DMPQ: What is immunity? Explain the types of immunity?

Immunity is the ability of the body to fight against infectious agents. The immunity can be classified as innate immunity and acquired immunity. Innate immunityis a non-specific type of defense mechanism.  It has four types: i) Physical barrier: Example, skin covering of the body, secretion of mucous in the respiratory tract ii)Physiological barrier: Example, acid in the … Read more DMPQ: What is immunity? Explain the types of immunity?

DMPQ: Start up India scheme

Start up India was launched to build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and startups in the country which will drive economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities.  Start Up India scheme shows government recognition of the potential of start ups. It tries to utilise India’s IT prowess and to converge it to develop … Read more DMPQ: Start up India scheme

DMPQ: What is a monetary policy? What are its types? List down the objectives of monetary policies.

Monetary policy is made by the central bank to manage money supply to achieve specific goals- such as constraining inflation, maintaining an appropriate exchange rate , generating jobs etc.   There are basically two types of monetary policies. They are expansionary and contractionary.   Expansionary: This means increase in the total supply of money in … Read more DMPQ: What is a monetary policy? What are its types? List down the objectives of monetary policies.

DMPQ: What is local self government? What is the significance of local self government?( Polity)

Local self government is the govt. at the grass root level which looks after the administration at the local level. It give representation to the local people and possess fairly large measure of autonomy , raising atleast a part of its revenue locally and spending it on activities that are considered local. Significance: Provide foundation … Read more DMPQ: What is local self government? What is the significance of local self government?( Polity)

DMPQ: Socio-reforms movement had negative externalities too. Comment.( History)

( Intro)   Negatives: Narrow social base, need of the vast masses and peasantry was ignored. Sometimes exaggeration in glorification of ancient past. It became the cause of giving communal colour to the history by neglecting the Medieval history. Other aspect of culture like art, architecture, language etc. got less relevance as compared to the … Read more DMPQ: Socio-reforms movement had negative externalities too. Comment.( History)

DMPQ: Micropropagation, Somatic hybridisation, Single cell protein, Mutation breeding

Micropropagation Ans:  Method of producing thousands of plants through tissue culture is called micropropagation. Each of these plants will be genetically identical to the original plant from which they are grown. They are soma clones. Somatic hybridisation Ans:  In somatic hybridisation cell wall is removed by digesting it with enzyme like pectinase and cellulase. Isolated … Read more DMPQ: Micropropagation, Somatic hybridisation, Single cell protein, Mutation breeding

DMPQ: What is gram sabha? Write down its functions and challenges faced by gram sabha? ( Polity)

Gram sabha is defined in the constitution under article 243b. It is the primary body of the panchayati Raj system.  It is the sabha of electorate. Functions of Gram Sabha: Considers the annual budget of the Panchayat. Consider the annual admin report of the panchayats Consider proposal for enhancement of taxes and fresh taxation In … Read more DMPQ: What is gram sabha? Write down its functions and challenges faced by gram sabha? ( Polity)

DMPQ: Peasants condition got deteriorated during the British Rule. In this context give the reasons for impoverished condition of Peasants. ( Modern History)

Impoverishment of peasantry was one of the outcome of British policies. The agrarian and the industrial sector was hit hard by the Britishers rules and regulation. These were framed to serve the ultimate interest of British rules. The colonial economic policies and commercialisation of agriculture were major reasons for destruction of self sufficient village system. … Read more DMPQ: Peasants condition got deteriorated during the British Rule. In this context give the reasons for impoverished condition of Peasants. ( Modern History)

DMPQ: Explain the following terms: ( Econmomy) a) Bank rate b) Merchant discount rate c) Open Market operations d) Repo rate e) MSF

Bank rate:  Bank rate is the rate at which RBI lends long term to commercial banks. Bank rate is a tool which RBI uses for managing money supply.   Merchant discount rate: It is a charge to a merchant by a bank for accepting payment from their customers in credit and debit cards every time … Read more DMPQ: Explain the following terms: ( Econmomy) a) Bank rate b) Merchant discount rate c) Open Market operations d) Repo rate e) MSF

