DMPQ-Write the objectives of Wildlife protection act 1972 and its various ammendments.

Wildlife Protection Act 1972 was passed on August 21, 1972, but was later implemented on September 9, 1972. This act prohibits the capturing, killing, poisoning or trapping of wild animals It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Objectives Prohibition of hunting Protection and management of wildlife habitats Establishment … Read more DMPQ-Write the objectives of Wildlife protection act 1972 and its various ammendments.

08.08.19 Jharkhand(JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Jumbo rescue centre to come up in Ranchi   In view of growing man-animal conflicts, mainly involving elephants in Jharkhand, the state forest department said they have started applying enforcement of prohibitory orders as one of the measures to prevent gatherings and subsequent fatalities.   Man-animal conflict is an unending menace in Jharkhand with regular reports of casualties … Read more 08.08.19 Jharkhand(JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

DMPQ- What are the sailent features of The Competition Act, 2002

Salient Features Anti Agreements Enterprises, persons or associations of enterprises or persons, including cartels, shall not enter into agreements in respect of production, supply, distribution, storage, acquisition or control of goods or provision of services, which cause or are likely to cause an “appreciable adverse impact” on competition in India. Such agreements would consequently be … Read more DMPQ- What are the sailent features of The Competition Act, 2002

DMPQ- Chandela architecture

The name Khajuraho is derived from its Sanskrit nomenclature ‘Kharjuravahaka’ which is the confluence of two Sanskrit words ‘Kharjur’ meaning date palm and ‘Vahaka’ meaning bearer. There are about 25 temples spread over an area of approximately 6 square Km. The temples are grouped into three categories depending on their orientation – the Western Group … Read more DMPQ- Chandela architecture

DMPQ- Explain the Importance of textile industry in Indian economy

The Indian textile industry has a significant presence in the economic life of our country. It is the second largest textile industry in the world after China. The textile industry contributes about 14% to the country’s industrial output and about 17% to export earnings. After agriculture, this industry is the second largest employer in India … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Importance of textile industry in Indian economy

DMPQ- Explain the Development Financial institution (DFI)

A Development Financial institution (DFI) is defined as “an institution endorsed or supported by Government of india primarily to provide development/Project finance to one or more sectors or sub-sectors of the economy. the institution differentiates itself by a thoughtful balance between commercial norms of operation, as adopted by any financial institution like commercial bank and … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Development Financial institution (DFI)

DMPQ- Explain the Interrelationship between agriculture and industry

Industry is not the substitute of agriculture, rather they are complementary to one another. Both these sectors are so attached with each other that it is not possible to increase the growth of one sector sector without the improvement of the other sector. If agriculture is considered as the ‘heart’ of the country, then obviously … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Interrelationship between agriculture and industry

DMPQ- What are Submarine Canyons

These are steep valleys, forming deep gorges on the ocean floor. They are mainly restricted to the continental shelf, slope and rise.  Broadly, there are three types of submarine canyons: Small gorges which begin at the edge of the continental shelf and extend down the slope to very great depths, e.g., Oceanographer Canyons near New … Read more DMPQ- What are Submarine Canyons

DMPQ- Penumbral Eclipse

In a penumbral eclipse, the Full Moon enters the Earth’s penumbral shadow. The light from the Earth is partially blocked, and the Moon grows dimmer. In principle, a penumbral eclipse can be a partial penumbral eclipse (with only part of the Moon in the penumbra) or a total penumbral eclipse, where the entire Moon is in the penumbra; however, … Read more DMPQ- Penumbral Eclipse

DMPQ- . In Northeast Asia, growing tensions around the Korean Peninsula are likely, with the possibility of a confrontation in the coming years. Justify

Kim Jong Un is consolidating his grip on power through a combination of patronage and dread and is doubling down on his nuclear and missile programs, developing long-range missiles that may soon endanger the continental USA. Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, and Washington have a shared incentive to handle security risks in Northeast Asia, but a history … Read more DMPQ- . In Northeast Asia, growing tensions around the Korean Peninsula are likely, with the possibility of a confrontation in the coming years. Justify

DMPQ- Mention the steps in Disaster risk management

Disaster risk management:steps Prevention Activities and measures to avoid existing and new disaster risks (often less costly than disaster relief and response). For instance, relocating exposed people and assets away from a hazard area. Mitigation The lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters. For instance, constructing flood defences, planting trees … Read more DMPQ- Mention the steps in Disaster risk management

DMPQ- What is Social Audit?

“Social auditing is defined as a systematic attempt to identify, analyse, measure (if possible), evaluate, and monitor the effect of an organisation’s operations on society (that is, specific social groups) and on the public well-being.”   Social audit as a term was used as far back as the 1950s. In a nutshell, it refers to … Read more DMPQ- What is Social Audit?

DMPQ- The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989 as an informal Ministerial-level dialogue group with twelve members. Today APEC has 21 member economies spread out over four continents. APEC Member Economies work together to sustain economic growth through a commitment to open trade, investment and economic reform. This is accomplished by progressively reducing … Read more DMPQ- The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

DMPQ- Differentiate between the Akbar’s and Aurangzeb’s policy for Rajputs.

