DMPQ- What are key outcomes of the National Health Profile?

The National Health Profile (NHP) has been prepared by the Central Bureau of HealthIntelligence (CBHI). The National Health Profile was first published in 2005.Ever since the profile has beenreleased every year. The profile provides information on demographic, socio-economic health status, healthfinance indicators, health infrastructure and health of human resources in the country.   Key takeaways … Read more DMPQ- What are key outcomes of the National Health Profile?


Mountains Mountain, landform that rises prominently above its surroundings, generally exhibiting steep slopes, a relatively confined summit area, and considerable local relief. Mountains generally are understood to be larger than hills, but the term has no standardized geological meaning. Very rarely do mountains occur individually. In most cases, they are found in elongated ranges or … Read more Mountains

DMPQ- What are the challenges to the management and preservation of Indian Forestry.

Indian forests face a number of problems which are both natural and man-made. Some of the major problems are: Inadequate and dwindling forest cover. Low productivity Nature of forests and their uneconomical utilisation Lack of transport facilities Forest fires Plant diseases, insects and pests Obsolete methods of lumbering and sawing Lack of commercial forests Lack … Read more DMPQ- What are the challenges to the management and preservation of Indian Forestry.

National Agricultural Research System

National Agricultural Research System India has built up a fairly advanced agricultural research system. The Indian NARS is one of the largest systems in the world. The effective functioning of this system, in close association with education and extension systems, has greatly contributed to the rapid growth of agriculture after independence. After independence, the research … Read more National Agricultural Research System

DMPQ- Write a short note on Open acreage licensing policy.

Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) gives an option to a company looking for exploring hydrocarbons to select the exploration blocks on its own, without waiting for the formal bid round from the Government. UnderOpen Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP), a bidder intending to explore hydrocarbons like oil and gas, coal bedmethane, gas hydrate etc., may apply … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Open acreage licensing policy.

Old Age Acts

Old Age Acts Hindus Laws Amongst the Hindus, the obligation of sons to maintain their aged parents, who were not able to maintain themselves out of their own earning and property, was recognized even in early texts. And this obligation was not dependent upon, or in any way qualified, by a reference to the possession … Read more Old Age Acts

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