23.10.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Jharkhand to set up skill development centres in 30 colleges   The state higher education and technical department listed 12 trades for students who have completed their Plus Two level of education this year and selected 30 colleges across the state to set up skill development centres.   Among 30 colleges selected, 11 are women’s colleges where students who are … Read more 23.10.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

22.10.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND ·        Govt plans tourism hub at Sikharchandi ð  Two government agencies have joined hands to take up peripheral development of Sikharchandi, which is located near Chandaka Industrial Estate on city outskirts. ð  The Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) and the tourism department have planned to make the place more vibrant with recreational facilities so that it … Read more 22.10.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

DMPQ: Discuss the salient features of Rights of person with disabilityact. (Acts)

The draft legislation is based on the 2010 report SudhaKaul Committee, and will replace the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995.  The act was brought to comply with the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to which India became a signatory in 2007. The 1995 Act recognised 7 disabilities – blindness, low vision, leprosy-cured, … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the salient features of Rights of person with disabilityact. (Acts)

DMPQ: The response of big Industrialist was quite positive towards the launch of civil disobedience movement. Discuss ( History)

The CDM witnessed varying role of different social group and classes . The first stage was high point of bourgeois participation in towns and controlled peasants mobilisation. Industrialist also played a great role in the freedom movement. GD birla donated approximately 5 lakhs rupees to the movement according to British Intelligence estimates. He also persuaded … Read more DMPQ: The response of big Industrialist was quite positive towards the launch of civil disobedience movement. Discuss ( History)

DMPQ: What is fiscal consolidation? Provide the ways to achieve it? ( Economy)

Fiscal consolidation means providing ways and means to strengthen the government finance and reduction in both deficits and accumulation of debt stock. It is critical as it provide macroeconomic stability.     It can be achieve in simple terms by increasing the revenue and reducing the expenditure. The following are the ways through which FD … Read more DMPQ: What is fiscal consolidation? Provide the ways to achieve it? ( Economy)

DMPQ: What is Horticulture? What are its advantage as a means of source of income for farmers? ( scemes)

Horticulture is the branch of agriculture concerned with intensively cultured plants directly used by man for food , for medicinal purpose or for aesthetic gratification.Horticulture is the science and art involved in the cultivation, propagation, processing and marketing of ornamental plants, flowers, turf, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.   The following are the benefits attached with … Read more DMPQ: What is Horticulture? What are its advantage as a means of source of income for farmers? ( scemes)

DMPQ: What is free space optical communication? Write down its advantages ( science)

FSOC technology uses beams of light to deliver high speed, high capacity connectivity over a long distance.  The energy beam is sent through clean air or space from the source to the destination, rather than guided through an optical fibre. As long as there is a clear line of sight between the source and the … Read more DMPQ: What is free space optical communication? Write down its advantages ( science)

DMPQ: What was the August offer and its significance? (history)

August offer was the proposal from Viceroy Lord Linlithgow to seek the cooperation from the INC during the second world war. It was announced in August 1940. Major proposals of August offer were: 1)     Dominion status as the objective for India. 2)     Expansion of viceroy executive council 3)     No future constitution to be adopted without … Read more DMPQ: What was the August offer and its significance? (history)

DMPQ: social security benefits is one of the most important aspect of welfare state. In this context discuss the provisions of Pradhan mantrivayavandanda yojana. ( schemes)

with the rise in average life expectancy there is a need to provide the senior citizens with social security. Hence government of India came up with PMVVY to provide pension and hence income security.   Eligibility   A senior citizen above the age of 60 years of age will fall under the scheme.   Available … Read more DMPQ: social security benefits is one of the most important aspect of welfare state. In this context discuss the provisions of Pradhan mantrivayavandanda yojana. ( schemes)

DMPQ: Post 1991 reform era has seen a major changes in the tax system. Discuss the changes( economics)

