DMPQ- What are Trade winds? Mention the characteristics of Trade winds?

Trade winds: It is the wind blowing steadily towards the equator from the north-east in the northern hemisphere or the south-east in the southern hemisphere, especially at sea. Two belts of trade winds encircle the earth. These winds are called trade winds because of the fact that they helped the sea merchants in sailing their … Read more DMPQ- What are Trade winds? Mention the characteristics of Trade winds?

DMPQ- What are the changes made in the office of Central Information commission through the amendment of RTI Act?

CIC (After the Right to Information Amendment Act 2019) The RTI Amendment Bill, 2019 (now RTI Amendment Act 2019) amends Sections 13 and 16 of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005. Section 13 of the original Act sets the term of the central Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners at five years (or until … Read more DMPQ- What are the changes made in the office of Central Information commission through the amendment of RTI Act?


The Group of Seven (G7) is an international intergovernmental economic organization consisting of the seven largest IMF- described advanced economies in the world. The G7, originally G8, was set up in 1975 as an informal forum bringing together the leaders of the world’s leading industrial nations. The summit gathers leaders from the European Union (EU) … Read more DMPQ- G7

DMPQ- Stockholm Convention

The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ( POP’s) is a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from chemicals that remain intact in the environment for long periods, become widely distributed geographically, accumulate in the fatty tissue of humans and wildlife, and have harmful impacts on human health or on the environment. … Read more DMPQ- Stockholm Convention

DMPQ- What is the basic Premise of Keynesian economics?

Keynesian economics was developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s in an attempt to understand the Great Depression. Keynesian Economics focuses on using active government policy to manage aggregate demand in order to address or prevent economic recessions. Thus it focuses on demand-side solutions to recessionary periods. Lowering interest rates is … Read more DMPQ- What is the basic Premise of Keynesian economics?

DMPQ- Comment on the contribution of Brahamgupta in the field of Science and Technology

The Gupta Empire was an ancient Indian empire existing from the midto- late 3rd century CE to 543 CE. Brahmagupta (born c. 598 CE, died c. 668 CE) was an Indian mathematician and astronomer. He is the author of two early works on mathematics and astronomy: the Br?hmasphu?asiddh?nta, a theoretical treatise, and the Kha??akh?dyaka Brahmagupta … Read more DMPQ- Comment on the contribution of Brahamgupta in the field of Science and Technology

DMPQ- What is Xerophyte?

A xerophyte is a species of plant that has adaptations to survive in an environment with little liquid water such as a desert or ice- or snow-covered region in the Alps or the Arctic. Popular examples of xerophytes are cacti, pineapple, and some Gymnosperm plants. Xerophyte adaptations increase water intake, limit water loss, and store … Read more DMPQ- What is Xerophyte?

DMPQ- What is Regionalism and comment on the threat generated due to regionalism?

Regionalism is the expression of a common sense of identity and purpose by people within a specific geographical region, united by its unique language, culture, language, etc. In a positive sense, it encourages people to develop a sense of brotherhood and oneness which seeks to protect the interests of a particular region and promotes the … Read more DMPQ- What is Regionalism and comment on the threat generated due to regionalism?

DMPQ- What is Cryosphere?

The cryosphere is the frozen water part of the Earth system. Beaufort Sea, north of Alaska. One part of the cryosphere is ice that is found in water. This includes frozen parts of the ocean, such as waters surrounding Antarctica and the Arctic.   There are places on Earth that are so cold that water … Read more DMPQ- What is Cryosphere?

DMPQ- What is RAmanujan Machine?

Scientists from Technion — Israel Institute of Technology have developed a concept they have named the Ramanujan Machine, after the Indian mathematician. It is not really a machine but an algorithm and performs a very unconventional function. It is a device that automatically generates conjectures (mathematical statements that are proposed as true statements) for fundamental … Read more DMPQ- What is RAmanujan Machine?

DMPQ- Unlike British constitution Indian Constitution does not grant any immunity to the ministers for their official acts. Comment

The Constitution does not grant any immunity to the ministers for their official acts. But, since they are not required to countersign (as in Britain) the official acts of the president and the governors, they are not liable in the courts for those acts. Moreover, they are not liable for the official acts done by … Read more DMPQ- Unlike British constitution Indian Constitution does not grant any immunity to the ministers for their official acts. Comment

DMPQ- Tebhaga movement.

The Tebhaga movement, led by the Bengal Provincial Kisan Sabha, thus soon developed into a clash between jotedars and bargadars. Tebhaga literally means ‘three shares’ of harvests. Traditionally, sharecroppers used to hold their tenancy on a fifty-fifty basis of the share of the produce. Tebhaga Movement was the sharecroppers’ (bargadars) movement in Bengal during 1946, … Read more DMPQ- Tebhaga movement.