Akbar’s policy (Akbar – Shah Jahan) After the mid-16th century, many Rajput rulers formed close relationships with the Mughal emperors and served them in different capacities It was due to the support of the Rajputs that Akbar was able to lay the foundations of the Mughal empire in India. Some Rajput nobles gave away their … Read more DMPQ- Differentiate between the Akbar’s and Aurangzeb’s policy for Rajputs.

DMPQ- Mention the administrative policies of Alauddin Khilji

Alauddin took steps to make administration rigid and sound along with conquering of kingdom. He banned the meddling of Ulemas and other religious leaders in the administration. He declared that the Sultan’s will is the law. To curb the audacious relatives and aristocrats he took few very important steps. For example: He banned drinking of alcohol in … Read more DMPQ- Mention the administrative policies of Alauddin Khilji

DMPQ- What are directional and non-directional movements in plants?

Directional Movements Directional changes are called tropic movements. Tropic movements are the one which occurs in the direction of the stimulus. Positive phototropism is responding by bending towards the sunlight which can be seen in shoots. Negative geotropism is growing away from the ground which is also shown by shoots. Roots exhibit negative photo tropism … Read more DMPQ- What are directional and non-directional movements in plants?

DMPQ- What is composting?

Composting is an anaerobic microbially driven process that converts organic wastes into stable sanitary humus like material. This material can then be safely returned to the natural environment. This method is actually a low moisture, solid substrate fermentation process. In large- scale operations using largely domestic solid wastes, the final product is mostly used for … Read more DMPQ- What is composting?

DMPQ- What are the Challenges in front of Small scale and cottage industries

Financial problems The paucity of adequate and timely finance and credit is the main setback in the development of SSI units. It is even worse in case of cottage and village industries. The capital base of the small industrial units is usually very weak since they generally have partnership or sole proprietorship form of organization. … Read more DMPQ- What are the Challenges in front of Small scale and cottage industries

DMPQ- How does climate control the landform development?

Climate is a major sculptor of landforms. One of generous precipitation often induces extensive erosion through plentiful runoff and stream flow. A moist, cool climate can even favor the formation of glaciers in mountains and high latitudes. Given the proper conditions, these massive ice bodies advance and heavily impact the terrain. A whole slew of … Read more DMPQ- How does climate control the landform development?

DMPQ- What are the causes and conditions favorable for coalition politics in India?

Generally coalitions are said to be formed on account of one of the following reasons: No single political party is able to secure a working majority in the popular house on account of the presence of multi-party system. Under these circumstances a number like-minded political parties form the coalition to provide a workable majority and … Read more DMPQ- What are the causes and conditions favorable for coalition politics in India?

DMPQ- Mention the activities of charitable organizations in India.

Some form of activities of charitable organizations include: Advocacy – Charitable organisations working on advocacy or campaigning on issues or causes and they do not implement programs. Consultancy / Research Organizations – Charitable organisation working on social and development research as well as consultancy. Training / Capacity Building Organizations – Charitable organisation helping other charity … Read more DMPQ- Mention the activities of charitable organizations in India.

DMPQ- What are the implications of neutrality in civil services?

The concept of neutrality has three implications: public confidence in the non-political character of public service, Confidence of ministers belonging to any political party in the loyalty of the permanent subordinates, and High morale of public servants based on the confidence that promoting would be made not on the basis of political considerations but on … Read more DMPQ- What are the implications of neutrality in civil services?

DMPQ- Write a short note on Community Information Centre.

Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEIT) had taken up an initiative in February 2002 for setting up of Community Information Centres (CICs) in the hilly, far-flung rural areas of the country to bring the benefits of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to the people for socio-economic development of these regions and to alleviate the … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Community Information Centre.

28-29.07.19 Jharkhand(JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

JHARKHAND GPS-based software to prevent lightning deaths   This Independence Day, Jharkhand is set to launch its own Global Positioning System (GPS) based software, which will prevent casualties and deaths caused by lightning strikes by sending alert messages over phone to commoners.   The software, designed by Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of Information Technology (JAPIT), … Read more 28-29.07.19 Jharkhand(JPSC) Daily Current Affairs

DMPQ:Bengal Nawabs short sightedness led to the stronghold of East India Company. Comment

Bengal Nawabs underestimated the hidden power and potential of EIC. They failed to grasp the true intention of EIC.  Nawabs were having the power to deal with the Company’s threats, but they continued tounderestimate the EIC power.They failed to see that the English Company was no mere company of traders but was therepresentative of the … Read more DMPQ:Bengal Nawabs short sightedness led to the stronghold of East India Company. Comment

DMPQ:Why do earthquake occur? Which regions of the world are highly prone to earthquakes and why? Analyse.

Main causes of the earthquake are plate tectonics, volcaniceruption or anthropogenic activities like explosions, reservoir induced seismicity etc. There is arelease of huge amount of energy in the form of sound and seismic waves causing shaking of earth’s surface. The regions which are on the  boundaries of the tectonic plates are more prone to earthquake.  … Read more DMPQ:Why do earthquake occur? Which regions of the world are highly prone to earthquakes and why? Analyse.

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