Approaches To Disaster Risk Reductions

? Approaches to Disaster Risk Reductions Disaster management meant different for different players. For many decades prior to Major catastrophes like Orissa Super Cyclone (1999), Gujarat Earth quake & West Bengal Floods (2000) disaster management for respective state governments was to emphasis on early warning, evacuation, post disaster compensation, rehabilitation, shelter construction, i.e., basically … Read more Approaches To Disaster Risk Reductions

Source Of Energy

? Conventional and New Source of Energy   Energy is one of the most important component of economic infrastructure. It is the basic input required to sustain economic growth. There is direct relation between the level of economic development and per capita energy consumption.   Two Main Sources of Energy:   … Read more Source Of Energy

Coperative Society

? Co-operative movement in India and M.P The cooperative movement in India has its origin in agriculture and allied sectors. The first Cooperative Credit Societies Act was enacted in 1904.Subsequently a more comprehensive legislation called the Cooperative Societies Act was enacted. This Act provided for the creation of the post of registrar of cooperative … Read more Coperative Society

Linear Motio1

? Linear motion Linear motion, also called uniform motion or rectilinear motion, motion in one spatial dimension.  According to Newton’s first law (also known as the principle of inertia), a body with no net force acting on it will either remain at rest or continue to move with uniform speed in a straight line, … Read more Linear Motio1

The Mughals 1

? Introduction ? In the fourteenth century, the disintegration of the Mongol empire led Timur to unite Iran and Turan under one rule.  Timur’s empire was spread from the lower Volga to the river Indus, including Iran, ? Asia  Minor (modern Turkey), Trans-Oxiana, Afghanistan, and some part of Punjab.   ? In 1404, Timur … Read more The Mughals 1

Biosphere Reserves Of India

? Biosphere reserves What is a Biosphere Reserve? A Biosphere Reserve is a special ecosystem or a specialized environment with a flora and fauna that require protection and nurturing. These reserves are managed and studied for the conservation of various life forms found here. They are subjects of scientific and … Read more Biosphere Reserves Of India

Union Public Service Commissions

? Union Public Service Commissions Public Service Commissions for the Union as per Article-315 Subject to the provisions of this article, there shall be a Public Service Commission for the Union Any such law as aforesaid may contain such incidental and consequential provisions as may be necessary or desirable for giving effect to the … Read more Union Public Service Commissions


? Eskimo Eskimo, any member of a group of peoples who, with the closely related Aleuts, constitute the chief element in the indigenous population of the Arctic and subarctic regions of Greenland, Canada, the United States, and far eastern Russia (Siberia). Early 21st-century population estimates indicated more than 135,000 individuals of Eskimo descent, with … Read more Eskimo

Problems Of Agricultural Labour

? Problems of Agricultural Labour Agricultural labourers who are mostly landless and form a significant section of rural society mainly depend on wage employment in agriculture. Majority of them belong to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and among the worst exploited section of society.  Unlike the industrial worker who are well organised agricultural labourers … Read more Problems Of Agricultural Labour

Work Culture

? Work culture An organization is formed to achieve certain goals and objectives by bringing individuals together on a common platform and motivating them to deliver their level best. It is essential for the employees to enjoy at the workplace for them to develop a sense of loyalty towards it. Work culture plays an … Read more Work Culture

Ethical Teachings

? Ethical teachings Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Maulana Azad was not only this century’s most articulate votary of Hindu-Muslim unity but also the only one erudite aalim (Islamic scholar) who claimed Quranic sanction for his faith in that unity and the freedom of the nation. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad is, by any reckoning, a … Read more Ethical Teachings

Concept Of Social Legislation

?   OBJECTIVES OF SOCIAL LEGISLATION : Social legislation derives its inspiration from our constitution and has the following specific objectives: i)Removal of discrimination on the grounds of sex, religion, caste, class etc. and promotion of equality to all. ii)Safeguard the rights of the weaker section such as women, children, elderly, widows, destitute and … Read more Concept Of Social Legislation