05-06-2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND ‘Snana yatra’ to be held with no devotees, but live telecast The Jamshedpur chapter of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon) on Thursday said the ‘snana yatra’ (bathing ritual) of the deities, Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra on Friday will be conducted within closed doors of the temple and the event will be telecast … Read more 05-06-2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

04-06-2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Jharkhand’s health ministry prepares draft for state’s first medical university The Jharkhand government is all set to upgrade Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) into first medical university of the state. Health minister Banna Gupta said that after upgradation, it will be known as Jharkhand Medical University. Draft regarding the same has been finalised, but it has to go a … Read more 04-06-2020 Daily JPSC Current Affairs

DMPQ- New National Biogas and Organic Manure Programme

It is a Central Sector Scheme and is being implemented with the objective: To provide clean cooking fuel for kitchens, lighting and meeting other thermal and small power needs of farmers/dairy farmers /users including individual households and to improve organic manure system (not eliminate chemical fertilizer) based on bio-slurry from biogas plants in rural and … Read more DMPQ- New National Biogas and Organic Manure Programme

DMPQ- Write a short note on endocrine system.( Science)

The endocrine system is made up of the endocrine glands that secrete hormones. Although there are eight major endocrine glands scattered throughout the body, they are still considered to be one system because they have similar functions, similar mechanisms of influence, and many important interrelationships.   Glands Feature   Pituitary Gland It is the endocrine … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on endocrine system.( Science)

DMPQ- Write a short note on Washington Census.( Economy)

The Washington Consensus is a set of ten free market economic policy prescriptions considered to constitute the “standard” reform package promoted for crisis-wracked developing countries by Washington, D.C. – based institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and United States Department of the Treasury. The prescriptions encompassed policies in such areas as … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Washington Census.( Economy)

DMPQ- What is Exit Poll and Opinion Poll? What kind of Prohibitions are imposed on exit polls and opinion polls?

Exit poll is a post-voting poll, which is conducted just after a voter walks out after casting his or her vote. Such polls aim at predicting the actual result on the basis of the information collected from voters. They are conducted by a number of organizations. The basic step to predict exit polls is sampling. … Read more DMPQ- What is Exit Poll and Opinion Poll? What kind of Prohibitions are imposed on exit polls and opinion polls?

DMPQ- What is Operation Twist?

Operation Twist is a move in which a central bank decides to simultaneously buy long-dated securities while selling short-term securities. This is the first time RBI has undertaken such an unconventional policy measure with the aim of flattening the yield curve by lowering longer-term rates to boost lending and growth. Operation Twist normally leads to … Read more DMPQ- What is Operation Twist?

DMPQ- Oligotrophic lakes

An oligotrophic lake or water body is one which has relatively low productivity due to the low nutrient content in the lake. These lakes usually have quite clear water due to the limited growth of algae in the lake. The waters of such lakes are of high-drinking quality. Such lakes support aquatic species who require … Read more DMPQ- Oligotrophic lakes


Accelerating Growth of New India’s Innovations or AGNIi is a national initiative under the guidance and support of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India. It is being handled by Invest India. AGNIi provides a platform for innovators to scale up their market-ready products by creating pathways for licensing, technology transfer and market … Read more DMPQ- AGNIi

DMPQ- Write a short note on Pochampally Ikat.

Pochampally Ikat is a well-known form of saree made in Bhooda Pochampally and surrounding villages in Telangana State, India. these are popular for their traditional geometric patterns with the Ikat style of dyeing. Pochampally Ikat saree is the first traditional Indian craft to receive the status of Geographical Indication (GI) protection. Pochampally village has made … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Pochampally Ikat.

DMPQ- India enjoys an important position in the global pharmaceuticals sector. Discuss this statement and also mention the steps taken by Government of India to Promote Pharmaceuticals Industry.

India enjoys an important position in the global pharmaceuticals sector. It is the largest provider of generic medicines globally, occupying a 20% share in global supply by volume, and also supplies 50% of global demand for vaccines the largest in the world. India ranks 3rd worldwide for production by volume and 13th by value, thereby … Read more DMPQ- India enjoys an important position in the global pharmaceuticals sector. Discuss this statement and also mention the steps taken by Government of India to Promote Pharmaceuticals Industry.

DMPQ- Recently RNA interference was in the news, what do you understand by the term RNAi and write down its application?

The term RNA interference (RNAi) was coined to describe a cellular mechanism that uses the gene’s own DNA sequence of the gene to turn it off, a process that researchers call silencing. In a wide variety of organisms, including animals, plants, and fungi, RNAi is triggered by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). During RNAi, long dsRNA is … Read more DMPQ- Recently RNA interference was in the news, what do you understand by the term RNAi and write down its application?

DMPQ-What is flue gas desulphurisation Process and How it is helpful for Environment?

Flue gas (sometimes called exhaust gas or stack gas) is the gas that emanates from combustion plants and which contains the reaction products of fuel and combustion air and residual substances such as particulate matter (dust), sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide. The composition of flue gas depends upon the composition and properties of … Read more DMPQ-What is flue gas desulphurisation Process and How it is helpful for Environment?

DMPQ-How does pathalgadi movement affected the collective conscious of Tribal society?

