law … Read more Panchayat Financing And Devolution

Diseases Related To Heart

? There are many types of heart disease that affect different parts of the organ and occur in different ways. Congenital heart disease   This is a general term for some deformities of the heart that have been present since birth. Examples include:   Septal defects: There is a hole between the two chambers of … Read more Diseases Related To Heart

Diseases Related To Kidney

? Abderhalden-Kaufmann-Lignac syndrome Autosomal recessive syndrome of disturbance of amino acid transport characterized by deposition of cystine crystals in numerous tissues of the body, particularly evident in the conjunctiva and cornea. Children in whom cystinosis is found are subnormal in development, with dwarfing, rickets, and osteoporosis. Renal tubular disease, aminoaciduria, glycosuria, and hypokalemia are usually … Read more Diseases Related To Kidney

Control And Coordination

? :Plants and animals All the living organisms respond and react to changes in the environment around them. The changes in the environment to which the organisms respond and react are called stimuli such as light, heat, cold, sound, smell, touch etc. Coordination in plants Coordination refers to ordered working of different but interrelated parts … Read more Control And Coordination

Nanda Dynasty

? , family that ruled Magadha, in northern India, between c. 343 and 321 BCE. The immediately preceded the dynasty of the Mauryas, and, as with all pre-Maurya dynasties, what is known about it is a mixture of fact and legend. Indigenous traditions, both Brahmanical and Jaina, suggest that the founder of the dynasty, Mahapadma … Read more Nanda Dynasty

Kingdom Of Vijaynagar

?                                                      The kingdom of Vijaynagar founded by two brothers, Harihar and Bukka, on the south bank of the River Tungabhadra in 1336 AD. According to the legends, they had been the feudatories of the Kakatiyas of Warangal. Later they became ministers in the kingdom of Kampili. After the destruction of Kampili kingdom by … Read more Kingdom Of Vijaynagar

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