Governmental And Voluntary Institution Engaged In Development Of Manpower

? Governmental and Voluntary Institution engaged in development of manpower NCERT The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an autonomous organisation set up in 1961 by the Government of India to assist and advise the Central and State Governments on policies and programmes for qualitative improvement in school education. The major … Read more Governmental And Voluntary Institution Engaged In Development Of Manpower

Weather Forecast

? Weather forecast There are two ways for weather forcasting: Short-range forecasting Meteorologists can make somewhat longer-term forecasts (those for 6, 12, 24, or even 48 hours) with considerable skill because they are able to measure and predict atmospheric conditions for large areas by computer. Using models that apply their accumulated expert knowledge quickly, … Read more Weather Forecast


?     Definition: Industrial legalizations are the laws enacted by the Government to provide economic and social justice to the workers in industries. Generally these laws provide guidelines to the employers/industrialists in dealing with the matters of wages, wage incentives, facilitates for workers and the working conditions of labour. Necessity: … Read more LABOUR LAW REFORMS

Protection To Women Women Under Indian Constitution

? Protection to Women Women Under Indian Constitution & Criminal Law (Under Indian Constitution Law and Criminal Procedure Code) Violence against women is present in every country, cutting across boundaries of culture, class, education, income, ethnicity and age. Since time immemorial India is · particularly a male dominated society and prevalence of illiteracy among … Read more Protection To Women Women Under Indian Constitution

Electricity And Its Effect1

? Electricity and its effects -electric intensity, potential, potential difference Electricity is the physical flow of electrons, referred to as an electrical current. Electricity is an energy carrier that efficiently delivers the energy found in primary sources to end users, who in turn convert it into energy services. Electricity can be created in three … Read more Electricity And Its Effect1


? Photosynthesis Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds. It would be impossible to overestimate the importance of photosynthesis in … Read more Photosynthesis

Persuasion (1)

? Persuasion Persuasion is an umbrella term of influence. Persuasion can attempt to influence a person’s beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors. In business, persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person’s (or a group’s) attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written or spoken words to … Read more Persuasion (1)

Ethical Teachings4

? Ethical teachings Ravindra Nath Tagore An open vision of Tagore In a society, an individual can develop skill and knowledge through rigorous attempts to cope with the challenges of the environment. With this conscious attempt of survival in a given society, an individual shapes his/her own personality. This ever-evolving process of personality, corresponds … Read more Ethical Teachings4

Contibution Of Indian Scientist

? Contribution of Indian  Scientist:   Scientist Achievement Homi Jehangir Baba Father of Indian Nuclear Programme, Carried out first nuclear test 1974, Atomic energy establishment was renamed Bhabha Atomic research centre. Venkatraman Ramakrishna Indian origin biologist cum scientist won nobel prize in 2009 in chemistry. He pioneered in the studies of the structure and … Read more Contibution Of Indian Scientist


? Fertilizers All plants need certain mineral nutrients to survive. These minerals occur naturally in the soil and are taken up from the soil by the roots of the plants. Most soils usually have enough of these minerals to keep plants healthy. However, some nutrients are gradually used up by the plants, or are … Read more Fertilizars

Agricultural Strategy And Agricultural Policy

? Agricultural Strategy and Agricultural Policy Main Issues In national priority setting, the following recurring and emerging issues for sustainable agricultural development and poverty alleviation must be considered: Population pressure and demographic transition; Resource base degradation and water scarcity; Investment in agriculture, structural adjustment and impact on the poor;  Globalization and implication on the … Read more Agricultural Strategy And Agricultural Policy

Government Market Borrowings

? Government market borrowings, loans and grants There are two types of borrowings : Internal borrowings External borrowings There is third mean of public loan i.e. other liabilities Internal borrowings Internal debt or domestic debt is the part of the total government debt in a country that is owed to lenders within the country. … Read more Government Market Borrowings

India’s Look East Policy

? India’s Look East policy   Abstract   The Look East policy has emerged as an important foreign policy initiative of India in the post-Cold War period. It was launched in 1991 by the then Narasimha Rao Government with the aim of developing political contacts, increasing economic integration and forging security cooperation with countries … Read more India’s Look East Policy