‘Pathalgadi’ literally means carving a stone – it is an ancient tradition in the tribal communities of Jharkhand. Adivasis usually erected engraved stones to mark the birth or death of a person. The state government of Jharkhand tried to amend the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act, 1908 and Santhal Parganas Tenancy Act, 1876 to facilitate easier land … Read more DMPQ-How does pathalgadi movement affected the collective conscious of Tribal society?

DMPQ-What are the adaptation made by the plants in the Rainforest region?

The special characteristics that enable plants and animals to be successful in a particular environment are called adaptations. Epiphytes are plants that live on the surface of other plants, especially the trunk and branches. They grow on trees to take advantage of the sunlight in the canopy. Most are orchids, bromeliads, ferns, and Philodendron relatives. … Read more DMPQ-What are the adaptation made by the plants in the Rainforest region?

DMPQ-What is depository and how does it help an investor? Name the Depositories working in India.

Depository is a place where financial securities are held in dematerialised (DEMAT) i.e. in electronic form. It is responsible for maintenance of ownership records and the facilitation of trading in dematerialized securities. A depository eliminates the risk associated with holding physical securities. Earlier, the buyer would have to keep checking if the shares have been … Read more DMPQ-What is depository and how does it help an investor? Name the Depositories working in India.


Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) under UNFCCC is a global endeavor to use carbon sequestration potential of the forests to manage climate change within acceptable limits of tolerance. In simple terms, REDD+ means “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation”, conservation of forest carbon stocks, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of … Read more DMPQ-REDD+

DMPQ-What is Net Domestic Product?

Net domestic product (NDP) represents the net book value of all goods and services produced within a nation’s geographic borders over a specified period of time. Net domestic product provides insight into the age or obsolescence of a country’s assets, as well as how much the country has to spend to maintain its current GDP. After all, if the country … Read more DMPQ-What is Net Domestic Product?

DMPQ-Write a short note on Balshastri jambhekar. Mention his contribution in Social reform era.

Balshastri Jambhekar (1812-1846) was a pioneer of social reform through journalism in Bombay; he attacked brahminical orthodoxy and tried to reform popular Hinduism. He started the newspaper Darpan in 1832. He is known as the father of Marathi journalism. In 1840, he started Digdarshan which published articles on scientific subjects as well as history.  Jambhekar … Read more DMPQ-Write a short note on Balshastri jambhekar. Mention his contribution in Social reform era.

DMPQ-National sword Policy was recently in the news. What is National Sword Policy.

China’s “National Sword” policy, enacted in January 2018, banned the import of most plastics and other materials headed for that nation’s recycling processors, which had handled nearly half of the world’s recyclable waste for the past quarter century. In the year since, China’s plastics imports have plummeted by 99 percent, leading to a major global … Read more DMPQ-National sword Policy was recently in the news. What is National Sword Policy.

DMPQ-Write down the salient features of the Gram Nyalaya Act, 2008?

Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008 is an Act of Parliament of India enacted for the establishment of Gram Nyayalayas or village courts for speedy and easy access to justice system in the rural areas of India. The State Government, after consultation with the High Court, may, by notification, establish one or more Gram Nyayalayas for every … Read more DMPQ-Write down the salient features of the Gram Nyalaya Act, 2008?

DMPQ-Define the following term: • Merger • Amalgamation • Acquisition

Merger: It is a process wherein two or more companies are combined together to form either a new company or an existing company absorbing the other target companies. Amalgamation: It is a process wherein two or more companies combine to form an entirely new company. Acquisition: It is a process wherein one company purchases most … Read more DMPQ-Define the following term: • Merger • Amalgamation • Acquisition

DMPQ- Outline the difference between the Hindustani and Carnatic Music.

Difference between Hindustani and Carnatic Music: Carnatic music is a system of music associated with the southern part of the Indian subcontinent. Hindustani music is associated with North India and is deeply influenced by the Persian and Islamic music systems. Hindustani music is raga based while Carnatic is Kriti-based. Hindustani music stresses pure notes versus … Read more DMPQ- Outline the difference between the Hindustani and Carnatic Music.

DMPQ-Write a short note on Steppe Climate Vegetation.

Steppe Climatic region is also known as Temperate Grasslands. These grasslands are some of the most developed agricultural fields and are termed as grain baskets. Livestock ranching is another major activity carried out in these areas due to the availability of natural grasses. Distribution: Steppes are found in the continental interiors. They are usually found … Read more DMPQ-Write a short note on Steppe Climate Vegetation.

DMPQ-What is coral bleaching and what are the causes of coral bleaching?

Coral bleaching happens when corals lose their vibrant colors and turn white. Corals are bright and colorful because of microscopic algae called zooxanthellae. The zooxanthellae live within the coral in a mutually beneficial relationship, each helping the other survive. But when the ocean environment changes—if it gets too hot, for instance—the coral stresses out and … Read more DMPQ-What is coral bleaching and what are the causes of coral bleaching?

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