The 1991 is a hallmark year as it launched Indian into a new era of economic freedom. It majorly changed our economy from controlled to a free economy. One of the ingredient was tax reforms. The major changes one can observed in the tax system are as follows: Widening of tax bases both by addition … Read more DMPQ: Post 1991 reform era has seen a major changes in the tax system. Discuss the changes( economics)

DMPQ: Discuss the features of citizen amendment bill 2016.( Acts)

Citizen amendment bill (2016) seeks to ease norms for religious minorities from neighbouring countries (non-Muslims) to get Indian citizenship.  But it has polarised regions in borders states like Assam as the locals fear a demographic change might be ushered due to immigration.   Features:   Citizenship Act, 1955 allows an immigrant to apply for citizenship … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the features of citizen amendment bill 2016.( Acts)

11.10.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND ·        Cabinet nod to raise disaster compensation   State cabinet on Thursday approved the proposal declaring heavy rains, snake bites, mines-related disaster, boat accident, drowning, and stampede and gas leakage as special regional disasters. The Government would be providing a predetermined amount of monetary aid to the affected persons in this regard.   The … Read more 11.10.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

DMPQ: Post 1991 Indian economy saw a sudden change in outlook. To bring reforms in the financial sector GOI set up Narsimha committee. Discuss its recommendation.

It was in the wake of the Liberalisation in 1991 that it cecame imperative for the government to reform the financial sector in order to reinvigorate the economy. GOI set up committee under the guidelines of  Narsimha. Recommendation: It advised the RBI not to use CRR as a principal investment of monetary and credit control … Read more DMPQ: Post 1991 Indian economy saw a sudden change in outlook. To bring reforms in the financial sector GOI set up Narsimha committee. Discuss its recommendation.

DMPQ: #Metoo movement was recently in news. What is this movement? Also discuss the salient features of the sexual harassment at workplace act, 2013.

This Movement is gathering pace in India in recent days and women are calling out influential men for alleged sexual harassment.  To prevent the sexual harassment at work place GOI came out with the act. The act basically broadens the vishakha guidelines of SC. The major features of the act are as follows: Definition of … Read more DMPQ: #Metoo movement was recently in news. What is this movement? Also discuss the salient features of the sexual harassment at workplace act, 2013.

DMPQ: Providing Digital connectivity to all sections will help to create true inclusivity. Bharat Net is a project to accomplish the digital connectivity. Discuss the salient features of Bharat Net. ( schemes)

In the era of digitalisation, achieving digital connectivity is a must for providing socio-economic benefits to the masses. Digital connectivity enhances the pace and efficiency of the pro welfare schemes. In every spheres be education, health, finance, employment etc. digital connectivity can empowered the untouched masses. To realise this Bharat Net has been launched.   … Read more DMPQ: Providing Digital connectivity to all sections will help to create true inclusivity. Bharat Net is a project to accomplish the digital connectivity. Discuss the salient features of Bharat Net. ( schemes)

DMPQ: Subsidies are always been a major tool for the inclusivity. Comment on its efficacy. (Economy)

In India there is large inequality in terms of wealth. To set off this bridge Govt resorts to  subsidies for resource redistribution and to achieve social welfare of the masses. Over the periods of time different political class have used subsidies to garner votes. There are various advantages of subsidies:   Empowerment and security to … Read more DMPQ: Subsidies are always been a major tool for the inclusivity. Comment on its efficacy. (Economy)

DMPQ: In Subash kashinath Mahajan Vs the state of Maharashtra case , Supreme Court opined that SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act (PoA act) is being misused and checks are needed to prevent such misuse. In this context discuss the provision of the bill?

SC observed that the act has become the tool to persecute innocents and public servants for political and personal gains. This claim has been validated by Parliamentary standing committee report.  So SC banned arrest under the act, without proper nod from officials. It also held that a court can grant anticipatory bail in case of … Read more DMPQ: In Subash kashinath Mahajan Vs the state of Maharashtra case , Supreme Court opined that SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act (PoA act) is being misused and checks are needed to prevent such misuse. In this context discuss the provision of the bill?