Land Reforms

? Land reforms Land reform is a broad term. It refers to an institutional measure directed towards altering the existing pattern of ownership, tenancy and management of land. It entails “a redistribution of the rights of ownership and/or use of land away from large landowners and in favour of cultivators with very limited or … Read more Land Reforms

Ethics In International Funding

? Ethics in international funding Historically speaking, internationalisation has been linked to commerce, but the advent of trade predates international trade, as we know it today. To this end, it is interesting to note how, right from the very beginning, the spread of rules and customs often took on a near sacred character in … Read more Ethics In International Funding

Administrative Changes After 1858

? Administrative changes after 1858 The Revolt of 1857 gave a severe jolt to the British administration in India and made its re-organization inevitable. The Government of India’s structure and policies underwent significant changes in the decades following the Revolt. Changes in Administration By the Act of Parliament of 1858, the power to govern … Read more Administrative Changes After 1858

Regional Organizations

? Regional Organizations                Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)   The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was formed in 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand to promote political and economic cooperation and regional stability. The member countries of the Association of … Read more Regional Organizations

First Aid In Sport

? First Aid in Sports Acute Injuries The primary goal of sports injury first aid is to stop the activity and prevent further injury or damage. Most sports injuries that require immediate treatment are called “acute injuries.” These occur suddenly and generally cause the following symptoms or conditions:   Pain and swelling Cuts and … Read more First Aid In Sport

Distribution Of Mulberry And Non Mulberry Sericulture (area, Production And Productivity Across States)

? Distribution of Mulberry and Non-mulberry Sericulture (area, production and productivity across states), Cocoon Production Sericulture which has its origin in China is an age old industry in India. Silk route is one of the ancient internationally recognized route for global business for not only silk but also other important commodities. History reveals that … Read more Distribution Of Mulberry And Non Mulberry Sericulture (area, Production And Productivity Across States)

Institutions Of Developmental Finance

? Institutions of developmental finance A Development Financial institution (DFI) is defined as “an institution endorsed or supported by Government of india primarily to provide development/Project finance to one or more sectors or sub-sectors of the economy. the institution differentiates itself by a thoughtful balance between commercial norms of operation, as adopted by any … Read more Institutions Of Developmental Finance

Social Influence (1)

? Social influence Social influence occurs when a person’s emotions, opinions, or behaviors are affected by others. Social influence takes many forms and can be seen in conformity, socialization, peer pressure, obedience, leadership, persuasion, sales, and marketing. In 1958, Harvard psychologist Herbert Kelman identified three broad varieties of social influence. Compliance is when people … Read more Social Influence (1)


? Definition of Internet, search tools, web browsers, e-mail and search engines. IT applications: E-cards, E- shopping, E-commerce.   INTERNET   The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. With the Internet, it’s possible to access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world, and do much more. … Read more Internet


? SAARC, BRICS,other Bilateral and Regional groupings In the 20th century there was a strong dynamics of integration processes, in the singular regions of the world, what is identified, by many scientists, with a trial to find a new way of economy development. Nowadays, integration activity is tied with liberalization of economic relations, and … Read more SAARC

Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1)

? Raja ram mohan roy During the late 18th century (what was known as the Dark Age), the society in Bengal was burdened with a host of evil customs and regulations. Elaborate rituals and strict moral codes were enforced which were largely modified, and badly interpreted ancient traditions. Practices like child marriage (Gouridaan), polygamy … Read more Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1)

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (1)

? Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel handled effectively the integration of the princely states with his diplomatic skills and foresightedness. The problem of amalgamating 562 independent states with a democratic self-governing India was difficult and delicate. But it was essential to save India from balkanization, once the Paramountcy of British crown would lapse. … Read more Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (1)


? The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) promotes accountability, transparency and good governance through high quality auditing and accounting.The Comptroller and auditor general (CAG) of India is empower to audit all expenses from the combine Fund of the union or state governments, whether incurred within India or outside. The Comptroller and Auditor General of … Read more CAG

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