DMPQ: Organic farming is one of the solution for sustainable agriculture. In this context discuss the salient features of paramparagat Krishi vikas yojana. ( schemes)

Use of  excessive pesticide has rendered the soil in poor shape.  According to the economic survey the prescribed ratio for N:P:K is 4:2:1. But farmers pattern of use of fertilisers is way distorted. Hence Pramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana has been launched by GOI for promotion of commercial organic production through certified organic farming. Features of … Read more DMPQ: Organic farming is one of the solution for sustainable agriculture. In this context discuss the salient features of paramparagat Krishi vikas yojana. ( schemes)

DMPQ: Discuss the features of Nagara style of architecture( history)

  The temples of Nagara style were built on rectangular based platform. The main structure which housed the chief god and chief goddess was known as Garbagriha. The inner walls of garbagriha were plain without any carvings The image of the deities were placed on peetha. Outer walls were decorated by carving different designs and … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the features of Nagara style of architecture( history)

10.10.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

JHARKHAND Much awaited Rani-Jhansi Flyover inaugurated in Delhi   Rani Jhansi Grade separator, the ambitious flyover project in north Delhi was thrown open to public by Union Environment Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan.   The six-lane, 1.8-km grade separator will provide connectivity to St Stephen’s Hospital near the Tiz Hazari Courts complex with Filmstan Cinema and also it will provide a … Read more 10.10.18 Jharkhand (JPCS) Current Affairs

DMPQ: What are the causes of diversity in Indian society? (sociology)

Write down Intro Factors: Historical reasons: oldest society in the world. Long time period had led to growth of various social institution in its own way. Geographical reasons: Earlier the geographical barrier were difficult to crossed and hence become the cause for isolation and hence independent development which led to variety. Economic factors: Trade and … Read more DMPQ: What are the causes of diversity in Indian society? (sociology)

DMPQ: Differentiate between  Hindustani and Carnatic Music. ( art) HM CM 1. Outcome of assimilation of original Indain Music and Persian music Original Traditional Indian Music 2. Popular in North India Popular in south India 3. More of instrumental type More of vocal type 5. Attached great significance to emotional elements. Attached great significance to devotional elements. 6. Performers are generally solo. … Read more DMPQ: Differentiate between  Hindustani and Carnatic Music. ( art)

DMPQ: What is contract farming? What are its advantages? (economy)

Contract farming is a kind of system in which bulk purchaser enters into contract with farmers. It includes agro- processing, exporting and trading units.  They purchase a specified quantity of any agricultural commodity at pre agreed price. Sponsor provides all kind of production support to the contracted farmers. This include extension service also.     … Read more DMPQ: What is contract farming? What are its advantages? (economy)

DMPQ: Define- Comets, Dark matter, Dark energy and Fundamental particle (Science)

Q.  Comets Ans:   Comets originate in outer solar system and are formed of cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock and dust that orbit the sun. When a comet’s orbit bring it close to the sun ,it heat up and spewn dust and gases into a giant glowing head larger than most planets.   Q.  Dark … Read more DMPQ: Define- Comets, Dark matter, Dark energy and Fundamental particle (Science)

DMPQ: Define all All four questions are from science- Neutrino, Indian -based Neutrino observatory, Goldilock zone, Internet of things

Neutrino Ans:   Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles which make up the universe and second most abundant particle in the universe after photon. Neutrinos are similar to electron with one crucial difference that they don not carry electric charge.   Indian -based Neutrino observatory Ans:   It is being set up in Bodhi west Hill, … Read more DMPQ: Define all All four questions are from science- Neutrino, Indian -based Neutrino observatory, Goldilock zone, Internet of things

DMPQ: North east has huge potential as an engine of growth. Comment (economy)

    ( Draw MAP of India)   ? Agriculture: The region is primarily dependent on agriculture. The region is gifted with high skilled labor force, fresh water resources, local crop variants which are in high demand. These can be exploited to maximum use. Bringing evergreen revolution in North east. ? Horticulture: Sikkim is India’s … Read more DMPQ: North east has huge potential as an engine of growth. Comment (economy)

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